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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-01-01  |  11KB  |  640x400  |  4-bit (9 colors)
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OCR: Title: GrisysNet CMiGRE Magazine Author : Smooth issue #1 Date Submitted: June 25, 1994 Creative info Systems Network À new network has been created on the Dungeon 2. it's called 'Grisysilet' which stands for 'Creative info Systems Network'. The network will consist on specific echoes and not much of them general forum discussions. The main areas will consist of art group discussions, internet discussions, Mod/669/Midi (music composition), programming discussion, etc. We are limiting 5 nodes per area code and they must all be contributing factors to the net. 1 - All nodes must poll nightly, 2 - All nodes must have message flow coming from their boards. We do not condone in having people pick up the network, just to have another network affiliation added to their stats. We are serious in getting systems in that can give great support for the echoes that we carry. That's another factor also ... we want systems that t! Scrolls Up/Down Through Text ESC - Exits Reader