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OCR: 000 Page: 08/12 Article: Menu Time : 00:01:05 Mysteries 089 Mysteries Section Introduction R-9/Narcosis 090 Curses Inside a Black Hole R-9/Narcosis 091 092 Plant Sensitivity R-9/Narcosis R-9/Narcos is 093 Poltergeists R-9/Narcosis 094 Spontaneous Human Combustion R-9/Narcosis Miscellaneous 095 ! 10 Things I Hear and See While on my Computer A Reply to a Reply to 'Vegetarians - Fuck Off' Eon/Cyberdreams 096 Sable 097 Against Nazis - For a Clean Multi-national Scene! RokDaZone/Infect 098 BT Payphone 190 Manuals BT Phone Box Scams Var ious 099 100 Criminal Libel Reply Saboteur/Apocalypse Furrball R-9 ?