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Portable Network Graphic  |  1992-01-01  |  25KB  |  752x576  |  8-bit (33 colors)
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OCR: ·- Article DEADLOCK Jan 1992 Edition Status: System-Ok! Over the past year, I have has access to an Action Replay MkII. I was very pleased with the service that it offered. When I heard that the MkIII had arrived, I immediatly bought one. I can quite happily say that this is the BEST ever freezer utility for the Amiga. Before I start on the good points, I must mention two BAD things that I noticed (well, not really bad, but annoying!). When you reset the computer, and the Action Replay screen has dissapeared, the screen 'bounces' once, The other, is when you actually freeze the computer. The screen goes fuzzy for a couple of seconds, and looks awful. Right, now on to the good stuff : (I noticed another one. The replay 3 wont let you DIR a non-installed disk, for instance graphics disks, instrument disks etc .- ED) The Preferences The preferences section of the cartridge have been much improved. They now fill out over two screens, and there are lots of new features. From preferences, you can control many things: The MSP system allows the user full control over their enviromental settings .. A