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OCR: Stronge Events 157 D.I.S.C. page 01/02 STRANGE EVENTS the way home to our own town, the cor stopped, There was still plenty of BY GIGABYTE/IRIS fuel in it, so that wasn't the problem The driver , who also is an car Ok, the title was a bit misleading technician, went out to check the In this article I will only tell you engine, but when he returned, he said that there was nothing wrong with it. about one strange thing , which Well we just sat in the car for a few happened to me , minutes, and then it suddenly started As some of you Know, I play in a band, again, But when we had driven just a little bit more, the whole cor started and one day we had been playing in to glow in a light blue colour , AND at another town, The gig went well , and the same time we sow a small white about 2 a.m. we decided to return circle flying over the sky, I have to home. It was in the summer, so even if\ this was in the middle of the night, y say, that this scored me a bit, but it still wasn't dark, The weather was after a while everything went back to quite good, a bit cold, but never the normal , and we drove on back home, less ok . Some of you think that I've just made Suddenly when we had come about half this stuff up, but I haven't! All information in this article is 100% index BRC