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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1990-07-18  |  197KB  |  4,555 lines

  1. Send  Message
  2. Send Message
  3. Work With the Schedule
  4. Automatic Reminder
  5. Work With the Schedule
  6. 4demoIndex
  7. prevPage 
  8. "Automatic Reminder"
  9. nextPage
  10. P < 10
  11. reminder 
  12. demoUpdate index
  13.  = 13
  14. WinHelp(
  15. mergePaths(
  16. 8, "mbxdemo.hlp"), 1, 15)
  17. beginTime 
  18. here 
  19. ToolBook 
  20. relinquish the CPU
  21.  -- so help can be shown
  22. "foobar"
  23. 2, 0)
  24. SetActiveWindow(
  25.  = 14
  26.  = 15
  27. clearPage
  28. demoPopup 
  29. demoField 
  30. nextPage
  31. enterPage
  32. demoUpdate
  33. clearPage
  34. enterPage
  35. prevPage
  36. Automatic Reminder
  37. demoIndex
  38. nextPage
  39. buttonUp
  40. reminder
  41. demoIndex
  42. demoUpdate
  43. mbxdemo.hlp
  44. mergePaths
  45. WinHelp
  46. foobar
  47. mbxdemo.hlp
  48. mergePaths
  49. WinHelp
  50. SetActiveWindow
  51. demoIndex
  52. beginTime
  53. index
  54. clearPage
  55. demoField
  56. demoPopup
  57. demotextlist(14)
  58. That concludes this demonstration.   If you would like to see a particular MailBox function demonstrated again, you can click on its icon to the right.  To exit, click the cancel button.
  59. demotextlist(13)
  60. As you can see, working with PROFS doesn't have to be needlessly drab, complex, or boring.  Don't waste valuable time navigating endless menus and commands.   Call Wall Data today at 206-883-4777 for more information.
  61. democursorlist(12)
  62. 8085,1170
  63. demotextlist(11)
  64. Rumba MailBox has context-sensitive help throughout.  We can access help by choosing Help from the menu bar, or by simply holding down the control key and clicking on the object we'd like more information about.
  65. demotextlist(10)
  66. After adding a reminder, we are returned to where we were when we clicked on the reminder icon.  It is therefore easy to quickly add a reminder and then return to what we were doing.
  67.     democursorlist(4)
  68. 8115,5415
  69.     demotextlist(3)
  70. Upon examining the current day's schedule, we see an important meeting we don't want to be late for.  Clicking the reminder icon will allow us to set up an automatic reminder...
  71. demotextlist(2)
  72. You can see someone else's schedule by typing their name.  The schedule of another day can be looked at by clicking on the left or right arrow, or typing a date.
  73. demotextlist(1)
  74. On the detailed schedule, you can enter appointments or other events that will occur at specific times on a specific day.  You can also enter notes for the day that don't correspond to a time.
  75. exitSchedule
  76. false
  77. lastPage
  78. pagesRead
  79. scheduleOK
  80. Work With the Scheduleeeeee
  81. Work With the Scheduleeeeee
  82. schedule
  83. helpid
  84. 7AM    7:30AM    Phone call from Mike in U.K.
  85. 3PM    5PM    Meeting with marketing director
  86. Begin:
  87. Description:
  88. notes
  89. helpid
  90. Get in early for international call.
  91. Notes:
  92. Calendar for:
  93. calendar for
  94. helpid
  95. Fred Johnson
  96. Date:::::::
  97. cdate
  98. helpid
  99. 05/04/90
  100. Friday
  101. helpid
  102. helpid
  103. links(1,key)
  104. Cancel
  105. demoPopup
  106. resumepb
  107. 4demoPaused
  108. Bpausepb 
  109. buttonUp
  110. buttonUp
  111. pausepb
  112. demoPaused
  113. Resume
  114. pausepb
  115. 4demoPaused
  116. Bresumepb
  117. buttonUp
  118. buttonUp
  119. resumepb
  120. demoPaused
  121. Pause
  122. cancelpb
  123. "Do you really want 
  124. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  125. f"Yes" 
  126. buttonUp
  127. buttonUp
  128. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  129. Cancel
  130. demoField
  131. Title Page
  132. Send A Note
  133. Title
  134. Send Message
  135. "Send Note Pad" 
  136.  To" 
  137. demoUpdate index
  138. typeText "SBROWN", 
  139. onote re. estimates.", 
  140. nextPage
  141. BsendP
  142. screenfound
  143. screenFound
  144. clearPage 
  145. toPage 
  146. prevPage 
  147. changePage 
  148. clearNoteText
  149. demoPopup 
  150. demoField 
  151. enterPage
  152. nextPage
  153. screenFound
  154. demoUpdate
  155. clearNoteText
  156. clearPage
  157. enterPage
  158. Send Note Pad
  159. Send Note Pad
  160. Send To
  161. Send To
  162. demoUpdate
  163. typeText
  164. SBROWN
  165. Send To
  166. typeText
  167. See my note re. estimates.
  168. Note Text
  169. index
  170. nextPage
  171. screenfound
  172. sendP
  173. screenFound
  174. BzclearPage
  175. prevPage
  176. prevPage
  177. changePage
  178. toPage
  179. clearNoteText
  180. Note Text
  181. Send To
  182. Send To
  183. clearPage
  184. o>XclearNoteText
  185. demoField
  186. demoPopup
  187. democursorlist(4)
  188. 2595,4065
  189. demotextlist(3)
  190. When we send the message, we will be returned to the task we interrupted...
  191. democursorlist(2)
  192. 3000,2100
  193. demotextlist(1)
  194. Messages will pop up on the recipient's screen as soon as they are sent (they don't have to open their mailbox to see them).
  195. Send A Message
  196. Send A Message
  197. Send Note Pad
  198. Send To
  199. Note Text
  200. sendp
  201. helpid
  202. cancelpb
  203. helpid
  204. Cancel
  205. PrintPB
  206. helpid
  207. Print
  208. demoPopup
  209. resumepb
  210. 4demoPaused
  211. Bpausepb 
  212. buttonUp
  213. buttonUp
  214. pausepb
  215. demoPaused
  216. Resume
  217. pausepb
  218. 4demoPaused
  219. Bresumepb
  220. buttonUp
  221. buttonUp
  222. resumepb
  223. demoPaused
  224. Pause
  225. cancelpb
  226. "Do you really want 
  227. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  228. f"Yes" 
  229. buttonUp
  230. buttonUp
  231. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  232. Cancel
  233. demoField
  234. Automatic Reminder
  235. demoUpdate index
  236. typeText "2:50", 
  237. rtime
  238. Meeting 
  239. fmarketing director 
  240. )3!", \
  241. rnote
  242. e = 5
  243. repeatGroup
  244. s3", 
  245. rtimes
  246. rminutes
  247. Bradd
  248. nextPage
  249. (prevPage 
  250. clearPage
  251. Brepeattoggle 
  252. demoPopup 
  253. demoField 
  254. emoUpdate
  255. nextPage
  256. demoUpdate
  257. clearPage
  258. demoUpdate
  259. typeText
  260. typeText
  261. Meeting with marketing director at 3!
  262. typeText
  263. typeText
  264. rminutes
  265. rtimes
  266. repeatGroup
  267. rnote
  268. rtime
  269. index
  270. nextPage
  271. prevPage
  272. clearPage
  273. demoField
  274. demoPopup
  275. rtimes
  276. rminutes
  277. repeatGroup
  278. repeattoggle
  279. rnote
  280. rtime
  281. demotextlist(5)
  282. Once we've added the reminder, a message box will appear when the time we've indicated is reached.  Since we are repeating the reminder 3 extra times, we'll see message boxes at 2:50, 2:52, 2:54, and 2:56PM.
  283. democursorlist(6)
  284. 3195,5235
  285. democursorlist(4)
  286. 2895,3885
  287. demotextlist(3)
  288. The reminder can be repeated more than once, if desired.  We'll repeat the reminder 3 times, once every 2 minutes...
  289. democursorlist(2)
  290. 4815,2055
  291. demotextlist(1)
  292. A reminder is added by specifying the date and time we are to be reminded, and a note indicating what we are to be reminded about...
  293. exitReminder
  294. false
  295. Add an Automatic Reminder
  296. Add an Automatic Reminder
  297. >    helpid
  298. cancelpb
  299.     helpid
  300. Cancel
  301. rdate
  302.     helpid
  303. 05/04/90
  304. Date:
  305. Time:
  306. rtime
  307. helpid
  308. rnote
  309. helpid
  310. repeatGroup
  311. repeatGroup
  312. minutes:
  313. times, once everyyy
  314. rtimes
  315. rminutes
  316. repeatToggle
  317. helpid
  318. Repeat Reminder
  319. Note:
  320. demoPopup
  321. resumepb
  322. 4demoPaused
  323. Bpausepb 
  324. buttonUp
  325. buttonUp
  326. pausepb
  327. demoPaused
  328. Resume
  329. pausepb
  330. 4demoPaused
  331. Bresumepb
  332. buttonUp
  333. buttonUp
  334. resumepb
  335. demoPaused
  336. Pause
  337. cancelpb
  338. "Do you really want 
  339. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  340. f"Yes" 
  341. buttonUp
  342. buttonUp
  343. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  344. Cancel
  345. demoField
  346. Open Mail
  347. oldLogP 
  348. ologP
  349. prevPage 
  350. "Work 
  351. fNote 
  352. ClosedUppMailbox 
  353. OpenUpMailbox 
  354. "letter 1" 
  355. redisplayLetters
  356. 4demoIndex
  357. "View the 
  358. changePageOK targetPage
  359. interruptp 
  360. hideEnvelopes
  361. nextPage index
  362.  < 10
  363. clearPage 
  364. note"
  365. Move 
  366. letteropener 
  367. 300, 100
  368. 4095, 60
  369. openLetter
  370. b < 20
  371. "postbox" 
  372. calendar 
  373. demoUpdate 
  374. letterOpener 
  375. prevArrow 
  376. nextArrow 
  377. Tear" 
  378. groupName 
  379. [" && i
  380. mailDeleted 
  381. olinks(1, key) 
  382. msgNo 
  383. olastMsg
  384. odeleted(
  385. oheadersOK 
  386. x messages have been 
  387. oallDeleted 
  388. foldersOK 
  389. Log" 
  390. firstLetter 
  391. -- update fields 
  392. envelopes, copying data 
  393. host 
  394. necessary.
  395. firstMsg 
  396. mfrom 
  397. date1 
  398. `, mdate)
  399. time1 
  400. , mtime)
  401. dateFormat 
  402. %"MMM d 'yy" 
  403. jAMPM" 
  404. timeFormat 
  405. mtype 
  406. msubject1 
  407. msubject2 
  408. msubject3 
  409. msubject4 
  410. msubject5 
  411. msubject6 
  412. msubject7 
  413. msubject8 
  414. "See me about a possible 
  415. qlead."
  416. "Report 
  417. due Thursday"
  418. "Directors meeting"
  419. olastmsg 
  420.  that 
  421. contents AFTER filling 
  422. " && i
  423. +i-1 <= 
  424. "document"
  425. -- we 
  426. a PROFS 
  427. , which we don't know how 
  428. refresh 
  429. ofirstEnvelope 
  430.  can be called 
  431. other than 
  432. setMail
  433. ("From?"
  434. ("To?"
  435. (i, mto) 
  436. ("Date?"
  437. ("Time?"
  438. ("Type?"
  439. ("Subject?"
  440. deleteLetter delType
  441. {loc, isShift, isCtrl
  442. 4singleFirst
  443. -- we are only interested 
  444. clicks on 
  445. L-level 
  446. x"1" \
  447. -- we 
  448. clicked on one 
  449. letters whose titles 
  450. showing
  451. oqueueDoubleClick 
  452. openletter 
  453. initp
  454. $    1) 
  455. demoPopup 
  456. demoField 
  457. demoUpdate
  458. hideEnvelopes
  459. enterPage
  460. redisplayLetters
  461. changePageOK
  462. openLetter
  463. setMail
  464. nextPage
  465. deleteLetter
  466. buttonDown
  467. leavePage
  468. buttonDoubleClick
  469. clearPage
  470. enterPage
  471. prevPage
  472. Work with Note Log
  473. letter 1
  474. redisplayLetters
  475. prevPage
  476. View the Note
  477. prevPage
  478. Work with Note Log
  479. demoIndex
  480. OpenUpMailbox
  481. ClosedUppMailbox
  482. oldLogP
  483. leavePage
  484. ClosedUppMailbox
  485. OpenUpMailbox
  486. changePageOK
  487. View the Note
  488. interruptp
  489. ChideEnvelopes
  490. targetPage
  491. nextPage
  492. oBzclearPage
  493. View the note
  494. openLetter
  495. oBzclearPage
  496. buttonUp
  497. postbox
  498. buttonUp
  499. calendar
  500. letteropener
  501. index
  502. demoUpdate
  503. buttonDown
  504. letter 5
  505. index
  506. hideEnvelopes
  507. letter Tear
  508. letter
  509. links
  510. lastMsg
  511. deleted
  512. headersOK
  513. allDeleted
  514. Work with Note Log
  515. foldersOK
  516. allDeleted
  517. Open Mail
  518. firstLetter
  519. msgNo:to
  520. msgNo
  521. mailDeleted
  522. groupName
  523. nextArrow
  524. prevArrow
  525. letterOpener
  526. redisplayLetters
  527. firstLetter
  528. dateFormat
  529. MMM d 'yy
  530. dateFormat
  531. h:min AMPM
  532. timeFormat
  533. deleted
  534. See me about a possible new lead.
  535. Report is due Thursday
  536. Directors meeting
  537. lastmsg
  538. lastmsg
  539. letter
  540. lastMsg
  541. deleted
  542. letter Tear
  543. letter Tear
  544. document
  545. ;refresh
  546. letter Tear
  547. firstEnvelope
  548. firstLetter
  549. letterOpener
  550. nextArrow
  551. prevArrow
  552. groupName
  553. msubject8
  554. msubject7
  555. msubject6
  556. msubject5
  557. msubject4
  558. msubject3
  559. msubject2
  560. msubject
  561. msubject1
  562. mtype
  563. deleted
  564. mtime
  565. time1
  566. mdate
  567. date1
  568. mfrom
  569. firstMsg
  570. openLetter
  571. oBzclearPage
  572. View the Note
  573. changePage
  574. View the Note
  575. setMail
  576. From?
  577. Date?
  578. Time?
  579. deleted
  580. Type?
  581. Subject?
  582. msubject
  583. mtype
  584. mtime
  585. mdate
  586. mfrom
  587. deleteLetter
  588. firstLetter
  589. deleted
  590. firstEnvelope
  591. firstLetter
  592. letter Tear
  593. deleted
  594. letterOpener
  595. delType
  596. buttonDown
  597. letter
  598. firstLetter
  599. firstLetter
  600. redisplayLetters
  601. singleFirst
  602. isCtrl
  603. isShift
  604. buttonDoubleClick
  605. queueDoubleClick
  606. send openletter to this page
  607. singleFirst
  608. clearPage
  609. ChideEnvelopes
  610. deleted
  611. deleted
  612. firstLetter
  613. firstEnvelope
  614. demoField
  615. demoPopup
  616. initp
  617. @pA,E
  618. E~M|NzO
  619.  democursorlist(22)
  620. 8115,1170
  621.  D demotextlist(21)
  622. In addition to electronic mail, Rumba MailBox provides an easy interface for PROFS calendaring.  This can be used by clicking on the calendar icon...
  623.  demotextlist(20)
  624. Opening a note log folder reveals the notes contained within.  They are represented just the same as new notes in the mailbox, and the same operations can be used.
  625. !logP
  626. false
  627. !deleted(12)
  628. ERASED
  629. "democursorlist(12)
  630. 8100,2910
  631. "*"demotextlist(11)
  632. We can send a new note no matter where we are within MailBox by simply clicking 
  633. on the mail drop-off box icon...
  634. "demotextlist(10)
  635. When a note has been erased, its envelope is shown as torn open with an ERASED stamp.  Double-clicking on the envelope would undo the erasure, putting the note back in the envelope.
  636. #democursorlist(6)
  637. 630,930
  638. #demotextlist(5)
  639. And to open a letter: we use a letter opener, naturally...
  640. $democursorlist(4)
  641. 2220,4440
  642. $D$demotextlist(3)
  643. To bring a different envelope to the top of the stack, we could use the left or right arrows to move through the stack, or we could simply click on the one we want...
  644. %demotextlist(2)
  645. Notice that the use of graphics to present information on the mainframe makes the information familiar and accessible to everyone -- whether they are experienced computer users or not.
  646. %demotextlist(1)
  647. Our electronic notes are displayed as a stack of envelopes, each showing who it was from, who it is to, the date and time it was sent, and the subject of the note.
  648. &mail(16,msubject)
  649. Did you see these figures?
  650. &mail(16,mtype)
  651. FORWARD
  652. 'mail(16,mtime)
  653. 16:26
  654. >'.'mail(16,mdate)
  655. 04/30/90
  656. h'T'mail(16,mto)
  657. Fred Johnson
  658. 'mail(16,mfrom)
  659. Carol Morgan
  660. 'mail(15,msubject)
  661. Vacation plans
  662. 'mail(15,mtype)
  663. (mail(15,mtime)
  664. 13:22
  665. 4($(mail(15,mdate)
  666. 05/01/90
  667. ^(J(mail(15,mto)
  668. Fred Johnson
  669. (v(mail(15,mfrom)
  670. Janet Erickson
  671. (mail(14,msubject)
  672. Growth projections
  673. (mail(14,mtype)
  674. (mail(14,mtime)
  675. 14:22
  676. 0) )mail(14,mdate)
  677. 05/03/90
  678. Z)F)mail(14,mto)
  679. Fred Johnson
  680. )r)mail(14,mfrom)
  681. Jim Ronalds
  682. )mail(13,msubject)
  683. For sale
  684. )mail(13,mtype)
  685. For sale
  686. )mail(13,mtime)
  687. 11:22
  688. *mail(13,mdate)
  689. 05/04/90
  690. L*8*mail(13,mto)
  691. Fred Johnson
  692. v*d*mail(13,mfrom)
  693. Henry Jones
  694. *mail(12,msubject)
  695. Latest sales forecast
  696. *mail(12,mtype)
  697. *mail(12,mtime)
  698. 14:32
  699. +mail(12,mdate)
  700. 05/04/90
  701. F+2+mail(12,mto)
  702. Fred Johnson
  703. r+^+mail(12,mfrom)
  704. Howard Smith
  705. +mail(11,msubject)
  706. I agree with your proposal
  707. +mail(11,mtype)
  708. REPLY
  709. +mail(11,mtime)
  710. 10:56
  711. ,mail(11,mdate)
  712. 05/05/90
  713. F,4,mail(11,mto)
  714. F. Johnson
  715. v,^,mail(11,mfrom)
  716. John Fredrickson
  717. ,mail(10,msubject)
  718. Can do lunch?
  719. ,mail(10,mtype)
  720. ,mail(10,mtime)
  721. -mail(10,mdate)
  722. 05/06/90
  723. >-*-mail(10,mto)
  724. Fred Johnson
  725. h-V-mail(10,mfrom)
  726. Janet Smith
  727. -mail(9,msubject)
  728. Company picnic
  729. -mail(9,mtype)
  730. -mail(9,mtime)
  731. 11:25
  732. -mail(9,mdate)
  733. 05/06/90
  734. .mail(9,mto)
  735. Johnson, F.
  736. N.>.mail(9,mfrom)
  737. Jane Dear
  738. |.h.mail(8,msubject)
  739. New employee
  740. .mail(8,mtype)
  741. FORWARD
  742. .mail(8,mtime)
  743. 10:45
  744. .mail(8,mdate)
  745. 05/07/90
  746. .mail(8,mto)
  747. Fred Johnson
  748. :/&/mail(8,mfrom)
  749. David Taylor
  750. x/T/mail(7,msubject)
  751. Meeting with Marketing Group
  752. /mail(7,mtype)
  753. /mail(7,mtime)
  754. 15:58
  755. /mail(7,mdate)
  756. 05/07/90
  757. /mail(7,mto)
  758. Fred Johnson
  759. 00 0mail(7,mfrom)
  760. Ray Riley
  761. v0J0mail(6,msubject)
  762. Input from product planning commitee
  763. 0mail(6,mtype)
  764. REPLY
  765. 0mail(6,mtime)
  766. 10:20
  767. 0mail(6,mdate)
  768. 05/08/90
  769. 0mail(6,mto)
  770. F. Johnson
  771. 1mail(6,mfrom)
  772. Mark Richards
  773. `1J1mail(5,msubject)
  774. Monthly report
  775. 1v1mail(5,mtype)
  776. 1mail(5,mtime)
  777. 13:11
  778. 1mail(5,mdate)
  779. 05/08/90
  780. 1mail(5,mto)
  781. Johnson, F.
  782. 2mail(5,mfrom)
  783. Sue Brown
  784. P202mail(4,msubject)
  785. Report due this Thursday
  786. t2f2mail(4,mtype)
  787. FORWARD
  788. 2mail(4,mtime)
  789. 14:32
  790. 2mail(4,mdate)
  791. 05/08/90
  792. 2mail(4,mto)
  794. 2mail(4,mfrom)
  796. X3.3mail(3,msubject)
  797. Don't forget the 9 O'Clock meeting!
  798. z3n3mail(3,mtype)
  799. 3mail(3,mtime)
  800. 16:20
  801. 3mail(3,mdate)
  802. 05/08/90
  803. 3mail(3,mto)
  804. Fred Jonhson
  805. 4mail(3,mfrom)
  806. Art Santos
  807. D4,4mail(2,msubject)
  808. Meeting schedule
  809. h4Z4mail(2,mtype)
  810. FORWARD
  811. 4~4mail(2,mtime)
  812. 4mail(2,mdate)
  813. 05/09/90
  814. 4mail(2,mto)
  815. Jim Barnes
  816. 4mail(2,mfrom)
  817. Henry Johnson
  818. 5mail(1,msubject)
  819. Sales exceed quotas again!
  820. ^5R5mail(1,mtype)
  821. 5t5mail(1,mtime)
  822. 13:42
  823. 5mail(1,mdate)
  824. 05/10/90
  825. 5mail(1,mto)
  826. Fred Johnson
  827. 5mail(1,mfrom)
  828. Mary Jones
  829. SfirstEnvelope
  830. <606firstLetterChanged
  831. false
  832. V6N6lastPage
  833. r6j6mailHeaders
  834. 6headerLine
  835. AAPPLE  --WALL    
  836. AAPPLE  --WALL       
  837. Acklmnt
  839. 06/06/90 17:52
  840. 6headersOK
  841. false
  842. 7pagesRead
  843. 7lastMsg
  844. :7firstLetter
  845. View the TO-DO LogLog
  846. View the TO-DO LogLog
  847. letter 10
  848. letter 9
  849. letter 8
  850. R9helpid
  851. msubject8
  852. New employee forecastures?
  853. letter 7
  854. T:helpid
  855. msubject7
  856. Meeting with Marketing Group1;
  857. letter 6
  858. R;helpid
  859. msubject6
  860. Input from product planning commitee7<
  861. letter 5
  862. X<helpid
  863. msubject5
  864. Monthly report'=
  865. letter 4
  866. H=helpid
  867. msubject4
  868. Report due this Thursday!>
  869. letter 3
  870. B>helpid
  871. msubject3
  872. Directors meeting9 O'Clock meeting!
  873. letter 2
  874. H?helpid
  875. msubject2
  876. Report is due Thursdaynning commitee
  877. ega postmark
  878. mDate
  879. May 10 '90
  880. mTime
  881. 1:42 PMM
  882. LetterOpener
  883. refresh
  884. 180,630,3120,2445
  885. refresh
  886. refresh
  887. Bhelpid
  888. opener tip
  889. Letter Tear
  890. letter 1
  891. Button
  892. FROM:
  893. mFrom
  894. Mary JonesanS3on
  896. Date1
  897. May 10 '90
  898. Time1
  899. 1:42 PMM
  900. Fred JohnsonSYS2
  901. SUBJECT:
  902. msubject1
  903. See me about a possible new lead.g!ed!
  904. Deleted
  905. mType
  906. NOTEARDe90186HDC
  907. prevarrow
  908. nextarrow
  909. demoPopup
  910. resumepb
  911. 4demoPaused
  912. Bpausepb 
  913. buttonUp
  914. buttonUp
  915. pausepb
  916. demoPaused
  917. Resume
  918. pausepb
  919. 4demoPaused
  920. Bresumepb
  921. buttonUp
  922. buttonUp
  923. resumepb
  924. demoPaused
  925. Pause
  926. cancelpb
  927. "Do you really want 
  928. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  929. f"Yes" 
  930. buttonUp
  931. buttonUp
  932. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  933. Cancel
  934. demoField
  935. false
  936. Work with Note Log
  937. redisplayFolders
  938. nextPage
  939. fileName 
  940. trim(
  941. "file6")
  942. title 
  943. "View the" && 
  944. /&& "Log"
  945. "TitleFront" 
  946. "Open Mail" 
  947. "TitleBack" 
  948. clearPage 
  949. changePage "
  950. changePageOK targetPage
  951. xinterruptp 
  952. "folder 1"
  953. hideFolders
  954. prevArrow 
  955. nextArrow 
  956. groupName 
  957. f" && i
  958. foldersDeleted 
  959. folderNo 
  960. olastFolder
  961. , deleted) 
  962. folderFile(
  963. ofoldersOK 
  964.  have been 
  965. oallDeleted 
  966. -- update fields 
  967. startFolder 
  968. ofirstFolder
  969. =+1) \
  970.  that 
  971. contents AFTER filling 
  972. " && i
  973. +i-1 <= 
  974. initfolders
  975. initp
  976. demoPopup 
  977. demoField 
  978. changePageOK
  979. hideFolders
  980. nextPage
  981. redisplayFolders
  982. enterPage
  983. initfolders
  984. clearPage
  985. enterPage
  986. redisplayFolders
  987. nextPage
  988. file6
  989. View the
  990. TitleFront
  991. Open Mail
  992. TitleBack
  993. Open Mail
  994. oBzclearPage
  995. Open Mail
  996. changePage
  997. Open Mail
  998. title
  999. fileName
  1000. changePageOK
  1001. Open Mail
  1002. interruptp
  1003. folder 1
  1004. hideFolders
  1005. targetPage
  1006. hideFolders
  1007. folder
  1008. lastFolder
  1009. folder
  1010. folderFile
  1011. deleted
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  1014. allDeleted
  1015. deleted
  1016. folderNo:to
  1017. folderNo
  1018. foldersDeleted
  1019. groupName
  1020. nextArrow
  1021. prevArrow
  1022. redisplayFolders
  1023. firstFolder
  1024. folderFile
  1025. folder
  1026. lastFolder
  1027. nextArrow
  1028. prevArrow
  1029. groupName
  1030. folder:to
  1031. folder
  1032. startFolder
  1033. initfolders
  1034. Folder name?
  1035. folderFile
  1036. deleted
  1037. clearPage
  1038. folder 1
  1039. hideFolders
  1040. firstFolder
  1041. lastFolder
  1042. demoField
  1043. demoPopup
  1044. initp
  1045.  l"T$<&&(
  1046. democursorlist(3)
  1047. 2355,2790
  1048. demotextlist(2)
  1049. To open a folder, we click on a folder name...
  1050. demotextlist(1)
  1051. File folders are shown as a stack of Manila folders.
  1052. Scrolling arrows can be used if there is more than one screen of folders.
  1053. folderFile(6)
  1054. TO-DO
  1055. folderFile(5)
  1056. SALES
  1057. folderFile(4)
  1058. SCHEDULE
  1059. folderFile(3)
  1060. REPORTS
  1061. folderFile(2)
  1062. PROSPECT
  1063. folderFile(1)
  1064. folder(17,file)
  1065. XYZ     
  1066. folder(16,file)
  1067. SYSTEMS 
  1068. folder(15,file)
  1069. PROFS   
  1070. folder(14,file)
  1071. P       
  1072. folder(13,file)
  1073. NOTE    
  1074. folder(12,file)
  1075. NEWLOG  
  1076. folder(11,file)
  1077. NEWFILE 
  1078. folder(10,file)
  1079. LONGNAME
  1080. folder(9,file)
  1081. HIST    
  1082. folder(8,file)
  1083. F8TE    
  1084. folder(7,file)
  1085. F7TE    
  1086. folder(6,file)
  1087. F2TE    
  1088. folder(5,file)
  1089. F1TE    
  1090. folder(4,file)
  1091. FOOBAR  
  1092. folder(3,file)
  1093. FILEXXX 
  1094. folder(2,file)
  1095. CANCEL  
  1096. folder(1,file)
  1097. ANOTHER 
  1098. foldersOK
  1099. false
  1100. 2firstFolder
  1101. R3lastFolder
  1102. Work With the Note Logggggggggggggggggggggg
  1103. Work With the Note Loggggggggggggg
  1104. folder 1
  1105. helpid
  1106. file1
  1107. NOTERTS 
  1108. folder 2
  1109. helpid
  1110. file2
  1112. prevarrow
  1113. nextarrow
  1114. folder 3
  1115. helpid
  1116. file3
  1117. REPORTS w
  1118. folder 4
  1119. helpid
  1120. folder 4
  1121. file4
  1122. file4
  1124. folder 5
  1125. helpid
  1126. folder 5
  1127. file5
  1128. SALES   
  1129. folder 6
  1130. helpid
  1131. folder 6
  1132. file6
  1133. TO-DO   
  1134. folder 7
  1135.  helpid
  1136. folder 7
  1137. file7
  1138. folder 8
  1139. "helpid
  1140. folder 8
  1141. file8
  1142. folder 9
  1143. $helpid
  1144. folder 9
  1145. file9
  1146. folder 10
  1147. &helpid
  1148. folder 10
  1149. file10
  1150. folder 11
  1151. (helpid
  1152. folder 11
  1153. file11
  1154. folder 12
  1155. n*helpid
  1156. folder 12
  1157. file12
  1158. folder 13
  1159. X,helpid
  1160. folder 13
  1161. file13
  1162. demoPopup
  1163. resumepb
  1164. 4demoPaused
  1165. Bpausepb 
  1166. buttonUp
  1167. buttonUp
  1168. pausepb
  1169. demoPaused
  1170. Resume
  1171. pausepb
  1172. 4demoPaused
  1173. Bresumepb
  1174. buttonUp
  1175. buttonUp
  1176. resumepb
  1177. demoPaused
  1178. Pause
  1179. cancelpb
  1180. "Do you really want 
  1181. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  1182. f"Yes" 
  1183. buttonUp
  1184. buttonUp
  1185. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  1186. Cancel
  1187. demoField
  1188. View the Note
  1189. "note pad"
  1190. "letter 1" 
  1191. "Open Mail" \
  1192. xdeleted(firstLetter 
  1193. refresh 
  1194. letterOpener 
  1195. 4demoIndex
  1196. prevPage 
  1197. "Send Message"
  1198. "Work 
  1199. fNote Log"
  1200. changePageOK targetPage
  1201. xinterruptp 
  1202. clearSend
  1203. demoUpdate index
  1204. BreplyPb
  1205. sendNote "Reply 
  1206. From" 
  1207. "Fred Johnson"
  1208. typeText "I'll 
  1209. the updated estimates 
  1210. you ASAP.", \
  1211. 7575,1725
  1212. BsendPb
  1213.  = 12
  1214. Berasepb
  1215. deleteLetter "ERASED" 
  1216. sendType
  1217. "Read Buttons"
  1218. halfsize 
  1219. -)-5) 
  1220. BFindName
  1221. nextPage
  1222. message 
  1223. fullsize 
  1224. ocurLine 
  1225. clearPage initp
  1226. 4hidingNickNames, ignoreNick
  1227. NickNameList 
  1228. NickNameSearch 
  1229. demoPopup 
  1230. demoField 
  1231. erPage
  1232. demoUpdate
  1233. sendNote
  1234. changePageOK
  1235. nextPage
  1236. clearSend
  1237. enterPage
  1238. clearPage
  1239. enterPage
  1240. note pad
  1241. note Pad
  1242. letter 1
  1243. Open Mail
  1244. Open Mail
  1245. firstLetter
  1246. Open Mail
  1247. deleted
  1248. ;refresh
  1249. Open Mail
  1250. prevPage
  1251. Send Message
  1252. prevPage
  1253. Work with Note Log
  1254. demoIndex
  1255. letterOpener
  1256. changePageOK
  1257. interruptp
  1258. clearSend
  1259. targetPage
  1260. demoUpdate
  1261. msendNote
  1262. Reply to:
  1263. Send From
  1264. Fred Johnson
  1265. typeText
  1266. I'll get the updated estimates to you ASAP.
  1267. Send Note Text
  1268. clearSend
  1269. Note Pad
  1270. deleteLetter
  1271. ERASED
  1272. Open Mail
  1273. changePage
  1274. Open Mail
  1275. erasepb
  1276. sendPb
  1277. replyPb
  1278. index
  1279. sendNote
  1280. Read Buttons
  1281. ehalfsize
  1282. Note Text
  1283. Send Type
  1284. Send From
  1285. Send Note Text
  1286. Send Note Pad
  1287. Send Buttons
  1288. Reply to:
  1289. Note Text
  1290. Send To
  1291. Send To
  1292. Send From
  1293. Send To
  1294. Send To
  1295. FindName
  1296. sendType
  1297. nextPage
  1298. buttonUp
  1299. message
  1300. clearSend
  1301. Read Buttons
  1302. yfullsize
  1303. Note Text
  1304. Send Type
  1305. Send Note Pad
  1306. Send Buttons
  1307. Send To
  1308. curLine
  1309. clearPage
  1310. clearSend
  1311. demoField
  1312. demoPopup
  1313. NickNames
  1314. NickNameSearch
  1315. NickNameList
  1316. hidingNickNames
  1317. ignoreNick
  1318. initp
  1319. democursorlist(11)
  1320. 1695,5820
  1321. demotextlist(10)
  1322. Upon returning from sending a message, we could file or print our note if we wanted to keep it.  
  1323. We don't, so we'll erase it...
  1324. democursorlist(7)
  1325. 8115,3735
  1326. demotextlist(6)
  1327. We can easily interrupt one task to perform another by simply clicking on the icon for the new task.  For example, to send an immediate message, we click on the message icon...
  1328. fileTo
  1329. cancel  
  1330. democursorlist(5)
  1331. 2520,5865
  1332. demotextlist(4)
  1333. Notice that a scroll bar has appeared on our original notepad, so that we can review any portion of the note while we are composing our reply.
  1334. Let's send the reply...
  1335. democursorlist(3)
  1336. 4215,5790
  1337. demotextlist(2)
  1338. You can file the note to a PROFS note log, erase it, print it on a local PC printer, or respond to the note with a click of the mouse.
  1339. Let's reply to this note...
  1340. demotextlist(1)
  1341. When an envelope is opened, the note inside appears on a sheet of notepaper, with a scroll bar present if the note is larger than one page.
  1342. View the Note
  1343. View the Note
  1344. Read Buttons
  1345. FilePB
  1346. helpID
  1347. ErasePB
  1348. helpID
  1349. exitView
  1350. Erase
  1351. ForwardPB
  1352. helpID
  1353. Forward
  1354. ReplyPB
  1355. helpID
  1356. Reply
  1357. ResendPB
  1358. helpID
  1359. Resend
  1360. PrintPB
  1361. helpID
  1362. Print
  1363. prevarrow
  1364. nextarrow
  1365. Send Buttons
  1366. sendpb
  1367. cancelpb
  1368. Cancel
  1369. PrintPB
  1370. Print
  1371. Note Pad
  1372. helpID
  1373. Note Text
  1374. fullSize
  1375. 697,938,7650,5302
  1376. halfSize
  1377. 697,938,7650,2515
  1378. fullSize
  1379. halfSize
  1380. fullSize
  1381. halfSize
  1382. From: SBROWN  --VMSYS2                                      Date and time    05/10/90 13:43:56 
  1383. To: FJOHNSON--VMSYS2
  1384. From: Sue Brown
  1385. Subject: Monthly report
  1386. This month's report looks very good, but it seems to be missing something.  Didn't we decide to include quarter-end estimates EACH month, rather than just once a quarter?  I'd appreciate hearing from you regarding incremental estimates for this quarter.
  1387. -- Sueering from you regarding incremental estimates for this quarter.
  1388. -- Sueeeeeeeeeee                       
  1389. Two tickets to the Goodwill Games Welcoming Ceremonies on Sat. July 21 at      
  1390. From: Sue Brown                                                                    
  1391. Subject: 
  1393. T                                                             
  1394. T                                                     
  1395. Send Note Pad
  1396. Send To
  1397. SBROWN  --VMSYS2
  1398. Send From
  1399. Fred Johnson
  1400. Send Note Text
  1401. I'll get the updated estimates to you ASAP.
  1402. Send Type
  1403. From:
  1404. AAAAAA 
  1405. FindName
  1406. v,helpid
  1407. Find Name
  1408. AAAAAA 
  1409. Nicknames
  1410. .helpid
  1411. buttonUp
  1412. buttonUp
  1413. nicknamelist
  1414. Nickname:
  1415. System:
  1416. User:
  1417. Name/Comments:
  1418. Search for name:
  1419. Name to Search For:
  1420. NickNameSearch
  1421. DoneFindingNames
  1422. 2helpid
  1423. Done Finding Names
  1424. demoPopup
  1425. resumepb
  1426. 4demoPaused
  1427. Bpausepb 
  1428. buttonUp
  1429. buttonUp
  1430. pausepb
  1431. demoPaused
  1432. Resume
  1433. pausepb
  1434. 4demoPaused
  1435. Bresumepb
  1436. buttonUp
  1437. buttonUp
  1438. resumepb
  1439. demoPaused
  1440. Pause
  1441. cancelpb
  1442. "Do you really want 
  1443. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  1444. f"Yes" 
  1445. buttonUp
  1446. buttonUp
  1447. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  1448. Cancel
  1449. demoField
  1450. View the Note
  1451. Send A Message
  1452. 1Z&$%=&
  1453. Send A Note
  1454. "Send Note Pad" 
  1455.  To" 
  1456. statusLine 
  1457. demoUpdate index
  1458. BFindName
  1459. nickNameList
  1460. nickNames
  1461. nickNameSearch
  1462. \ = 6
  1463. typeText "jan", 
  1464.  "janb
  1465. VMSYS1
  1466. JBRAMLEY Janet Bramley" & 
  1467. VMSYS2
  1468. JSMITH
  1469. ' Smith" & 
  1470.  "ronj
  1471. RJANSON
  1472. Ronald Janson"
  1473.  = 10
  1474. BDoneFindingNames
  1475. NickNames
  1476.  = 12
  1477. Fred Johnson", 
  1478. From"
  1479. I need some data 
  1480. estimates", 
  1481. Subject"
  1482. Sue wants incremental quarterly 
  1483. < -- can you help me out?", \
  1484.  = 13
  1485. Bsendpb
  1486. "Your note has been sent 
  1487. changePage "Main Menu"
  1488. clearPage initp
  1489. 4hidingNickNames, ignoreNick
  1490. NickNameList 
  1491. NickNameSearch 
  1492. /"Profs"
  1493. Backpb 
  1494. ofileTo 
  1495. occTo 
  1496. ocurLine 
  1497. demoPopup 
  1498. demoField 
  1499. leavePage
  1500. enterPage
  1501. demoUpdate
  1502. clearPage
  1503. enterPage
  1504. Send Note Pad
  1505. Send Note Pad
  1506. Send To
  1507. Send To
  1508. leavePage
  1509. statusLine
  1510. demoUpdate
  1511. typeText
  1512. janb     VMSYS1   JBRAMLEY Janet Bramley
  1513. jan      VMSYS2   JSMITH   Jan Smith
  1514. ronj     VMSYS2   RJANSON  Ronald Janson
  1515. Send To
  1516. NickNames
  1517. Send To
  1518. typeText
  1519. Fred Johnson
  1520. Send From
  1521. typeText
  1522. I need some data for estimates
  1523. Send Subject
  1524. typeText
  1525. Sue wants incremental quarterly estimates -- can you help me out?
  1526. Note Text
  1527. Send Note Pad
  1528. Your note has been sent to JSMITH at VMSYS2.
  1529. changePage
  1530. Main Menu
  1531. statusLine
  1532. sendpb
  1533. DoneFindingNames
  1534. nickNameSearch
  1535. nickNames
  1536. nickNameList
  1537. FindName
  1538. index
  1539. clearPage
  1540. Profs
  1541. Note Text
  1542. Send From
  1543. Send To
  1544. Send Subject
  1545. fileTo
  1546. curLine
  1547. Send To
  1548. demoField
  1549. demoPopup
  1550. ackpb
  1551. statusLine
  1552. NickNames
  1553. NickNameSearch
  1554. NickNameList
  1555. hidingNickNames
  1556. ignoreNick
  1557. initp
  1558.  .).)
  1559. democursorlist(12)
  1560. 885,5835
  1561. democursorlist(11)
  1562. 1815,1095
  1563. demotextlist(10)
  1564. Finally, we type the contents of our note, and send it off...
  1565. democursorlist(9)
  1566. 6180,840
  1567. demotextlist(8)
  1568. As this note has only one addressee, we click on the "Done Finding Names"    button...
  1569. democursorlist(8)
  1570. As this note has only one addressee, we click on the "Done Finding Names"    button...
  1571. democursorlist(7)
  1572. 4050,2220
  1573. demotextlist(6)
  1574. To choose one of the matching names, we simply click the mouse on it -- the name is inserted in the "Send to" field of our note...
  1575. democursorlist(5)
  1576. 3210,1545
  1577. demotextlist(4)
  1578. We enter one or more characters of the user name, nickname, or real name of the person we're looking for to find all user names that match...
  1579. democursorlist(3)
  1580. 6810,855
  1581. demotextlist(2)
  1582. Since we don't remember the user name of the person we want to send the note to, let's use the Find Name button...
  1583. demotextlist(1)
  1584. We compose new notes on a notepad just like that which we view notes on.
  1585. Send A Noteee
  1586. Send A Noteee
  1587. sendpb
  1588. helpID
  1589. cancelpb
  1590. helpID
  1591. Cancel
  1592. FilePB
  1593. helpID
  1594. PrintPB
  1595. helpID
  1596. Print
  1597. helpID
  1598. Ackpb
  1599. helpID
  1600. Acknowledge
  1601. Send Note Pad
  1602. Send To
  1603. Send From
  1604. Send to:
  1605. From:
  1606. Send Subject
  1607. Note Text
  1608. Subject:
  1609. FindName
  1610. helpid
  1611. Find Name
  1612. Nicknames
  1613. buttonUp
  1614. buttonUp
  1615. nicknamelist
  1616. Nickname:
  1617. System:
  1618. User:
  1619. Name/Comments:
  1620. Search for name:
  1621. Name to Search For:
  1622. NickNameSearch
  1623. DoneFindingNames
  1624. Done Finding Names
  1625. demoPopup
  1626. resumepb
  1627. 4demoPaused
  1628. Bpausepb 
  1629. buttonUp
  1630. buttonUp
  1631. pausepb
  1632. demoPaused
  1633. Resume
  1634. pausepb
  1635. 4demoPaused
  1636. Bresumepb
  1637. buttonUp
  1638. buttonUp
  1639. resumepb
  1640. demoPaused
  1641. Pause
  1642. cancelpb
  1643. "Do you really want 
  1644. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  1645. f"Yes" 
  1646. buttonUp
  1647. buttonUp
  1648. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  1649. Cancel
  1650. demoField
  1651. Work with Note Log
  1652. `D|D|
  1653. XuP|0
  1654. vhostqueue(1,key)
  1655. System
  1656. OFS Front-End
  1657. `D|D|
  1658. eue(1,key)
  1659. OPENMAIL@E
  1660. hostqueue(1,string)
  1661. hostqueue(1,row)
  1662. hostqueue(1,col)
  1663. eue(1,key)
  1664. OPENMAIL@E
  1665. hostqueue(1,string)
  1666. hostqueue(1,row)
  1667. hostqueue(1,col)
  1668. eue(1,key)
  1669. OPENMAIL@E
  1670. hostqueue(1,string)
  1671. hostqueue(1,row)
  1672. eue(1,col)
  1673. hostqueue(1,string)
  1674. hostQueue(1,string)
  1675. hostqueue(1,string)
  1676. hostQueue(1,string)
  1677. eue(1,col)
  1678. hostQueue(1,row)
  1679. eue(1,col)
  1680. hostQueue(1,string)
  1681. System
  1682. `D|D|
  1683. `D|D|
  1684. `D|D|
  1685. dk~Is Rmn
  1686. `D|D|
  1687. KWait(
  1688. VDisconnectPS(
  1689. iSetSessionParameters(
  1690. kernel
  1691. GetCurrentTask()
  1692. globalAlloc(
  1693. , DWORD)
  1694. globalFree(
  1695.  globalLock(
  1696. globalUnlock(
  1697. 4hWind
  1698. WD_SetSessionParameters(
  1699. %, 1+8192+16384)
  1700. "d:\rumba\rumbadsp.exe profs.
  1701. WD_DisconnectPS(
  1702. unlinkDLL "
  1703. x"Profs Background"
  1704. -- Define FindString function
  1705. , pos
  1706. hMem 
  1707. 0, 2)
  1708. pos_ptr 
  1709. returnCode 
  1710. WD_SearchPS(
  1711. ): " & pointerWORD(0, 
  1712. result 
  1713. xfound -- value returned 
  1714. HWS_SearchPS 
  1715. : " & 
  1716. the bookshelf
  1717. Bookshelf
  1718.  ToolBook 
  1719. M"bookshlf.tbk"
  1720.  toolbook 
  1721. bringwindowtotop(
  1722. (bookmark 
  1723. "The 
  1724.  was 
  1725. Please 
  1726. your current working directory."
  1727. leavebook
  1728. enterbook
  1729. reader
  1730. Bookshelf
  1731. FindString
  1732. enterbook
  1733. bringWindowToTop
  1734. eehllapi.dll
  1735. WD_ConnectPS
  1736. WD_SendKey
  1737. WD_SearchPS
  1738. WD_Wait
  1739. WD_DisconnectPS
  1740. WD_SetSessionParameters
  1741. GetCurrentTask
  1742. globalAlloc
  1743. globalFree
  1744. globalLock
  1745. globalUnlock
  1746. GetCurrentTask
  1747. WD_SetSessionParameters
  1748. d:\rumba\rumbadsp.exe profs.dsp
  1749. sizetopage
  1750. hWind
  1751. kernel
  1752. leavebook
  1753. WD_DisconnectPS
  1754. hWind
  1755. reader
  1756. Profs Background
  1757. FindString
  1758. globalAlloc
  1759. globalLock
  1760. WD_SearchPS
  1761. globalUnlock
  1762. globalFree
  1763. result
  1764. returnCode
  1765. pos_ptr
  1766. hWind
  1767. string
  1768. Bookshelf
  1769. send sizetopage
  1770. bookshlf.tbk
  1771. sysWindowHandle
  1772. toolbook
  1773. bookshlf.tbk
  1774. bringwindowtotop
  1775. bookshlf.tbk
  1776. bookshlf.tbk
  1777. bookmark
  1778. bookshlf.tbk
  1779. The Bookshelf was not found.  Please copy bookshlf.tbk to your current working directory.
  1780. ToolBook
  1781. |lw@c
  1782. Rumba MailBox Demo
  1783. C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  1784. profs.dsp
  1785. 6p.exe
  1786. C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  1787. Print Note Buffer
  1788. Screen vkey, vstring, vrow, vcol
  1789. changePageOK
  1790. clearHostQueue
  1791. atMain
  1792. BookScript
  1793. PageScript
  1794. BackgroundScript
  1795. GlobalSearch
  1796. /title
  1797. Configure
  1798. "Help 
  1799. configure"
  1800. osavedPage 
  1801. About
  1802. ShowAboutBox(
  1803. delChar chr, str
  1804. isBlank 
  1805. blankPad 
  1806. |, len
  1807. fileFromPath path
  1808. ~(":", 
  1809. i > 0
  1810. ~("\", 
  1811. i > 0
  1812. mergePaths path1, path2
  1813. ~(":", 
  1814. slashpos 
  1815. ~("\", 
  1816. ,< cnt
  1817. { & FileFromPath(
  1818. safeAlloc flags, bytes
  1819. hMem 
  1820. globalAlloc(
  1821. "= 0 
  1822. globalCompact(
  1823. ?) < 
  1824. "Out 
  1825. memory.
  1826. Close one 
  1827. more applications, 
  1828. Retry, 
  1829. Cancel 
  1830. Mailbox." \
  1831. hostError s
  1832. fatalError s
  1833. clearHostQueue
  1834. enterbook
  1835. BookScript
  1836. changePage
  1837. PageScript
  1838. BackgroundScript
  1839. goScreen
  1840. GlobalSearch
  1841. Configure
  1842. leavebook
  1843. About
  1844. changePageOK
  1845. hostError
  1846. fatalError
  1847. delChar
  1848. blankPad
  1849. atMain
  1850. fileFromPath
  1851. isBlank
  1852. mergePaths
  1853. safeAlloc
  1854. enterbook
  1855. InitPROFS
  1856. leavebook
  1857. TerminatePROFS
  1858. changePage
  1859. targetPage
  1860. goScreen
  1861. vstring
  1862. changePageOK
  1863. clearHostQueue
  1864. atMain
  1865. BookScript
  1866. PageScript
  1867. BackgroundScript
  1868. GlobalSearch
  1869. GlobalSearch
  1870. title
  1871. Configure
  1872. Help for configure
  1873. savedPage
  1874. Configure
  1875. About
  1876. ShowAboutBox
  1877. delChar
  1878. isBlank
  1879. blankPad
  1880. fileFromPath
  1881. mergePaths
  1882. FileFromPath
  1883. slashpos
  1884. path2
  1885. path1
  1886. safeAlloc
  1887. globalAlloc
  1888. globalCompact
  1889. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  1890. Retry
  1891. Cancel
  1892. Cancel
  1893. bytes
  1894. flags
  1895. hostError
  1896. hostError
  1897. fatalError
  1898. fatalError
  1899. talError s
  1900. vmReadEvent
  1901. changePage
  1902. screenFound
  1903. changePageOK
  1904. leavebook
  1905. clearHostQueue
  1906. BookScript
  1907. goScreen
  1908. PageScript
  1909. remoteCommand
  1910. BackgroundScript
  1911. GlobalSearch
  1912. enterbook
  1913. Configure
  1914. About
  1915. moreEvent
  1916. hostError
  1917. fatalError
  1918. ConvertRowCol
  1919. HostString
  1920. FindString
  1921. SendKey
  1922. SendString
  1923. keyboardReady
  1924. delChar
  1925. FindRowofString
  1926. isBlank
  1927. blankPad
  1928. RowofPos
  1929. fileFromPath
  1930. mergePaths
  1931. atMain
  1932. safeAlloc
  1933. enterbook
  1934. InitPROFS
  1935. leavebook
  1936. TerminatePROFS
  1937. changePage
  1938. changePage
  1939. PROFS
  1940. targetPage
  1941. goScreen
  1942. o>egoScreen
  1943. PROFS
  1944. vstring
  1945. remoteCommand
  1946. CremoteCommand
  1947. PROFS
  1948. moreEvent
  1949. vmReadEvent
  1950. screenFound
  1951. screenFound
  1952. has no target.
  1953. string
  1954. changePageOK
  1955. clearHostQueue
  1956. clearHostQueue
  1957. PROFS
  1958. atMain
  1959. FindString
  1960. FindString
  1961. BookScript
  1962. PageScript
  1963. BackgroundScript
  1964. GlobalSearch
  1965. GlobalSearch
  1966. title
  1967. Configure
  1968. savedPage
  1969. Configure
  1970. About
  1971. ShowAboutBox
  1972. SendString
  1973. ConvertRowCol
  1974. delChar
  1975. delChar
  1976. delChar
  1977. keyboardReady
  1978. WD_CopyStringToPS
  1979. WD_Pause
  1980. hostError
  1981. SendString returned
  1982. truncateOK
  1983. string
  1984. HostString
  1985. ConvertRowCol
  1986. safeAlloc
  1987. globalLock
  1988. WD_CopyPSToString
  1989. globalUnlock
  1990. globalFree
  1991. result
  1992. str_buf
  1993. length
  1994. FindRowofString
  1995. WD_SearchPS
  1996. RowofPos
  1997. posPtr
  1998. string
  1999. RowofPos
  2000. colsPerRow
  2001. ConvertRowCol
  2002. colsPerRow
  2003. ColsPerRow
  2004. FindString
  2005. ConvertRowCol
  2006. WD_SearchPS
  2007. hostError
  2008. FindString returned
  2009. posPtr
  2010. string
  2011. SendKey
  2012. keyboardReady
  2013. WD_SendKey
  2014. WD_Pause
  2015. hostError
  2016. SendKey returned
  2017. string
  2018. keyboardReady
  2019. WD_Wait
  2020. WD_SendKey
  2021. WD_Pause
  2022. hostError
  2023. Wait returned
  2024. delChar
  2025. isBlank
  2026. blankPad
  2027. fileFromPath
  2028. mergePaths
  2029. FileFromPath
  2030. slashpos
  2031. path2
  2032. path1
  2033. safeAlloc
  2034. globalAlloc
  2035. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  2036. Retry
  2037. Cancel
  2038. Cancel
  2039. bytes
  2040. flags
  2041. hostError
  2042. hostError
  2043. fatalError
  2044. fatalError
  2045. cel to exit Mailbox.
  2046. Retry
  2047. Cancel
  2048. Cancel
  2049. bytes
  2050. flags
  2051. hostError
  2052. hostError
  2053. fatalError
  2054. fatalError
  2055. exeName
  2056. <h3sp
  2057. Wprofs.dsp
  2058. Wfalse
  2059. profs.dsp
  2060. C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  2061. urier
  2062. `D|D|
  2063. 2C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  2064. C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  2065. mm/dd/yy
  2066. fileFromPath
  2067. mergePaths
  2068. FileFromPath
  2069. slashpos
  2070. path2
  2071. path1
  2072. hostError
  2073. hostError
  2074. fatalError
  2075. fatalError
  2076. Z5profs.dsp
  2077. XC:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  2078. 2true
  2079. 5true
  2080. 6profs.dsp
  2081. 2profs.dsp
  2082. 6"E:\MBXREL.TBK"
  2083. E6d3.3page id 19 of Book "E:\MBXREL.TBK"
  2084. 6profs.dsp
  2085. hh24:min
  2086. X.TBK"
  2087. false
  2088. 6:3BOX.TBK"
  2089. false
  2090. 6savedPage
  2091. 6page id 19 of Book "E:\PROFS\MAILBOX.TBK"
  2092. rumbaExposure
  2093. 9true
  2094. hostqueue(6,key)
  2095. 9":@c
  2096. 9<:f:hostqueue(6,string)
  2097. 9F:S00
  2098. :hostqueue(6,row)
  2099. :":l:1
  2100. V2;eue(6,col)
  2101. :hostqueue(7,key)
  2102. :hostqueue(7,string)
  2103. V.;";hostqueue(7,row)
  2104. V~;N;hostqueue(1,string)
  2105. V.;A00
  2106. <true
  2107. eue(1,col)
  2108. ;hostQueue(1,string)
  2109. page id 26 of Book "E:\PROFS\MAILBOX.TBK"
  2110. <true
  2111. {<v;d5e
  2113. profile
  2114. Rring)
  2115. <eue(1,col)
  2116. <(<X=78
  2117. %=X=$=
  2118. =hostQueue(1,string)
  2119. <X=%=X=
  2120. -=X=N<1
  2121. 5=(<4=0
  2122. i=(<x<T=hostQueue(1,string)
  2123. i=,=4=A00
  2124. =hostqueue(1,string)
  2125. h=A00
  2126. Rfalse
  2127. =hostQueue(1,row)
  2128. WhostQueue(1,row)
  2129. Courier
  2130. `D|D|
  2131. InitPROFS 
  2132. TerminatePROFS 
  2133. changePage targetPage
  2134. changePageOK 
  2135. clearHostQueue
  2136. BookScript
  2137. PageScript
  2138. BackgroundScript
  2139. GlobalSearch
  2140. /title
  2141. Configure
  2142. About
  2143. ShowAboutBox(
  2144. fileFromPath path
  2145. ~(":", 
  2146. i > 0
  2147. ~("\", 
  2148. i > 0
  2149. mergePaths path1, path2
  2150. ~(":", 
  2151. slashpos 
  2152. ~("\", 
  2153. { & FileFromPath(
  2154. safeAlloc flags, bytes
  2155. hMem 
  2156. globalAlloc(
  2157. "= 0 
  2158. globalCompact(
  2159. ?) < 
  2160. "Out 
  2161. memory.
  2162. Close one 
  2163. more applications, 
  2164. Retry, 
  2165. Cancel 
  2166. Mailbox." \
  2167. exitDemo
  2168. sysRuntime
  2169. avebook
  2170. clearHostQueue
  2171. BookScript
  2172. enterbook
  2173. PageScript
  2174. changePage
  2175. BackgroundScript
  2176. GlobalSearch
  2177. changePageOK
  2178. Configure
  2179. About
  2180. leavebook
  2181. exitDemo
  2182. fileFromPath
  2183. mergePaths
  2184. safeAlloc
  2185. enterbook
  2186. InitPROFS
  2187. leavebook
  2188. TerminatePROFS
  2189. changePage
  2190. changePageOK
  2191. targetPage
  2192. changePageOK
  2193. clearHostQueue
  2194. BookScript
  2195. PageScript
  2196. BackgroundScript
  2197. GlobalSearch
  2198. GlobalSearch
  2199. title
  2200. Configure
  2201. About
  2202. ShowAboutBox
  2203. fileFromPath
  2204. mergePaths
  2205. FileFromPath
  2206. slashpos
  2207. path2
  2208. path1
  2209. safeAlloc
  2210. globalAlloc
  2211. globalCompact
  2212. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  2213. Retry
  2214. Cancel
  2215. Cancel
  2216. -mexitDemo
  2217. bytes
  2218. flags
  2219. exitDemo
  2220. aHZy2v
  2222. Ghostqueue(1,string)
  2223. GTGnGC00
  2224. Ghostqueue(1,row)
  2225. Geue(1,key)
  2226. Hhostqueue(1,string)
  2227. +HxH2H&Hhostqueue(1,row)
  2228. G4Ieue(1,col)
  2229. H*H78
  2230. 09:00AM
  2231. Z6timeFormat
  2232. MLOGVIEW F1TE    @E
  2233. Hhostqueue(1,string)
  2234. Hhostqueue(1,row)
  2235. Veue(1,key)
  2236. startTime
  2237. NI^IVX09:00AM
  2238. endTime
  2239. lI~I@I09:00AM
  2240. RIdHmeetTime
  2241. Idk^I09:00AM
  2242. RVX09:00AM
  2243. 8Open Mail
  2244. 09:00AM
  2245. 5nickNameDisk
  2246. Mpage id 1 of Book "E:\PROFS\PROFS.TBK"
  2247. NEJDkDJ@Jhostqueue(1,row)
  2248. iJ(KhJeue(1,key)
  2249. iJ W(K78
  2251. Jhostqueue(1,string)
  2252. Jhostqueue(1,row)
  2253. GKDkFK1
  2254. Jeue(1,key)
  2255. Khostqueue(1,string)
  2256. KNKBKhostqueue(1,row)
  2257. kK*LjKeue(1,key)
  2258. J*L78
  2259. K*LNKLOGVIEW F11E    @E
  2260. Khostqueue(1,string)
  2261. Khostqueue(1,row)
  2262. ILDkHL1
  2263. Keue(1,key)
  2264. L&L Lhostqueue(1,string)
  2265. LPLDLhostqueue(1,row)
  2266. mLDklL0
  2267. Keue(1,col)
  2268. mL&LHL78
  2269. LhostQueue(1,string)
  2270. LHLlLE08
  2271. LhostQueue(1,row)
  2272. )MDk(M1
  2273. Leue(1,key)
  2274. Mhostqueue(1,string)
  2275. M0M$Mhostqueue(1,row)
  2276. MMDkLM0
  2277. Leue(1,col)
  2278. M(M78
  2279. sMDkrMlMhostQueue(1,string)
  2280. sM(MLMA00
  2281. MhostQueue(1,row)
  2282. MLMrM1
  2283. Heue(1,key)
  2284. VXI78
  2285. <Weekend
  2286.  RVXb
  2287. pHmm/dd/yy
  2288. <k "E:\PROFS\PROFS.TBK"
  2289. Mhostqueue(3,string)
  2290. eN\WlN`Nhostqueue(3,row)
  2291. Weue(1,key)
  2292. NFOdN@c
  2293. O k&O
  2294. Nhostqueue(1,row)
  2295. NJOeue(1,col)
  2296. NhostQueue(1,string)
  2297. OhostQueue(1,row)
  2298. O>Ohostqueue(1,string)
  2299. Ohostqueue(1,row)
  2300. rOprofile
  2301. ^Oc:\rumba\profs.dsp
  2302. ODO0Peue(1,col)
  2303. OhostQueue(1,string)
  2304. PhostQueue(1,row)
  2305. Peue(1,col)
  2306. NPHPhostQueue(1,string)
  2307. P(PA00
  2308. pPlPhostQueue(1,row)
  2309. qP(PNP1
  2310. Qeue(1,col)
  2311. PNPpP78
  2312. PhostQueue(1,string)
  2313. PhostQueue(1,row)
  2314. PtQeue(1,col)
  2315. &Q QhostQueue(1,string)
  2316. HQDQhostQueue(1,row)
  2317. RHQ~IpQhostqueue(1,string)
  2318. wQHQPQW01
  2319. RPQ~I
  2320. Qhostqueue(1,row)
  2321. QPQvQ1
  2322. RvQ~I
  2323. Qhostqueue(2,key)
  2324. Qhostqueue(2,string)
  2325. Rhostqueue(2,row)
  2326. R@IVX09:00AM
  2327. !R(Rl
  2328. false
  2329. 5responseTime
  2330. ;OPENMAIL@E
  2331. RzRhostqueue(1,string)
  2332. R@RZRC00
  2333. ;eue(1,key)
  2334. R";H;Send A Note
  2335. Rfalse
  2336. Rhostqueue(1,string)
  2337. Shostqueue(1,row)
  2338. SLSeue(1,col)
  2339. S"S78
  2340. TLS@c
  2341. eue(1,col)
  2342. ShostQueue(1,string)
  2343. Seue(1,col)
  2344. ThostQueue(1,string)
  2345. Teue(1,col)
  2346. U`ThostQueue(1,string)
  2347. T@TA00
  2348. T@TfTeue(1,col)
  2349. T@TnT78
  2350. eue(1,key)
  2351. View the Month
  2352. U@X4X
  2353. hostqueue(2,key)
  2354. Itrue
  2355. W0Uhostqueue(1,string)
  2356. WTUhostqueue(1,row)
  2357. Ueue(1,col)
  2358. }U6UXU78
  2359. UhostQueue(1,string)
  2360. UXU|UC00
  2361. 4;S00
  2362. U"<A00
  2363. V"<.Vhostqueue(2,string)
  2364. eue(1,key)
  2366. Vhostqueue(1,string)
  2367. dVW05
  2368. Vhostqueue(1,row)
  2369. 4Veue(1,col)
  2370. Whostqueue(1,string)
  2371. Whostqueue(1,row)
  2372. B<XWhostqueue(3,row)
  2373. f<&Xrow)
  2374. eue(2,col)
  2375. tWeue(3,key)
  2377. 2false
  2378. 2MAILBOX.TBK"
  2379. 3true
  2380. X"6GX
  2381. bpwqrA
  2382. IMonthST
  2383. M09:00AM
  2384. >false
  2385. Xhostqueue(2,key)
  2386. XJ?~X@c
  2387. `D|D|
  2388. YFYdk
  2389. Xhostqueue(3,row)
  2390. YdkXXWork With the Schedule
  2391. Courier
  2392. `D|D|
  2393. Xrminal
  2394. `D|D|
  2395. YhostQueue(1,string)
  2396. YvY~YW05
  2397. YhostQueue(1,row)
  2398. Y^Zeue(1,col)
  2399. ZhostQueue(1,string)
  2400. W.ZhostQueue(1,row)
  2401. Zeue(1,col)
  2402. Z2Z78
  2403. WvZhostQueue(1,string)
  2404. }Z2ZVZW05
  2405. ZhostQueue(1,row)
  2406. ZVZ|Z1
  2407. Z|Z6[eue(1,col)
  2408. ZhostQueue(1,string)
  2409. [hostQueue(1,row)
  2410. [eue(1,col)
  2411. WN[hostQueue(1,string)
  2412. [.[W05
  2413. Wr[hostQueue(1,row)
  2414. w[.[T[1
  2415. \eue(1,col)
  2416. [T[v[78
  2417. [hostQueue(1,string)
  2418. [hostQueue(1,row)
  2419. [z\eue(1,col)
  2420. W&\hostQueue(1,string)
  2421. WJ\hostQueue(1,row)
  2422. \eue(1,col)
  2423. s\,\N\78
  2424. \hostQueue(1,string)
  2425. \N\r\W05
  2426. \hostQueue(1,row)
  2427. \R]eue(1,col)
  2428. \hostQueue(1,string)
  2429. W"]hostQueue(1,row)
  2430. ]eue(1,col)
  2431. ]&]78
  2432. Wj]hostQueue(1,string)
  2433. q]&]J]W05
  2434. ]hostQueue(1,row)
  2435. ]J]p]1
  2436. ]hostQueue(1,string)
  2437. ]hostQueue(1,row)
  2438. ^eue(1,col)
  2439. W.^hostQueue(1,string)
  2440. WR^hostQueue(1,row)
  2441. ^hostQueue(1,string)
  2442. ^V^W05
  2443. ^hostQueue(1,row)
  2444. ^F_eue(1,col)
  2445. ^hostQueue(1,string)
  2446. _hostQueue(1,row)
  2447. _eue(1,col)
  2448. W^_hostQueue(1,string)
  2449. _>_W05
  2450. _hostQueue(1,row)
  2451. _>_d_1
  2452. `eue(1,col)
  2453. _hostQueue(1,string)
  2454. _hostQueue(1,row)
  2455. `eue(1,col)
  2456. _eue(1,key)
  2457. _``Z`hostqueue(1,string)
  2458. _:`W05
  2459. `~`hostqueue(1,row)
  2460. `:```1
  2461. `eue(1,col)
  2462. `hostQueue(1,string)
  2463. `hostQueue(1,row)
  2464. aeue(1,col)
  2465. W2ahostQueue(1,string)
  2466. WVahostQueue(1,row)
  2467. ahostQueue(1,string)
  2468. aZaW05
  2469. ahostQueue(1,row)
  2470. ahostQueue(1,string)
  2471. bhostQueue(1,row)
  2472. beue(1,col)
  2473. WNbhostQueue(1,string)
  2474. b.bW05
  2475. WrbhostQueue(1,row)
  2476. wb.bTb1
  2477. ceue(1,col)
  2478. bTbvb78
  2479. bhostQueue(1,string)
  2480. bhostQueue(1,row)
  2481. bzceue(1,col)
  2482. W&chostQueue(1,string)
  2483. WJchostQueue(1,row)
  2484. ceue(1,col)
  2485. sc,cNc78
  2486. chostQueue(1,string)
  2487. cNcrcW05
  2488. chostQueue(1,row)
  2489. cRdeue(1,col)
  2490. chostQueue(1,string)
  2491. W"dhostQueue(1,row)
  2492. deue(1,col)
  2493. d&d78
  2494. WjdhostQueue(1,string)
  2495. qd&dJdW05
  2496. dhostQueue(1,row)
  2497. dJdpd1
  2498. dpd~eeue(1,col)
  2499. deue(1,key)
  2500. dhostqueue(1,string)
  2501. ehostqueue(1,row)
  2502. eFeeue(1,key)
  2503. e"e@c
  2504. etenehostqueue(1,string)
  2505. ueFeNeW05
  2506. ehostqueue(1,row)
  2507. eNete1
  2508. eeue(1,key)
  2509. ehostqueue(1,string)
  2510. fhostqueue(1,row)
  2511. f.feue(1,key)
  2512. f\fVfhostqueue(1,string)
  2513. ]f.f6fW05
  2514. fzfhostqueue(1,row)
  2515. f6f\f1
  2516. feue(1,col)
  2517. f\f~f78
  2518. fhostqueue(1,string)
  2519. fhostqueue(1,row)
  2520. geue(1,col)
  2521. fdk.ghostQueue(1,string)
  2522. gdkRghostQueue(1,row)
  2523. j~ghostqueue(1,string)
  2524. gVg^gE01
  2525. ghostqueue(1,row)
  2526. gJheue(1,col)
  2527. ghostQueue(1,string)
  2528. hhostQueue(1,row)
  2529. j:hhostqueue(1,string)
  2530. j^hhostqueue(1,row)
  2531. heue(1,col)
  2532. h@hbh78
  2533. hhostQueue(1,string)
  2534. hhostQueue(1,row)
  2535. ieue(1,key)
  2536. j*ihostqueue(1,string)
  2537. jNihostqueue(1,row)
  2538. j j78
  2539. j j|ihostQueue(1,string)
  2540. j\iW05
  2541. j\i j
  2542. ihostQueue(1,row)
  2543. i<jeue(1,col)
  2544. ihostQueue(1,string)
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  2546. ijFYdk1
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  2548. ijTWD
  2549. XhostQueue(1,page)
  2550. !kFYL
  2551. jhostqueue(3,string)
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  2564. `D|D|
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  2585. i > 0
  2586. ~("\", 
  2587. i > 0
  2588. mergePaths path1, path2
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  2590. slashpos 
  2591. ~("\", 
  2592. { & FileFromPath(
  2593. safeAlloc flags, bytes
  2594. hMem 
  2595. globalAlloc(
  2596. "= 0 
  2597. globalCompact(
  2598. ?) < 
  2599. "Out 
  2600. memory.
  2601. Close one 
  2602. more applications, 
  2603. Retry, 
  2604. Cancel 
  2605. Mailbox." \
  2606. rHostQueue
  2607. BookScript
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  2653. Cancel
  2654. bytes
  2655. flags
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  2657. FileFromPath
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  2659. path2
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  2663. globalCompact
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  2668. bytes
  2669. flags
  2670. hostError
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  2687. ze(1,key)
  2688. zhostqueue(1,string)
  2689. z2zvzhostqueue(1,row)
  2690. {t{|{
  2691. zhostQueue(1,key)
  2692. {hostQueue(1,string)
  2693. {eue(1,key)
  2694. Q{t{,{@a
  2695. e(1,key)
  2696. {hostQueue(1,key)
  2697. }eue(1,key)
  2698. Tms Rmn
  2699. `D|D|
  2700. J|eue(1,col)
  2701. |hostQueue(1,string)
  2702. |R|v|X E D I T
  2703. X E D I T
  2704. }hostQueue(1,string)
  2705. RhostQueue(1,row)
  2706. Ueue(1,key)
  2707. }0}CURCAL MONTH@E
  2708. }hostqueue(1,string)
  2709. }xU`}W05
  2710. }hostqueue(1,row)
  2711. }xU0}eue(1,col)
  2712. }hostQueue(1,string)
  2713. ~hostQueue(1,row)
  2714. Teue(1,key)
  2715. Ufalse
  2716. ~~V@c
  2717. Uv~hostqueue(1,string)
  2718. }~D~V~W05
  2719. ~hostqueue(1,row)
  2720. ~V~|~1
  2721. (Veue(1,key)
  2722. Ufalse
  2723. Ufalse
  2724. hostqueue(1,string)
  2725. hostqueue(1,row)
  2726. eue(1,col)
  2727. ~eue(1,key)
  2728. false
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  2730. USend Message
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  2734. ITitle Page
  2735. \rumba\profs.dsp
  2736. b;A00
  2737. eue(1,key)
  2738. 09:00AM
  2739. hostQueue(1,string)
  2740. hostQueue(1,row)
  2741. hostqueue(1,string)
  2742. hostqueue(1,row)
  2743. hostqueue(1,string)
  2744. hostqueue(1,row)
  2745. eue(1,col)
  2746. hostQueue(1,string)
  2747. X E D I T
  2748. hostQueue(1,string)
  2749. eue(1,col)
  2750. *X`:0
  2751. eue(1,key)
  2752. OPENMAIL@E
  2753. hostQueue(1,row)
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  2755. hostQueue(1,string)
  2756. hostQueue(1,row)
  2757. :false
  2758. hostQueue(1,page)
  2759. Open Mail
  2760. string)
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  2764. page id 36 of Book "E:\PROFS\PROFS.TBK"
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  2768. eue(1,col)
  2769. hostQueue(1,string)
  2770. hostQueue(1,string)
  2771. X E D I T
  2772. hostQueue(1,row)
  2773. hostQueue(1,string)
  2774. hostQueue(1,row)
  2775. eue(1,col)
  2776. hostQueue(1,string)
  2777. X E D I T
  2778. hostQueue(1,string)
  2779. hostQueue(1,row)
  2780. eue(1,col)
  2781. hostQueue(1,string)
  2782. X E D I T
  2783. hostQueue(1,string)
  2784. X E D I T
  2785. hostQueue(1,row)
  2786. hostQueue(1,string)
  2787. hostQueue(1,row)
  2788. eue(1,col)
  2789. hostQueue(1,string)
  2790. X E D I T
  2791. eue(1,col)
  2792. hostQueue(1,string)
  2793. hostQueue(1,row)
  2794. eue(1,col)
  2795. hostQueue(1,string)
  2796. hostQueue(1,row)
  2797. eue(1,col)
  2798. hostQueue(1,string)
  2799. hostQueue(1,row)
  2800. eue(1,col)
  2801. hostQueue(1,string)
  2802. hostQueue(1,row)
  2803. eue(1,col)
  2804. hostQueue(1,string)
  2805. 05:00PM
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  2807. BookScript
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  2812.      str
  2813. .) > 127)
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  2967. queueDoubleClick
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  3005. hostWait
  3006. clearHostQueue
  3007. hostQueue
  3008. hostQueueIndex
  3009. hostQueue
  3010. hostQueue
  3011. hostQueue
  3012. hostQueue
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  3031. isBlank
  3032. blankPad
  3033. 8profsid
  3034. FindRoute
  3035. nextPage
  3036. string
  3037. upLevelIndex
  3038. toPage
  3039. fromPage
  3040. QueueEmptyP
  3041. hostQueueIndex
  3042. Waiting for Host Response...
  3043. Please wait until Waiting for Host is gone from upper right corner.
  3044. hostWait
  3045. clearHostQueue
  3046. hostQueue
  3047. hostQueueIndex
  3048. hostQueue
  3049. hostQueue
  3050. hostQueue
  3051. hostQueue
  3052. hostQueue
  3053. hostQueueIndex
  3054. hostQueueIndex
  3055. hostWait
  3056. string
  3057. atScreen
  3058. profsid
  3059. profsid
  3060. profsid
  3061. FindString
  3062. string
  3063. ofpage
  3064. BookScript
  3065. PageScript
  3066. BackgroundScript
  3067. Configure
  3068. savedPage
  3069. Configure
  3070. isBlank
  3071. blankPad
  3072. clearScreen
  3073. Ifalse
  3074. hostQueue(1,string)
  3075. hostqueue(1,row)
  3076. eue(1,key)
  3077. NOTE@E
  3078. false
  3079. false
  3080. OPENMAIL@E
  3081. hostqueue(1,string)
  3082. eue(1,key)
  3083. false
  3084. hostqueue(1,string)
  3085. hostqueue(1,row)
  3086. eue(1,key)
  3087. false
  3088. hostqueue(2,key)
  3089. hostqueue(2,string)
  3090. =eue(2,col)
  3091. hostqueue(3,key)
  3092. hostqueue(3,string)
  3093. hostqueue(3,row)
  3094. eue(3,col)
  3095. hostqueue(4,key)
  3096. hostqueue(4,string)
  3097. hostqueue(4,row)
  3098. eue(4,col)
  3099. hostqueue(5,key)
  3100. hostqueue(5,string)
  3101. hostqueue(5,row)
  3102. eue(5,col)
  3103. hostqueue(6,key)
  3104. hostqueue(6,string)
  3105. hostqueue(6,row)
  3106. eue(6,col)
  3107. hostqueue(7,key)
  3108. hostqueue(7,string)
  3109. hostqueue(7,row)
  3110. hostQueue(1,string)
  3111. hostqueue(1,string)
  3112. hostqueue(1,row)
  3113. eue(1,col)
  3114. hostqueue(1,row)
  3115. hostqueue(1,col)
  3116. hostqueue(2,string)
  3117. hostqueue(2,row)
  3118. NOTE@E
  3119. hostqueue(3,row)
  3120. hostqueue(2,row)
  3121. hostqueue(3,string)
  3122. hostQueue(hostQueueIndex,page)
  3123. Open Mail
  3124. eue(1,key)
  3125. OPENMAIL@E
  3126. hostqueue(1,string)
  3127. hostqueue(1,row)
  3128. Send A Note
  3129. hostqueue(1,string)
  3130. hostqueue(1,row)
  3131. eue(1,col)
  3132. hostqueue(2,key)
  3133. OPENMAIL@E
  3134. hostqueue(2,string)
  3135. hostqueue(2,row)
  3136. =eue(1,key)
  3137. hostqueue(1,string)
  3138. hostqueue(1,row)
  3139. eue(1,col)
  3140. hostqueue(2,string)
  3141. eue(2,col)
  3142. hostQueue(1,string)
  3143. hostQueue(1,row)
  3144. hostqueue(1,string)
  3145. hostqueue(1,row)
  3146. eue(1,col)
  3147. hostQueue(1,string)
  3148. hostQueue(1,string)
  3149. eue(1,col)
  3150. hostQueue(1,string)
  3151. hostQueue(1,row)
  3152. eue(1,col)
  3153. hostQueue(1,string)
  3154. hostQueue(1,row)
  3155. eue(1,col)
  3156. hostQueue(1,string)
  3157. hostQueue(1,row)
  3158. hostQueue(1,string)
  3159. hostQueue(1,row)
  3160. eue(1,col)
  3161. hostQueue(1,string)
  3162. hostQueue(1,row)
  3163. hostQueue(1,string)
  3164. hostQueue(1,row)
  3165. eue(1,col)
  3166. N<true
  3167. 1,string)
  3168. hostQueue(1,string)
  3169. eue(1,col)
  3170. hostQueue(1,string)
  3171. hostQueue(1,row)
  3172. eue(1,col)
  3173. hostQueue(1,string)
  3174. hostQueue(1,row)
  3175. eue(1,col)
  3176. hostQueue(1,string)
  3177. eue(1,key)
  3178. hostQueue(1,row)
  3179. OPENMAIL@E
  3180. hostqueue(1,string)
  3181. hostqueue(1,row)
  3182. eue(1,key)
  3183. hostqueue(1,string)
  3184. hostqueue(1,row)
  3185. hostqueue(1,col)
  3186. x<hostqueue(1,string)
  3187. t<C00
  3188. eue(1,key)
  3189. hostqueue(1,string)
  3190. hostqueue(1,row)
  3191. OPENMAIL@E
  3192. hostqueue(1,string)
  3193. eue(1,key)
  3194. hostqueue(1,string)
  3195. hostqueue(1,row)
  3196. Itrue
  3197. 1,col)
  3198. hostQueue(1,page)
  3199. Work With the Schedule
  3200. 1,row)
  3201. hostQueue(1,string)
  3202. hostQueue(1,string)
  3203. eue(1,col)
  3204. hostQueue(1,string)
  3205. hostQueue(1,row)
  3206. eue(1,key)
  3207. hostqueue(1,string)
  3208. hostqueue(1,col)
  3209. eue(1,col)
  3210. hostQueue(1,string)
  3211. hostQueue(1,string)
  3213. hostqueue(1,string)
  3214. eue(1,col)
  3215. hostqueue(1,string)
  3216. hostqueue(1,row)
  3217. =eue(1,key)
  3218. hostqueue(1,string)
  3219. hostqueue(1,row)
  3220. eue(1,col)
  3221. hostqueue(2,key)
  3222. Ifalse
  3223. `D|D|
  3224. hostQueue(1,string)
  3225. hostqueue(1,string)
  3226. hostqueue(1,row)
  3227. =eue(1,col)
  3228. hostqueue(2,key)
  3229. hostqueue(2,string)
  3230. hostqueue(2,row)
  3231. eue(2,col)
  3232. hostqueue(3,key)
  3233. hostqueue(3,string)
  3234. Thostqueue(3,row)
  3235. Ueue(3,col)
  3236. hostQueue(1,string)
  3237. X E D I T
  3238. hostQueue(1,row)
  3239. eue(1,col)
  3240. hostQueue(1,string)
  3241. hostQueue(1,row)
  3242. eue(1,col)
  3243. hostQueue(1,string)
  3244. hostQueue(1,row)
  3245. eue(1,col)
  3246. hostQueue(1,string)
  3247. hostQueue(1,row)
  3248. eue(1,col)
  3249. hostQueue(1,string)
  3250. hostQueue(1,row)
  3251. hostQueue(1,string)
  3252. hostQueue(1,row)
  3253. eue(1,col)
  3254. hostQueue(1,string)
  3255. X E D I T
  3256. eue(1,col)
  3257. hostQueue(1,string)
  3258. hostQueue(1,row)
  3259. eue(1,col)
  3260. hostQueue(1,string)
  3261. hostQueue(1,row)
  3262. hostQueue(1,string)
  3263. eue(1,col)
  3264. hostQueue(1,string)
  3265. eue(1,col)
  3266. hostQueue(1,string)
  3267. SR<hostQueue(1,row)
  3268. hostqueue(3,key)
  3270. eue(1,key)
  3271. 6PromptProfile
  3272. :true
  3273. R<eue(1,key)
  3274.  :.WA
  3275. ;d5C:\RUMBA\profs.dsp
  3276. Wtrue
  3277. h3true
  3278. 6:3page id 1 of Book "E:\PROFS\MAILBOX.TBK"
  3279. 6OfficeVision
  3280. false
  3281. Open Mail
  3282. hostqueue(1,row)
  3284. hostqueue(1,string)
  3285. hostqueue(1,row)
  3286. FWrVeue(1,key)
  3287. 9false
  3289. hostqueue(3,string)
  3290. ;false
  3291. hostqueue(1,row)
  3292. false
  3293. 2,key)
  3294. hostqueue(2,string)
  3295. hostqueue(3,col)
  3296. hostqueue(3,row)
  3297. hostqueue(3,string)
  3298. hostqueue(3,string)
  3299. eue(3,key)
  3300. hostqueue(2,string)
  3301. false
  3302. hostqueue(3,string)
  3303. hostqueue(3,row)
  3304. hostQueue(1,string)
  3305. C:\RUMBA\profs.dsp
  3306. C:\RUMBA\profs.dsp
  3307. d5FS\MAILBOX.TBK"
  3308. Wtrue
  3309. C:\RUMBA\rumbadsp.exe
  3311. eue(1,key)
  3312. hostQueue(1,string)
  3313. hostQueue(1,row)
  3315. hostqueue(1,string)
  3316. hostqueue(1,key)
  3317. OPENMAIL@E
  3318. hostQueue(1,string)
  3319. eue(0,key)
  3320. hostqueue(0,string)
  3321. hostqueue(0,row)
  3322. hostqueue(0,col)
  3323. hostqueue(1,key)
  3324. OPENMAIL@E
  3325. `D|D|
  3326. Hurier
  3327. `D|D|
  3328. `D|D|
  3329. hostQueue(1,row)
  3330. eue(1,key)
  3331. hostqueue(1,string)
  3332. hostqueue(1,row)
  3333. eue(1,key)
  3334. OPENMAIL@E
  3335. hostqueue(1,string)
  3336. hostqueue(1,row)
  3337. hostQueue(1,string)
  3338. hostQueue(1,row)
  3339. eue(1,col)
  3340. hostQueue(1,string)
  3341. hostQueue(1,row)
  3342. eue(1,key)
  3343. hostqueue(1,string)
  3344. hostqueue(1,row)
  3345. eue(1,col)
  3346. hostQueue(1,string)
  3347. hostQueue(1,row)
  3348. hostqueue(1,string)
  3349. hostqueue(1,row)
  3350. eue(1,col)
  3351. e(1,row)
  3352. eue(1,col)
  3353. hostQueue(1,page)
  3354. There are no items in your incoming mail.
  3355. R^O23
  3356. hostqueue(1,string)
  3357. hostqueue(1,row)
  3358. eue(1,key)
  3359. hostqueue(1,string)
  3360. hostqueue(1,row)
  3361. eue(1,col)
  3362. hostqueue(1,string)
  3363. hostqueue(1,row)
  3364. eue(1,col)
  3365. hostQueue(1,string)
  3366. hostQueue(1,row)
  3367. eue(1,col)
  3368. profile
  3369. c:\rumba\profs.dsp
  3370. hostqueue(1,string)
  3371. hostqueue(1,row)
  3372. eue(1,col)
  3373. hostQueue(1,string)
  3374. hostQueue(1,row)
  3375. eue(1,col)
  3376. hostQueue(1,string)
  3377. hostQueue(1,row)
  3378. eue(1,col)
  3379. hostQueue(1,string)
  3380. hostQueue(1,row)
  3381. eue(1,col)
  3382. hostQueue(1,string)
  3383. hostqueue(1,string)
  3384. hostqueue(1,row)
  3385. Work With the Schedule
  3386. profile
  3387. c:\rumba\profs.dsp
  3388. hostQueue(1,row)
  3389. eue(1,col)
  3390. hostQueue(1,string)
  3391. hostQueue(1,row)
  3392. eue(1,col)
  3393. hostQueue(1,string)
  3394. hostQueue(1,row)
  3395. eue(1,col)
  3396. hostQueue(1,string)
  3397. hostQueue(1,row)
  3398. eue(1,col)
  3399. hostQueue(1,string)
  3400. hostQueue(1,row)
  3401. hostqueue(1,string)
  3402. hostqueue(1,row)
  3403. eue(1,key)
  3404. hostqueue(1,string)
  3405. hostqueue(1,row)
  3406. eue(1,col)
  3407. hostqueue(2,key)
  3408. hostqueue(2,string)
  3409. hostqueue(2,row)
  3410. eue(2,col)
  3411. eue(1,key)
  3412. LOGVIEW NOTE    @E
  3413. hostqueue(1,string)
  3414. 1,row)
  3415. eue(1,key)
  3416. hostqueue(1,string)
  3417. hostqueue(1,row)
  3418. eue(1,col)
  3419. hostQueue(1,string)
  3420. hostQueue(1,row)
  3421. eue(1,key)
  3422. false
  3423. hostQueue(1,row)
  3424. eue(1,key)
  3425. hostqueue(1,string)
  3426. hostqueue(1,row)
  3427. prevPage
  3428. hostqueue(1,string)
  3429. hostqueue(1,row)
  3430. hostqueue(1,string)
  3431. eue(1,key)
  3432. hostqueue(1,string)
  3433. hostqueue(1,row)
  3434. eue(1,col)
  3435. hostQueue(1,page)
  3436. Tms Rmn
  3437. `D|D|
  3438. savedPage
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  3446. BookScript
  3447. PageScript
  3448. BackgroundScript
  3449. GlobalSearch
  3450. /title
  3451. Configure
  3452. osavedPage 
  3453. About
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  3455. delChar chr, str
  3456. isBlank 
  3457. blankPad 
  3458. |, len
  3459. fileFromPath path
  3460. ~(":", 
  3461. i > 0
  3462. ~("\", 
  3463. i > 0
  3464. mergePaths path1, path2
  3465. ~(":", 
  3466. slashpos 
  3467. ~("\", 
  3468. ,< cnt
  3469. { & FileFromPath(
  3470. safeAlloc flags, bytes
  3471. hMem 
  3472. globalAlloc(
  3473. "= 0 
  3474. globalCompact(
  3475. ?) < 
  3476. "Out 
  3477. memory.
  3478. Close one 
  3479. more applications, 
  3480. Retry, 
  3481. Cancel 
  3482. Mailbox." \
  3483. hostError s
  3484. fatalError s
  3485. clearHostQueue
  3486. enterbook
  3487. BookScript
  3488. changePage
  3489. PageScript
  3490. BackgroundScript
  3491. goScreen
  3492. GlobalSearch
  3493. Configure
  3494. leavebook
  3495. About
  3496. changePageOK
  3497. hostError
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  3499. delChar
  3500. blankPad
  3501. atMain
  3502. fileFromPath
  3503. isBlank
  3504. mergePaths
  3505. safeAlloc
  3506. enterbook
  3507. InitPROFS
  3508. leavebook
  3509. TerminatePROFS
  3510. changePage
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  3513. vstring
  3514. changePageOK
  3515. clearHostQueue
  3516. atMain
  3517. BookScript
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  3519. BackgroundScript
  3520. GlobalSearch
  3521. GlobalSearch
  3522. title
  3523. Configure
  3524. savedPage
  3525. Configure
  3526. About
  3527. ShowAboutBox
  3528. delChar
  3529. isBlank
  3530. blankPad
  3531. fileFromPath
  3532. mergePaths
  3533. FileFromPath
  3534. slashpos
  3535. path2
  3536. path1
  3537. safeAlloc
  3538. globalAlloc
  3539. globalCompact
  3540. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  3541. Retry
  3542. Cancel
  3543. Cancel
  3544. bytes
  3545. flags
  3546. hostError
  3547. hostError
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  3549. fatalError
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  3553. changePage targetPage
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  3555. changePageOK
  3556. clearHostQueue
  3557. atMain
  3558. BookScript
  3559. PageScript
  3560. BackgroundScript
  3561. GlobalSearch
  3562. /title
  3563. Configure
  3564. "Help 
  3565. configure"
  3566. osavedPage 
  3567. About
  3568. ShowAboutBox(
  3569. delChar chr, str
  3570. isBlank 
  3571. blankPad 
  3572. |, len
  3573. fileFromPath path
  3574. ~(":", 
  3575. i > 0
  3576. ~("\", 
  3577. i > 0
  3578. mergePaths path1, path2
  3579. ~(":", 
  3580. slashpos 
  3581. ~("\", 
  3582. ,< cnt
  3583. { & FileFromPath(
  3584. safeAlloc flags, bytes
  3585. hMem 
  3586. globalAlloc(
  3587. "= 0 
  3588. globalCompact(
  3589. ?) < 
  3590. "Out 
  3591. memory.
  3592. Close one 
  3593. more applications, 
  3594. Retry, 
  3595. Cancel 
  3596. Mailbox." \
  3597. hostError s
  3598. fatalError s
  3599. clearHostQueue
  3600. enterbook
  3601. BookScript
  3602. changePage
  3603. PageScript
  3604. BackgroundScript
  3605. goScreen
  3606. GlobalSearch
  3607. Configure
  3608. leavebook
  3609. About
  3610. changePageOK
  3611. hostError
  3612. fatalError
  3613. delChar
  3614. blankPad
  3615. atMain
  3616. fileFromPath
  3617. isBlank
  3618. mergePaths
  3619. safeAlloc
  3620. enterbook
  3621. InitPROFS
  3622. leavebook
  3623. TerminatePROFS
  3624. changePage
  3625. targetPage
  3626. goScreen
  3627. vstring
  3628. changePageOK
  3629. clearHostQueue
  3630. atMain
  3631. BookScript
  3632. PageScript
  3633. BackgroundScript
  3634. GlobalSearch
  3635. GlobalSearch
  3636. title
  3637. Configure
  3638. Help for configure
  3639. savedPage
  3640. Configure
  3641. About
  3642. ShowAboutBox
  3643. delChar
  3644. isBlank
  3645. blankPad
  3646. fileFromPath
  3647. mergePaths
  3648. FileFromPath
  3649. slashpos
  3650. path2
  3651. path1
  3652. safeAlloc
  3653. globalAlloc
  3654. globalCompact
  3655. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  3656. Retry
  3657. Cancel
  3658. Cancel
  3659. bytes
  3660. flags
  3661. hostError
  3662. hostError
  3663. fatalError
  3664. fatalError
  3665. SendKey
  3666. keyboardReady
  3667. WD_SendKey
  3668. WD_Pause
  3669. hostError
  3670. SendKey returned
  3671. string
  3672. keyboardReady
  3673. WD_Wait
  3674. WD_SendKey
  3675. WD_Pause
  3676. hostError
  3677. Wait returned
  3678. delChar
  3679. isBlank
  3680. blankPad
  3681. fileFromPath
  3682. mergePaths
  3683. FileFromPath
  3684. slashpos
  3685. path2
  3686. path1
  3687. safeAlloc
  3688. globalAlloc
  3689. globalCompact
  3690. Out of memory.  Close one or more applications, then select Retry, or select Cancel to exit Mailbox.
  3691. Retry
  3692. Cancel
  3693. Cancel
  3694. bytes
  3695. flags
  3696. hostError
  3697. hostError
  3698. fatalError
  3699. fatalError
  3700. hostqueue(2,string)
  3701. l2lbl
  3702. >6uBV
  3703. He(1,row)
  3704. eue(1,key)
  3705. false
  3706. eue(1,col)
  3707. Wfalse
  3708. (<~<hostQueue(1,string)
  3709. hostQueue(1,string)
  3710. moreEvent
  3711. Main Menu
  3712. Profs
  3713. background
  3714. 4demoTextTime, demoCursorTime, demoIndex
  3715. demoField
  3716. demoPopup
  3717. oprevPage 
  3718. memCheckTime, 
  3719. , demoPaused
  3720. demoTextList(
  3721. Bpausepb
  3722. curs 
  3723. demoCursorList(
  3724. nextPage 
  3725. demoUpdate 
  3726.  + 60
  3727. checkMemory 150
  3728. typeText txt, fld
  3729. clearPage 
  3730. minMem
  3731. xmemAvail(
  3732. ) -- things will be 
  3733. "Warning: memory 
  3734. You should close one more applications 
  3735. optimal MailBox performance."
  3736. the specified 
  3737. kilobytes 
  3738. are available
  3739. memFound 
  3740. 10 largest 
  3741. blocks, 
  3742. Hattempting allocations
  3743. moreBytes 
  3744. globalCompact(KB * 1024)
  3745. y1024
  3746. -- no contiguous 
  3747. t over 20K! don't try allocing
  3748. >= KB
  3749. tempMem(i) 
  3750. globalAlloc(2, 
  3751. -- free 
  3752. that was allocated above
  3753. globalSize(
  3754. f) <> 0
  3755. globalFree(
  3756. >= KB
  3757. -- ignore 
  3758. }clicks 
  3759. far...
  3760. sysSuspendMessages 
  3761. trim str
  3762. )>127
  3763. typeText
  3764. leavePage
  3765. author
  3766. reader
  3767. enterPage
  3768. checkMemory
  3769. buttonDoubleClick
  3770. memAvail
  3771. enterPage
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  3775. demoIndex
  3776. leavePage
  3777. prevPage
  3778. demoPopup
  3779. demoTextList
  3780. demoCursorList
  3781. jnextPage
  3782. demoUpdate
  3783. checkMemory
  3784. demoPopup
  3785. pausepb
  3786. demoField
  3787. demoCursorTime
  3788. demoTextTime
  3789. memCheckTime
  3790. demoIndex
  3791. demoPaused
  3792. typeText
  3793. 5keyChar
  3794. author
  3795. reader
  3796. oBzclearPage
  3797. enterPage
  3798. checkMemory
  3799. memAvail
  3800. Warning: memory is low.  You should close one more applications for optimal MailBox performance.
  3801. memCheckTime
  3802. minMem
  3803. memAvail
  3804. globalCompact
  3805. tempMem
  3806. globalAlloc
  3807. tempMem
  3808. tempMem
  3809. globalSize
  3810. tempMem
  3811. globalFree
  3812. tempMem
  3813. moreBytes
  3814. memFound
  3815. buttonDoubleClick
  3816. TitleBack
  3817. TitleFront
  3818. OpenMailbox
  3819. ClosedMailbox 
  3820. buttonUp
  3821. buttonUp
  3822. ClosedMailbox
  3823. ClosedMailbox
  3824. {loc, isShift, isCtrl
  3825. setLockScreen 
  3826. "OpenMailbox" 
  3827. "ClosedMailbox" 
  3828. "Sorry, there 
  3829. no mail 
  3830. your mailbox."
  3831. buttonDown
  3832. buttonUp
  3833. buttonDown
  3834. OpenMailbox
  3835. ClosedMailbox
  3836. setLockScreen
  3837. isCtrl
  3838. isShift
  3839. buttonUp
  3840. ClosedMailbox
  3841. OpenMailbox
  3842. Sorry, there is no mail in your mailbox.
  3843. setLockScreen
  3844. postbox
  3845. "Send A Note"
  3846. clearPage 
  3847. changePage "
  3848. buttonUp
  3849. buttonUp
  3850. Send A Note
  3851. oBzclearPage
  3852. Send A Note
  3853. changePage
  3854. Send A Note
  3855. helpId
  3856. reminder
  3857. "Automatic Reminder"
  3858. clearPage 
  3859. changePage "
  3860. buttonUp
  3861. buttonUp
  3862. Automatic Reminder
  3863. oBzclearPage
  3864. Automatic Reminder
  3865. changePage
  3866. Automatic Reminder
  3867. helpId
  3868. "Work 
  3869. fNote Log"
  3870. clearPage 
  3871. changePage "
  3872. buttonUp
  3873. buttonUp
  3874. Work with Note Log
  3875. oBzclearPage
  3876. Work with Note Log
  3877. changePage
  3878. Work with Note Log
  3879. "helpId
  3880. calendar
  3881. "View the Month"
  3882. clearPage 
  3883. changePage "
  3884. buttonUp
  3885. buttonUp
  3886. View the Month
  3887. oBzclearPage
  3888. View the Month
  3889. changePage
  3890. View the Month
  3891. :&helpID
  3892. Message
  3893. "Send Message"
  3894. clearPage 
  3895. changePage "
  3896. buttonUp
  3897. buttonUp
  3898. Send Message
  3899. oBzclearPage
  3900. Send Message
  3901. changePage
  3902. Send Message
  3903. d*helpId
  3904. OpenUpMailbox
  3905. 0helpid
  3906. ClosedUpMailbox
  3907. {loc, isShift, isCtrl
  3908. "OpenUpMailbox"
  3909. "ClosedUpMailbox"
  3910. buttonDown
  3911. buttonUp
  3912. buttonDown
  3913. OpenUpMailbox
  3914. ClosedUpMailbox
  3915. isCtrl
  3916. isShift
  3917. buttonUp
  3918. ClosedUpMailbox
  3919. OpenUpMailbox
  3920. ClosedUppMailbox
  3921. {loc, isShift, isCtrl
  3922. OpenUpMailbox 
  3923. "titleFront" 
  3924. E the 
  3925. "titleback" 
  3926. clearPage 
  3927. changePage "
  3928. buttonDown
  3929. buttonUp
  3930. buttonDown
  3931. OpenUpMailbox
  3932. isCtrl
  3933. isShift
  3934. buttonUp
  3935. titleFront
  3936. Open Mail
  3937. Open the Mail
  3938. titleback
  3939. Open Mail
  3940. Open the Mail
  3941. oBzclearPage
  3942. Open Mail
  3943. changePage
  3944. Open Mail
  3945. <helpId
  3946. statusLine
  3947. Main Menu
  3948. 4demoIndex
  3949. prevPage 
  3950. "Send a Note"
  3951. nextPage index
  3952.  < 20
  3953. closedUppMailbox 
  3954. B < 30
  3955. "file" 
  3956. demoUpdate 
  3957. y = 10
  3958. democursorlist(4)
  3959. clearPage
  3960. 4displayType
  3961. "vga"
  3962. "EGA titles" 
  3963. "VGA 
  3964. OpenUpMailbox 
  3965. /"Profs"
  3966. demoPopup 
  3967. demoField 
  3968. nextPage
  3969. enterPage
  3970. demoUpdate
  3971. clearPage
  3972. enterPage
  3973. prevPage
  3974. Send a Note
  3975. demoIndex
  3976. nextPage
  3977. buttonDown
  3978. buttonUp
  3979. buttonUp
  3980. closedUppMailbox
  3981. index
  3982. demoUpdate
  3983. democursorlist
  3984. index
  3985. clearPage
  3986. EGA titles
  3987. VGA titles
  3988. VGA titles
  3989. EGA titles
  3990. Profs
  3991. buttonDown
  3992. Profs
  3993. demoField
  3994. demoPopup
  3995. OpenUpMailbox
  3996. displayType
  3997. demotextlist(20)
  3998. Notes that we wish to keep can be stored in file folders for future reference.
  3999. This electronic file cabinet is called the note log...
  4000. democursorlist(21)
  4001. 8085,4545
  4002. democursorlist(10)
  4003. 8070,1830
  4004. demotextList(9)
  4005. The flag is in the raised position on the mailbox icon, indicating that there is mail.
  4006. Let's click on the mailbox to look at our mail...
  4007. democursorlist(8)
  4008. 8370,5625
  4009. democursorlist(7)
  4010. 8355,4650
  4011. democursorlist(6)
  4012. 8370,3900
  4013. democursorlist(5)
  4014. 8340,2985
  4015. democursorlist(4)
  4016. 8340,2100
  4017. democursorlist(3)
  4018. 8460,1170
  4019.     demotextlist(2)
  4020. Rumba MailBox gives you the functions of PROFS with point-and-click simplicity.  Skip complex menus and commands: simply click on the icon that represents the PROFS function you want to perform.  It's that easy!
  4021. demoTextList(1)
  4022. Welcome to Rumba MailBox, the best way to use PROFS.
  4023. Now you can access PROFS electronic mail, calendaring, and other features from a point-and-click, graphical user interface on your PC.
  4024. Main Menuuuuuuu
  4025. Main Menuuuuuuu
  4026. vga titles
  4027. arrow1
  4028. line1
  4029. arrow2
  4030. line2
  4031. Button
  4032. Process Calendars
  4033. Open the Mail
  4034. arrow1
  4035. line1
  4036. Add an Automatic Reminder
  4037. arrow2
  4038. line2
  4039. arrow2
  4040. line2
  4041. Work with the Note Log
  4042. Send a Note
  4043. arrow2
  4044. line2
  4045. Send a Message
  4046. ega titles
  4047. arrow1
  4048. line1
  4049. arrow2
  4050. line2
  4051. Button
  4052. Process Calendars
  4053. Open the Mail
  4054. arrow1
  4055. line1
  4056. Add an Automatic Reminder
  4057. arrow2
  4058. line2
  4059. arrow2
  4060. line2
  4061. Work with the Note Log
  4062. Send a Note
  4063. arrow2
  4064. line2
  4065. Send a Message
  4066. RUMBA GUIS
  4067. RUMBA GUI
  4068. MailBox
  4069. Click an icon to perform the PROFS task that you want.  To obtain help, hold down the Ctrl key while clicking on the thing you'd like help for.
  4070. adfsdaf
  4071. asdfasdf
  4072. demoPopup
  4073. resumepb
  4074. 4demoPaused
  4075. Bpausepb 
  4076. buttonUp
  4077. buttonUp
  4078. pausepb
  4079. demoPaused
  4080. Resume
  4081. pausepb
  4082. 4demoPaused
  4083. Bresumepb
  4084. buttonUp
  4085. buttonUp
  4086. resumepb
  4087. demoPaused
  4088. Pause
  4089. cancelpb
  4090. "Do you really want 
  4091. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  4092. f"Yes" 
  4093. buttonUp
  4094. buttonUp
  4095. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  4096. Cancel
  4097. demoField
  4098. Welcome to Rumba MailBox, the best way to use PROFS.
  4099. Now you can access PROFS electronic mail, calendaring, and other features from a point-and-click, graphical user interface on your PC.3!
  4100. Title Page
  4101. "Mailbox"
  4102. openupmailbox
  4103. "Main Menu"
  4104. InitPROFS
  4105. linkDLL kernel
  4106. WORD globalAlloc(
  4107. , DWORD)
  4108.  globalCompact(
  4109. -Free(
  4110. POINTER globalLock(
  4111. MUnlock(
  4112. D globalSize(
  4113. ~user
  4114. vWinHelp(
  4115. , STRING, 
  4116. ShowWindow(
  4117. SetActiveWindow(
  4118. AddFontResource(
  4119. mergePaths(
  4120. 8, "rumbafnt.fon"))
  4121. unlinkDLL 
  4122. xmemAvail(250) 
  4123. /"Profs"
  4124. "Insufficient memory 
  4125. MailBox Demo."
  4126. >initPROFS
  4127. checkMemory 400 
  4128. e"Import..." 
  4129. e"Export..." 
  4130. e"Print Report..." 
  4131. Pages..." 
  4132. e"About Toolbook..." 
  4133.  Hotwords" 
  4134. e"Topics..." 
  4135. e"Shortcut Keys..." 
  4136. e"Quick Tour..." 
  4137. e"How To Use 
  4138. ..." 
  4139. c"Edit" 
  4140. e"Global Search&..." 
  4141. e"&Book Script" 
  4142. e"Pag&e 
  4143. e"Backgr&ound 
  4144. c"&Options" 
  4145. e"&Configure..." 
  4146. e"&Using 
  4147. ..." 
  4148. e"&Working 
  4149. e"&Index..." 
  4150. ..." 
  4151. 4demoPaused, demoTime
  4152. -- load the DLL's
  4153. "mbxdemo.dll"
  4154. SetPFEIcon(
  4155. INT ShowAboutBox(
  4156. setPFEicon(
  4157. prevPage 
  4158. 4displayType
  4159. "vga"
  4160. "ega"
  4161. clearPage 
  4162. Upinkline 
  4163. /"Title"
  4164. "OpenUpMailbox" 
  4165. terminatePROFS
  4166. hlp"), 2, 0)
  4167. InitPROFS
  4168. enterPage
  4169. clearPage
  4170. terminatePROFS
  4171. enterPage
  4172. Mailbox
  4173. Main Menu
  4174. openupmailbox
  4175. InitPROFS
  4176. globalAlloc
  4177. globalCompact
  4178. globalFree
  4179. globalLock
  4180. globalUnlock
  4181. globalSize
  4182. WinHelp
  4183. ShowWindow
  4184. SetActiveWindow
  4185. AddFontResource
  4186. rumbafnt.fon
  4187. mergePaths
  4188. AddFontResource
  4189. Profs
  4190. memAvail
  4191. Insufficient memory to run MailBox Demo.
  4192. checkMemory
  4193. Profs
  4194. Import...
  4195. Export...
  4196. Print Report...
  4197. Print Pages...
  4198. About Toolbook...
  4199. Show Hotwords
  4200. Topics...
  4201. Shortcut Keys...
  4202. Quick Tour...
  4203. How To Use Help...
  4204. Global Search&...
  4205. &Book Script
  4206. Pag&e Script
  4207. Backgr&ound Script
  4208. &Options
  4209. &Configure...
  4210. Options
  4211. &Using Help...
  4212. &Working with MailBox
  4213. &Index...
  4214. A&bout...
  4215. seconds
  4216. mbxdemo.dll
  4217. SetPFEIcon
  4218. ShowAboutBox
  4219. sizetopage
  4220. setPFEicon
  4221. Profs
  4222. prevPage
  4223. oBzclearPage
  4224. pg:to
  4225. displayType
  4226. demoPaused
  4227. demoTime
  4228. kernel
  4229. clearPage
  4230. MailBox
  4231. Title
  4232. OpenUpMailbox
  4233. pinkline
  4234. terminatePROFS
  4235. mbxdemo.hlp
  4236. mergePaths
  4237. WinHelp
  4238. clearScreen
  4239. false
  4240. pagesRead
  4241. MailBox
  4242. MailBox
  4243. MailBox
  4244. ClosedUpMailbox
  4245. OpenUpMailbox
  4246. ClosedUpMailbox
  4247. {loc, isShift, isCtrl
  4248. "OpenUpMailbox"
  4249. "ClosedUpMailbox"
  4250. buttonDown
  4251. buttonUp
  4252. buttonDown
  4253. OpenUpMailbox
  4254. ClosedUpMailbox
  4255. isCtrl
  4256. isShift
  4257. buttonUp
  4258. ClosedUpMailbox
  4259. OpenUpMailbox
  4260. Title
  4261. Upinkline 
  4262. 11500,3350
  4263. 13000 
  4264. H1000
  4265. H-1000,0
  4266. GlobalSearch
  4267. 4globalSearchString, globalFoundP
  4268. "Cancel"
  4269. doSearch 
  4270. backgrounds 
  4271. bground 
  4272.  && "
  4273. xfound."
  4274. objs 
  4275. enterBackground
  4276. GlobalSearch
  4277. doSearch
  4278. enterBackground
  4279. pinkline
  4280. GlobalSearch
  4281. String to search for?
  4282. Cancel
  4283. ZdoSearch
  4284. ZdoSearch
  4285. ZdoSearch
  4286. not found.
  4287. bground
  4288. backgrounds
  4289. globalSearchString
  4290. globalFoundP
  4291. doSearch
  4292. ZdoSearch
  4293. globalSearchString
  4294. globalFoundP
  4295. hostWait
  4296. RUMBA GUIS
  4297. RUMBA GUI
  4298. pinkline
  4299. View the Month
  4300. demoUpdate index
  4301. minId 
  4302. hiLight 
  4303. cdate 
  4304. note \
  4305. "Note: Get 
  4306. early 
  4307. international call."
  4308. clearPage 
  4309. "Work With the Schedule"
  4310. changePage "
  4311. hilight 
  4312. "Bring latest figures 
  4313. George."
  4314. demoPopup 
  4315. demoField 
  4316. demoUpdate
  4317. clearPage
  4318. demoUpdate
  4319. first day
  4320. Note: Get in early for international call.
  4321. oBzclearPage
  4322. Work With the Schedule
  4323. changePage
  4324. Work With the Schedule
  4325. cdate
  4326. hiLight
  4327. minId
  4328. index
  4329. clearPage
  4330. first day
  4331. Bring latest figures for George.
  4332. demoField
  4333. demoPopup
  4334. cdate
  4335. hilight
  4336. minId
  4337. demotextlist(2)
  4338. You can view another user's calendar by typing that person's name.  The schedule of another month can be obtained by clicking the left or right arrow, or typing a date.
  4339. democursorlist(4)
  4340. 5910,1500
  4341. demotextlist(3)
  4342. Double-clicking on a day will show you that day's schedule in detail...
  4343. demotextlist(1)
  4344. MailBox allows you to see your schedule for an entire month at a time.  Clicking on a day will show notes from that day's schedule.
  4345. firstDay
  4346. calendarsOK
  4347. false
  4348. calendarOK
  4349. mdate
  4351. View the Month of Mayuuaryrne                                                                                                                                                                        
  4352. View the Month of Mayyuaryrne                                                                                                                                                                        
  4353. helpID
  4354. helpID
  4355. Calendar
  4356. helpid
  4357. Sunyyy
  4358. Monyyy
  4359. Tueyyyy
  4360. Wednesday
  4361. first day
  4362. notey
  4363. notex
  4365. notey
  4366. notex
  4368. notey
  4369. notex
  4371. ...M....
  4372. notey
  4373. notex
  4375. .....MM...
  4376. notey
  4377. notex
  4378. expanded
  4380. ........
  4381. notey
  4382. notex
  4384. P....MM.
  4385. notey
  4386. notex
  4388. ........
  4389. notey
  4390. notex
  4392. ........
  4393. notey
  4394. notex
  4396. ........
  4397. notey
  4398. notex
  4400. ........
  4401. notey
  4402. notex
  4404. ........
  4405. notey
  4406. notex
  4407. expanded
  4409. ........
  4410. notey
  4411. notex
  4413. ........
  4414. notey
  4415. notex
  4417. ........
  4418. notey
  4419. notex
  4421. ........
  4422. notey
  4423. notex
  4425. ........
  4426. notey
  4427. notex
  4429. ........
  4430. notey
  4431. notex
  4433. ........
  4434. ` T notey
  4435. z n notex
  4436.  expanded
  4438. ........
  4439. D!8!notey
  4440. R!notex
  4442. ........
  4443. !notey
  4444. "notex
  4445. T","Q"
  4447. ........
  4448. "notey
  4449. "notex
  4451. .........
  4452. #notey
  4453. #notex
  4455. ........
  4456. Z$N$notey
  4457. h$notex
  4459. ........
  4460. %notey
  4461. .%notex
  4462. j%B%g%
  4464. ........
  4465. %notey
  4466. %notex
  4467. &expanded
  4468. N&&&K&
  4470. .........
  4471. ¬ey
  4472. ¬ex
  4474. ........
  4475. 'notey
  4476. 'notex
  4478. ........
  4479. \(P(notey
  4480. j(notex
  4482. ........
  4483. )notey
  4484. .)notex
  4485. j)B)g)
  4487. ........
  4488. )notey
  4489. )notex
  4491. ........
  4492. *notey
  4493. *notex
  4495. ........
  4496. r+f+notey
  4497. +notex
  4498. +expanded
  4500. ........
  4501. V,J,notey
  4502. d,notex
  4504. -notey
  4505. *-notex
  4506. f->-c-
  4508. -notey
  4509. -notex
  4511. .notey
  4512. .notex
  4514. /helpid
  4515. Bring latest figures for George.onal call.
  4516. Calendar for:
  4517. calendar for
  4518. B1helpid
  4519. Fred Johnson
  4520. Date:::::::
  4521. cdate
  4522. 02helpid
  4523. 05/01/90
  4524. hilight
  4525. 2helpid
  4526. demoPopup
  4527. resumepb
  4528. 4demoPaused
  4529. Bpausepb 
  4530. buttonUp
  4531. buttonUp
  4532. pausepb
  4533. demoPaused
  4534. Resume
  4535. pausepb
  4536. 4demoPaused
  4537. Bresumepb
  4538. buttonUp
  4539. buttonUp
  4540. resumepb
  4541. demoPaused
  4542. Pause
  4543. cancelpb
  4544. "Do you really want 
  4545. the Rumba MailBox Demo?" \
  4546. f"Yes" 
  4547. buttonUp
  4548. buttonUp
  4549. Do you really want to exit the Rumba MailBox Demo?
  4550. Cancel
  4551. demoField
  4552. Profs
  4553. View the Month
  4554. Open Mail