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File List
240 lines
This is a brief listing of all the routines in ProBas 2.0, so you can get
a better idea of what it has to offer. Routine names in upper case (which
is 226 of them) are in assembly language. Routine names in mixed case
(only six of them) are in BASIC, with source provided. See also PROBAS.DOC.
ADDMATI...........add an integer to all elements of a static or dynamic array
ANY2DEC...........convert a number from any base to decimal
BICKEL............match similar strings using Bickel's algorithm
BIGPRINT..........display text in large characters
BKSCROLL..........scroll any area of the screen down
BKSPACE...........destructive backspace
BLINK.............switch screen between blinking and intense background colors
BLOCKMOVE.........move (copy) a block of memory
BREAKOFF..........disable the Ctrl-Break key
BSQ...............compress a string
BUSQ..............uncompress a string
BUSQLEN...........find the uncompressed length of a compressed string
CALCATTR..........calculate a color attribute
CALCSIZE..........calculate the array size needed to hold a given screen image
CARRIER...........return the carrier detect communications signal
CHECKKEY..........check keyboard (and optionally mouse) for input
CHECKSUM..........calculate an Xmodem-style checksum
CIPHER............encrypt/decrypt a string
CIPHERP...........encrypt/decrypt a string in printable form
CLRCOLS...........clear between the specified columns on a given row
CLREOL............clear from the cursor to the end of the line
CLREOP............clear from the cursor to the end of the display page
CLRKBD............clear pending keys from the keyboard buffer
CLRSOL............clear from the start of the line to the cursor
CLRSOP............clear from the start of the display page to the cursor
COPYFILE..........copy a file
CRC...............calculate a CRC using algorithms (smaller & slower)
CRC2..............calculate a CRC using tables (faster & larger)
CRUNCH............remove repeated occurrences of a given char. from a string
DATASEG...........return the value of BASIC's data segment
DATE2INT..........convert a date to an integer for reduced storage requirements
DATEN2S...........convert a date from numbers to a string
DATES2N...........convert a date from a string to numbers
DBIGPRINT.........print in big letters to a virtual screen
DCLEAR............clear a virtual screen
DCLEARSS..........clear a virtual screen of a size greater than 80x25
DDOSTASKS.........control DoubleDOS task switching
DEC2ANY...........convert a number from decimal to any base
DELAY.............delay for a given number of seconds
DELAY18TH.........delay for a given number of 18ths of seconds
DELCHR............delete a character from the screen
DELFILE...........delete a file
DELLINE...........delete a line from the screen
DELSUB............delete a subdirectory
DFREAD............read from a file into any array
DFWRITE...........write from any array to a file
DGETREC...........get a string record stored in a numeric array
DGETSCREEN........get any part of a screen into any array
DGETSCREENSS......get any part of a nonstandard-sized screen into any array
DGQPRINT..........print text to a graphics virtual screen
DGXQPRINT.........print colored text to graphics virtual screen
DISKSTAT..........return statistics about a given disk drive
DISSOLVE..........clear the screen with a "dissolve" effect
DMPRINT...........print to screen via DOS functions (redirectable, ANSI works)
DOSINKEY..........get input via DOS functions (redirectable)
DOUB2LONG.........convert from double precision to a simulated long integer
DPUTREC...........put a string record into a numeric array
DPUTSCREEN........put a saved screen onto any part of the display
DPUTSCREENSS......put a saved screen of nonstandard size onto the display
DRVSPACE..........return the free space left on a given disk drive
DRVSPACEL.........return the free space left on a given disk drive as a long
DSORT.............sort string records in a numeric array (ascending)
DSORTB............backwards sort string records in a numeric array (descending)
DTR...............control the communications signal DTR
DWindowManager....puts a pop-up window into a virtual screen
DXQPRINT..........print a string to a virtual screen
DYNPTR............set up any array for use with ProBas routines
Elapsed...........returns the time elapsed between two times
EMSCLOSE..........close an EMS "array"
EMSGET............get a number from an EMS "array"
EMSOPEN...........DIM an EMS array: any numeric type, and as large as you want!
EMSPUT............put a number into an EMS "array"
EQUIPMENT.........return base memory, serial ports, parallel ports, game ports
EXIST.............find out if a given file exists
EXTRACT...........extract any substring from a delimited string
FADEOUT...........clear the screen by doing a "fadeout"
FCLOSE............close a file opened by FOPEN or FCREATE
FCREATE...........create a new file
FGETLOC...........get the file pointer
FINDFIRSTF........find the first file to match a given filespec (wildcards ok)
FINDNEXTF.........find the next file(s) to match (used after FINDFIRSTF, above)
FOPEN.............open an existing file-- provides network support, too
FREAD.............read from a file into a static array
FSETEND...........move to the end of the file (for appending information)
FSETLOC...........set the file pointer
FSETOFS...........move the file pointer relative to its current position
FSETREC...........set the file pointer to a given record number
FSIZE.............return the file size
FWRITE............write from a static array to a file
GETATTRF..........get the attribute of a file matched by FINDFIRSTF etc
GETCRT............find out whether the display can handle color
GETDATEF..........get the date of a file matched by FINDFIRSTF etc
GETDDOS...........see if DoubleDOS is installed
GETDOSV...........get the MS-DOS or PC-DOS version number
GETDRV............get the default drive
GETEGA............find out whether the display is an EGA, and if so, what kind
GETEXTM...........get the amount of extended memory installed (ATs only)
GETFATTR..........get the attribute of a file
GETFDATE..........get the date of a file
GETFTIME..........get the time of a file
GETKBD............get keyboard toggles-- Insert, CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock
GETKEY............get input from the keyboard (and optionally mouse)
GETLIMM...........find out how much (if any) EMS/EEMS expanded memory exists
GETLIMV...........get the version of the expanded memory driver software
GETLINE...........get a line from a saved screen into a string
GETMOUSELOC.......get the mouse location in text-mode coordinates
GETNAMEF..........get the name of a file matched with FINDFIRSTF etc
GETROWS...........get the number of rows displayed on the screen
GETSCREEN.........get any part of the screen into a static array
GETSIZEF..........get the size of a file matched with FINDFIRSTF etc
GETSIZEFL.........get the size of a file matched with FINDFIRSTF etc as a long
GETSUB............return the default subdirectory
GETSWITCH.........return the DOS switch character
GETTIME...........get the current time, down to hundredths of a second
GETTIMEF..........get the time of a file matched with FINDFIRSTF etc
GETTVIEW..........see if TopView, TaskView or DesqView is installed
GETVALIDKEY.......wait for and return one of a list of acceptable keys
GETVERIFY.........get the status of the DOS verify setting
GETVIDMODE........get the video mode, columns per screen, etc
GLOAD.............a fast "BLOAD" routine
GQPRINT...........fast print of text in graphics mode (SCREEN 2)
GXQPRINT..........fast print of colored text in graphics mode (SCREEN 1 or 2)
GRAFPRINT.........display text of any size, at any pixel, in graphics mode
GRAFREST..........restore a saved graphics screen (SCREEN 1 or 2)
GRAFSAVE..........save a graphics screen (SCREEN 1 or 2)
INSCHR............insert a character onto the screen
INSLINE...........insert a line onto the screen
INT2DATE..........convert an integer into a date
INT2TIME..........convert an integer into a time
IPTRSORT..........sort an integer array, using pointers
KEYPRESS..........see if a key has been pressed
LCLOSE............close an EMS "file"
LGET..............get a record from an EMS "file"
LOCASE............convert a string to lower case
Long2Doub.........convert a simulated long integer to double precision
LOPEN.............open an area of expanded (EMS) memory as a "file"
LPTRSORT..........sort a long integer array, using pointers
LPUT..............put a record into an EMS "file"
LROTATE...........rotate the characters in a string left once
LSCROLL...........scroll an area of the screen left
MAKESUB...........make a subdirectory
MDELCHR...........delete a character from the screen area defined by MWINDOW
MINSCHR...........insert a character from the screen area defined by MWINDOW
MMBUTTON..........return the mouse buttons being pressed
MMCHECK...........check for a mouse, and tell how many buttons it has
MMCLICK...........return the mouse buttons pressed since the last check
MMCURSOROFF.......make the mouse cursor invisible
MMCURSORON........make the mouse cursor visible
MMGETLOC..........get the mouse location in graphics-mode coordinates
MMSETLOC..........set the mouse location in graphics-mode coordinates
MMSETRANGE........set the mouse range in graphics-mode coordinates
MONTH.............return the month in a string, given the month number
MPRINT............print a string via BIOS/DOS video functions (ANSI works)
MULTIAND..........AND all characters of a string with a given value
MULTIOR...........OR all characters of a string with a given value
MULTIXOR..........XOR all characters of a string with a given value
MWINDOW...........define a display window for MPRINT, MDELCHR, MINSCHR
NumFormat.........lets you do a "PRINT USING" to a string instead of the screen
NUMPROC...........return the type of numeric coprocessor installed, if any
PARSEFSPEC........parse a file spec into a drive, path, and file name
PCTYPE............return the PC identification code
PRINTSCREEN.......send the screen to the printer, like Shift-PrtSc on keyboard
PROCESSOR.........return the type of CPU installed (8088,80188,80286,80386 etc)
PRTCHECK..........see if a printer is ready
PRTSWAP...........swap any two printers
PUTSCREEN.........put a saved screen to any display area from a static array
QPRINT............fast print a string, using the currently-active screen colors
READBITF..........get a number from a simulated array of specified word length
RECOLOR...........change everything of a given color to another color
RECOLORAREA.......change everything in a given area to another color
RENAME............rename a file
REPLACE...........replace a given character in a string with another character
RESETPOINT........reset a point (text-mode graphics: 80x50)
REVERSE...........reverse a string
REVERSEPTR........reverse a pointer array (for backwards sorting)
RROTATE...........rotate the characters in a string right once
RSCROLL...........scroll an area of the screen right
SCR2FILE..........put a saved screen into a file (appending as needed)
SCR2FILESS........put a saved screen of nonstandard size into a file
SCROLL............scroll an area of the screen up
SCRREST...........restore an entire saved screen from a static array
SCRSAVE...........save the entire screen to a static array
SCRUNCH...........compress a screen, for lower space requirements
SETCOMM...........set the communications port to high speeds (300-57,600 baud)
SETDRV............set the default drive
SETERROR..........set the error level to be returned when your program exits
SETFATTR..........set the attribute of a file
SETFTD............set the time and date of a file
SETKBD............set keyboard toggles: Insert, CapsLock, NumLock, ScrollLock
SETMATI...........initialize an array to a given integer value
SETMOUSELOC.......set mouse location in text-mode coordinates
SETMOUSERANGE.....set mouse range in text-mode coordinates
SETPIXEL..........turn a graphics pixel on or off (like PSET, but much faster)
SETPOINT..........set a point (text-mode graphics: 80x50)
SETROWS...........set the number of rows on the display (25 or 43 on EGA)
SETSUB............set the default subdirectory
SETVERIFY.........set the DOS verify option
SFREAD............read from a file into a string
SFWRITE...........write from a string to a file
SHIFTL............shift an integer left
SHIFTLL...........shift a long left
SHIFTR............shift an integer right
SHIFTRL...........shift a long right
SINPUT............controlled field input, with WordStar and DOS editing
SINPUTSET.........set default preferences for SINPUT
SOUNDEX...........match two similar words using Soundex algorithm
SPEAKER...........turn speaker on or off
SPTRSORT..........sort a string array, using pointers
SSRCH.............see if a string contains a substring, case-insensitive
Strip.............strip blanks off both sides of a string
STRIPBLANKS.......strip blanks off either or both sides of a string
STRIPCHAR.........strip a given character from a string
STRIPRANGE........strip a given range of characters from a string
SUBEXIST..........see if a given subdirectory exists
TESTPIXEL.........quickly return the current color of a graphics pixel
TESTPOINT.........return the setting of a point (text-mode graphics: 80x50)
TIME2INT..........convert time to an integer
TIMEN2S...........convert time from numbers to a string
TIMES2N...........convert time from a string to numbers
TINSTR............find the first occurrence of a given type of char in a string
UNSCRUNCH.........uncompress a "scrunched" saved screen
UPCASE............convert a string to uppercase
VGETSCREEN........get any part of a virtual screen from another virtual screen
VGETSCREENSS......same as VGETSCREEN, for screens of a nonstandard size
VPUTSCREEN........put a virtual screen into any part of another v. screen
VPUTSCREENSS......same as VPUTSCREEN, for screens of a nonstandard size
WEEKDAY...........returns the current day of the week
WindowManager.....high-powered pop-up window generator
WRITEBITF.........put a number into a simulated array of specified word length
XLATE.............modifies a string using a translation table
XMPRINT...........displays a string using a translation table
XQPRINT...........fast print of a string to video, using specified color