Shareware Overload
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74 lines
; ZOOM to the extents of the virtual screen
(defun C:ZE ()
(command "ZOOM" "W" (getvar "VSMIN") (getvar "VSMAX"))
; ZOOM Window like ZOOM Dynamic except done on current display
; doesn't handle keyboard except space, return and arrow keys
(defun drawbox () ; draw the box
(grdraw ll ul -1) (grdraw ul ur -1)
(grdraw ur lr -1) (grdraw lr ll -1)
(if (= mode 0) (cenx) (arrow))
(defun cenx () ; draw center X
(grdraw x1 x2 -1) (grdraw x3 x4 -1)
(defun arrow () ; draw sizing arrow
(grdraw a1 a4 -1) (grdraw a2 a4 -1) (grdraw a3 a4 -1)
(defun defbox () ; redefine box parameters & draw
(setq deltay (* deltax aspect)) ; assume deltax & center were
(setq xcen (car center) ycen (cadr center)) ; reset in higher level
(setq lx (- xcen deltax) ux (+ xcen deltax)) ; lower/upper X/Y for box
(setq ly (- ycen deltay) uy (+ ycen deltay))
(setq ll (list lx ly) ul (list lx uy)) ; corners of box
(setq ur (list ux uy) lr (list ux ly))
(setq yp (+ ycen arm) ym (- ycen arm)) ; upper/lower Y for cross and arrow
(setq a1 (list (- ux arm) yp) a2 (list (- ux arm) ym)) ; left arrow tips
(setq a3 (list (- ux arm arm) ycen)) ; arrow tail
(setq a4 (list ux ycen)) ; right end of all three
(setq x1 (list (- xcen arm) ym) x2 (list (+ xcen arm) yp)) ; ends of X
(setq x3 (list (- xcen arm) yp) x4 (list (+ xcen arm) ym))
(defun C:ZW (/ arm aspect center deltax inp loop mode prev pt source)
(setq center (getvar "VIEWCTR")) ; start at screen center
(setvar "LASTPOINT" (setq prev center)) ; try to re-center cursor
(setq aspect (/ (cadr (setq aspect (getvar "SCREENSIZE"))) (car aspect)))
(setq deltax (* 0.25 (getvar "VIEWSIZE"))) ; use 1/4 screen box
(setq arm (* 0.1 deltax) mode 0 loop T) ; initially in box move mode
(while loop
(setq inp (grread T)) ; get input, tracking
(setq source (car inp) pt (cadr inp)) ; isolate source and # or point
(cond ((= source 3) ; "pick" button?
(cenx) (arrow) ; erase old & draw new or vice versa
(setq mode (- 1 mode)) ; toggle box mode
(setvar "LASTPOINT" center)) ; try to re-center cursor
((= source 5) ; tracking point?
(if (or (/= (car prev) (car pt)) ; if it moved
(/= (cadr prev) (cadr pt)))
(progn ; change or move box
(if (= mode 0)
(setq center pt)
(setq deltax (+ deltax (- (car pt) (car prev)))))
(setq prev pt)
(drawbox) ; erase old box
(defbox) ; set new center/size and draw
((or (and (= source 6) (= pt 0)) ; button 1, or
(and (= source 2) ; keyboard and
(or (= pt 13) (= pt 32)))) ; CR or blank?
(drawbox) ; erase old box
(command "ZOOM" "W" ll ur)
(setq loop nil)) ; exit
(T ; any other grread value
(drawbox) ; erase old box
(setq loop nil a " ^cancel ")) ; exit