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Text File  |  1991-01-10  |  9KB  |  725 lines

  2. Spiritual
  3. Telepathic
  4. Telekinetic
  5. ESP
  6. %
  8. Father
  9. Uncle
  10. Grandfather
  11. Grandmother
  12. Son
  13. Daughter
  14. Mother
  15. Aunt
  16. Postman
  17. Dog-catcher
  18. IRS Man
  19. Hairdresser
  20. Avon Lady
  21. %
  22. WEAPON
  23. Meat Cleaver
  24. Hatchet
  25. Machete
  26. Phased Plasma Rifle (40 watt range)
  27. Chain Saw
  28. Samuri sword
  29. Axe
  30. Machine Gun
  31. Anti-tank weapon
  32. FRUIT
  33. %
  34. GHOST
  35. Ghost
  36. Evil Spirt
  37. Poltergist
  38. Demon
  39. Phantom
  40. Bogie Man
  41. %
  43. Buddist
  44. Methodist
  45. Baptist
  46. Islamic
  47. Moslem
  48. Roman Catholic
  49. Athiest
  50. %
  51. UFFO
  52. UFO
  53. Flying Saucer
  54. Space Ship
  55. Mother Ship
  56. Space cruiser
  57. USS enterprise
  58. Galactic Space Cruiser
  59. %
  60. PLANET
  61. Pluto
  62. Mars
  63. Venus
  64. Mercury
  65. Neptune
  66. Saturn
  67. Jupiter
  68. The Moon
  69. %
  70. ET
  71. Extra-terrestial
  72. E.T.
  73. Space Alien
  74. Being
  75. Space Being
  76. Cyborg
  77. Humanoid
  78. Alien
  79. %
  80. FRUIT
  81. Mango
  82. Tomato
  83. Banana
  84. Cherry
  85. Apple
  86. Plum
  87. Pear
  88. Orange
  89. Tangerene
  90. Lemon
  91. Lime
  92. %
  94. Crazed
  95. Drug Crazed
  96. Insane
  97. Manic Depressive
  98. Neurotic
  99. Psychotic
  100. Psychopathic
  101. Devoted
  102. Religious
  103. Fanatical
  104. Pathalogical
  105. %
  106. KILLER
  107. KILLERX
  108. KILLERX
  109. KILLERX
  111. %
  112. KILLERX
  113. FRUIT
  114. FRUIT
  115. FRUIT
  116. Great White Shark
  117. Terminator
  118. Ewok
  119. Wombat
  120. Bee
  121. Wasp
  122. Whale
  123. Shark
  124. Lion
  125. Dolphin
  126. Elephant
  127. Worm
  128. Clam
  129. Kitten
  130. Lobster
  131. Tiger
  132. Leapord
  133. Panda
  134. Crocodile
  135. %
  136. COLOR
  137. Purple
  138. Orange
  139. Violet
  140. Red
  141. Green
  142. Yellow
  143. Blue
  144. White
  145. Black
  146. Grey
  147. %
  149. Leg
  150. Arm
  151. Head
  152. Hand
  153. Foot
  154. Finger
  155. Toe
  156. Shoulder
  157. Elbow
  158. Knee
  159. Nose
  160. Ear
  161. %
  162. MCELEB
  163. Ronald Reagan
  164. Frank Sinatra
  165. Michael Jackson
  166. Prince
  167. Mick Jagger
  168. Donny Osmond
  169. Jonny Carson
  170. Richard Nixon
  171. Prince Charles
  172. George Lucas
  173. %
  174. FCELEB
  175. Princess Diana
  176. Queen Elizabeth
  177. Nancy Reagan
  178. Linda Ronstadt
  179. %
  180. BABY
  181. Baby
  182. Child
  183. Son
  184. Daughter
  185. %
  186. ATE
  187. ate
  188. kidnapped
  189. took
  190. killed
  191. maimed
  192. injured
  193. raped
  194. %
  195. SAYS
  196. Says
  197. Reveals
  198. Admits
  199. Claims
  200. %
  201. SAY
  202. Say
  203. Reveal
  204. Admit
  205. Claim
  206. Warn
  207. %
  208. DOCTOR
  209. Doctor
  210. Psychologist
  211. Psychiatrists
  212. Physician
  213. Neurologist
  214. Dentist
  215. Optician
  216. %
  218. Scientist
  219. DOCTOR
  220. Chemist
  221. Physicist
  222. Meta-physicist
  223. Engineer
  224. Computer Scientist
  225. Professor
  226. Whizz Kid
  227. Brain Boff
  228. AI Expert
  229. Pattern Recognition Researcher
  230. %
  232. Russian
  233. Soviet
  234. British
  235. Polish
  236. French
  237. Belgian
  238. Swiss
  239. German
  240. Spanish
  241. Mexican
  242. American
  243. Canadian
  244. Australian
  245. Chinese
  246. Japanese
  247. %
  248. DESEASE
  249. Herpes
  250. Aids
  251. Flu
  252. Leprosy
  253. VD
  254. Back ache
  255. Chicken Pox
  256. Headache
  257. %
  259. Santa Claus
  260. Bigfoot
  261. Snow White
  262. God
  263. Budda
  264. Mary Poppins
  265. The Loch Ness Monster
  266. The Wicked Witch of the East
  267. The Wizard of Oz
  268. Captain Kirk
  269. Biggles
  270. Kermit the frog
  271. Batman
  272. Superman
  273. Spiderman
  274. Skeletor
  275. He Man
  276. %
  277. KILL
  278. Kill
  279. Murder
  280. Maim
  281. Slaughter
  282. Mutilate
  283. Shoot
  284. Mug
  285. %
  286. NUMBER
  287. NUMBER1
  288. twenty NUMBER1
  289. thirty NUMBER1
  290. forty NUMBER1
  291. fifty NUMBER1
  292. sixty NUMBER1
  293. seventy NUMBER1
  294. eighty NUMBER1
  295. ninety NUMBER1
  296. %
  297. NUMBER1
  298. two
  299. three
  300. four
  301. five
  302. six
  303. seven
  304. eight
  305. nine
  306. %
  307. FOOD
  308. Taco
  309. FRUIT
  310. Enchilada
  311. Burrito
  312. Chile Relleno
  313. Tostada
  314. %
  315. PERSON
  316. KILLER
  317. Football player
  318. Man
  319. Woman
  320. TV Personality
  321. Game Show Host
  322. Politician
  324. DOCTOR
  327. Student
  328. NATIONALITY Student
  329. ET
  330. %
  332. Aeroplane
  333. Helicopter
  334. Airship
  335. Hot air balloon
  336. Helium ballon
  337. UFO
  338. Jet fighter
  339. 747
  340. DC10
  341. %
  342. CELEB
  343. MCELEB
  344. FCELEB
  345. %
  347. grape
  348. erect
  349. flaccid
  350. lucid
  351. volatile
  352. sacrificial
  353. monotonic
  354. ritual
  355. ultra-violet
  356. incestuous
  357. insipid
  358. mangy
  359. beautiful
  360. sensuous
  361. pulsating
  362. autonomous
  363. royal
  364. subtle
  365. structured
  366. turbo-charged
  367. jet-propelled
  368. geriatric
  369. sub-normal
  370. hasty
  371. lovely
  372. happy
  373. ecstatic
  374. lonely
  375. seminal
  376. frequent
  377. yellow
  378. mauve
  379. paisley
  380. sick
  381. matte
  382. hard
  383. slimy
  384. awful
  385. wonderful
  386. grotesque
  387. magnanimous
  388. bletcherous
  389. neutral
  390. horny
  391. brownian
  392. decent
  393. indecent
  394. homicidal
  395. homosexual
  396. lesbian
  397. cloudy
  398. pusillanimous
  399. intersticial
  400. hyperbolic
  401. smelly
  402. pallid
  403. ethereal
  404. natural
  405. synthetic
  406. heavy
  407. narcotic
  408. hallucinogenic
  409. alcoholic
  410. cosmic
  411. radio-active
  412. gay
  413. %
  414. NOUN
  415. cavern
  416. tribble
  417. warp drive
  418. camera
  419. ADO
  420. masturbation
  421. lemon
  422. laxative
  423. snob
  424. idiot
  425. genius
  426. intellectual
  427. yogurt
  428. resurrection
  429. alien
  430. iron lung
  431. atomic bomb
  432. hard-on
  433. turbine
  434. car
  435. airplane
  436. vomit
  437. aluminum
  438. cocaine
  439. aphrodisiac
  440. diahrrea
  441. linked list
  442. yellow submarine
  443. amplitude modulation
  444. hypertension
  445. orgy
  446. time-base corrector
  447. erection
  448. ejaculation
  449. floppy disk
  450. inflatable woman
  451. main buss
  452. hyperdrive
  453. torso
  454. removable cartridge
  455. negative entropy
  456. ion drive
  457. brownian motion
  458. invertible matrix
  459. bomb
  460. terminal
  461. bubblegum
  462. peanut butter
  463. laser
  464. software
  465. hardware
  466. cosmos
  467. universe
  468. bagel
  469. disk-pack
  470. PDP11/70
  471. gnome
  472. rabbit
  473. carp
  474. U S S Enterprise
  475. auto-chroma
  476. PHOENIX
  477. ADO
  478. apocalypse
  479. byte
  480. interrupt vector
  481. harmony
  482. core-dump
  483. frame-store
  484. apple
  485. chicken sandwich
  486. ant
  487. planet
  488. mango
  489. banana
  490. VPR 2
  491. vena cava
  492. harp seal
  493. network
  494. coke machine
  495. star
  496. galaxy
  497. super-nova
  498. head-hunter
  499. aardvark
  500. wombat
  501. bit-plane
  502. astral plane
  503. hyper-space
  504. sun
  505. moon
  506. Klingon Space Cruiser
  507. gorilla
  508. Tyrannasaurus Rex
  509. Mug Root Beer
  510. Omni-byte
  511. Lamina air-flow
  512. tape transport mechanism
  513. %
  514. NAME
  515. Rev Sun Myung Moon
  516. Menachim Begin
  517. Darth Vader
  518. Yoda
  519. Princess Leia
  520. Luke Skywalker
  521. R2D2
  522. Obi Wan Kenobi
  523. E.T.
  524. Hare Krishna
  525. Godzilla
  526. Robby the Robot
  527. Zaphod
  528. Buddah
  529. Princess Diana
  530. Prince Charles
  531. Ronald Reagan
  532. Tony Orlando
  533. John Kennedy
  534. Winnie the Pooh
  535. Garp
  536. Genghis Khan
  537. Michaelangelo
  538. Gunga Din
  539. Robert Browning
  540. Margaret Thatcher
  541. Jimmy Carter
  542. Jane Fonda
  543. Liza Minnelli
  544. Frodo
  545. Gandalf
  546. Dwalin
  547. Balin
  548. Fili
  549. Kili
  550. James T Kirk
  551. Spock
  552. Uhura
  553. Dr Armand Hammer
  554. %
  555. VERB
  556. program
  557. massacre
  558. murder
  559. love
  560. magnify
  561. debug
  562. beautify
  563. violate
  564. rotate
  565. chriek
  566. scream
  567. murmur
  568. whisper
  569. enlighten
  570. nuke
  571. pinch
  572. throw
  573. thrash
  574. abandon
  575. create
  576. destroy
  577. mount
  578. pre-process
  579. compile
  580. gestate
  581. generate
  582. maintain
  583. compile
  584. parse
  585. fly
  586. stench
  587. hasten
  588. fornicate
  589. frequent
  590. approach
  591. laminate
  592. interrupt
  593. herniate
  594. signal
  595. correlate
  596. concatenate
  597. write
  598. dilate
  599. predispose
  600. articulate
  601. erect
  602. plant
  603. rescind
  604. plough
  605. rip out
  606. seed
  607. eat
  608. mow
  609. grow
  610. grope
  611. groan
  612. sacrifice
  613. idolize
  614. jellify
  615. adulterate
  616. stipulate
  617. hallucinate
  618. support
  619. fondle
  620. carress
  621. touch
  622. descend
  623. ascend
  624. meditate
  625. project
  626. eject
  627. incarcerate
  628. remove
  629. protect
  630. tumble
  631. %
  632. PLACE
  633. The World Beyond
  634. Redwood City
  635. Australia
  636. Nevada
  637. Austin, Texas
  638. Magrathea
  639. Outer Space
  640. England
  641. San Franciso
  642. Castro Street
  643. San Jose
  644. LA
  645. New York
  646. Orlando, Florida
  647. Missouri
  648. Middle Earth
  649. The Shire
  650. Barsoom
  651. Planet Vulcan
  652. Fremont Airport
  653. White House
  654. Tokyo
  655. Transylvania
  656. Times Square
  657. Wall Street
  658. Stanford Shopping Center
  659. San Rafael
  660. Israel
  661. Beirut
  662. Qom
  663. Frodo's hobbit-hole
  664. Mordor
  665. BBC television center
  666. Dr. Who's Tardis
  667. Red Square
  668. Kremlin
  669. Majorca
  670. Monte Carlo
  671. Hsi-Nan restaurant
  672. Nirvana
  673. %
  674. CODE
  675. CONST\
  676. CONST\
  677. CONST\
  678. CONST\
  679. CONST.\
  680. CONST.\
  682. %
  683. TRAILER
  684. CELEB reveals all.
  685. Exclusive pictures inside.
  686. NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s offer undeniable proof.
  687. Photographic evidence offers proof.
  688. %
  689. CONST
  690. "Killer KILLER's from PLANET ATE my BABY" SAYS CELEB
  691. "CELEB is really ET from PLANET" SAYS CELEB
  693. MCELEB and FCELEB Secretly Wed in PLACE, Its official
  694. Eating FRUIT|s can give you DESEASE, SAY NATIONALITY DOCTOR|s
  695. "ET|s from PLANET gave me DESEASE" SAYS CELEB
  696. "FICTCHAR is for real". NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s come up with undeniable proof.
  697. "MCELEB is really my father", SAYS CELEB.
  698. "FCELEB is really my mother", SAYS CELEB.
  699. NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s discover lost city of PLACE.
  700. CELEB KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s in drunken rampage.
  701. CELEB Falls NUMBER thousand feet out of AIRCRAFT ... and survives.
  702. "ET's from PLANET landed in my garden and ATE NUMBER FRUIT|s" SAYS CELEB.
  703. FCELEB Gives birth to NUMBER BABY|s.
  704. RELIGION Monks report UFFO Sighting in PLACE.
  705. Real Life Ghost Busters Excorcise GHOST from CELEB|s home in PLACE.
  706. BABY KILL|ed by Pet KILLER.
  707. PLACE|'es amazing KILLER Girl.
  708. I Chopped my RELATIVE to death with WEAPON.
  709. PERSON goes beserk and KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s with WEAPON.
  710. FCELEB tells of night of terror with MCELEB. "He threatened me with WEAPON".
  711. MCELEB tells of night of terror with FCELEB. "She threatened me with WEAPON".
  713. PERSON sees face of FICTCHAR in FOOD.
  715. PERSON KILL|s NUMBER PERSON|s with WEAPON, then is aquitted by Jury.
  716. NUMBER Years for WEAPON Murderer. "I would do it again" says CELEB.
  717. PERSON Struck by lightening for the NUMBER|th time.
  718. Jury aquit Notorious WEAPON Murderer from PLACE.
  719. MCELEB and FCELEB seen together in PLACE. "Is it love"?
  720. PERSON|s bizarre claim. "NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s planted mind control device in my head".
  721. "Is there a FICTCHAR?". NATIONALITY SCIENTIST|s offer new evidence.
  723. %
  724. %