"In North Carolina, the EMT-P is given authorization to work:",,,a. on an ALS ambulance,b. independently,c. in a hospital,d. all of the above,e. none of the above,A
The EMT-P is charged with the responsibility of:,,,a. giving drugs on his/her own,b. giving physical exams at a clinic,c. starting fluids ordered by the hospital,d. teaching people how to swim,e. none of the above,C
EMT-P's are licensed by:,,,a. The American Medical Association,b. The Department of EMS,c. The Board of Medical Examiners,d. The American Heart Association,e. The American Red Cross,C
Who authorizes an EMT-P to practice and has the responsibility,for the actions taken by the EMT-P?,,a. the sponsor hospital,b. the EMT-P themselves,c. the sponsoring rescue squad,d. the EMT-P's county,e. the state being practiced in,A
"To maintain the EMT-P level in North Carolina, the EMT-P must",have:,,a. 98 hrs. of training every 2 years,b. 24 hrs. of training every 6 months,c. 6 hrs. of traing every 2 years,d. 72 hrs. of training every 2 years,e. 3 hrs. of training every month,B
The protection afforded the EMT-P under Good Samartan laws is,expressed most accurately by which of the following statements?,,a. allows the EMT-P to work without fear of suit.,b. may provide protection from ultimate liability.,c. protects only paramedics and volunteer rescue squads.,d. will keep the suit from going to court.,e. none of the above,B
You inadvertantly give the wrong medication to a patient.,You should:,,a. forget about it. You know how to reverse it.,b. immediately report it to the hospital.,c. say nothing. The patient might get upset.,"d. report it after the run is over, so you can restock.",e. none of the above,B
What is the first stage of the grieving process that most,family members of critically injured or just deceased will,exhibit?,a. anger,b. denial,c. bargaining,d. depression,e. numbness,B
What is your best protection against the threat of being,named as a defendant in a negligence case?,,a. malpractice insurance,b. never taking undue risks,c. high standard of training,d. there is nothing you can do,e. none of the above,C
Which of the following components is NOT a necessary part,of a successful negligence suit?,,a. damages,b. breach of duty,c. treatment without consent,d. proximate cause,e. a good lawyer,C
"At the scene of an M.V.A., a 16 year old married woman",requests your assistance in treating her injuries. Which,of the following statements does this situation exemplify?,a. valid consent by a parent,b. expressed consent by an adult,c. implied consent by a minor,d. voluntary consent by a minor,e. implied consent by an adult,B
Your patient is unconscious and unresponsive. He is wearing,a medic alert tag stating he is diabetic. Which form of,consent will you be using to treat this patient?,a. expressed consent,b. involuntary consent,c. voluntary consent- special circumstances,d. implied consent,e. none of the above,D
"Generally, a paramedic is required to report to a law","enforcement agency certain types of cases encountered,",including:,a. suspected child abuse,b. drug overdoses by an adult,c. injuries recieved on the job,d. injuries recieved as an athelete,e. none of the above,A
You respond to an M.V.A. and detect the odor of gasoline.,"The fire and police departments arrive together. As a EMT-P,",what is your responsibility on the scene?,a. patient care,b. personal safety,c. preservation of the scene,d. gasoline wash-down,e. all of the above,B
cene?,a. patient care,b. personal safety,c. preservation of the scene,d. gasoline wash