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Yo⌡á caε summarizσ al∞ revenue/expense≤ yo⌡ havσ incurreΣ fo≥ an∙ perioΣ oµ ì
time¼ fo≥ an∙ categor∙ oµ prospects¼ o≥ fo≥ an∙ individua∞ prospect«
Thi≤á screeε summarize≤ thσ revenue/expenses¼á bu⌠ thσ Activit∙ filσ i≤ thσ ì
origina∞ sourcσ oµ entr∙ fo≥ thσ individua∞ revenue/expenses.
Original entry into the activity file:
Wheneve≥á yo⌡ makσ aε entr∙ int∩ thσ Activit∙ file¼á yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thi≤ iteφ ì
oε thσ screen:
Iµ yo⌡ havσ an∙ revenue/expensσ associateΣ witΦ aε activity¼ theε ente≥ thσ ì
amoun⌠ oε thσ screeε fo≥ tha⌠ activit∙ whilσ yo⌡ arσ iε thσ Activit∙á file« ì
Late≥á on¼á yo⌡á caε summarizσ al∞ oµ thσ revenue/expense≤ pe≥ prospec⌠á b∙ ì
goinτ t∩ thσ REVENUE/EXPENS┼ SUMMAR┘ MENU¼á thσ screeε wherσ yo⌡á presentl∙ ì
| OPTION 1: |
Optioε ▒ i≤ t∩ changσ thσ star⌠ o≥ sto≡ datσ oµ thσ summary« I⌠ default≤ t∩
thesσ dates:
STAR╘ DAT┼ :'01/01/1901'
STO╨ DAT┼ :'12/12/2999'
Thi≤á mean≤ tha⌠ an∙ summarie≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ generatσ wil∞ bσ fo≥ ßá 2,09╕á yea≥ ì
period« Let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ woulΣ likσ t∩ examinσ revenue/expense≤ fo≥ ß tw∩ ì
weeδá period¼á durinτ whicΦ yo⌡ werσ oε thσ roaΣ visitinτ ßá prospect«á Iε ì
tha⌠á case¼á g∩ t∩ optioε ▒ anΣ ente≥ thσ datσ oε whicΦ thσ tw∩ weeδ perioΣ ì
begaε a≤ thσ STAR╘ date¼ anΣ thσ datσ oε whicΦ thσ tw∩ weeδ perioΣ endeΣ a≤ ì
thσá EN─ date«á No≈ you≥ report≤ anΣ summarizeΣ revenue/expensσ datßá wil∞ ì
reflec⌠ jus⌠ tha⌠ tw∩ weeδ period.
| OPTION 2: |
Optioεá ▓á allow≤ yo⌡ t∩ choosσ thσ namσ oε whoφ thσ repor⌠ i≤á summarized« ì
Thi≤á optioεá default≤á t∩ ALL¼á whicΦ mean≤ tha⌠ al∞á prospect≤á wh∩á havσ ì
revenue/expensσ item≤ representeΣ iε thσ Activit∙ filσ wil∞ bσá summarized« ì
Let'≤á say¼á though¼á tha⌠ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ summarizσ thosσ revenue/expense≤ fo≥ ì
jus⌠ onσ prospec⌠ ove≥ somσ perioΣ oµ time«á B∙ invokinτ thi≤ option¼á yo⌡ ì
caε selec⌠ onσ specifiπ prospec⌠ oε whoφ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ summarizσ data«
==============è | OPTION 3: |
Optioεá │á summarize≤á thosσ activit∙ record≤ tha⌠ mee⌠á thσá criterißá yo⌡ ì
entereΣá iεá option≤á ▒á anΣ 2«á Theε thσá prograφá take≤á thσá summarizeΣ ì
revenue/expense≤ pe≥ prospec⌠ anΣ post≤ i⌠ permanentl∙ int∩ thesσ field≤ iε ì
thσ Prospec⌠ file:
'Date revenue/expenses last summarized :º
'Summary of revenue/expenses for this Prospect¼ all activities :'
Thi≤ mean≤ tha⌠ an∙ timσ yo⌡ summarizσ revenue/expense≤ froφ thi≤ menu¼ yo⌡ ì
caε g∩ bacδ t∩ thσ Prospec⌠ filσ anΣ examinσ thσ total≤ fo≥ eacΦá prospect« ì
Oµá course¼á yo⌡ caε prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ SUMMAR┘ REPORT¼á optioε 4¼á anΣ seσ wha⌠ ì
thosσ summarie≤ were.
Iε thi≤ selection¼ yo⌡ havσ thesσ choice≤ oµ record≤ froφ thσ activit∙ filσ ì
t∩ include:
1 = all records with either a positive or negative entry
2 = include only records with a positive entry
3 = include only records with a negative entry
Thσá inten⌠ oµ thesσ │ choice≤ i≤ t∩ allo≈ yo⌡ t∩ segregatσ eithe≥ revenuσ ì
o≥ expensσ items¼ iµ desired¼ froφ thσ res⌠ oµ thσ records«
Afte≥á selectinτá froφá thosσ choices¼á yo⌡ caε theε invokσá thσá Selectioε ì
Criteriß Menu« Observσ thesσ options:
At this menu you can invoke the Selection Criteria Menu. |
[applies to records in the Activity file] |
0 = Bypass this selection, do not invoke the Selection Criteria Menu.
1 = Invoke the Selection Criteria Menu. |
Afte≥á havinτ madσ an∙ selection≤ a⌠ thσ Selectioε Criteriß Menu¼á iµá any¼ ì
yo⌡ caε theε observe this logic:
Calculation of hourly rates, if any. |
B∙ default¼ thσ prograφ assume≤ tha⌠ an∙ value≤ i⌠ pull≤ froφ eacΦ activit∙ ì
recorΣá arσá completσá anΣá d∩ no⌠ requirσá an∙á furthe≥á processing«á An∙ ì
calculations¼ fo≥ example¼ oµ hourl∙ ratσ b∙ elapseΣ timσ havσ alread∙ beeε ì
executeΣ b∙ thσ Billing≤ module¼á iµ invoked« Iµ thσ Billinτ optioε i≤ no⌠ ì
invokeΣ oε thσ Instal∞ menu¼á theε an∙ valuσ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ int∩ thσ ì
bottoφ oµ aε activit∙ recorΣ i≤ assumeΣ t∩ bσ iε it≤ fina∞ form.
If¼á however¼á thσá valuσ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ i≤ ß preliminar∙á one¼á sucΦá a≤ ì
hours¼ anΣ require≤ furthe≥ calculations¼ theε ente≥ 'Tº o≥ 'Yº here« Oncσ ì
s∩á selected¼á thi≤á optioε wil∞ assumσ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ beeε enterinτá hourl∙ ì
value≤ anΣ wil∞ theε multipl∙ thosσ number≤ time≤ aε hourl∙ rate. |
| OPTION 4: |
Optioεá ┤ print≤ thσ SUMMAR┘ REPOR╘ fo≥ al∞ thesσ activitie≤ summarizeΣá iε ì
Optioε 3«
At this option, you have four choices:
0 = No report, return to prior menu
1 = Report by company name
2 = Report sorted by summarized value,
in ascending order
3 = Report sorted by summarized value,
in descending order
| OPTION 5: |
Thσ Statement≤ selection has it own menu, thσ Statement≤ Men⌡.
Somσá oµá thσ selection≤ containeΣ withiε thi≤ functioεá arσá interrelated¼ ìèsucΦ a≤ choosinτ thσ start/sto≡ datσ oµ thσ summar∙ iε Revenue/Expensσ als∩ ì
select≤ thσ samσ rangσ iε thσ Statements.
Thi≤ Men⌡ i≤ ß truσ accountinτ module¼ unlikσ thσ Proposal/Invoicσ section≤ ì
iε thσ prograφ tha⌠ arσ worΣ processinτ iε nature.
Option≤á ▒ anΣ ▓ withiε thσ Statement≤ Men⌡ wil∞ creatσ thσ statement≤á fo≥ ì
yo⌡á afte≥á yo⌡ havσ defineΣ somσ defaul⌠ value≤ iε optioεá 3«á The∙á dra≈ ì
thei≥á financia∞ datß froφ thσ activit∙ records«á The∙ wil∞ botΦ prin⌠ ou⌠ ì
thσ samσ value≤ oε eacΦ statement¼á bu⌠ thσ Detai∞ Statemen⌠ wil∞ sho≈á yo⌡ ì
thσ activitie≤ tha⌠ werσ summarizeΣ t∩ thσ statement«
Remembe≥ tha⌠ thσ statement≤ modulσ wil∞ takσ al∞ positivσ values¼ adΣ theφ ì
together¼á theεá subtrac⌠á an∙ negativσ one≤ i⌠ find≤ iε activit∙á records« ì
Thi≤á i≤ importan⌠ t∩ kno≈ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ reflec⌠ payment≤ madσ agains⌠á aε ì
account¼á a≤ witΦ ß CPA¼á o≥ iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ sho≈ payofµ histor∙á associateΣ ì
witΦ ß debto≥ iε ß collection≤ system.