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123 lines
Version 1.00
Copyright 1989, Ray Johns
TIME-IT.BAT and it's companion file SHOWTIME.COM make up a small, simple, and
effective timing utility for anyone who bills their time hourly and does work
on a computer. If you have a lot of clients which you do work for, this
program will help you keep your consulting time straight for each one. TIME-
IT will run most all programs just as you run them from the DOS prompt. The
difference being that TIME-IT will time & date stamp a file called TIME.LOG,
which it will create in the root directory of the currently logged drive, when
you enter and exit a program. This allows you to work freely and
uninterrupted, and yet keep accurate track of your computer work for one or
more clients which can then be billed at the end of the day, week or month.
For example, if you were going to do some consulting work for your client
'BUBBA', and the program you were going to use was WordStar, you might enter
the following command line :
This would start WS.COM editing the file named FILE.BBA and time & date stamp
the TIME.LOG file in C:\. When you exit WordStar, TIME-IT would again stamp
the TIME.LOG file, noting that the work was done for 'BUBBA'. The command
line format for TIME-IT, which can be seen by entering 'TIME-IT' with no
options, is basically just TIME-IT + client name and program name + any
program info, such as filename or command line switches. Note that the client
name MUST be no more than one word.
TIME-IT should work with most programs, however no warranty of ANY kind is
supplied with the program. The source code for the .BAT file is included
(cause it has ta be) and therefore you can modify it for your personal use.
Please ONLY distribute the unmodified version of the program, with the TIME-
IT.DOC and TIME-IT.REG file and MOST importantly the SHOWTIME.COM file.
This program is SHAREWARE, which means you are free to try the program and see
if you like it. If you decide that you like it, and wish to use it, all I ask
is that you send me $5.00 to cover the time I spent making it work "just
right". If you are a consultant like I am, then you will soon find that this
little program will make your life much simpler when it comes to billing.
Five dollars is a small amount to ask for, considering how much time it will
save you on your billing each week. I hope that people will express an
interest in this program. If they do, by registering it and sending comments and
suggestions, I'll be more than happy to write a better, more versatile program
all in assembly language to keep better track of your time (including the
actual number of hours and minutes worked, so you don't have to sit down and
calculate it yourself). Send your registration cash, check or money order and
any comments or suggestions to :
Ray Johns
Box 1440
Pebble Beach, CA. 93953-1440
If you would like to be contacted when a better version of the program is
written, please print out the TIME-IT.REG form, complete it and mail it with
your registration. Do this by turning on your printer and entering the
following DOS command.
One last note, copy TIME-IT.BAT and SHOWTIME.COM to a pathed subdirectory so
that it may be run from anywhere on your computer. Also make sure you have
the BUFFERS = statement in your CONFIG.SYS file, as without it this program
will run slower. BUFFERS should be between 20 and 40 generally (refer to your
DOS manual for more info). Enjoy the program, and let me know how I can
improve it!
BTW, if you like TIME-IT, you might like some of my other shareware stuff.
Feel free to call either of the two BBS'es listed below and download them :
ZDIR101.ZIP - A DIR replacement which does string searches in filenames & more
DMD210.ZIP - A graphic display of disk and/or memory space being used.
NOBIT7.ZIP - Removes control codes from WordStar files, very FAST.
FUNRESET.ZIP - Fun & totally useless.
Get 'em at :
Nitelog 24 hour BBS, in Monterey, CA. Available 24 hours a
day, at 300/1200/2400 baud, 8,N,1, running PCBoard
software. Relaxed atmosphere, and you can send messages,
download files, etc. on your first call. (408) 655-1096.
Sysops : Karl Van Lear & your's truly Ray Johns.
The Cricket BBS in Pacific Grove, CA. Available 24 hours a
day, 2 nodes, at 1200/2400 baud, 8,N,1, running PCBoard
Version 14 software. A quality board and a great sysop
(Jim Robeson). (408) 373-3773.
Feel free to drop me a note on either board, I'm logged as RAY JOHNS on both,
see ya there!
Support shareware, THANKS!