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Automatic Telephone Dialing System:
has a built in intelligent Telephone\Speakerphone Dialing System,
tha⌠ dials all of your phone calls for you and tell≤ yo⌡
iµ they are local¼ loca∞ toll¼ lonτ distance,
long distance toll, or international
and can output up to 20 follow on codes after dialing long distance.
The program stores & dials up to one BILLION phone numbers for you,
and will dial from:
Dallas to New York,
Sydney to Melbourne,
ááá or London to Leeds!
Thi≤ diale≥ i≤ installeΣ froφ Othe≥ Option≤ Menu¼á Instal∞ menu¼á optioε 5« ì
[Thσá Instal∞ men⌡ i≤ presenteΣ t∩ yo⌡ upoε initia∞ installation¼á bu⌠á yo⌡ ì
caεá returεá t∩á i⌠ a⌠ an∙ time.▌ Oncσ installed¼á i⌠á caεá differentiatσ ì
betweeε loca∞ anΣ lonτ distancσ areß codes¼á anΣ caε eveε dia∞ ß loca∞ tol∞ ì
cal∞ fo≥ you«á I⌠ caε dia∞ througΦ you≥ PBX¼á iµ necessary¼á anΣ caεá eveε ì
connec⌠á t∩ ß loca∞ acces≤ numbe≥ fo≥ ß lonτ distancσ dialinτ service¼á anΣ ì
theε inpu⌠ u≡ t∩ 2░ digits.
Thσ dialinτ featurσ i≤ availablσ t∩ yo⌡ a⌠ thesσ screens║á Prospec⌠á file¼ ì
G)e⌠ option╗á Activit∙ file¼ A)dΣ option╗ Activit∙ file¼ G)e⌠ option« Oε ì
thσ bottoφ oµ thesσ threσ screen≤ yo⌡ wil∞ observσ eithe≥ F╕ t∩ dia∞ anΣ F╣ ì
t∩ hanτ up¼ shoulΣ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ hanτ u≡ prematurely« Oµ thσ │ entr∙ point≤ ì
int∩ thσ dialinτ system¼ thσ mos⌠ typicall∙ useΣ i≤ thσ Activit∙ file¼ A)dΣ ì
Thi≤á wil∞ instal∞ thσ prograφ fo≥ automatiπ phonσ dialinτ througΦ ßá Haye≤ ì
o≥ Hayes-compatiblσ modem.
Instal∞ procedurσ fo≥ automatiπ phonσ dialinτ
Iεá ▓ oµ thσ followinτ option≤ yo⌡ caε ente≥ character≤ mixeΣ witΦ numbers« ì
Thσá purposσ oµ thi≤ i≤ t∩ tel∞ thσ modeφ t∩ pausσá betweeεá dialing«á Thσ ì
commßá doe≤ this«á Thσ exac⌠ timσ oµ thσ pausσ yo⌡ wil∞ havσ t∩ determinσ ì
througΦá tria∞á anΣá error¼á bu⌠ i≤ generall∙ ▓á second≤á pe≥á comma«á Fo≥ ì
woulΣá tel∞ thσ modeφ t∩ dia∞ '9'¼á theε wai⌠ ╢ seconds«á Thσá onl∙á othe≥ ì
valiΣ dialinτ character≤ are║
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 * #
Local Toll Numbers:
[you≥ areß code]
èThσá prograφ wil∞ recognizσ loca∞ 'TOLLº call≤ iµ yo⌡ ente≥ thσ worΣ 'TOLLº ì
a≤ thσ firs⌠ ┤ letter≤ iε 'ReferreΣ by║ '¼ iε thσ Prospec⌠ File¼ AdΣ o≥ Ge⌠ ì
option« WitΦ ß tol∞ call¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ dial║ PB╪ optioε ½ Tol∞ Sequencσ ì
½ ╖ digi⌠ phonσ number.
Lonτ Distancσ Tol∞ Numbers:
[an∙ onσ areß codσ othe≥ thaε yours]
Lonτ distancσ tol∞ dialinτ sequence«á Thi≤ mus⌠ bσ aε areß codσ othe≥ thaε ì
yours« Thσ prograφ create≤ thi≤ Lonτ Distancσ TOL╠ number:
PB╪ Prefi° ½ Lonτ Distancσ Tol∞ Sequencσ ½ ╖ digi⌠ number«
Ente≥ worΣ 'LDTLº iε 'REFERRE─ BYº field¼ Prospec⌠ file¼ fo≥ L─ Toll.
Follo≈ oε codes:
Yo⌡á caεá ente≥ an∙ codσ o≥ u≡ t∩ 2░ code≤ tha⌠ follo≈ you≥á lonτá distancσ ì
number¼á iµ yo⌡ wish«á Somσ lonτ distancσ services¼á fo≥ example¼á usσ thi≤ ì
featurσ a≤ ß wa∙ oµ enterinτ accountinτ code≤ fo≥ users« Thi≤ optioε theε ì
require≤á yo⌡ ente≥ F╕ twicσ durinτ dialing«á Observσ thσ 'PusΦ F╕á Againº ì
Notσ oε PB╪ dialing:
Yo⌡ caε mi° anΣ matcΦ pulsσ witΦ tonσ dialing«á Precedσ you≥ numbe≥á witΦ ì
'Tº fo≥ tone¼á followeΣ b∙ 'Pº t∩ restorσ pulse« Fo≥ example¼ 'T9,Pº woulΣ ì
sen⌠ ß '9º tone¼ followeΣ b∙ ß pausσ [,]¼ theε restoreΣ t∩ pulsσ witΦ 'P'.
==Automatiπ dialinτ fo≥ countrie≤ outsidσ oµ thσ U.S.A« anΣ Canada:==
Establishinτ ß defaul⌠ 'areß code/STD':
Yo⌡á caεá d∩á thi≤á iεá onσ oµ tw∩á place≤á iεá IN-CONTRO╠á [TM]«á Oεá thσ ì
Installatioε men⌡ i≤ optioε 5):
Instal∞ Automatiπ Phonσ Dialinτ througΦ modem«
Oncσá selected¼á thi≤á optioεá give≤ yo⌡ thσ abilit∙ t∩ definσá you≥á 'areß ì
code/STD'«á Yo⌡á caεá als∩ selec⌠ thi≤ valuσ froφ thσ Othe≥á Optioεá Menu¼ ì
optioε C)║
Customizσ thi≤ systeφ t∩ you≥ needs
Oncσ there¼ yo⌡ caε selec⌠ optioε 2:
2⌐ Defaul⌠ State¼ City¼ State¼ Areß Code
Oncσ yo⌡ definσ you≥ 'areß code/STD'¼ IN-CONTRO╠ [TM▌ wil∞ theε assigε tha⌠ ì
valuσ t∩ al∞ ne≈ record≤ iε thσ Prospec⌠ file¼á followeΣ b∙ ßá '/'«á Let'≤ ì
sa∙á tha⌠á yo⌡á assigε aε 'areß code/STDº oµ '03'«á Ever∙ timσ yo⌡á adΣá ß ì
recorΣá t∩á thσ Prospec⌠ file¼á yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thi≤ a≤ iεá thσá phonσá numbe≥ ì
Phone║ 03/
Fo≥á al∞á thosσ number≤ tha⌠ fal∞ withiε thi≤ STD¼á ente≥ thσ loca∞á numbe≥ ìèafte≥ thσ '03/'¼ withou⌠ an∙ spaces« Fo≥ example:
Phone: 03/6465255
IN-CONTRO╠á [TM▌á wil∞ interpre⌠ thi≤ t∩ meaε tha⌠ thσ 'areßá code/STDºá i≤ ì
'03'¼ whilσ thσ loca∞ numbe≥ i≤ '6465255'« Yo⌡ caε havσ u≡ t∩ ╡ character≤ ì
iε thσ 'areß code/STD'¼á witΦ an∙ combinatioε oµ leadinτ zeros«á Iµá you≥ ì
'areß code/STDº ha≤ onσ digit¼ whilσ aε adjacen⌠ ST─ ha≤ 5¼ IN-CONTRO╠ [TM▌ ì
wil∞á figurσ ou⌠ whicΦ arσ loca∞ anΣ whicΦ phonσ number≤ arσ lonτá distancσ ì
anΣ wil∞ theε dia∞ theφ accordingly.
Fo≥á thσá dialinτá systeφá t∩ worδ properly¼á yo⌡ mus⌠á identif∙á aεá 'areß ì
code/STDº fo≥ AL╠ numbers¼á includinτ loca∞ ones«á Also¼á IN-CONTRO╠á [TM▌ ì
use≤ thσ '/º a≤ ß marke≥ t∩ distinguisΦ betweeε thσ 'areß code/STDº anΣ thσ ì
loca∞ number«á Makσ surσ tha⌠ iε you≥ entr∙ fo≥ phonσ number¼á yo⌡ excludσ ì
an∙ spaces.
===== Australia: =====
Let≤á sa∙á tha⌠á yo⌡ arσ iε Melbourne¼á anΣ havσ customer≤á iεá Sydne∙á anΣ ì
Brisbane« Thei≥ completσ number≤ are:
STD Local Number
Melbourne 03 6465255 [your number, let's say]
Melbourne 03 6465252 [a branch office]
Sydney 02 6532389 [a customer]
Brisbane 07 3741311 [another customer]
First¼á yo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ '03º a≤ you≥ defaul⌠ 'areß code/STD'« Then¼ iε thσ ì
Prospec⌠ file¼ yo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ thesσ number≤ iε thσ phonσ field:
Firs⌠ recorΣ 03/646525▓ [ß brancΦ office]
seconΣ recorΣ 02/653238╣ [ß customer]
thirΣ recorΣ 07/374131▒ [anothe≥ customer]
Oncσ yo⌡ tolΣ IN-CONTRO╠ [TM▌ t∩ dia∞ thσ number¼á thσ prograφ woulΣ figurσ ì
ou⌠á whicΦá arσá local¼á whicΦá arσ lonτá distance¼á anΣá woulΣá dia∞á theφ ì
===== Great Britain: =====
Withiεá it≤á STD's¼á Grea⌠á Britaiε als∩ use≤ ß serie≤á oµá 'loca∞á codes'« ì
'Loca∞ codesº arσ defineΣ t∩ exis⌠ withiε onσ 'Dialinτ directory'«
ááá Differen⌠ STD's¼ samσ 'Dialinτ directory':è
Iε somσ cases¼ tw∩ town≤ havσ differen⌠ STD≤ bu⌠ arσ s∩ closσ tha⌠ the∙ caε ì
dia∞ eacΦ othe≥ witΦ ß 'loca∞ codeº insteaΣ oµ usinτ aε STD«á Observe¼ fo≥ ì
example¼ thesσ tw∩ numbers:
STD Local Number
BradforΣ 027┤ 72310▒ [you≥ number¼álet'≤ say]
Yeadon, Leeds 0532 501496 [a customer]
Let'≤á say¼á further¼á tha⌠á BradforΣá anΣ Yeadoε arσ 1░á mile≤á apar⌠á anΣ ì
BradforΣ caε dia∞ Yeadoε b∙ usinτ ß 'loca∞ codeº oµ '92'« Iε tha⌠ casσ yo⌡ ì
caε ente≥ thesσ number≤ iε eithe≥ oµ tw∩ manners:
1⌐á Definσá you≥ defaul⌠ 'areß code/STDº a≤ '0274º anΣ theεá identif∙á thσ ì
Yeadoε custome≥ witΦ it≤ uniquσ ST─ iε thi≤ manner║á 0532/501496«á Oncσ ì
IN-CONTRO╠ [TM▌ see≤ '0532/501496'¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ dia∞ thσ ST─ oµ '0532º ì
anΣ theε thσ loca∞ numbe≥ oµ '501496'«
2⌐á Definσ you≥ defaul⌠ 'areß code/STDº a≤ '0274º a≤ above¼á bu⌠ ente≥ thσ ì
loca∞á codσá insteaΣ oµ thσ ST─ fo≥ you≥ Yeadoε customer«á Let'≤á sa∙á yo⌡ ì
entered║á 92/501496«á IN-CONTRO╠á [TM▌ woulΣ theε dia∞ thσ loca∞ codσá oµ ì
'92'¼ followeΣ b∙ thσ loca∞ numbe≥ oµ '501496'.
===== Dialing Numbers Internationally: =====
Let'≤á sa∙á tha⌠á thσ numbe≥ yo⌡ arσ dialinτ doe≤ no⌠ fi⌠ int∩ an∙á oµá thσ ì
abovσá categories¼á a≤á woulΣá bσ thσ casσ wheεá dialinτá froφá countr∙á t∩ ì
country«á If¼á fo≥á example¼á yo⌡á arσ dialinτ froφ thσ UniteΣá State≤á t∩ ì
Australia¼á thσ U.S«á acces≤ codσ i≤ '011'¼ followeΣ b∙ thσ countr∙ codσ oµ ì
'61'«á Oncσ dialed¼á thσ cit∙ codσ i≤ theε entered¼á followeΣ b∙ thσ loca∞ ì
number« Onσ examplσ woulΣ be:
'011 61 3 5092911'
T∩á dia∞á thesσ type≤ oµ internationa∞ number≤ iε thσá program¼á ente≥á thσ ì
numbe≥á int∩á eithe≥ COMMENT▒ o≥ COMMENT▓ oµ thσ prospec⌠ record¼á iεá thi≤ ì
Thσá 'INTL=ºá codσ tell≤ thσ prograφ t∩ usσ thi≤ numbe≥á fo≥á dialing¼á no⌠ ì
whateve≥á appear≤ iε thσ telephonσ field«á EacΦ commß tell≤ thσá modeφá t∩ ì
pausσ fo≥ ▓ seconds«á Thσ slasΦ '/º tell≤ thσ prograφ wherσ thσ las⌠ digi⌠ ì
lies« Withou⌠ thσ slash¼ thσ 'INTL=º codσ wil∞ no⌠ work.
Observσ tha⌠ i⌠ doe≤ no⌠ matte≥ wherσ thσ 'INTL=º codσ i≤ founΣ iε COMMENT▒ ì
o≥ COMMENT2¼ anΣ casσ i≤ irrelevant« 'INTL=º i≤ tha⌠ samσ a≤ 'Intl='.
Oncσáá entereΣá int∩á thσá prospec⌠á record¼áá thσá entirσá codσá fo≥á you≥ ì
internationa∞ numbe≥ i≤ carrieΣ ove≥ int∩ eacΦ ne≈ activit∙á record«á Oncσ ì
insidσá thσá activit∙á record¼á thσá prograφ wil∞ sensσá tha⌠á thi≤á i≤á aε ì
internationa∞á numbe≥á anΣá dia∞ i⌠ accordingly¼á wheε requesteΣá froφá thσ ì
activit∙ file.
Iµ yo⌡ establisΦ ß PB╪ number¼á theε i⌠ i≤ dialeΣ beforσ thσ internationa∞ ì