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Dear Prospective JUDY User,
This is your JUDY CLONE DISTRIBUTION DISKETTE. It contains the free
and freely distributed version of the JUDY Calendar System. This version
contains all the same components as the registered version of JUDY:
no files have been left out to "cripple" it. It does, however,
HAVE A LIMITED LIFETIME OF 3 MONTHS before you have to reinitialize it.
So you can use it for as long as you like, but it won't store more
than 3 months of data at a time. The registered version, on the other hand,
will last to the year 2000 with no problem.
This "clone" copy has also been made from an older version of the registered
JUDY and contains some minor (and documented) bugs. They are unfortunate
leftovers from the previous version. They should not interfere too much
in your trial of the product and are all pointed out below so as to prevent
undue frustration. The latest version of JUDY, ver. 2.00, has eliminated
these bugs. If you experience problems not noted in this READ.ME file or
not mentioned in JUDY.DOC, then you probably have incompatible hardware.
If any question remains you may always take advantage of the 30 day
guarantee on the registered version as an acid test of the "real" thing.
You are encouraged to give copies of this diskette to your friends,
The reason, which will become clear after you read the documentation, is
that running JUDYK.COM (the calendar part) writes YOUR identification
information directly to the COM file itself. Your friends won't be
able to run such a "tainted" copy. So please, when you pass on the
software, give only ORIGINAL copies of this diskette.
Now, as for the files on this diskette, please confirm that you have the
-the software--
JUDYK.COM : the full-screen calendar, sorting program.
JK .COM : the background software, Remains Resident.
PHONE.EXE : the Lookup Utility.
-a little help--
INSTALLJ.BAT : installation batch job.
JUDY .BAT : backs up your calendar files, runs JudyK
JUDY .HLP : help screens for JUDY...can be removed.
JUDY .DOC : the complete documentation
READ .ME : this file
TO INSTALL JUDY, read the documentation on how to run INSTALLJ.BAT and how
to then configure JUDY to your tastes.
As for brief rundown of KNOWN BUGS (which have been FIXED in the registered
version, but which got through here due to time constraints more than
--WEEKLY reminders (placed using the 'W' key) actually pop up a couple
days too early. But it's a two day gap that's consistent so you
can plan around it. Deleting weekly reminders requires you to go
to the original day you placed the reminder, and NOT the two-day-early
weekday when the message mistakenly pops up.
--Deletions of entries from the calendar aren't permanent
unless you also ADD an entry during the same session when you
delete entries.
--The modem DIAL feature works problematically even on a good day.
It has been eliminated altogether from the registered version.
--JK cannot be unloaded from memory except by rebooting. It can be
unloaded directly from a DOS command in the registered version.
--Printouts of schedules contain extraneous blank lines.
--Entries written to disk via the JOT option in JK all come out
with a p.m. timestamp, even if you actually recorded them in the
--JudyK, upon exit, does not restore the video color the system
had upon entry, but requires a CLS command to be issued to clean up
the screen (noticable only for those of you with color displays).
--Typing in JOT or MEMO appointment times are hard to see because
the numbers are displayed in dark blue against black (changed to
a very visible yellow in registered version).
--JUDY has known clock incompatibilities with Leading Edge, ATT 6300
and some Tandy systems--but so do a lot of other programs. Guess
what that means? THOSE systems are less "IBM compatible" than you
thought. But public domain patch programs exist which solve these
--Some minor but not fatal problems have been reported on
Model 30 PS-2 machines (in conjunction with Microsoft Word)
but the reports have not been confirmed as of this date.
That sums it up. We hope you enjoy trying out JUDY.
InterFact Software
PO Box 9415
Washington, DC 20016
June 21, 1990