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Joint Photographic Experts Group Image  |  1995-01-01  |  108KB  |  640x402  |  4-bit (6 colors)
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OCR: HERE'S THE LEGAL STUFF ... ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This publication was created with NeoBook(TM), which is under liscense from NeoSoft Corporation. NeoSoft Corporation will not be held responsible for damages caused by programs created with NeoBook, and it is under no obligation to provide product or technical support to users of programs created with NeoBook. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright (C) 1995 by JES Publications Computer Game Enthusiast is copyrighted intellectual property and all rights are reserved. This special trial edition is FREEWARE and is freely distributable provided that all programs and files in the distribution archive remain in their unaltered, original form. Electronic Bulletin Board System Operators and Network Adminstrators may post this archive to their systems for download by their repsective memberships. By doing so they agree to post the archive in its complete and unaltered form and not to charge an extra fee for such downloads other than those charges ordinarily associated with access to their systems. See the cright.txt file included with the distribution archive for the complete copyright notice and disclaimer.