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/ NeXT 3rd Party Products 1993 / NEXT_3rd_party_products_93.iso / Xanthus / Questor_Demo / QuestorDemo.app / Demos / Graphs.xqr / Windows (.txt) < prev   
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1993-05-07  |  13KB  |  114 lines

  1. streamtyped
  2. Object
  3. XLSheetWindowDescriptor
  4. ProtectedObject
  5. ffffzP
  6. XLCellView
  7. XS_SelectionView(
  8.     Responder
  9. GMChartBox
  10. GMChartObject
  11. GMChartHolder
  12. GMChartView
  13. GMBarChart
  14. GMChart
  15. [12@]
  16. GMRectangle
  17. XS_Rectangle
  18. XS_RectBasedGraphic
  19. XS_Graphic
  20. XS_GraphicObject
  21. {ifffffff}
  22. GMBottomLabelAxis
  23. GMLabelAxis
  24. GMAxisTitleField
  25. GMStaticTextField
  26. GMTextField
  27. XS_TextField
  28.     TextField
  29. Control
  30. XS_TextFieldCell
  31. TextFieldCell
  32. ActionCell
  33. Title
  34. Helvetica-Bold
  35. GMLabelField
  36. Times-Roman
  37. GMTopLabelAxis
  38. GMLeftValueAxis
  39. GMValueAxis
  40. 1000 $
  41. Times-Bold
  42.     Helvetica
  43. GMValueLabelField
  44. GMRightValueAxis
  45. GMTitleField
  46. ACME Sales 1992
  47. GMSubTitleField
  48. Subtitle of Graph
  49. GMLegendView
  50. GMLegend
  51. GMLegendTextField
  52. GMLegendColor
  53. Trucks
  54. Boats
  55. GMDataMatrix
  56. GMData
  57. GMDataSerie
  58. GMDataLink
  59. GMSerieInfo
  60. XLWordProcessor
  61. XS_WordProcessor
  62. ScrollView
  63. XS_ControlBoxClipView
  64. ClipView
  65. XS_WordProcessorText
  66. XS_CodeText
  67.     EmacsText
  68. XS_UndoTextWithManager
  69. XS_UndoText
  70. ciifffcfffs
  71. [202c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f1\fswiss Helvetica;}
  72. \margl40
  73. \margr40
  74. \pard\tx480\tx960\tx1440\tx1920\tx2400\tx2880\tx3360\tx3840\tx4320\tx4800\f0\b0\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 Word processor
  75. NXCursor
  76. NXImage
  77. NXibeam
  78. XS_ControlBoxScroller
  79. Scroller
  80. _doScroller:
  81. [445c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fnil Times-Roman;\f1\fswiss Helvetica;}
  82. \margl40
  83. \margr40
  84. \pard\tx480\tx960\tx1440\tx1920\tx2400\tx2880\tx3360\tx3840\tx4320\tx4800\f0\b\i0\ulnone\fs24\fc0\cf0 This is an example of how to use graphs in Questor.\
  85. \b0 \
  86. 1. To create a graph, select the range you want and choose 
  87. \i Graph...
  88. \i0  in the menu 
  89. \i Cells
  90. \i0 .\
  91. 2. To connect an existing graph to a range, select the area and Control-drag to the graph.
  92. @@@ffs
  93. XS_NameTable
  94.     HashTable
  95. text_did_change
  96.     XLHandler
  97. XS_Handler
  98. XS_UserFunction
  99. XS_Function
  100. Total Sales.
  101. Total
  102. matte
  103. brick
  104. Untitled
  105. mouse_down
  106. mouse_up
  107. XLTextField
  108. Using Graphs...
  109. Times-BoldItalic
  110. action
  111. XLSelectionList
  112. XLSelection
  113. XS_ReverseNameTable