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/ Education Sampler 1992 [NeXTSTEP] / Education_1992_Sampler.iso / SoundAndMusic / Hyperupic / Hyperupic.app / Hyperupic.nib (.txt) < prev    next >
NeXT TypedStream Data  |  1992-08-20  |  17KB  |  413 lines

  1. typedstream
  2. StreamTable
  3.     HashTable
  4. Object
  5. [20c]
  6. typedstream
  7. [2408c]
  8. typedstream
  9.     HashTable
  10. Object
  11. HeaderClass
  12. %%%%i@@
  13. /usr/include/sys/signal.h
  14. genericobject_nib
  15. helpScrollView
  16. helpBrowser
  17.     helpPanel
  18. browser:
  19. browserHit:
  20. windowWillResize:
  21. print:
  22. generalHelp:
  23. HyperupicGen
  24. /usr/include/machine/vm_types.h
  25. selectMapRG:
  26. stopPlaying:
  27. selectGenNorm:
  28. selectMapRGB:
  29.     freqdiff:
  30. runGen:
  31. time:
  32. selectMapRB:
  33. selectMapGB:
  34. selectGenRotRetro:
  35. openMapRequest:
  36. ampref:
  37. selectGenHarmSeries:
  38. samplingRate:
  39. openRequest:
  40. selectMapB:
  41. selectMapR:
  42. playSound:
  43. selectGenRetro:
  44. saveInRequest:
  45. selectMapG:
  46. selectGenScale:
  47. selectGenRotNorm:
  48. freqcon:
  49. reverseMapping:
  50. saveRequest:
  51. HyperupicApp
  52. Application
  53. appnib
  54.     infoPanel
  55.     prefPanel
  56. helpObject
  57. info:
  58. preferences:
  59. HyperupicControl
  60. statusText
  61. harmWindow
  62. amplitudeText
  63. tablePathText
  64. mapPathText
  65. yText
  66. xText
  67. freqConWindow
  68. durationText
  69. oscilRadio
  70. ysText
  71. imagePathText
  72. xsText
  73. oscilWindow
  74. yfText
  75. xfText
  76. mainWindow
  77. freqOffText
  78. setxVal:
  79. selectGenRotNormInv:
  80. setMapPath:
  81. selectOscTable:
  82. setystartVal:
  83. setyendVal:
  84. setxstartVal:
  85. setxendVal:
  86. seed:
  87. selectGenNormInv:
  88. selectDisplayMinMax:
  89. selectXcoor:
  90. selectDisplayAll:
  91. pause:
  92. selectGenRotRetroInv:
  93. selectGenRetroInv:
  94. setSynt:
  95. setImagePath:
  96. selectOscComplex:
  97. displayFreqs:
  98. selectOscCos:
  99. setTablePath:
  100. openTableRequest:
  101. setHarmsText:
  102. adjustFrequency:
  103. snuff:
  104. setyVal:
  105. selectYcoor:
  106. FirstResponder
  107. firstnib
  108. checkSpelling:
  109. alignSelCenter:
  110.     unscript:
  111. pasteFont:
  112. runPageLayout:
  113. superscript:
  114. copyRuler:
  115.     copyFont:
  116. selectAll:
  117. pasteRuler:
  118. toggleRuler:
  119. showGuessPanel:
  120. alignSelLeft:
  121. paste:
  122. performClose:
  123. arrangeInFront:
  124. subscript:
  125. copy:
  126. alignSelRight:
  127. delete:
  128. orderFrontColorPanel:
  129. underline:
  130. performMiniaturize:
  131. CommandScroll
  132. ScrollView
  133. /usr/include/sys/message.h
  134.     scrollnib
  135. delegate
  136. docView
  137. [14942c]
  138. typedstream
  139.     HashTable
  140. Object
  141. NibData
  142. @@@@s
  143. Storage
  144. {*@@}
  145. [130{*@@}]
  146. File's Owner
  147. CustomObject
  148. Application
  149. MainMenu
  150. MenuTemplate
  151. *@*@ccc
  152.     Hyperupic
  153. Matrix
  154. Control
  155.     Responder
  156. @:@iiii
  157. MenuCell
  158. ButtonCell
  159. ActionCell
  160. Infotainment
  161.     Helvetica
  162. Info Panel...
  163. Propaganda
  164. Help...
  165. ff@@#::s
  166. submenuAction:
  167. Bitmap
  168.     menuArrow
  169. File stuff
  170. Open Image
  171. Open Map Function
  172. Open Oscil Table
  173. Save Sound As...
  174. Paste
  175. Select All
  176. Services
  177. Windows
  178. Arrange in Front
  179. Miniaturize Window
  180. Close Window
  181. Hide Me
  182. ByeBye
  183. MyWindow
  184. WindowTemplate
  185. iiii***@s@
  186. %an arachnid has eight buttery members
  187. Window
  188. [44@]
  189. Button
  190. Red,Green,Blue
  191. OtherViews
  192. Green
  193.     Red,Green
  194. Red,Blue
  195. Green,Blue
  196.     PopUpList
  197. popUp:
  198. popup
  199. popupH
  200.     TextField
  201. TextFieldCell
  202. Color Mapping:
  203. Helvetica-Bold
  204. Times-BoldItalic0
  205. X : time
  206. Y : time
  207. X : time : retro
  208. Y : time : retro
  209. X : time : inv
  210. Y : time : inv
  211. X : time : inv : retro
  212. Y : time : inv : retro
  213. Dimension Mapping:8
  214. Reverse Mapping 
  215. Helvetica-Oblique
  216. reverse amplitude function
  217. Harmonic Series
  218. Scale
  219. Frequency Distribution:8
  220. FormCell
  221. Time Interpolation:8
  222. Amplitude Scalar:8
  223. 50.08
  224. Frequency Differential:8
  225. 100.08
  226. Frequency Offset:8
  227. 44100.08
  228. Sampling Rate:8
  229. Synthesis Threshold:8
  230. Field:8
  231. sound control
  232. Helvetica-BoldOblique
  233. process control
  234.     Transduce
  235. Snuff
  236. Pause
  237. Status
  238. Peak Amplitude
  239. file information
  240. Image File:
  241. Display Frequencies]
  242.     Map File:
  243. image dimensions
  244. Duration
  245. Oscillator Options]
  246. Adjust Freq. Offset]
  247. Unadjust
  248. image selection
  249. Button1
  250. Field23
  251. Field:
  252. Field1W
  253. Button2`
  254. Field3l
  255. Time Interpolationro
  256. Amplitude Scalarwo
  257. Frequency Differential{o
  258. Frequency Offset
  259. Sampling Rate
  260. Synthesis Threshold
  261. Field4
  262. Field5
  263. Field6
  264. Field7
  265. Field8
  266. Field9
  267. Field14
  268. Field15
  269. Field16
  270. Field17
  271. Field10
  272. Field22
  273. Field23
  274. Field24
  275. Field25
  276. Field19
  277. Field26
  278. Field27
  279. Field28
  280. Panel
  281. NXImage
  282. kludged by
  283. Christopher Penrose
  284.  penrose@silvertone.princeton.edu
  285. Version 1.3
  286. 9Use and distribute freely at your own psychological risk.
  287. VersionNumber
  288. ScrollView
  289. ClipView
  290. ciifffcfffs
  291. [1215c]{\rtf0\ansi{\fonttbl\f0\fswiss Helvetica;}
  292. \margl40
  293. \margr40
  294. {\colortbl\red0\green0\blue0;}
  295. \pard\tx520\tx1060\tx1600\tx2120\tx2660\tx3200\tx3720\tx4260\tx4800\tx5320\f0\b0\i\ul0\fs32\fc0 \
  296. Down from the sky -- thunders, plunders, wurlitzers -- but ironically, no sheep.\
  297. Sliced frogs came out of his vial before the policeman parts -- solicitatious Debbie poured God.  Gravity might be symbolic true and righteoured of devils: working bugs; yet the bladed amphibibands come upon the sea of commuters and the bucolic catholic calico had marking time hoisted behind her whiskered face. pull animal friction utility.\
  298. again Debbie poured out his vial and revealed carboeldrich art leaking from the new ancient vat.  history is only 24 years old shouted the meglo.\
  299. Debbie has our umbilical praise!  harbinger of stew, nay hands.  I got this jacket for my brain drains and you've given me some more holy polys. Leak seep agitate nihilate.  You may notice that it can't all be here at once.\
  300. replica rivets but they don't move.  I spy the makes sense to me so I jot it being the product of little effort -- run from the malicious mouth of time-worry stimuli; find the arcane meadow to savor your own blood.\
  301. NXCursor
  302. NXibeam
  303. Scroller
  304. _doScroller:
  305. @@@ffs
  306. ScrollingText
  307. HyperupicControlInstance
  308. HyperupicControl
  309. Panel1
  310.     taste-tee
  311. HelpInstance
  312. Panel2
  313. Frequency Calculation
  314.     Min & Max
  315. NXradio
  316. NXradioH
  317. Radio
  318. y : freq
  319. x : freq
  320. Matrix1
  321. Panel3
  322. Cosine Oscillator
  323. Complex Oscillator
  324. Oscillator Table from File
  325. Oscil Table:
  326. Panel4
  327.     Harmonics
  328. .7 0 .2 0 .1
  329. Harmonics:
  330. dokie
  331. {i*@@@}
  332. [86{i*@@@}]
  333. hide:
  334. terminate:
  335. makeKeyAndOrderFront:
  336. reverseMapping:Z
  337. selectGenNorm:F
  338. selectGenRotNorm:H
  339. selectMapRGB: 
  340. selectMapR:"
  341. selectMapG:$
  342. selectMapB:&
  343. selectMapRG:(
  344. selectMapRB:*
  345. selectMapGB:,
  346. time:r
  347. ampref:w
  348.     freqdiff:{
  349. freqcon:
  350. samplingRate:
  351. saveInRequest:
  352. openMapRequest:
  353. openRequest:
  354. runGen:
  355. snuff:
  356. pause:
  357. playSound:
  358. stopPlaying:
  359. selectGenHarmSeries:g
  360. selectGenScale:i
  361. generalHelp:
  362. performMiniaturize:
  363. performClose:
  364. arrangeInFront:
  365. selectGenRetro:J
  366. selectGenRotRetro:L
  367. selectGenNormInv:N
  368. selectGenRotNormInv:P
  369. selectGenRetroInv:R
  370. selectGenRotRetroInv:T
  371. statusText
  372. amplitudeText
  373. xText
  374. yText
  375. mapPathText
  376. imagePathText
  377. mainWindow
  378. setImagePath:
  379. setMapPath:
  380. durationText
  381. setxVal:
  382. setyVal:
  383. copy:
  384. paste:
  385. selectAll:
  386. selectDisplayMinMax:
  387. selectDisplayAll:
  388. displayFreqs:
  389. freqConWindow
  390. selectYcoor:
  391. selectXcoor:
  392. selectOscCos:
  393. selectOscTable:
  394. selectOscComplex:
  395. tablePathText
  396. setHarmsText:
  397. openTableRequest:
  398. oscilRadio
  399. freqOffText
  400. adjustFrequency:
  401. harmWindow
  402. oscilWindow
  403. setTablePath:
  404. xsText
  405. xfText
  406. ysText
  407. yfText
  408. setxstartVal:
  409. setxendVal:
  410. setystartVal:
  411. setyendVal:
  412. setSynt: