/* The operation of undoing the last thing the user did. */
"Undo" = "Deshacer";
/* The operation of undoing the last %s operation the user did--all the entries in the Operations and TextOperations .strings files are the %s of this or Redo. */
"Undo %s" = "Deshacer %s";
/* The operation of redoing the last thing the user undid. */
"Redo" = "Rehacer";
/* The operation of redoing the last %s operation the user undid--all the entries in the Operations and TextOperations .strings files are the %s of either this or Undo. */
"Redo %s" = "Rehacer %s";
/* The user action of changing the font of a bunch of selected graphical entities. */
"Font" = "Tipo de letra";
/* The operation of cutting some graphical entities out of the document and putting them on the Pasteboard. */
"Cut" = "Cortar";
/* The operation of changing the color of some text. */
"Text Color" = "Cambiar color del texto";
/* The operation of typing some text into the document. */
"Typing" = "Escritura";
/* The operation of getting something from the Pasteboard and inserting into the document. */
"Paste" = "Pegar";
/* The operation of pressing the delete key to remove the selected graphical entites or text from the document entirely. */
"Delete" = "Borrar";
/* The operation of unlocking all the graphical entities which were previously locked down (see Lock). */
"Unlock" = "Desbloquear";
/* The operation of ungroup a bunch of graphical entities that are grouped together into a single graphical entity. */
"Ungroup" = "Desagrupar";
/* The operation of starting to edit some text. */
"Begin Editing" = "Comenzar edición";
/* The operation of sending all the selected graphical entities to the back of (behind) all other graphical entities. */
"Send To Back" = "Situar detrás";
/* The operation of changing the size of a graphical entity by dragging a corner of it with the mouse. */
"Resize" = "Cambiar tamaño";
/* The operation of moving a graphical entity. */
"Move" = "Desplazar";
/* The operation of locking down all selected graphics so that they can't be edited in anyway until they are unlocked. */
"Lock" = "Bloquear";
/* The operation of changing the width of a line segment. */
"Line Width" = "Ancho de línea";
/* The operation of changing the roundedness at the joint between two lines. */
"Line Join" = "Unión entre líneas";
/* The operation of changing the color of a line segment. */
"Line Color" = "Cambiar color de línea";
/* The operation of changing the roundedness of the end of a line. */
"Line Cap" = "Extremos de líneas";
/* The operation of grouping a bunch of graphical entities together. */
"Group" = "Grupo";
/* The operation of changing the spacing or color of the grid. */
"Grid Change" = "Cambiar retícula";
/* The operation of filling a graphical entity's interior with a gray or color. */
"Fill" = "Rellenar";
/* The operation of ending the editing process and proceding onto some other operation. */
"End Editing" = "Terminar edición";
/* The operation of changing the dimensions of a graphical entity by typing numbers into text fields for the width and height. */
"Dimensions" = "Dimensiones";
/* The operation of creating a new graphical entity by dragging the mouse. The %s is one of Rectangle, Circle, etc. */
"New %s" = "%s";
/* The operation of bringing a graphical entity or group of graphical entities to the front of all other graphical entities. */
"Bring to Front" = "Situar delante";
/* The operation of returning a graphical entity to its natural aspect ratio, e.g., an oval becomes a circle, a rectangle becomes a square. */
"Natural Size" = "Tamaño natural";
/* The operation of adding or removing arrows from a line. */
"Arrows" = "Flechas";
/* The operation of aligning some graphical entities together. */
"Align" = "Alinear";
/* The user action of selecting an item in the Services menu. */
"Service Call" = "Llamada de servicio";
/* The %s of the `New %s' operation corresponding to creating an area for the user to type into. */