CD Tach/Pro v1.65 is the Win95-native benchmark from TestaCD Labs. Previously responsible for the equally exhaustive DOS-based CD Stone, this benchmark pokes at your CD-ROM drive and reports transfer rates at different points on the disc (to illustrate the difference between CLV and CAV drives), CPU utilization at maximum obtainable speed, full stroke and random access times, and burst tests. On the bootDisc is a lighter version of the one we use for benchmarking, but it'll give you an idea on how your system's CD-ROM drive stacks up against the suggested specs.
INSTALLATION: Launch CD-Tach's setup program via the bootDisc interface. Once the icons are created, launch the program. When prompted, click on Next button to proceed. It will give the throughput of your CD-ROM drive, the CPU utilization up through 6x and a taste of the video test we run in-house (VidTach). The video included on the disc is different than the one tested and is strictly for illustrative purposes. If you're interested in getting the full CD Tach suite of tests, check out
NOTE: As you go through each step, record your score. When you've finished, you'll have the stats you need. THE RANGE: 1500K/sec is boot's minimum CD-ROM acceptability, with 1800K/sec being the average. Flying past 2100K/sec insures your CD-ROM subsystem Kick Ass status.