Boot Disc 15
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Copyright (c) 1996, 3Dfx Interactive, Inc.
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$Revision: 7 $
$Date: 7/30/96 4:08p $
Releases notes for The Wizard of Tower demo
WIZ demonstrates the use of lighting maps
to produce high quality textured enviromnents.
There are 5 rooms to explore. In the first room,
flying bats and warriors wonder around and shot
at you. You can shot back at them and get them
to explode after they were hit three times.
After their destruction, both bats and warriors
get reborn as bats.
This version supports multiplayer mode
and basic sound.
Windows version: wiz.exe
-room [1..5] loads the first 1, 2, ... or 5 rooms.
-room 1 loads only the first room
(this is the default). So, when you go through
a door, you'll get into empty space since no
other room was loaded.
-room 3: will load the first 3 rooms.
-room 5: loads all the rooms.
-sound to turn the sound on. There are
2 sounds: when you are hit and
when a bat or a warrior explodes.
-monster starts a bat and a warrior in the
first room. By default, there is no
monster in the wiz. It is possible
though to add bats and warriors during
the demo using the 'B' and 'M' keys.
(See the "Input section").
-server serverName
use that option for multiplayer mode.
before a WIZ is started in multiplayer mode
a game server (gserver) must be started. (See
"Starting a Multiplayer game").
The serverName is either the IP address or the
full name (as in congo.jungle.com) of the
machine on which the game server is running.
Each player that wants to join the multiplayer
game must type the same command (that is, they
must all connect to the same server).
Currently, all players are represented as Warriors.
When a player is killed by another one, it explodes
and gets almost immediatly reborn.
-r filename.bin
records the demo into the filename.bin file.
to be used the next time you run the demo
with the -p (for playback) option that
plays back the recorded demo.
-p filename.bin
plays back the demo that was previously recorded
in filename.bin with the -r option.
Starting a Multiplayer Game
The connection model is based on the client-server model. To be able
to play network, you need to start a game server first. All players
will have to connect to that game server to participate to the same
How to start the game server
gserver is a windows application that uses sockets.
It assumes that TCP/IP is installed on the machine it will run on,
and is independant of the kind of network
connection it has (modem, T1, LAN). Just make sure TCP/IP is installed
and that the machine is visible from the outside. Also, write down
the name (or the IP) of the server machine. Players will be connecting
to it and need to know the address of the machine.
Once the gserver is started, it is ready to accept connection from the
When wiz is running in multiplayer mode, it has the same requirements
as the gserver has: the machine on which the wiz will be running has
to have TCP/IP installed and be able to reach the server machine.
To connect a player (a player can be running either on the same
machine as the gserver, but it is advised to run players on
different machines), start the wiz with the -server serverName
option where serverName is the name (IP address) of the server.
All other players do the same on their machine.
In the case where wiz and gserver are running on the same machine,
make sure that the ms-dos window from which the gserver was started
is given the focus. This ensures that the gserver application runs
with enough priority on the system, and reduces the lag in the
Joystick Vs Keyboard Vs Game Frame
To use the gameframe, make sure the GCI_GAMEFRAME variable is set up.
The Joystick and keyboard are the default input devices.
The default path for the graphics data base is preset in the program so no
environment variables are required to run this program. The environment variable
"WIZ_LOAD_PATH" can be set to specify an alternate directory for the graphics
data base. A help screen is available by pressing the F1 key.
If the Gameframe is not active, the joystick and keyboard
are used as input devices.
pushing forward and backward translates forward and backward.
pushing right and left rotates right and left.
the trigger button is for firing fire balls.
the thumb-button is used for tilting up and down: if pressed
while pushing forward, the camera will look up, if pressed
while pushing backward, the camera will look down.
keys 1, 2 and 3 teleport you to room 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
key B adds a bat in the first room.
key M adds a warrior in the first room.
Arrows keys are for moving forward, backward and turning right
and left. When the shift key is pressed, the up and down arrows
are used for tilting up and down.
the space bar is for shooting fire balls.
key P toggles performance (frames per seconds) on the lower left
corner of the screen.
Escape key = exit program
Enter = toggle user input/playback mode
Ctrl P = performance readout
Ctrl D = reset state
Ctrl J = calibrate joystick
Ctrl R = toggle record mode
Ctrl W = toggle wireframe mode
Ctrl F = toggle fog
Ctrl B = toggle bilinear
Ctrl M = toggle mipmapping
Ctrl T = toggle texture mapping
Ctrl S = toggle splash screen