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  1. ╔════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗
  2. ║                              EDITORIAL                                     ║
  3. ║                          by:  Inez Harrison                                ║
  4. ║                                                                            ║
  5. ║                                                                            ║
  6. ║   Another month and another issue!  Yes, I know things have not been       ║
  7. ║   going well but please believe me "I'm dancing as fast as I can"!         ║
  8. ║                                                                            ║
  9. ║   Things were so much easier back in 1989 when I was a conference          ║
  10. ║   host and "I" was having fun.  Even in 1991 when I created "Poetry In     ║
  11. ║   Motion - The Poetry Newsletter", the fun was still in there.  I'm        ║
  12. ║   still trying to have fun in 1993 but as a SysOp I've come to realize     ║
  13. ║   that I must wait my turn to have Fun, because it's my job to see to      ║
  14. ║   it that the users have FUN!  Be careful of what you wish for, it may     ║
  15. ║   come true!  Would I change it?  NOT FOR A SECOND!                        ║
  16. ║                                                                            ║
  17. ║                                                                            ║
  18. ║                                                                            ║
  19. ║        ╔═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╗       ║
  20. ║        ║              ┌─────────────────────────┐                  ║       ║
  21. ║        ║              │A N N O U N C E M E N T !│                  ║       ║
  22. ║        ║              └─────────────────────────┘                  ║       ║
  23. ║        ║                                                           ║       ║
  24. ║        ║  Congratulations to my co-sysop/technical assistant,      ║       ║
  25. ║        ║  Annemarie Fusaro, who, in addition to being a wonderful  ║       ║
  26. ║        ║  person, is now an official "Certified Netware Engineer"! ║       ║
  27. ║        ║                                                           ║       ║
  28. ║        ║    Kiss yourself partner, "You've come a LONG WAY BABY"!  ║       ║
  29. ║        ║                                                           ║       ║
  30. ║        ╚═══════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝       ║
  31. ║                                                                            ║
  32. ║   On August the 26th in 1920 [WOMAN'S SUFFRAGE], women were given the      ║
  33. ║   right to vote!                                                           ║
  34. ║                                                                            ║
  35. ║         "Let the meek inherit the earth, I WANT THE STARS"!                ║
  36. ║                                                                            ║
  37. ║   In January, Maya Angelou, a female, was the first poet, since 1961,      ║
  38. ║   to read for an Inaugural.                                                ║
  39. ║                                                                            ║
  40. ║   A quote from her poem "On the Pulse of Morning":                         ║
  41. ║                                                                            ║
  42. ║                         Lift up your eyes upon                             ║
  43. ║                         This day breaking for you.                         ║
  44. ║                         Give birth again                                   ║
  45. ║                         To the dream.                                      ║
  46. ║                                                                            ║
  47. ║        In SoHo, there's a new moving company entitled "AMAZONS"!           ║
  48. ║                                                                            ║
  49. ║                                "YES"                                       ║
  50. ║                                                                            ║
  51. ║           Sisters are certainly "doing it for themselves"                  ║
  52. ║                                                                            ║
  53. ║                 ┌──────────────────────────────────┐                       ║
  54. ║                 │"Let me know if you see yourself" │                       ║
  55. ║         ┌───────┴──────────────────────────────────┴──────────┐            ║
  56. ║         │ The accomplishments are too numerous to state here  │            ║
  57. ║         │ but is not Bonnie Anthony synonymous with Rime!     │            ║
  58. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  59. ║         │ Does Penny Plant!  Isn't Kathy Webster Inviting!    │            ║
  60. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  61. ║         │ Lana is not a common Fox!                           │            ║
  62. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  63. ║         │ Amy is Daly and Lucia really does have a            │            ║
  64. ║         │ Chamber!                                            │            ║
  65. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  66. ║         │ Elaine took up dancing and does a great Belasco     │            ║
  67. ║         │ bash!                                               │            ║
  68. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  69. ║         │ Robin is Greene but Susan is no Bulla!              │            ║
  70. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  71. ║         │ J. Barrett's here with Chrissy and we all know      │            ║
  72. ║         │ that Lisa has the Powell!                           │            ║
  73. ║         │                                                     │            ║
  74. ║         │ Judith is a good Audette and while Nancy may be     │            ║
  75. ║         │ Gray, only Teri Brayall and Joan is Dannelley!      │            ║
  76. ║         └─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘            ║
  77. ║                                                                            ║
  78. ║                 I asked this question last year!                           ║
  79. ║                                                                            ║
  80. ║   Question:  What does being a woman mean or not mean to you?              ║
  81. ║                                                                            ║
  82. ║     Answer:  Being a woman means being a strong and very                   ║
  83. ║              flexible person. Flexible not only in the                     ║
  84. ║              physical sense but mostly in the emotional                    ║
  85. ║              sense.  I can be the caring wife and Mom.                     ║
  86. ║              The one that will cry when someone in my                      ║
  87. ║              family hurts.  Then I can be the one that                     ║
  88. ║              will fight like hell when a family member is                  ║
  89. ║              wronged.                                                      ║
  90. ║              [Robin Fowler]                                                ║
  91. ║                                                                            ║
  92. ║     Answer:   What a woman means to me is that I'm free to                 ║
  93. ║               express my emotions, and to have them, also,                 ║
  94. ║               as a matter of fact.  What it means not to                   ║
  95. ║               me is the loss of credibility BECAUSE I'm                    ║
  96. ║               capable of having (socially acceptably) and                  ║
  97. ║               expressing those emotions.                                   ║
  98. ║                                                                            ║
  99. ║               I seek those humans which are more concerned                 ║
  100. ║               with their humanity rather than their gender                 ║
  101. ║               identification.  :)                                          ║
  102. ║               [Melissa Finley]                                             ║
  103. ║                                                                            ║
  104. ║   I AM WOMAN, this poetry train is in motion and "I'M GOING TO RIDE IT     ║
  105. ║   TO GLORY"!                                                               ║
  106. ║                                                                            ║
  107. ║   Ciao!                                                                    ║
  108. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝