Monster Media 1993 #2
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Compiled By
Victoria Genealogical Society
Victoria, BC, Canada
August 1993
The size of the compressed version of this file is deceptive.
When uncompressed it expands to 3.5 mb of disk space! *Do not*
attempt to uncompress the file unless you have lots of space
on your hard drive . . . enough to accommodate both it *and*
the database file you will probably want to create from it.
What is it?
This file is a DBase formatted database of holdings in
Victoria libraries which are of value and interest to family
historians researching their Ontario roots. The sources
include the holdings of the Greater Victoria Public Library
(GVPL), the University of Victoria Library (UVic), the Library
of the Victoria Genealogical Society (VGS), and one private
library . . . that of Anna Joan Buxton (BX). The
abbreviations for these libraries are shown because they are
employed in the 'library' field of the database itself.
This file is intended to be imported into your favourite
database. As it is in DBF file format, it can be imported
into most popular databases. Though you could print out the
entire file on paper (don't try it . . . it's big!), it is
far more effectively used in electronic key word searches.
If you do feel the urge to print, it would be better to
produce focus reports which 'fit' the subject you are
currently researching. These focus reports are also useful
when you are planning a visit to a particular library, in
that you can pre-plan the areas of the library to search in
and target individual books as well.
Field Structure
There are seven fields to this database structure. All are
character fields. Along with their field lengths, the names
of the fields are as follows:
Author: 60
Library: 30
Area: 30
Ref: 60
Topic: 60
Publication: 180
Article: 240
Z1c, GSDS note:
It has been found that this .DBF file imports
perfectly using the File Express flatfile database
program when a Dbase style is specified for the input
file. Use the field size exactly as specified above.
Usefulness to Genealogists Outside Victoria
Victoria is not unique in having such a large repository of
Ontario holdings. Most of the entries are books and
periodicals which are available in many cities . . . and if
not, they're always available through interlibrary loan.
Because of this, the database will be of use to anyone
researching Ontario family history, no matter where they are
Information From the Buxton Library
Anna Joan Buxton's private collection is noteworthy because
of its large and growing collection of Ontario cemetery
listings. 80% of these were acquired during her work over
the years for the Ontario Genealogical Society. Many of the
collection have been integrated into a computerized 'pointer'
database consisting of over 33,000 names with soundex codes.
This database will soon be uploaded to the Genealogical
Software Distribution System (GSDS).
Can I Contribute?
The Victoria Genealogical Society has an active and
enthusiastic group of Ontario researchers . . . but we're
far from Ontario. As a result we've had to hunt for, collect
and build our own information sources. We would be most
appreciative of additions to our Society Library holdings.
Our address is: Victoria Genealogical Society, P.O. Box
45031, Mayfair Postal Outlet, Victoria, BC, V8Z 7G9.
For information on this database contact Barry Taylor or Anna
Joan Buxton via FidoNet echo mail, or Anna Joan Buxton on
FreeNet at ue189@freenet.victoria.bc.ca.