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/ Monster Media 1993 #2 / Image.iso / database / indent.zip / INDENT.WRD < prev    next >
Text File  |  1993-04-11  |  7KB  |  786 lines

  1. * This file is used in the Indent system.
  2. * It contains a list of all FoxPro key words to be case-modified
  3. * by Indent
  4. * The format of this file is as follows:
  5. *     One key word per line
  6. *     Order doesn't matter (e.g., they don't have to be alphabetized)
  7. *     Capitalization doesn't matter.  If the words are in order, it will
  8. *     help Indent to run a little faster, because the sort process will
  9. *     have no exchanges to make.
  10. *
  11. * Lines or words beginning with an asterisk (*) are comments and are
  12. *     ignored by the program.  Blank lines are also ignored.
  13. *
  14. * Lines beginning with a ! will not be expanded or compressed when /X or
  15. * /U is used.
  16. !#DEFINE
  17. !#ELIF
  18. !#ELSE
  19. !#ENDIF
  20. !#IF
  23. !#REGION
  24. !#SECTION
  25. !#UNDEF
  26. !#WNAME
  27. !.and.
  28. .F.
  29. !.not.
  30. .or.
  31. .T.
  32. Function
  33. Procedure
  34. Abs
  35. Accept
  36. Access
  37. ACopy
  38. ACos
  39. Activate
  40. Add
  41. Additive
  42. ADel
  43. ADir
  44. AElement
  45. AFields
  46. AFont
  47. After
  48. Again
  49. AIns
  50. ALen
  51. Alias
  52. All
  53. AllTrim
  54. Alternate
  55. American
  56. AmPm()
  57. And
  58. ANSI
  59. App
  60. Append
  61. Application
  62. Array
  63. As
  64. Asc
  65. AScan
  66. Ascending
  67. Ascii
  68. ASin
  69. ASort
  70. Assist
  71. ASubscript
  72. At
  73. ATan
  74. AtC
  75. AtCLine
  76. AtLine
  77. ATn
  78. ATn2
  79. Auto
  80. Automatic
  81. AutoSave
  82. Average
  83. Avg
  84. Bar
  85. Before
  86. Begin
  87. Bell
  88. Between
  89. Bg
  90. Bitmap
  91. Blank
  92. Blink
  93. Blocksize
  94. Bof
  95. Border
  96. Bottom
  97. Box
  98. Break
  99. British
  100. Browse
  101. BrStatus
  102. Build
  103. By
  104. Calculate
  105. Call
  106. Cancel
  107. CapsLock
  108. Carry
  109. Case
  110. Catalog
  111. Cdow
  112. CDX
  113. Ceiling
  114. Center
  115. Century
  116. CGA
  117. Chain
  118. Change
  119. Chr
  120. ChrSaw
  121. ChrTran
  122. Class
  123. Clear
  124. Clock
  125. Close
  126. Cmonth
  127. Cnt
  128. CntBar
  129. CntPad
  130. Col
  131. Color
  132. Colour
  133. Column
  134. Comm
  135. Command
  136. Commit
  137. Comp
  138. Compact
  139. Compatibility
  140. Compatible
  141. Compile
  142. Completed
  143. Compress
  144. Confirm
  145. Console
  146. Continue
  147. Convert
  148. Copy
  149. Cos
  150. Count
  151. Create
  152. Ctod
  153. CurDir
  154. Currency
  155. Cursor
  156. Cycle
  157. Database
  158. Databases
  159. Date
  160. Day
  161. Db
  162. Db4
  163. dBaseII
  164. Dbdate
  165. Dbf
  166. Dbmemo3
  167. DDEAdvise
  168. DDEEnabled
  169. DDEExecute
  170. DDEInitiate
  171. DDELastError
  172. DDEPoke
  173. DDERequest
  174. DDESetService
  175. DDESetTopic
  176. DDETerminate
  177. Deactivate
  178. Debug
  179. Decimals
  180. Declare
  181. Default
  182. Define
  183. Delete
  184. Deleted
  185. Delimited
  186. Delimiter
  187. Delimiters
  188. Descending
  189. Design
  190. Desktop
  191. Development
  192. Device
  193. Dif
  194. Difference
  195. Dimension
  196. Dir
  197. Directory
  198. Disable
  199. Diskspace
  200. Display
  201. Distinct
  202. DMY
  203. Do
  204. DoHistory
  205. Dos
  206. Double
  207. Dow
  208. DTOC
  209. DTOR
  210. DTOS
  211. Echo
  212. Edit
  213. Ega25
  214. Ega43
  215. Eject
  216. Elif
  217. Else
  218. Elseif
  219. Empty
  220. Enable
  221. Encrypt
  222. Encryption
  223. End
  224. EndCase
  225. EndDo
  226. EndFor
  227. EndIf
  228. EndPrintJob
  229. EndScan
  230. EndText
  231. Environment
  232. EOF
  233. Erase
  234. Error
  235. Escape
  236. Evaluate
  237. Exact
  238. Except
  239. Exclusive
  240. Exe
  241. Exit
  242. Exp
  243. Export
  244. Extended
  245. External
  246. FChSize
  247. FClose
  248. FCount
  249. FCreate
  250. FEOF
  251. FError
  252. FFlush
  253. FGets
  254. Field
  255. Fields
  256. File
  257. Filer
  258. Files
  259. Fill
  260. Filter
  261. Find
  262. Fixed
  263. FKLabel
  264. FkMax
  265. Float
  266. Flock
  267. Floor
  268. Flush
  269. Font
  270. FontMetric
  271. Footer
  272. FOpen
  273. For
  274. Form
  275. Format
  276. Found
  277. FoxPlus
  278. FoxPro
  279. FoxQ
  280. FoxSwap
  281. FPuts
  282. FRead
  283. Freeze
  284. French
  285. From
  286. FSeek
  287. FSize
  288. FullPath
  289. Fv
  290. Fw
  291. Fw2
  292. FWrite
  293. Gather
  294. Gb
  295. General
  296. German
  297. Get
  298. Getbar
  299. Getdir
  300. GetE
  301. GetEnv
  302. GetExpr
  303. GetFile
  304. GetFont
  305. GetPad
  306. Gets
  307. Go
  308. GoMonth
  309. Goto
  310. Gr
  311. Group
  312. Grow
  313. HalfHeight
  314. Having
  315. Header
  316. Heading
  317. Height
  318. Help
  319. HelpFilter
  320. Hide
  321. Highlight
  322. History
  323. Hours
  324. Icon
  325. If
  326. Iif
  327. Import
  328. In
  329. Index
  330. Indexes
  331. Information
  332. InKey
  333. InList
  334. Input
  335. Insert
  336. InsMode
  337. Instruct
  338. Int
  339. Intensity
  340. Into
  341. IsAlpha
  342. IsColor
  343. IsDigit
  344. IsLower
  345. IsMarked
  346. Isometric
  347. IsUpper
  348. Italian
  349. Japan
  350. Join
  351. Key
  352. Keyboard
  353. KeyComp
  354. Label
  355. Last
  356. LastKey
  357. LEdit
  358. Left
  359. Len
  360. Level
  361. Lib
  362. Library
  363. Like
  364. Line
  365. LineNo
  366. Link
  367. Linkage
  368. List
  369. Lksys
  370. Load
  371. Locate
  372. LocFile
  373. Lock
  374. Log
  375. Log10
  376. LogErrors
  377. Logout
  378. Lookup
  379. Loop
  380. Lower
  381. LPartition
  382. LTrim
  383. LUpdate
  384. MacKey
  385. Macro
  386. Macros
  387. Margin
  388. Mark
  389. Master
  390. Max
  391. MCol
  392. Mdi
  393. MDown
  394. MDX
  395. MDY
  396. MemLines
  397. Memo
  398. Memory
  399. MemoWidth
  400. MemVar
  401. Menu
  402. Menus
  403. Message
  404. Messages
  405. Min
  406. Minimize
  407. MLine
  408. Mod
  409. Modal
  410. Modify
  411. Module
  412. Mono
  413. Mono43
  414. Month
  415. Mouse
  416. Move
  417. Mover
  418. MrkBar
  419. MrkPad
  420. MRow
  421. Multi
  422. MultiLocks
  423. MultiSelect
  424. MWindow
  425. NDX
  426. Near
  427. Network
  428. Next
  429. Noalias
  430. NoAppend
  431. NoClear
  432. NoClose
  433. NoConsole
  434. NoDebug
  435. NoDelete
  436. NoEdit
  437. NoEject
  438. NoEnvironment
  439. NoFloat
  440. NoFollow
  441. NoGrow
  442. NoInit
  443. NoLGrid
  444. NoLink
  445. NoLock
  446. NoMargin
  447. NoMDI
  448. NoMenu
  449. NoModify
  450. NoMouse
  451. None
  452. NoOptimize
  453. NoOverwrite
  454. NoRefresh
  455. NoRGrid
  456. Norm
  457. Normal
  458. NoSave
  459. NoShadow
  460. NoShow
  461. Not
  462. NoTab
  463. Note
  464. Notify
  465. NoUpdate
  466. NoWait
  467. NoWindow
  468. NoZoom
  469. NPV
  470. Number
  471. NumLock
  472. Object
  473. ObjNum
  474. Occurs
  475. Odometer
  476. Of
  477. Off
  478. On
  479. OnKey
  480. Only
  481. Open
  482. Optimize
  483. Or
  484. Order
  485. OS
  486. Otherwise
  487. Overwrite
  488. Pack
  489. Pad
  490. PadC
  491. PadL
  492. PadR
  493. Page
  494. Panel
  495. Parameters
  496. Partition
  497. Path
  498. Pattern
  499. Pause
  500. Payment
  501. PCol
  502. PDOX
  503. PDriver
  504. PDSetup
  505. Pen
  506. Pfs
  507. Pi
  508. Picture
  509. Plain
  510. Play
  511. Point
  512. Pop
  513. Popup
  514. Popups
  515. Precision
  516. Preference
  517. Preview
  518. Primary
  519. Print
  520. Printer
  521. PrintJob
  522. PrintStatus
  523. Private
  524. PrmBar
  525. PrmPad
  526. Production
  527. Program
  528. Project
  529. Prompt
  530. Proper
  531. PRow
  532. Public
  533. Push
  534. PutFile
  535. PV
  536. Query
  537. Quit
  538. Rand
  539. Random
  540. Range
  541. Rank
  542. Rat
  543. Ratline
  544. Rb
  545. RdLevel
  546. Read
  547. ReadBorder
  548. ReadError
  549. ReadKey
  550. Recall
  551. RecCount
  552. RecNo
  553. Record
  554. RecSize
  555. REdit
  556. Reference
  557. Refresh
  558. Region
  559. Regional
  560. ReIndex
  561. Relation
  562. Relative
  563. Release
  564. Remark
  565. Rename
  566. Replace
  567. Replicate
  568. Report
  569. Reprocess
  570. Reset
  571. Resource
  572. Rest
  573. Restore
  574. Resume
  575. Retry
  576. Return
  577. Rg
  578. RGB
  579. RGBScheme
  580. Right
  581. RLock
  582. Rollback
  583. Round
  584. Row
  585. RPD
  586. RTOD
  587. RTrim
  588. Run
  589. Safety
  590. Same
  591. Sample
  592. Save
  593. Say
  594. Scan
  595. Scatter
  596. Scheme
  597. SCols
  598. Scoreboard
  599. Screen
  600. Scroll
  601. SDF
  602. Secondary
  603. Seconds
  604. Section
  605. Seek
  606. Select
  607. Selection
  608. Separator
  609. Sequence
  610. Set
  611. Shadow
  612. Shadows
  613. Show
  614. Sign
  615. Sin
  616. Single
  617. Size
  618. Skip
  619. SkpBar
  620. SkpPad
  621. Snap
  622. SnapCode
  623. SnapMacro
  624. SoftSeek
  625. Sort
  626. Soundex
  627. Space
  628. Spinner
  629. Sql
  630. Sqrt
  631. Srows
  632. Standalone
  633. Status
  634. Std
  635. Step
  636. Sticky
  637. Store
  638. Str
  639. Stretch
  640. StrTran
  641. Structure
  642. Stuff
  643. Style
  644. SubStr
  645. Sum
  646. Summary
  647. Suspend
  648. Sylk
  649. Sys
  650. SysMenu
  651. SysMetric
  652. System
  653. Tab
  654. Table
  655. Tabs
  656. Tag
  657. Talk
  658. Tan
  659. Target
  660. Text
  661. Textmerge
  662. Time
  663. Timeout
  664. Title
  665. Titles
  666. To
  667. Top
  668. Topic
  669. Total
  670. Transaction
  671. Transform
  672. Trap
  673. TrBetween
  674. Trim
  675. Txtwidth
  676. Type
  677. TypeAhead
  678. Udf
  679. UdfParms
  680. Union
  681. Unique
  682. UnLock
  683. UpDate
  684. UpDated
  685. Upper
  686. Usa
  687. Use
  688. Used
  689. User
  690. Users
  691. Using
  692. Val
  693. Valid
  694. Value
  695. Values
  696. Var
  697. VarRead
  698. Verb
  699. Version
  700. Vga
  701. Vga25
  702. Vga50
  703. View
  704. Wait
  705. WBorder
  706. WChild
  707. WCols
  708. WExist
  709. WFont
  710. When
  711. Where
  712. While
  713. Width
  714. Window
  715. Windows
  716. With
  717. Wk
  718. Wk1
  719. Wk3
  720. Wks
  721. WLast
  722. WLCol
  723. WLRow
  724. WMaximum
  725. WMinimum
  726. WOnTop
  727. WorkArea
  728. WOutPut
  729. WParent
  730. Wr
  731. Wr1
  732. Wrap
  733. WRead
  734. Wrk
  735. WRows
  736. WTitle
  737. WVisible
  738. Xls
  739. Year
  740. Ymd
  741. Zap
  742. Zoom
  743. !_alignment
  744. !_box
  745. !_calcmem
  746. !_calcvalue
  747. !_cliptext
  748. !_curobj
  749. !_dblclick
  750. !_diarydate
  751. !_gengraph
  752. !_genmenu
  753. !_genpd
  754. !_genscrn
  755. !_genxtab
  756. !_indent
  757. !_lmargin
  758. !_mline
  759. !_padvance
  760. !_pageno
  761. !_pbpage
  762. !_pcolno
  763. !_pcopies
  764. !_pdriver
  765. !_pdsetup
  766. !_pecode
  767. !_peject
  768. !_pepage
  769. !_pform
  770. !_plength
  771. !_plineno
  772. !_ploffset
  773. !_ppitch
  774. !_pquality
  775. !_pretext
  776. !_pscode
  777. !_pspacing
  778. !_pwait
  779. !_rmargin
  780. !_tabs
  781. !_tally
  782. !_text
  783. !_throttle
  784. !_wrap