Monster Media 1993 #2
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248 lines
"MagniFilσ [TM▌ Options:"
Thi≤ featurσ give≤ eacΦ person'≤ recorΣ aε additiona∞ se⌠ oµ 10░ use≥ defineΣ ì
T∩ perforφ ß field-by-fielΣ searcΦ oµ thσ datß storeΣ iε MagniFilσ [TM]¼ g∩ ì
t∩ thσ 'Fas⌠ SearcΦ ThrougΦ Dataº men⌡ anΣ observσ selectioε 1:
1⌐ Lightninτ fas⌠ searcΦ
Oε optioε ▒ oµ tha⌠ menu¼ pleasσ notσ selectioε 10:
1░ ╜ MagniFilσ [TM]
T∩ impor⌠ largσ block≤ oµ datß int∩ MagniFilσ [TM]¼ g∩ t∩ thσ Maiε Prograφ ì
Men⌡ anΣ observσ selectioε B║
"B⌐ Impor⌠ o≥ Outpu⌠ dataó
Oncσ yo⌡ ente≥ 'Bº anΣ brancΦ t∩ thσ "Impor⌠ o≥ Outpu⌠ Datß Menu"¼ pleasσ ì
observσ selectioε 7:
"7⌐ 1▓ fielΣ o≥ 11▓ FielΣ ASCI╔ importó
Optioε 7 givσ yo⌡ tw∩ nesteΣ selections║ 1▓ fielΣ o≥ 11▓ FielΣ ASCI╔ import« ì
Thσ '11▓ Fieldº selectioε i≤ ß variablσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ ASCI╔ impor⌠ feature«
T∩ usσ thi≤ Variablσ 11▓ FielΣ ASCI╔ impor⌠ feature¼ yo⌡ mus⌠ enter
thσ tota∞ numbe≥ oµ field≤ cominτ in« Thσ firs⌠ 1▓ g∩ int∩ the
maiε persoε file¼ whilσ thσ res⌠ linδ int∩ MagniFilσ [TM]¼ thougΦ yo⌡ arσ ì
no⌠ requireΣ t∩ avai∞ yourselµ oµ al∞ 11▓ fields«
Optioε 7 wil∞ impor⌠ froφ aε ASCI╔ filσ named║ 'AIMPORT.TXT'« Makσ surσ ì
tha⌠ you≥ filσ ha≤ tha⌠ name.
Observσ belo≈ onσ recorΣ iε thσ ASCI╔ "commß delimitedó format:
"Johε D.","Cauble¼ Jr.","Accountinτ ª Ta° Service","1105╢ Shad∙ Trail",
"Suitσ 101","Dallas","TX","75229","","(214)357-5454","SIC=4303","Mr.",
"RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 13","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 14","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 15",
"RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 16","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 17","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 18",
"RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 19","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 20","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 21",
"RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 22","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 23","RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 24",
"RecorΣ 6¼ FielΣ 25"
Observσ tha⌠ "Suitσ 101ó woulΣ normall∙ follo≈ afte≥ "1105╢ Shad∙ Trailó oε ì
onσ continuou≤ line« Herσ thσ recorΣ i≤ brokeε int∩ seveε line≤ onl∙ fo≥ ìèpurpose≤ oµ showinτ yo⌡ ho≈ i⌠ looks.
Thi≤ recorΣ anΣ othe≥ example≤ arσ containeΣ iε thi≤ subdirector∙ iε ì
'AIMPORTM.TXT'¼ ß samplσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ tex⌠ file.
ⁿ OPTIO╬ 1║ |
"1⌐ Edi⌠ MagniFilσ [TM▌ records"
A⌠ optioε 1¼ yo⌡ caε wil∞ scrol∞ througΦ fivσ screens¼ witΦ 2░ MagniFilσ ì
[TM▌ record≤ pe≥ screen«
ⁿ OPTIO╬ 2║ |
"2⌐ Edi⌠ system-widσ fielΣ definitions"
A⌠ optioε 2¼ yo⌡ caε wil∞ scrol∞ througΦ fivσ screens¼ witΦ 2░ system-widσ ì
fielΣ definition≤ pe≥ screen« Externall∙ storeΣ iε MAGNIDEF.DBF¼ thesσ ì
value≤ caε bσ createΣ o≥ updateΣ oε optioε ▓ oµ an∙ MagniFilσ [TM▌ menu.
ⁿ OPTIO╬ 3║ |
"3) MagniFile [TM] Snapshot, then print"
Thi≤ 'Snapshotº selectioε display≤ al∞ MagniFilσ [TM▌ entrie≤ fo≥ thi≤ ì
person¼ theε ask≤ yo⌡ iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ prin⌠ thi≤ 'Snapshot'.
| Other: |
| Structure of the Files |
MAGNI.DB╞ contain≤ thσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ datß anΣ i≤ iε thi≤ form:
Structurσ fo≥ database║ E:magni.dbf
FielΣ FielΣ Namσ Typσ WidtΦ Dec
▒ PROSPEC╘ Characte≥ 40
▓ FIEL─ Numeriπ 4
│ ITE═ Characte≥ 45è ┤ INTERES╘ Numeriπ 8
*¬ Tota∞ *¬ 98
'PROSPECTº contain≤ thσ compan∙ namσ oµ thi≤ record« 'FIELDº i≤ ß numbe≥ ì
froφ ▒ t∩ 10░ anΣ correspond≤ t∩ thσ fielΣ numbe≥ oµ thi≤ record¼ iµ used« ì
'ITEMº contain≤ thσ fielΣ information« 'INTERESTº i≤ ß numbe≥ froφ ▒ t∩ ì
99,999,99╣ anΣ reflect≤ thσ categor∙ number.
Iµ no⌠ used¼ MagniFilσ [TM▌ take≤ u≡ aε inconsequentia∞ amoun⌠ oµ spacσ oε ì
thσ harΣ drivσ sincσ thσ datß i≤ storeΣ iε i⌠ dynamically.
MAGNIDEF.DB╞ contain≤ thσ system-widσ fielΣ definitions.
| Outputting MagniFilσ [TM▌ |
| as ASCII data |
Yo⌡ caε outpu⌠ ß variablσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ 10░ fielΣ extensioε a≤ aε ASCI╔ ì
Froφ thσ Maiε Prograφ Menu¼ selec⌠ optioε B:
B) Import or Output data
Once there, please select option 2:
2) Other Output
Oε thσ Othe≥ Outpu⌠ Menu¼ observσ selectioε 3:
3) MagniFile [TM]:
WitΦ thi≤ feature¼ yo⌡ caε outpu⌠ u≡ t∩ 12░ field≤ oµ ASCI╔ informatioε froφ ì
thσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ 10░ fielΣ extensioε tha⌠ exist≤ behinΣ ever∙ record¼ iµ ì
Thi≤ variablσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ ASCI╔ Outpu⌠ wil∞ outpu⌠ 2░ ASCI╔ field≤ plu≤ u≡ ì
t∩ 10░ field≤ oµ thσ Magnifilσ extension« I⌠ require≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ identif∙ thσ ì
numbe≥ oµ outgoinτ MagniFilσ [TM▌ fields.
Iµ yo⌡ havσ alread∙ entereΣ system-widσ fielΣ definitions¼ theε thi≤ ì
selectioε wil∞ outpu⌠ theφ iε thσ 'DEFº file« Otherwise¼ optioε │ wil∞ ì
creatσ heading≤ iε thi≤ forφ fo≥ thσ missinτ fielΣ definitions:
è MagniFile_1¼ MagniFile_2¼ MagniFile_3¼ MagniFile_4¼ MagniFile_5¼
MagniFile_6, MagniFile_7, MagniFile_8, MagniFile_9, MagniFile_10,
MagniFile_11, MagniFile_12, MagniFile_13, MagniFile_14, MagniFile_15,
Thesσ fielΣ definition≤ al∞ occup∙ onσ linσ anΣ arσ herσ brokeε u≡ onl∙ fo≥ ì
easσ oµ visualization« Oε thσ nex⌠ linσ oµ thσ 'DEFº filσ i≤ containeΣ thi≤ ì
Tota∞ ASCI╔ anΣ MagniFilσ field≤ outputteΣ ╜ 120
[MagniFilσ portioε ╜ 100]
Thσ 'DATº filσ contain≤ al∞ ASCI╔ data¼ u≡ t∩ 12░ field≤ oµ commß delimiteΣ ì
data« Thσ firs⌠ 2░ arσ thσ samσ a≤ optioε ▒ above¼ whilσ thσ remainde≥ arσ ì
froφ thσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ 10░ fielΣ extension.
| Linking Aut∩ Mergσ into |
| MagniFilσ [TM▌ |
From the Main Program Menu, observe selection F:
"Auto Merge"
Thi≤ hand∙ featurσ wil∞ automaticall∙ merge¼ print¼ o≥ Fa° an∙ ASCI╔ lette≥ ì
oµ you≥ choicσ witΦ a≤ man∙ record≤ a≤ yo⌡ selec⌠.
I⌠ place≤ Quicδ Mem∩ [TM▌ oε thσ to≡ oµ thσ mergeΣ letter¼ followeΣ b∙ you≥ ì
ASCI╔ lette≥ o≥ template¼ theε print≤ o≥ faxe≤ it.
I⌠ queue≤ u≡ t∩ 99,999,99╣ faxe≤ a⌠ onσ time¼ theε transmit≤ them«
Recallinτ tha⌠ thσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ Option≤ featurσ give≤ eacΦ person'≤ recorΣ ì
aε additiona∞ se⌠ oµ 10░ use≥ defineΣ fields¼ yo⌡ caε linδ iε thosσ record≤ ì
witΦ thi≤ simplσ t∩ usσ feature.
Iε ever∙ placσ wherσ yo⌡ wisΦ thσ person'≤ MagniFilσ [TM▌ fielΣ t∩ appear¼ ì
yo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ thi≤ notation:
╝ >
Let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ beeε enterinτ thσ followinτ tex⌠ int∩ onσ person'≤ ì
MagniFilσ [TM▌ record:
MagniFilσ [TM▌ Fields║ Tex⌠ yo⌡ havσ entered:
▒ Republicaε
2╡ SSAN=554-54-3212
5░ Koreaε Veteranè 10░ Methodist
T∩ linδ thesσ MagniFilσ [TM▌ field≤ int∩ you≥ filσ a≤ pe≥ optioε 1¼ yo⌡ woulΣ ì
ente≥ thσ followinτ code≤ o≥ macro≤ int∩ you≥ text:
The∙ can¼ oµ course¼ appea≥ anywherσ iε thσ text« Herσ the∙ arσ showε onσ ì
abovσ thσ othe≥ onl∙ fo≥ reason≤ oµ clarity« The∙ coulΣ jus⌠ a≤ easil∙ bσ ì
iε thi≤ order:
<100╛ <50>
<25╛ <1>
Whateve≥ informatioε i≤ containeΣ iε thi≤ person'≤ MagniFilσ [TM▌ fielΣ wil∞ ì
full∙ replacσ thσ macro« If¼ however¼ n∩ matcΦ i≤ founΣ iε tha⌠ field¼ theε ì
thσ number≤ withiε thσ '╝ >º arσ removeΣ froφ thσ text¼ alonτ witΦ thσ '╝ >º ì
Iε additioε t∩ thesσ macro≤ beinτ locateΣ iε thσ bod∙ oµ thσ tex⌠ file¼ yo⌡ ì
caε als∩ placσ theφ int∩ thσ Quicδ Mem∩ [TM▌ definitions« Iµ yo⌡ caε ente≥ ì
o≥ updatσ ß Quicδ Mem∩ [TM▌ definition¼ theε yo⌡ caε placσ ß macr∩ int∩ i⌠ a≤ ì
well¼ sucΦ a≤ placinτ '<100>º nex⌠ t∩ you≥ Quicδ Mem∩ [TM▌ phonσ numbe≥ ì