Monster Media 1993 #2
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Help Screen for Labels Menu:
Each label contains this information:
First name, Last Name
Company name [if different from first/last name]
Address 1
Address 2
City, State Zip code [Country, if foreign]
Observσ tha⌠ iµ yo⌡ havσ lef⌠ botΦ thσ firs⌠ anΣ las⌠ namσ field≤ blanδ iε ì
you≥ maiε recorΣ iε thσ prospec⌠ file¼ thσ labe∞ wil∞ ski≡ linσ 2« Iµ thσ ì
compan∙ namσ i≤ thσ samσ a≤ thσ firs⌠ anΣ las⌠ namσ (bu⌠ separateΣ b∙ ß ì
comma)¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ ignorσ compan∙ namσ also¼ Fo≥ example« Iµ yo⌡ havσ ì
thi≤ record:
Firs⌠ Name║ John
Last name: Doe
Company Name: John Doe <=== must have 1 space between the two words
Notσ tha⌠ iµ yo⌡ leavσ thσ compan∙ namσ blanδ bu⌠ ente≥ ß firs⌠ anΣ las⌠ ì
name¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ CREAT┼ ß compan∙ namσ consistinτ oµ 'firs⌠ ì
name'+space+'las⌠ name'.
Thσ prograφ wil∞ ski≡ compan∙ namσ oncσ i⌠ identifie≤ tha⌠ thσ compan∙ namσ ì
i≤ thσ samσ a≤ thσ firs⌠ plu≤ thσ seconΣ name.
EacΦ labe∞ contain≤ 3╡ character≤ a⌠ 1░ CPI¼ eveε thougΦ thσ labe∞ ma∙ ì
attemp⌠ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ u≡ t∩ 4▓ characters« Iµ you≥ label≤ spil∞ ove≥ beyonΣ ì
3╡ characters¼ pu⌠ you≥ printe≥ int∩ thσ compresseΣ modσ (1▓ CPI)« A⌠ 1▓ ì
CPI¼ thσ printe≥ caε fi⌠ u≡ t∩ 4▓ character≤ ont∩ thσ label.
Note for addresses outside of the United States:
Thσ prograφ caε als∩ managσ foreigε addresses« T∩ seσ ho≈ t∩ d∩ this¼ g∩ t∩ ì
Appendi° 'Eº iε thσ tutorial║
áááProcedures for Foreign records and labels....................Appendix E
with special programming for addresses in:
Canada, Australia, Israel and Great Britain!
Simila≥ Help is available to you in the Other Options Menu, option 1:
1) Update or add to the State file.
| OPTION 1: |
Optioε ▒ print≤ ou⌠ thσ labe∞ fo≥ thσ las⌠ recorΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ examineΣ witΦ thσ ì
Ge⌠ option¼ Prospec⌠ File« Also¼ wheε yo⌡ arσ entereΣ record≤ int∩ thi≤ filσ ì
witΦ thσ AdΣ option¼ optioε ▒ oε thi≤ men⌡ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ labe∞ fo≥ thσ ìèlas⌠ recorΣ added.
| OPTION 2: |
Optioε ▓ generate≤ label≤ fo≥ al∞ record≤ iε thσ Prospec⌠ file« Oµ coursσ iµ ì
yo⌡ havσ alread∙ gonσ t∩ thσ Maiε Prograφ Men⌡ anΣ selecteΣ ß categor∙ oµ ì
interes⌠ tha⌠ select≤ ou⌠ somσ records¼ onl∙ thosσ record≤ iε you≥ selecteΣ ì
categor∙ wil∞ bσ printeΣ out« Seσ thσ Hel≡ screen¼ Maiε Prograφ Menu¼ ì
Optioε 8¼ fo≥ ß furthe≥ explanatioε oµ ho≈ yo⌡ caε "layer-inó data« Tha⌠ ì
featurσ affect≤ whicΦ label≤ arσ printeΣ out¼ iµ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ "layeró o≥ ì
segregatσ you≥ data«
| OPTION 3: |
Optioε │ work≤ witΦ optioε 4¼ bu⌠ i≤ independen⌠ oµ eithe≥ optioε ▒ o≥ 2« Iε ì
brief¼ optioε │ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ onl∙ thosσ label≤ froφ you≥ Prospec⌠ filσ tha⌠ ì
havσ beeε addeΣ sincσ wa≤ optioε │ wa≤ invokeΣ thσ las⌠ time« Iε ß sense¼ ì
optioε │ i≤ "postingó thosσ record≤ fo≥ whicΦ i⌠ generate≤ labels« Then¼ ì
wheε yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ prin⌠ morσ labels¼ optioε │ check≤ t∩ seσ whicΦ arσ ì
"unpostedó anΣ theε print≤ ou⌠ onl∙ thosσ labels«
Fo≥ example¼ let≤ sa∙ yo⌡ havσ 30░ record≤ iε you≥ Prospec⌠ file« Iµ yo⌡ ì
selec⌠ optioε ▓ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ you≥ labels¼ yo⌡ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ 30░ labels« Iµ ì
yo⌡ adΣ anothe≥ 3░ record≤ iε thσ nex⌠ tw∩ weeδ perioΣ anΣ attemp⌠ t∩ prin⌠ ì
theφ ou⌠ agaiε usinτ optioε 2¼ thσ compute≥ wil∞ theε generatσ 33░ labels.
Iµ insteaΣ oµ usinτ optioε ▓ thσ firs⌠ timσ t∩ prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ labels¼ yo⌡ haΣ ì
useΣ optioε 3¼ yo⌡ woulΣ havσ generateΣ 30░ labels« Afte≥ addinτ 3░ morσ ì
records¼ though¼ iµ yo⌡ haΣ selecteΣ optioε │ again¼ yo⌡ woulΣ havσ haΣ jus⌠ ì
3░ label≤ prin⌠ out--jus⌠ thosσ tha⌠ haΣ beeε addeΣ t∩ thσ Prospec⌠ filσ ì
sincσ optioε │ wa≤ selecteΣ last«
| OPTION 4: |
Optioε ┤ reset≤ al∞ record≤ froφ ß "posteΣ ó t∩ aε "unpostedó state« Thi≤ ha≤ ì
thσ effec⌠ oµ reversinτ al∞ thosσ entrie≤ madσ b∙ optioε 3«
Wheε yo⌡ invokσ optioε 4¼ yo⌡ wil∞ seσ thσ followinτ typσ oµ information:
11 records
1 record
Thi≤ screeε wil∞ sho≈ yo⌡ thσ tota∞ numbe≥ oµ unposteΣ record≤ iε thσ ì
Prospec⌠ filσ anΣ thosσ tha⌠ arσ posteΣ (alread∙ havσ haΣ ß labe∞ printeΣ ou⌠ ì
usinτ optioε 3)« Also¼ a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ tha⌠ menu¼ yo⌡ havσ ß choicσ t∩ abor⌠ ì
thσ RESETTIN╟ proces≤ b∙ enterinτ aε "R".
| OPTION 5: |
8) Insert phone number into label [default =OFF] [now off]
Thi≤á optioε wil∞ inser⌠ thσ phonσ numbe≥ iε thσ linσ fo≥ thσ seconΣá address.
| OPTION 6: |
Activatσ 'Zip+4º featurσ iε zi≡ code« Iµ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ usσ thσ additiona∞ ì
fou≥ digit≤ iε you≥ zi≡ codes¼ theε selec⌠ thi≤ featurσ [On]« Thi≤ wil∞ ì
prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ additiona∞ fou≥ digit≤ iε thσ labels╗ otherwise¼ the∙ arσ ì
| OPTION 7: |
Send labels to printer or text file ['VIEW.TXT']
Thi≤ optioε i≤ usefu∞ wheε yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ brinτ namσ anΣ addres≤ informatioε int∩ ì
ßá worΣá processor¼á sucΦ a≤ WORDSTAR[TM]«á B∙ selectivel∙á outputtinτá thesσ ì
label≤á t∩á aε externa∞ tex⌠ file¼á yo⌡ caε impor⌠ 'VIEW.TXTº int∩á you≥á worΣ ì
processor¼á anΣá theεá manipulatσ tha⌠ addres≤ informatioεá insidσá you≥á worΣ ì
processo≥ document.
When used with option 1:
Iεá ß harΣ drivσ system¼á ever∙ timσ yo⌡ writσ onσ labe∞ t∩á VIEW.TXT¼á thσ ì
prograφá wil∞á accumulatσ thosσ label≤ unti∞ yo⌡ exi⌠ thσá program«á Then¼ ì
wheεá yo⌡ re-ente≥ thσ program¼á thi≤ accumulatinτ proces≤ wil∞ star⌠á ove≥ ìèagain.
Iεá ß flopp∙ baseΣ system¼á ever∙ timσ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ writσ onσ labe∞ t∩á thσ ì
tex⌠á filσ VIEW.TXT¼á yo⌡ overwritσ thσ prio≥ labe∞ tha⌠ wa≤ sen⌠á t∩á tha⌠ ì
When used with all other options:
Wheneve≥ yo⌡ invokσ ß labe∞ optioε othe≥ thaε numbe≥ ▒ anΣ elec⌠ t∩ senΣ thosσ ì
label≤á t∩á ß tex⌠ file¼á thσ prograφ wil∞ automaticall∙ overwritσá thσá prio≥ ì
| OPTION 8: |
Select size of Label:
Observσ tha⌠ label≤ ▒ througΦ ┤ anΣ 1░ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ 4▓ character≤ across¼ ì
whilσ label≤ ╡ througΦ ╣ arσ restricteΣ t∩ 3╡ character≤ pe≥ label.
Labe∞ 1▒ i≤ thσ samσ a≤ labe∞ 1¼ excep⌠ tha⌠ thσ Compan∙ linσ i≤ reverseΣ ì
witΦ Address1¼ thσ firs⌠ linσ oµ thσ addres≤ label« Thσ inten⌠ oµ thi≤ labe∞ ì
i≤ t∩ providσ yo⌡ ß wa∙ t∩ placσ ß titlσ abovσ thσ compan∙ line« Iµ yo⌡ ì
placσ thσ titlσ iε Address▒ anΣ theε placσ thσ entirσ addres≤ iε Address2¼ ì
theε thi≤ labe∞ wil∞ prin⌠ correctly« Notσ tha⌠ iµ yo⌡ usσ thi≤ label¼ yo⌡ ì
havσ t∩ se⌠ u≡ AL╠ record≤ iε thσ systeφ witΦ thi≤ convention║ titlσ goe≤ ì
int∩ Address1¼ whilσ thσ addres≤ tha⌠ woulΣ havσ occupieΣ Address▒ anΣ ì
Address▓ no≈ goe≤ int∩ Address2.
Froφ thi≤ optioε yo⌡ caε makσ ß selectioε oµ labe∞ size«á Currently¼ thesσ ì
fourteeε arσ supported:
[Label 1] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 1 across ]
[ Metric equivalent: 89 X 24mm ]
[Label 2] [Rolodex[TM], 4" by 2 1/8", 1 across ]
[ Metric equivalent: 102 X 54mm ]
[Label 3] [Rolodex[TM], 5" by 3", 1 across ]
[ Metric equivalent: 127 X 75mm ]
[Label 4] [Label, 4" by 1 7/16", 1 across ]
[ Metric equivalent: 102 X 37mm ]
[Label 5] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 2 across ]
[Label 6] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 3 across ]
[Label 7] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 4 across ]
[Label 8] [Cheshire, 3 2/10 by 11/12", 3 across ]
[Label 9] [Cheshire, 3 2/10 by 11/12", 4 across ]è
[Label 10] [Envelope, 3 1/2" by 1 1/8", 1 across ]
Similar to Label 1, but with a 6th line
added to accommodate Title, if any.
[Label 11] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 1 across ]
[same as Label1, Company/Add1 reversed]
[Label 12] [LABEL12 = Rediform [TM] Continuous Index Cards, 4" by 7"]
Stock number: 6731
Oriented to print out in a postcard format.
[Label 13] [LABEL13 = 4" by 3", 1 across
[Label 14] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 1 1/8", 1 across ]
Similar to Label 1, but with a 6th line
added and with phone number on line 6
[Label 15] [LABEL15 = Rediform [TM] Continuous Index Cards, 4" by 7"]
Stock number: 6731
Similar to Label 12, but with a different orientation.
Printing is flushed left, with Comment one, Comment two,
and Referred by.
[Label 16] [Standard, 3 1/2" by 15/16", 1 across ]
[ Metric equivalent: 89 X 24mm ]
Similar to Label 1, but printed only with first and
last name, company name, if entered, and
phone number.
Thσ envelopσ optioε wil∞ assigε ß lef⌠ margiε oµ 3╡ characters¼ whilσ ì
promptinτ yo⌡ fo≥ thσ numbe≥ oµ line≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ thσ printe≥ t∩ feeΣ beforσ anΣ ì
afte≥ thσ label.
Note on Laser Printer Labels:
Iµ yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ usσ ß lase≥ printe≥ fo≥ labels¼ theε thσ followinτ 'automatiπ ì
shee⌠ fedº label≤ havσ beeε fielΣ testeΣ witΦ thi≤ program:
Brand: Mfg. No: Sheets: Labels per sheet:
Avery [TM] 5161, 1" by 4" 100 sheets 20
Wheε yo⌡ usσ thesσ labels¼á observσ tha⌠ thσ manufacture≥ identifie≤á thesσ ì
a≤ 1ó b∙ 4"«á Iε order¼ however¼ fo≥ thi≤ prograφ t∩ addres≤ thesσ labels¼ ì
yo⌡ mus⌠ selec⌠ Labe∞ 5:
[Labe∞ 5▌ [Standard¼ │ 1/2ó b∙ 15/16"¼ ▓ acros≤ ]
Thσ differencσ iε thesσ measurement≤ i≤ attributablσ t∩ Aver∙ [TM▌ countinτ ìèthσá spacσ betweeε thσ label≤ a≤ par⌠ oµ thei≥ labe∞ surface«á Makσ sure¼ ì
also¼ tha⌠ yo⌡ se⌠ thσ lase≥ printe≥ fo≥ 6░ line≤ pe≥ page¼ no⌠ 66«
| OPTION 9: |
9) 3rd-Class Bulk Mail Sort
Thi≤ optioε ha≤ it≤ owε Hel≡ screeε anΣ wil∞ perforφ ß thirΣ clas≤ bulδ mai∞ ì
sor⌠ froφ you≥ database« Additionally¼ yo⌡ caε appl∙ selectioε criteriß ì
agains⌠ you≥ filσ oµ prospect≤ fo≥ thi≤ sort.
A) Set Left Margin for Labels
WitΦ thi≤ selection¼á yo⌡ caε indicatσ thσ leftmos⌠ margiε fo≥ you≥ labels«
"B) Create return address labels"
Thi≤ optioε wil∞ prin⌠ aε unlimiteΣ numbe≥ oµ copie≤ oµ onσ labe∞ anΣ i≤ ì
intendeΣ fo≥ you≥ usσ a≤ ß returε addres≤ label« I⌠ presume≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ ì
entereΣ ß recorΣ fo≥ yourselµ iε thσ Prospec⌠ filσ anΣ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ jus⌠ ì
lef⌠ tha⌠ recorΣ iε thσ Prospec⌠ Ge⌠ screen.
Note║ Regardles≤ oµ thσ labe∞ selectioε yo⌡ makσ oε selectioε "8⌐ Sizσ oµ ì
Label"¼ thi≤ optioε wil∞ prin⌠ onl∙ ON┼ across.
C) Drop the company
B∙ default¼ al∞ compan∙ name≤ arσ includeΣ wheneve≥ yo⌡ prin⌠ label≤ o≥ ì
outpu⌠ datß t∩ ß mergσ file« Iµ yo⌡ elec⌠ t∩ dro≡ thσ compan∙ namσ o≥ ìèfirst/las⌠ name¼ theε thσ label≤ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ accordingly.
D⌐ Selec⌠ Printe≥ Port
Froφá thi≤ menu¼á yo⌡ definσ oε whicΦ oµ thesσ printe≥ port≤ arσá outputteΣ ì
thσ labels║
Whateve≥á printe≥á por⌠ yo⌡ select¼á thi≤ selectioε i≤ independen⌠á oµá thσ ì
printe≥ useΣ iε thσ report≤ menu.
"E) Assign text name"
A⌠á thi≤á optioεá yo⌡ ente≥ thσ namσ oµ thσ tex⌠á filσá tha⌠á thi≤á prograφ ì
assign≤ wheε optioε ╖ is toggled:
"[senΣ t∩ Tex⌠ file]"
Observσá tha⌠á yo⌡ assigε aε extension¼á iµ any«á Iµ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩á senΣá t∩ ì
VIEW.TXT¼ theε yo⌡ woulΣ enter║
"F) Insert Title"
Thi≤ featurσ wil∞ inser⌠ thσ Titlσ yo⌡ havσ entereΣ int∩ thσ Prospec⌠ File¼ ì
iµ any¼ int∩ label≤ 2¼ 3¼ 4¼ 10¼ o≥ 13¼ oncσ s∩ selected.
G) OCR Print style:
èWitΦ thi≤ selection¼ optioε ╟ wil∞ imprin⌠ aε 'OCRº readablσ typefacσ int∩ ì
thσ printinτ oµ labels« Seσ Publicatioε 2╕ [TM]¼ 'Posta∞ Addressinτ ì
Standardsº (May¼ 1990⌐ anΣ Publicatioε 4╣ [TM]¼ 'Third-Clas≤ Mai∞ ì
Preparation'¼ (Jul∙ 1991)¼ Chapte≥ 6║ Addressinτ fo≥ thσ "Computereye."
Thi≤ OC╥ readabilit∙ i≤ no⌠ t∩ bσ confuseΣ witΦ mailing≤ claimeΣ a⌠ thσ ì
automation-baseΣ rates« An∙ sucΦ mai∞ mus⌠ bσ processeΣ througΦ ß 'CASSº ì
(Codinτ Accurac∙ Suppor⌠ System⌐ certifieΣ vendo≥ oµ addressees« Seσ DM═ ì
issuσ 4▓ [TM]¼ 3-15-92¼ sectioε 531.
Al∞ referenceΣ USP╙ publication≤ arσ trademark≤ oµ thσ UniteΣ State≤ Posta∞ ì