Monster Media 1993 #2
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ááá Procedurσ fo≥ Foreigε Addresses:
ááá overview
ááá [thosσ outsidσ oµ thσ U.S.A.]
áááOncσá yo⌡á selec⌠á U.S.┴ a≤ thσ countr∙ oµ usagσ iεá thσá Internationa∞ ì
áááInstallatioε Menu¼á I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ present≤ item≤ iε thσ addres≤á tha⌠ ì
áááarσá specifiπá t∩ thσ U.S.A.¼á sucΦ a≤ 'zi≡ codeº anΣá 'state.ºá Thesσ ì
áááaddres≤ element≤ arσ omitteΣ wheε an∙ othe≥ countr∙ i≤ selected«
áááRegardles≤á oµá thσ countr∙ selecteΣ a⌠ thσ Internationa∞á Installatioε ì
áááMenu¼á yo⌡ alway≤ havσ thσ optioε oµ creatinτ informatioε specifiπ t∩ ß ì
ááácountr∙á b∙á usinτ thσ 'COUNTRY=º logiπ availablσ t∩ yo⌡á iεá COMMENT1« ì
áááLet'≤á sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ werσ placinτ thσ namσ oµ thσ countr∙ iε thσá 'CITYº ì
ááálinσá bu⌠ raε ou⌠ oµ space«á Iµ yo⌡ theε placσ thσá phrasσá 'COUNTRY=º ì
áááanywherσ iε COMMENT1¼ thσ prograφ wil∞ takσ tha⌠ countr∙ namσ anΣ prin⌠ ì
ááái⌠ oε thσ samσ linσ a≤ thσ cit∙ oε you≥ label¼ followinτ thσ city« Fo≥ ì
áááexample¼ iµ yo⌡ havσ thi≤ phrasσ in COMMENT1:
ááá COUNTRY=Australia/
áááWheεá yo⌡á prin⌠ ß label¼á I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ wil∞ sensσ tha⌠ yo⌡ wan⌠á t∩ ì
áááprin⌠ ß countr∙ codσ tha⌠ doe≤ no⌠ fi⌠ withiε thσ datß entr∙ screeε anΣ ì
áááwil∞á theεá placσá 'Australiaº afte≥ thσ thσá CITY«á Observσá tha⌠á I╬ ì
áááCONTRO╠ [TM▌ mus⌠ seσ ß '/º a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ you≥ countr∙ codσ t∩á signif∙ ì
áááthσ country«á Notσ als∩ tha⌠ I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ thσ entirσ ì
ááácountr∙á codσ yo⌡ ente≥ betweeε 'COUNTRY=º anΣ '/'¼á regardles≤ oµá ho≈ ì
áááma∙ character≤ lonτ tha⌠ codσ is.
ááá Sortinτ b∙ countr∙ code:
áááIµá yo⌡ wisΦ t∩ sor⌠ b∙ countr∙ codσ iε somσ o≥ al∞ oµ you≥á addresses¼ ì
ááátheεá yo⌡á woulΣ usσ thσ 'COUNTRY=º logiπ oµ COMMENT▒ fo≥ you≥á countr∙ ì
áááname« Later¼ yo⌡ coulΣ theε selec⌠ ou⌠ thosσ record≤ uniquσ t∩ an∙ onσ ì
ááácountr∙ b∙ usinτ thσ logiπ referencσd iε Appendi° A-2:
ááá Appendi° A-2:
ááá Logiπ behinΣ Comments/name/cit∙ selection
ááá [selec⌠ ou⌠ record≤ iε 7 differen⌠ place≤ iε program]
Procedure for Canadian and Foreign Addresses:
[when entered into the Prospect File]
With respect to the state validation file:
áááAlthougΦá yo⌡á coulΣ changσ thσ value≤ iε thσ Statσ validatioε filσá iε ì
áááearlie≥ version≤ oµ thi≤ program¼ tha⌠ abilit∙ t∩ alte≥ value≤ ha≤ beeε ì
áááremoveΣá sincσá thi≤á datßá i≤ static«á Iεá additioεá t∩á state≤á anΣ ì
áááterritories¼á yo⌡á caεá als∩ havσ thesσ tw∩ entries║á '--ºá anΣá 'NA'« ì
áááEithe≥ valuσ coulΣ bσ useΣ fo≥ foreigε countries.
èáááBotΦ oµ thesσ arσ valiΣ 'statesº anΣ caε bσ useΣ durinτ datß entry«
Values in State validation file:
AL = Alabama MT = Montana
AK = Alaska NE = Nebraska
AS = American Samoa NV = Nevada
AZ = Arizona NH = New Hampshire
AR = Arkansas NJ = New Jersey
CA = California NM = New Mexico
CZ = Canal Zone NY = New York
CO = Colorado NC = North Carolina
CT = Connecticut ND = North Dakota
DE = Delaware CM = Northern Mariana Is.
DC = District of Columbia OH = Ohio
FL = Florida OK = Oklahoma
GA = Georgia OR = Oregon
GU = Guam PA = Pennsylvania
HI = Hawaii PR = Puerto Rico
ID = Idaho RI = Rhode Island
IL = Illinois SC = South Carolina
IN = Indiana SD = South Dakota
IA = Iowa TN = Tennessee
KS = Kansas TX = Texas
KY = Kentucky TT = Trust Territories
LA = Louisiana UT = Utah
ME = Maine VT = Vermont
MD = Maryland VA = Virginia
MA = Massachusetts VI = Virgin Islands
MI = Michigan WA = Washington
MN = Minnesota WV = West Virginia
MS = Mississippi WI = Wisconsin
MO = Missouri WY = Wyoming
NA = Not Applicable
-- = Not Applicable
Notσ fo≥ foreigε addresses¼á
EXCEP╘ Canada, Australia, England, and Israel║
áááIµ yo⌡ ente≥ eithe≥ 'NAº o≥ '--º fo≥ you≥ statσ anΣ '0º fo≥á zip¼á theε ì
áááthesσ tw∩ item≤ arσ omitteΣ iε thσ label«á Inser⌠ you≥ foreigε addres≤ ì
áááiε thσ spacσ fo≥ thσ city¼á wherσ yo⌡ havσ 4░ characters«á Aε examplσ ì
áááwoulΣ be:
CITY║ Thσ Netherlands
CITY║ Tokyo¼ 15░ Japan
===== Overview of placing country code into Comment1 =====
áááIf¼á fo≥á example¼á yo⌡ havσ ß Canadiaε addres≤ labe∞ tha⌠ require≤ yo⌡ ì
áááente≥ 'Canada=º a≤ pe≥ thσ instruction≤ below« Yo⌡ d∩ no⌠ havσ t∩ typσ ìèáááiεá thσá phrasσá 'Canada=º ever∙ singlσ timσá int∩á Comment1«á Iµá yo⌡ ì
áááanticipatσ tha⌠ yo⌡ wil∞ bσ usinτ Canadiaε addresse≤á frequently¼á theε ì
áááyo⌡á caεá creatσ ß defaul⌠ valuσ fo≥ thi≤ phrasσ b∙ goinτ t∩á thσá Maiε ì
áááPrograφ Men⌡ anΣ selec⌠ thσ Othe≥ Option≤ Menu« Oncσ there¼ selec⌠ 'C⌐ ì
áááCustomizσá thi≤á systeφ t∩ you≥ needs'«á Oncσ iε thσá Custoφá Option≤ ì
áááMenu¼ observσ thi≤ option:
2⌐ Defaul⌠ State¼ City¼ Areß Code« Se° ID¼ Address2¼ Comment≤ ▒ ª 2
áááAfte≥á yo⌡ selec⌠ thi≤ option¼á yo⌡ caε ente≥ thi≤ valuσ a≤á ßá defaul⌠ ì
áááint∩ 'Comment1':
ááá Comment1║ Canada=
áááFroφ tha⌠ poin⌠ on¼á al∞ record≤ yo⌡ AD─ t∩ thσ prospec⌠ filσ wil∞ havσ ì
ááátha⌠ phrasσ a≤ ß defaul⌠ value.
áááUpper\lowe≥á casσá convention≤ arσ irrelevant«á Thesσ value≤á arσá al∞ ì
áááinterpreteΣ thσ same:
ááá CANADA=v6a1a4
ááá Canada=V6A1A4
ááá CANada=V6A1a4
ááá canADA=v6a1A4
===== Canadiaε addresses: =====
áááThσá Canadiaε Pos⌠ Officσ require≤ tha⌠ thei≥ ╢ characte≥ 'Posta∞ Codeº ì
áááoccup∙ onσ linσ b∙ itselµ belo≈ thσ address¼á witΦ ß spacσ betweeεá thσ ì
ááátw∩á set≤á oµá │á characters«áá Thi≤á prograφá wil∞á accommodatσá thi≤ ì
ááárequiremen⌠á iµ yo⌡ observσ thσ following║á inser⌠ eithe≥ 'NAº o≥ '--º ì
áááint∩ statσ anΣ '0º int∩ zip¼á a≤ pe≥ above«á Placσ al∞ oµ you≥ addres≤ ì
áááinformatioεá includinτá thσá cit∙ bu⌠ no⌠ thσ 'Posta∞á Codeºá int∩á thσ ì
áááAddress▒á anΣ Address▓ line≤ oµ you≥ prospec⌠ record«á Theε placσá thσ ì
ááá'Posta∞ Codeº b∙ itselµ oε thσ comment▒ linσ iε thi≤ format║
áááThi≤á phraseolog∙ oµ 'Canada=º caε occu≥ anywherσ iε Comment▒á anΣá thσ ì
ááá'Posta∞á Codeº shoulΣ bσ entereΣ WITHOU╘ an∙ spaces«á Oncσ thσ prograφ ì
ááádetect≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ ß Canadiaε address¼ i⌠ wil∞ appl∙ ß spacσ iε thi≤ ì
ááámanne≥ iε thσ las⌠ linσ oµ thσ label:
ááá V6┴ 1A4
áááLet≤á sa∙ tha⌠ thi≤ i≤ thσ addres≤ yo⌡ wan⌠ t∩ placσ int∩ thσá prospec⌠ ì
Foste≥ Technology
34│ Railway
Vancouver¼ B.C« V6┴ 1A4
áááYo⌡ woulΣ placσ thi≤ int∩ thσ prospec⌠ recorΣ iε thi≤ manner:
Compan∙ name║ Foste≥ Technology
Address1║ 34│ Railwayè Address2║ Vancouver¼ B.C.
Comment1║ CANADA=V6A1A4
áááNotσá tha⌠ yo⌡ arσ insertinτ thσ cit∙ anΣ provincσ int∩ address▓á whilσ ì
áááleavinτ 'Cityº blank«á Thi≤ i≤ crucia∞ becausσ thσ prograφ wil∞á placσ ì
áááthσ 'Posta∞ Codeº int∩ thσ las⌠ linσ oε thσ labe∞ normall∙ reserveΣ fo≥ ì
===== Australian Addresses: =====
áááThσ Australiaε Pos⌠ Officσ assign≤ ß ┤ digi⌠ 'Pos⌠ Code'«á Thi≤ numbe≥ ì
ááácaε appea≥ afte≥ thσ state«á Let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ haΣ writteε dowεá thi≤ ì
ááá Australiaε Too∞ anΣ Die¼ Ltd.
ááá 130╖ Botan∙ Road
ááá Mascon
ááá Ne≈ SoutΦ Wales
ááá 2020
áááYo⌡ woulΣ theε ente≥ tha⌠ datß int∩ I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ iε thi≤ manner:
ááá Compan∙ name║ Australiaε Too∞ anΣ Die¼ Ltd.
ááá Address1║ 130╖ Botan∙ Road
ááá City║ Mascoε N.S.W«
ááá Comment1║ AUS=2020
áááOncσá I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ detect≤ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ placeΣ 'AUS=º anywherσ int∩ ì
áááComment1¼á thσ prograφ wil∞ theε takσ tha⌠ ┤ digi⌠ codσ anΣ placσ i⌠ a⌠ ì
áááthσá enΣ oµ thσ datß entereΣ int∩ thσ 'Cityº line«á Wherσ yo⌡á entereΣ ì
ááá'Mascoεá N.S.W.'¼á thσ prograφ wil∞ prin⌠ ou⌠ oε linσ ╡ oµ thσá labels║ ì
ááá'Mascoε N.S.W« 2020'.
áááNotσá tha⌠á yo⌡ coulΣ placσ thσ 'Posta∞ Codeº a⌠ thσ enΣ oµ thσá 'Cityº ì
áááline¼ spacσ permitting«
áááFo≥á anothe≥ examplσ oµ aε Australiaε address¼á let'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡á haΣ ì
áááwritteε dowε thi≤ addres≤ oε ß piecσ oµ paper:
Mine⌠ Australiß Ltd«
40tΦ Level
10░ Mille≥ Street
NortΦ Sydney¼ Ne≈ SoutΦ Wales
áááYo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ that address int∩ I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ iε thi≤ manner:
ááá Compan∙ name║ Mine⌠ Australia Ltd.
ááá Address1║ 40tΦ Level
ááá Address2║ 10░ Mille≥ Street
ááá City║ NortΦ Sydney¼ NS╫
ááá Comment1║ AUS=2060
áááI╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ woulΣ theε movσ thσ '2060º Pos⌠ Codσ t∩ thσ 5tΦ linσ oµ ì
áááthσ mailinτ label¼ followinτ 'NortΦ Sydney¼ NSW'.
áááNotσ tha⌠ wheε yo⌡ ente≥ thσ Pos⌠ Codσ int∩ Comment1¼ makσ surσ tha⌠ n∩ ì
áááspace≤á appea≥á iε 'AUS=2060'«á Thσ prograφ know≤ tha⌠ thσá Australiaε ì
áááPos⌠á Codσ i≤ ┤ digit≤ lonτ anΣ wil∞ no⌠ incorporatσ int∩á thσá mailinτ ì
ááálabe∞ an∙ additiona∞ character≤ o≥ digit≤ tha⌠ follo≈ you≥ ┤ digi⌠ Pos⌠ ì
ááá ====╜ IsraelΘ Addresses║ =====
áááThσ IsraelΘ posta∞ systeφ assign≤ ß ╡ digi⌠ Posta∞ Code¼ whicΦ follow≤ ì
áááthσ cit∙ oε printeΣ labels.
áááLet'≤ sa∙ tha⌠ yo⌡ havσ thi≤ addres≤ writteε down:
ááá Haiφ Factor
ááá Jacksoε Facto≥ Associates
ááá P.O« Bo° 1304
ááá Kirya⌠ Tivon
ááá 36112
áááYo⌡ woulΣ ente≥ tha⌠ datß int∩ I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ iε thi≤ manner:
ááá Firs⌠ name║ Haim
ááá Las⌠ name║ Factor
ááá Compan∙ name║ Jacksoε Facto≥ Associate≤
ááá Address1║ P.O« Bo° 1304
ááá City║ Kirya⌠ Tivon
ááá Comment1║ IL=36112
áááWheε I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ see≤ 'IL=36112'¼á thσ prograφ know≤ tha⌠ thi≤ i≤ ß ì
ááá╡ digi⌠ IsraelΘ Posta∞ Codσ anΣ wil∞ prin⌠ i⌠ ou⌠ oε thσ fiftΦ linσá oµ ì
áááthσ mailinτ label¼ followinτ thσ city.
áááObservσá tha⌠á i⌠á doesn'⌠á matte≥ wherσá iεá Comment▒á thσá 'IL=36112º ì
ááá ====╜ Great Britain║ =====
áááThσ BritisΦ posta∞ code≤ caε bσ oµ varyinτ length« These¼ fo≥ example¼ ì
áááarσ al∞ valiΣ codes:
B26 3QNè WS7 8XT
LS11 0LW
TW14 0PH
áááYo⌡ caε inser⌠ thσ codσ iε onσ oµ tw∩ places║ eithe≥ afte≥ thσ Cit∙ o≥ ì
áááiεá Comment1«á Iµá yo⌡ usσ thσ Comment▒ line¼á precedσ thσá codσá witΦ ì
ááá'UK='¼á theεá follo≈ thσ codσ b∙ '/º t∩ signif∙ t∩ thσ prograφ tha⌠ thσ ì
ááácodσ ha≤ n∩ morσ characters«á Specifically¼ t∩ placσ 'LS1▒ 0LWº iε thσ ì
áááComment1 line, enter: UK=LS11 0LW/
áááWheεá I╬ CONTRO╠ [TM▌ see≤ 'UK=LS1▒ 0LW/'¼á thσ prograφ know≤ tha⌠ thi≤ ì
ááái≤ ß BritisΦ Posta∞ Codσ anΣ wil∞ prin⌠ i⌠ ou⌠ oε thσ fiftΦ linσ oµ thσ ì
ááámailinτ label¼ followinτ thσ city.
áááObservσá tha⌠á i⌠ doesn'⌠ matte≥ wherσ iε Comment▒ thσá 'UK=LS1▒á 0LW/º ì