ACCENT.ZIP Accent v2.2 Rel. 4. Easily input special characters (copyright symbol, accented vowels, etc.) directly from a standard keyboard.
ACCTMN.ZIP Account Manager v1.3. Keeps track of time you spend on different projects. Punch in/out or have the program track when applications are started and closed.
ACUBO12.ZIP AccuBoard v1.2. Cumulative clipboard.
ACUSET20.ZIP Accuset v2.0. Date/time synchronization utility. Accurately synchronizes your PC's clock with the USNO or NIST atomic clocks.
ADDER30.ZIP Calculator shows continuous display of the accumulated SUM (like the M on a calculator). Save-to-file, Store-Recall, Math functions and user-definable constants.
AT202.ZIP Application Timer v2.02. Launches applications unattended on a user definable schedule. Launch DOS or Windows programs.
ATT303AL.ZIP All the Time v3.03. Clock displays shows time/date in any format you can concoct. Monitor memory/ resources. Tree/moon graphics showing seasons, moon phases.
A_T11.ZIP About Time v1.1. Customizable clock/calendar utility that displays the approximate time in the title bar of the active window. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
BATREM32.ZIP Batch Reminder v3.02. Personal Info Manager.
BCARDS.ZIP BusinessCards v1.0. Organize and manage business data, such as client names, addresses, and related information.
BLDHND20.ZIP BloodHound v2.0. Designed to help you locate DOS files.
BMPZW201.ZIP BitMapZ v2.01 <ASP> Bitmap Slide Show. Easy to setup and use.
BOOTMR.ZIP BootTimer! v1.0. Quickly restart/exit Windows and reboot the system with a single mouse click. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
BOXPLT20.ZIP Box Plot v2.0. Calculates the frequency response and maximum Sound pressure level for any sealed or vented loudspeaker enclosure.
CAPCLK30.ZIP CapClock v3.0. Displays information such as time/date, on the left side of the Caption Bar. Required VBRUN300.DLL.
CAPT31.ZIP Capture v3.1. Screen capture util that captures icons and bitmaps; supports region, window, client area & desktop modes; user-definable hotkey and fixed scalings.
CBWIN1.ZIP ClientBook v1.0. Full-featured client/phone management package. Features an image database, appointment schedular and phone dialer.
CCLINK.ZIP Cclink v1.0. Monitors and displays the status of your modem and serial port.
CCVID11.ZIP CC Video v1.1. Keep track of the recorded events on a video tape, rather than keeping track of the tape itself. Enter information by name, date, person(s) involved, description, name or ID of the video tape.
CDPROW1X.ZIP CD Recordkeeping system.
CHINWAR1.ZIP ChineseWare v1.1. Adds Chinese character processing capability to Windows. Allows all apps to display and print Chinese characters, incl. the popular Pinyin, Zhuyin, Cangjie and other input methods. 1/4.
CHINWAR2.ZIP ChineseWare v1.1. 2/4.
CHINWAR3.ZIP ChineseWare v1.1. 3/4.
CHINWAR4.ZIP ChineseWare v1.1. 4/4.
CID.ZIP CallerID Beta - Displays date, time, calling number, and name of the person calling you before you answer the phone. Requires Caller ID service.
CLOCKER.ZIP Clocker v2.3. Event-scheduler program, which will execute pre-determined events at a specific time.
CLRGHT.ZIP Click Right v2.0. Calls the Program Manager, File Manager, Task Manager or a user-selected program by pressing the right or middle mouse button.
CLW201.ZIP CleanUp v2.00. Maintains a clean and well organized hard drive. Quickly view duplicate files located on your hard drive(s) and tag unneeded files for deletion
CMPINF10.ZIP CompInfo v1.0. Gives stats on drives, memory, system utilization, volume names.
COWS20.ZIP Cows v2.0. Screen saver module that sends several comical cows flying across your screen as well as an occasional chicken.
CUSTSAVR.ZIP Custom Screen Saver v1.0 <ASP> Use your own 'BMP' files or those provided as a screen saver. Listen to MIDI or CD-ROM music. Add password protection.
CUS_SAVE.ZIP Custom Windows Screen Savers - is a screen saver done to demonstrate the custom screen savers the author will make for a small fee.
CWV103.ZIP Clock Werks v1.03. Display time of cities around World using true clock displays. Up to 50 clocks for each activation. Analog, Digital or User-Created Bitmap styles.
DASHV09.ZIP Windows System Information Dashboard.
DAYBKFIX.ZIP Extend dates in Toolbook's Daybook.
DB4PK1.ZIP PackTable v1.0. Visual Basic 3.0 subroutine that packs dBASE IV indexed files and deletes marked records.
DBMONO.ZIP Buffered Monochrome monitor debugger. This tiny program intercepts Output DebugString messages and places them on a monochrome monitor.
DCLWIN.ZIP Life and Death Clock shows how many people have been killed by firearms and how many times guns have been used in self defense since January 1, 1994.
DDP20.ZIP Drag and Drop Printing v2.0 <ASP> Print text files. Allows for the control of the font and point size. Margins are fully adjustable.
DESFUN31.ZIP Dragon's Eye Fun Pack. Includes several programs designed to entertain and tease you and your co-workers.
DH15B.ZIP The Desktop Helper v1.5B. Convenient pop-up menu at the click of a button, available from any window, configurable launch list. switch to or terminate a task.
DICT.ZIP Popup-Dictionary v1.03. English - German pop up dictionary. Type in the intended word and the closest spelling will appear.
DICTION.ZIP Windows bi-directional dictionaries English/French/German/Spanish/Italian around 5000 words/language.
DINOSH.ZIP Screen saver where a dinosaur runs across the screen and repeatedly leaps up, claws the screen, slides down, leaving a "rip" that eventually clears the screen.
DIRTREE.ZIP DirTree v1.21. Displays and optionally prints the entire directory structure of a specified drive.
DKLNCH.ZIP DKLaunch v1.1. Set up six of your most commonly used applications for instant launching. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
DLL_HO.ZIP DLL Holder: Load a Windows DLL into memory without the calling program being loaded. Gives a message telling the amount of memory used.
DOSBAR13.ZIP DosBar v1.3. Adds a toolbar to any DOS window. With this toolbar you have an easy access to the mark, copy, paste and other functions.
DRAGFL10.ZIP Drag And File v.1.04. Powerful File Manager to copy, move, delete, view, zip files. List files for selected directories or entire drives or multiple drives.
DRAGVU.ZIP Drag and View v2.2. File viewer for most popular database, word processor, spreadsheet, and graphic formats, plus also ASCII and HEX.
DRGVIEW.ZIP Draggin' Viewer v2.00. View text files by dragging them onto a desktop icon.
DRVMON1.ZIP DriveMon v1.0. Monitors free disk space.
DSKSHO11.ZIP Desktop Sideshow v1.1. Easily change the current bitmap used as the desktop wallpaper, randomly or sequentially, one time only or as often as desired.
DSKTRK28.ZIP DiskTrak catalogues your floppy disks and their contents.
DSWEEP.ZIP DiskSweep v1.02. Manages files on your hard drive. Keeps track of the last time you accessed a file and informs you which of your files have not been used in a certain number of days. Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
DT0121.ZIP DirTree v1.21. Graphically displays the directory structure of a selected disk.
DVG10.ZIP Drag & View Gold; view almost any file format from within File Manager
EARTHS25.ZIP Earth & Sun 2.5. Clock icon for windows and also shows the position of the earth.
EIW210.ZIP Encrypt-It v2.10. Encryption/decryption package to encrypt any file using DES encryption and then decrypt the file using confidental key.
ENCRY121.ZIP Private Cryptographer v1.21. Encrypts/decrypts files and clipboard text; enables you to encrypt messages before sending E-Mail. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
ENVEL233.ZIP PrintEnvelope v2.33 for MS-Win 3.1: Print envelopes or labels, with support for .BMPs as logos. Address book can be in .DBF format or in Win cardfile. Prints PostNet bar codes.
EXECUTR.ZIP Application Executor - provides a quick and easy way to launch your favorite applications without having to go through Program Manager.
EXWINRUN.ZIP Used for those DOS programs which will NOT run from within windows. This will exit windows PROPERLY, run the program then seamlessly reenter windows.
EZCOMM.ZIP Ezcom - Ezgo - File transfer utility. Spartan simplicity is the main feature of this program. Ezcom must be installed on both the send and receive ends.
FAX_V117.ZIP Faxmail v1.17. Faxmail adds faxing capability to Windows applications.
FINDR41.ZIP Finder v4.10. Small and fast replacement for Windows Task Manager.
FINSAV.ZIP FineTec Screensaver - Displays a variety of randomly selected patterns/designs.
FMAPLIC.ZIP FM Applic v1.1d. Powerful extension to the Windows File Manager.
FMDU12.ZIP FNDU v1.2. Extension to File Manager that helps you analyze your disk files by size, type, and back-up status.
FMSTEPUP.ZIP File Manager StepUp v.1.1. Makes File Manager work better. Provides the standard FM's dialogs with additional useful elements.
FOFF.ZIP Font Off v2.3. Helps you manage TrueType fonts.
FONTBO30.ZIP Fontbook v3.0. Print out font specimen sheets to a variety of different designs and to view the typeface on screen, in large clear type.
FONTIT.ZIP Font-It v2.0. Font display and print program. Load and display all your screen and printer fonts. You may select which ones to view using the Options Menu.
FONTSH13.ZIP FontShow v1.3. Print samples and character charts of any of your Windows printer fonts; includes VB source. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
FPRNT.ZIP Font Print v2.0. Prints fonts books of all installed fonts on your computer.
FSD132.ZIP FSD - File Search & Destroy v1.32. Collects all the files on a drive that match usersupplied file specs & can optionally delete a few (or all) of the files.
FSP530.ZIP Font Spec Pro v5.30. Manage font groups, print fonts and view fonts.
FSRWIN.ZIP FSR/Win - Locate and change text in text files. Works like a "Search and Replace" operation in a text editor or word processor.
FVIEWER.ZIP File Viewer v1.2e. Browse the contents of ASCII, hex dump, or raw text files.
FWATCH.ZIP File Watch - periodically scans your hard disk for the file(s) you specify and renames them to the location you choose. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
GASHEXT.ZIP Gash Exit v2.0. Make a safe exit from Windows. Double-clicking the program's icon presents a menu for exiting, restarting, or cancelling the operation.
GINSTMST.ZIP Group Install Master. Add and delete Windows program groups/items quickly.
GROUP12.ZIP WinGroup v1.2. Group reader places the groups alphabetically on small buttons.
GVCOM10.ZIP ViaCommander v1.0. Application Manager creates a RESIZABLE toolbar, "always on top", making application switching and launching as easy as a button press.
GVIA20.ZIP ViaPrint v2.0. Printing program used preset Avery label templates to print custom Labels, Flyers, Business Cards, Audio and Video Cassette Labels and more!
HDK110.ZIP HLPDK v11.0. Hypertext and hypermedia Help Database Development Kit. Enhanced USERLINK syntax for smarter HDF extensions, links in topic titles, support for bold/italic/underline text and more.
HEDIT.ZIP HEdit v1.2. Hexadecimal editor for binary files. Unlimited file size, drag-and-drop support, binary and text search, selectable fonts, clipboard support, and a multiple document interface.
HOWOLD31.ZIP How old are ya' v3.1. Calculate your age in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds.
HPLAUNCH.ZIP Help Launcher! v1.0. Can launch your help files fast and without loading the program with the help file.
IBR172.ZIP IconBar v1.72. Icon manager.
ICM34.ZIP W31 Icon manager v. 3.4.
ICNTHF.ZIP IconThief, extract icons from executable files into .ICO format
ICNVMP31.ZIP Icon View Master Pro 3.1 - best icon viewer around.
ICOBMPC.ZIP Converts icons with ICO extensions to BMP files.
ICOFLOAT.ZIP Floating loader and application launcher with multiple banks and powerful send keys functions. Useable as a Shell and will load other programs better than PM.
ICONCLEN.ZIP Icon Cleaner lets you organize icons and eliminate duplicates.
ICONTIGR.ZIP Icon Tiger v1.0. View icons. You can also extract icons from EXE and DLL files and build your own custom icon DLL.
ICOWIN30.ZIP Icon Editor v3.0. Icon editor that enables you to draw 16 color icons; extract/ customize icons from Moricons.Dll, program.Exe and Win EXE files.
INFVU146.ZIP InfView v1.46. File viewer allowing you to view ANY size file in either ASCII or HEX mode; features include searching, formatted printing, execution, more.
INIWZ121.ZIP INI Wizard v1.21. INI file (or other text file) multi-window editor.
IT20.ZIP IT Utilities v2.0. Trash, view, zip, launch. The It Utilities are extensions to the File manager of Window's 3.1. They use drag'n'drop to enhance it.
JKPEDIT.ZIP jKPEdit v2.7. Edit, revise, modify and save computer system files. It provides a graphic point-and-click menu for instant acess to AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, SYSTEM.INI, etc.
JMPCLR2B.ZIP Jump Color v2.0B. WinHelp/Multimedia viewer hypertext utility.
JOT.ZIP Jot-It. Personal notepad. It can be used for recording any type of free-form information.
JR_TTIME.ZIP Alarm clock written in German. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
JUMPCLR.ZIP Jump Color v2.0a. Changes the color of words used to indicate hypertext jumps in Windows Help file and in Multimedia Viewer. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
KAL17.ZIP Kaleidoscope v1.7. 16-bit screen saver. Works best in 256 color palette modes. Bursting with color and geometric symmetry.
KFREE511.ZIP K-Free(tm) v5.11. Keep track of free memory, disk space, free resources, date, time, Windows configuration and the number of currently running tasks.
KILL15.ZIP Task Killer v1.5 <ASP> Save, print, and compare module lists. Find where modules were executed from. Indispensable for programmers.
LAUNCH17.ZIP Launch! v1.7. Fully configurable, tool-box style. It's host of features and ease of use makes it a must have for any Windows desktop. Attractive 3-D appearance.
LAWJK104.ZIP Lawyer-Joke-a-Day v1.04. Displays a new lawyer joke every time you start Windows. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
LBLWIZ21.ZIP Label Wizard v2.1. All-purpose label utility program includes templates for mailing and floppy disk labels and several audio cassette (J-Card) labels.
LIGHT11.ZIP LightWaves v1.1. MultiMedia Presentation Tool allows you to use your CD-ROM for digital audio, plus better timing & bug fixes
LOCKIT.ZIP WinKey Lock It v2.0. Enhances the Windows screen blanking and password security system.
LOGO211.ZIP Allows you to replace the Windows logo with your own logo or any grahics.
LSIGNW.ZIP Learn to Sign - Educational program helps you to learn, practice, and review American Sign Language. Supports left and right finger spelling.
MADLIB10.ZIP MadLibs! v1.0. Create MadLibs, a paragraph or short story where some words are missing, and must be filled in.
MAIL40.ZIP Mail v4.0. Mailing list database program that prints labels, envelopes & hard copy listings. Runs under windows, imports & exports text. Dials the phone.
MANAGE.ZIP Win Manager v4.0. Replacement for the Windows File Manager run commands.
MANIA_3D.ZIP 3DMania Screen saver displays rotating boxes and pyramids on your screen.
MBUTFL.ZIP Magic Butterfly Screen Saver packaged with a charming "once upon a time" story for kids.
MEMCHK.ZIP Mem Check. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
MMON20D.ZIP MMonitor v2.0d. Compress and re-allocate memory when Windows is idle to make more memory available for other applications. Displays a graph of CPU usage, free disk space, fragmentation level, and GDI/User heap usage for the last hour.
MOVITO.ZIP MoveItOut - lets you automatically move or temporarily hide any window when the cursor moves over it. You can access the hidden window using the CTRL key.
MRCLN21.ZIP Mister Clean - Helps clean up big files that are hiding throughout your hard drive.
MRFORMAT.ZIP Mr. Format is the FASTEST floppy formatter for Windows! Background formatting! Formats a box of floppies with only a keystroke to begin the format!
MSSCRSAV.ZIP MeySoft(TM) Simple Saver v1.0. Screen saver collection. Very simple animation of objects and random line drawings.
MWUSRS12.ZIP Allows 2-4 people to have separate INI files i.e. different colors, wallpaper, window sizes, etc.