Monster Media 1994 #1
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C/C++ Source or Header
224 lines
| Portable Disk Benchmark |
| |
| Written by Albert J. Shan. |
| CompuServe: 70730,401 |
| Internet: 70730.401@compuserve.com |
| |
| A portable C benchmark program for testing disk cache and file |
| I/O efficiency. |
| |
| Version 0.01 03/09/94 |
| - Initial release. Currently, it is limited to 127 512-byte blocks |
| (65024 bytes) due to the requirement of 16-bit operating systems |
| such as DOS and OS/2 1.x. These OSes do not provide a file system |
| call to perform write to the disk with >= 64K bytes. The C |
| compiler must support timeb data structures in order to provide |
| reasonably accurate result. If you're recompiling with a 16-bit |
| compiler, make sure you invoke the Large Memory Model. It should |
| be compiled with the most aggressive optimization switches. |
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
#include <io.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys\timeb.h>
#include <sys\types.h>
#include <sys\stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <malloc.h>
/* ANSI Standard pseudo-random number generator.
For eliminating C Library random number generator dependency. */
static unsigned long int next = 1;
int pdb_rand (void)
next = next * 1103515245L + 12345L;
return ((int) (next / 0x10000L) & 0x7FFF);
void pdb_srand (unsigned int seed)
next = seed;
| Calculate time difference. |
long DiffTime (struct timeb tStop, struct timeb tStart)
return ((tStop.time - tStart.time) * 1000L + (long)((long)tStop.millitm - (long)tStart.millitm));
| 6-pass Disk Benchmark routine. |
| 1. Sequential Write |
| 2. Random Read |
| 3. Random Write (same data) |
| 4 Sequential Read |
| 5. Random Read |
| 6. Random Write (changed data) |
| |
| Only unbuffered file I/O calls are used to avoid compiler |
| efficiency in buffered I/O calls. It is all up to the file |
| system to provide the caching. |
int DiskBench (long FileSize, long BlockSize)
long BlkLoc, tTotal;
int hFile, i, Limit, NumRW;
long tWrite, tRead, tRandomWrite, tRandomRead;
long tRandomWrite2, tRandomRead2;
struct timeb tStart, tStop;
char *buf;
buf = malloc ((unsigned int)BlockSize);
Limit = (int)(FileSize * 1024L * 1024L / BlockSize);
/* Limit randow read/write to 1MB data regardless of BlockSize */
NumRW = (int)(1024L * 1024L / BlockSize);
/* File create */
hFile = open ("PDBTEST.$$$", O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_BINARY, S_IREAD | S_IWRITE);
if (hFile == -1)
printf ("Can't open file\n");
return (1);
/* Initialize buffer block */
memset (buf, 'A', (unsigned int)BlockSize);
/* Sequential write */
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < Limit; i++)
write (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tWrite = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf ("Sequential write: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tWrite / 1000, (tWrite % 1000) / 10);
pdb_srand (12345);
/* Random read */
lseek (hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < NumRW; i++)
BlkLoc = (long)(pdb_rand () % Limit) * BlockSize;
lseek (hFile, BlkLoc, SEEK_SET);
read (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tRandomRead = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf (" Random read: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tRandomRead / 1000, (tRandomRead % 1000) / 10);
pdb_srand (54321U);
/* Random write with SAME data */
lseek (hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < NumRW; i++)
BlkLoc = (long)(pdb_rand () % Limit) * BlockSize;
lseek (hFile, BlkLoc, SEEK_SET);
write (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tRandomWrite = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf (" Random write: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tRandomWrite / 1000, (tRandomWrite % 1000) / 10);
/* Sequential read */
lseek (hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < Limit; i++)
read (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tRead = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf (" Sequential read: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tRead / 1000, (tRead % 1000) / 10);
pdb_srand (12345);
/* Random read pass 2 with same random seed */
lseek (hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < NumRW; i++)
BlkLoc = (long)(pdb_rand () % Limit) * BlockSize;
lseek (hFile, BlkLoc, SEEK_SET);
read (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tRandomRead2 = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf (" Random read: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tRandomRead2 / 1000, (tRandomRead2 % 1000) / 10);
pdb_srand (54321U);
/* Random write pass 2 with changed data */
memset (buf, 'B', (unsigned int)BlockSize);
lseek (hFile, 0L, SEEK_SET);
ftime (&tStart);
for (i = 0; i < NumRW; i++)
BlkLoc = (long)(pdb_rand () % Limit) * BlockSize;
lseek (hFile, BlkLoc, SEEK_SET);
write (hFile, buf, (unsigned int)BlockSize);
ftime (&tStop);
tRandomWrite2 = DiffTime (tStop, tStart);
printf (" Random write: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tRandomWrite2 / 1000, (tRandomWrite2 % 1000) / 10);
tTotal = (long)tWrite + (long)tRead + (long)tRandomWrite +
(long)tRandomRead + (long)tRandomRead2 + (long)tRandomWrite2;
printf (" Total: %3ld.%02ld secs\n", tTotal / 1000L, (tTotal % 1000L) / 10);
close (hFile);
unlink ("PDBTEST.$$$");
free (buf);
return (0);
| Main program. |
int main (int argc, char *argv[])
long FileSize, BlockSize;
if (argc != 3)
printf ("\nPortable Disk Benchmark V0.01 03/09/94\n\n");
printf ("usage: PDB [File size] [Blocks]\n");
printf (" File size - File size in MB. Allowable range: 1 to 32MB.\n");
printf (" Blocks - Number of blocks to read/write per I/O call.\n");
printf (" Each block is 512 bytes. Allowable range: 1 to 127.\n\n");
printf ("example: pdb 2 4\n");
return (1);
FileSize = max (1L, atoi (argv[1]));
FileSize = min (32L, FileSize);
BlockSize = max (1L, atol (argv[2]));
BlockSize = min (127L, BlockSize);
BlockSize *= 512L;
printf ("File size: %2ld MB Block size: %5ld bytes\n", FileSize, BlockSize);
return (DiskBench (FileSize, BlockSize));