Monster Media 1994 #1
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Assembly Source File
145 lines
page ,132
;fmtfix vers 1.0 wm thompson January 25, 1994
;avoids long delay when trying to format a blank disk under
;ms-dos 6.2. this is due to doublespace's "automount" feature
;which tries to determine if the disk is doublespace formatted.
;in particular with machines having an AMI bios and running
;smartdrive, this causes a delay of over a minute before the disk
;starts formatting. this program detects the first disk read with
;a "missing address mark" error (a blank) and fakes all subsequent
;reads within 1/2 second with an immediate failure, thereby avoiding
;the delay.
;assemble like this:
; masm fmtfix;
; link fmtfix;
; exe2bin fmtfix fmtfix.com
;interrupt vectors
bioint equ 13h ;std bios disk call
timint equ 08h ;timer tick interrupt
;labels for interrupt jump table
abs0 segment at 0
org bioint*4
biooff label word ;disk interrupt
org $+2
bioseg label word
org timint*4
timoff label word ;timer tick interrupt
org $+2
timseg label word
abs0 ends ;end of labels
;and now, the actual program...
code segment ;segment for pgm
assume cs:code,ds:abs0
org 100h
start: jmp setup ;go install this tsr
;tsr replacement dos function call for trap
newdsk: cmp dl,1 ;drive a: or b:?
ja nwdsk1 ;no, jmp to bios
nwc1: cmp ah,2 ;read sectors?
jne nwdsk1 ;no, jmp to bios
nwc2: and byte ptr cs:lastc,-1 ;count down=0?
jnz nwc4 ;no, restart count and fail
nwc3: pushf ;yes, pretend this is an interrupt
call cs:dskbio ;and do the read using bios
jnc nwc6 ;exit saving flags if ok
cmp ah,2 ;missing addr mark (blank disk)?
jne nwc5 ;exit with error if not
nwc4: mov al,9 ;else, preset count
mov cs:lastc,al
mov al,0 ;no sctrs read, addr mark fail (ah=2)
nwc5: stc ;carry set=fail
nwc6: retf 2 ;and return from int saving flags
;jump to installed far address for dos call
nwdsk1: db 0eah ;far jmp opcode
dskbio label dword ;for far call to bios disk funct.
nwdsk2: dw 0 ;code addr overwritten at install
dw 0 ;seg addr overwritten at install
;timer tick interrupt add-on counts down until it reaches zero
newtim: or byte ptr cs:lastc,0 ;timer counted down?
jz gotim ;yes, do nothing
dec byte ptr cs:lastc ;no, count down one tick
gotim: db 0eah ;far jmp opcode
timx dw 0 ;addr written at install
dw 0 ;jmps to original timer code
lastc db 0 ;save time count
last_adr: ;for term and stay resident
;installation code used once at startup
assume ds:abs0
setup: push ds ;set data segment
xor ax,ax ;for int vector table
mov ds,ax
assume ds:abs0
mov si,bioint*4 ;install old interrupt addr's
mov ax,[si]
cmp ax,offset newdsk ;already installed?
je noins ;yes, don't re-do
lea bx,nwdsk2 ;in our code
mov cs:[bx],ax
mov ax,[si+2]
mov cs:[bx+2],ax
mov si,timint*4
lea bx,timx
mov ax,[si]
mov cs:[bx],ax
mov ax,[si+2]
mov cs:[bx+2],ax
pop ds ;restore data segment
assume ds:code
lea dx,newdsk ;new disk bios interrupt vector offset
mov ah,37 ;change vector function
mov al,bioint
int 21h
lea dx,newtim ;new timer interrupt vector offset
mov ah,37 ;change vector function
mov al,timint
int 21h
lea dx,msg ;display signon message
mov ah,9
int 21h
lea dx,last_adr ;for memory alloc
int 27h ;term and stay resident
noins: pop ds ;no install
assume ds:code
lea dx,msg2 ;display no install message
mov ah,9
int 21h
int 20h ;exit to dos
msg db "DOS 6.2 resident format fix utility v1.0"
db 0dh,0ah
db "copyright (c) 1994 William M. Thompson"
db 0dh,0ah,"$"
msg2 db "DOS 6.2 resident format fix utility already installed"
db 0dh,0ah,"$"
code ends ;end code segment
end start ;end of program