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File List  |  1994-05-06  |  5KB  |  81 lines

  1. AJCPRT.ZIP   AJC Printer Unit for Windows v1.0. Makes it
  2.                                | easier to position output on a physical
  3.                                | page, using position references in terms of
  4.                                | inches, rather than  units.
  5. ANIDIAL.ZIP  Dialog Animator v1.0. Allows TurboVision
  6.                                | programmers to put moving views within
  7.                                | Dialog Boxes. The animation can be toggled
  8.                                | by pressing a Hot Key.
  9. APTERYX.ZIP  Apteryx Lisp v1.01. Easy-to-use interactive
  10.                                | Lisp System for Windows 3.x. It includes an
  11.                                | integrated editor, and user extensible
  12.                                | Pascal code generator.
  13. CTRL3D.ZIP   Set of routines that gives dialog box
  14.                                | controls a sculpted, 3-dimensional look.
  15. DLGDSN41.ZIP Dialog Design v4.1. Dialog design program
  16.                                | for Borland Pascal and C Turbo Vision.
  17.                                | Dialog controls can be added, edited,
  18.                                | rearranged, and the source code in Pascal
  19.                                | or C will be generated.
  20. GERA.ZIP     GERA v1.0. Pascal source code which will
  21.                                | allow you to search for and delete files
  22.                                | starting at the root directory and
  23.                                | searching every directory below it.
  24. KEYCTRL.ZIP  KeyCtrl v1.0. Demonstrates how to jump
  25.                                | between fields in TurboVision by using
  26.                                | cursor keys, and  control pushbuttons by
  27.                                | modifying the state of the radiobutton.
  28. LOOKUP.ZIP   Lookup List Box Object Unit v1.0. ListBox
  29.                                | that can search for a string and capture it
  30.                                | via WM_Char for the closest match. It can
  31.                                | then move the caret to the closest match
  32.                                | and allow quick scaning of a listbox
  33.                                | contents.
  34. LPT.ZIP      LPT v2.0. Contains Pascal source code to
  35.                                | drive the printers on any or all of the LPT
  36.                                | printer ports.
  37. MGCOMTP0.ZIP Turbo Pascal unit to access comm ports. TP
  38.                                | 5.5, 6, 7 or Borland PASCAL 7.0.
  39. MT1.ZIP      Turbo TPU Toolkit #1 v1.0 <ASP> Pascal TPU
  40.                                | math functions that have 19 significant
  41.                                | digits.
  42. NEWCAD.ZIP   NewCad.Pas is a BP7 unit that implements an
  43.                                | improved Ctrl-Alt-Del handler in order to
  44.                                | provide both the end user and the
  45.                                | application programmer w/more options than
  46.                                | the standard abandonment of the program via
  47.                                | warm reboot.
  48. RLNK110.ZIP  Rip library for Turbo Pascal v5.5, 6.0, 7.0.
  49. SCANH326.ZIP ScanHelp v3.26 Makes help files
  50.                                | (.TEX/.TPH/.TXT/.HDF) from TP code.
  51. SNAPPD21.ZIP StaNdArd Printer-Pascal D2.1 <ASP> Adjusts
  52.                                | margins and capitalization to give a
  53.                                | standard look to your source code. Make
  54.                                | imported code readable.
  55. SWAG026.ZIP  Corrected SWAG READER v2.6 dated 3/14/94.
  56.                                | The previous version dated 2/26/94 had an
  57.                                | error in the key input routine.
  58. SWAG9402.ZIP New SWAG Pascal snipets. Over 350 New
  59.                                | Items. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.6
  60.                                | and DOC files. Will automatically update
  61.                                | .SWG files.
  62. TPPCX256.ZIP TPPCX-VGA256 v1.0. Collection of objects
  63.                                | for use with BP7.0 which creates and
  64.                                | displays 256 color PCX format images up to
  65.                                | 1024x768.
  66. TRIG.ZIP     Trig - contains two TPW units that provide
  67.                                | 21 trig functions.
  68. TVTOYS.ZIP   TVToys v1.5. Collectin of TP7.0 routines.
  69. TWI201.ZIP   The Text Windowing Interface (Twi) v2.01.
  70.                                | Borland Pascal 7.0 Toolkit. Designed for an
  71.                                | author to easily produce a consistant, easy
  72.                                | to use interface.
  73. UTIL178.ZIP  Turbo Pascal Source Code including save
  74.                                | screen, rebuild screen, cursor control,
  75.                                | full screen input, date routines, set
  76.                                | border, allow bright color backgrounds.
  77. WINDOB10.ZIP Graphical windows unit for TP 7.0
  78. XLIB_TP5.ZIP Xlib library converted to Turbo Pascal.
  79.                                | Source and utilities included for serious
  80.                                | ModeX VGA programming.