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/ Monster Media 1994 #1 / monster.zip / monster / PROG_BAS / WLIB10.ZIP / WINGLIB.FRM (.txt) < prev    next >
Visual Basic Form  |  1994-01-23  |  9KB  |  465 lines

  1. MainForm
  2. WingLib v1.0
  3. Form1%
  4. Drive1
  5. ButtonExit
  6. E&xit
  7. LabelKB
  8. LabelSpace2
  9. MS Sans Serif
  10. LabelSpace
  11. FreeSpace:
  12. Label7
  13. !Internet: alvin@freenet.tlh.fl.us
  14. MS Sans Serif
  15. Label6
  16. AOL: M Taylor
  17. MS Sans Serif
  18. Label5
  19. CIS: 70254,613
  20. MS Sans Serif
  21. Label4
  22. 904-668-8530
  23. MS Sans Serif
  24. Label3
  25. Tallahassee, FL 32302
  26. MS Sans Serif
  27. Label2
  28. PO Box 383
  29. MS Sans Serif
  30. LabelSpace1
  31. MS Sans Serif
  32. Label1
  33.  Silverwing Systems
  34.     Form_Load
  35.     LabelDate
  36. Caption
  37. LoadFileT
  38. Today
  39. List1
  40.     ListCount
  41.     ListIndex
  42. DateInG
  43. EventIn
  44. FixDate
  45. DateOut^
  46. ListLine
  47. OldMonth
  48. ButtonAdd_Click
  49. WDateAdd
  50. TextDate:
  51.     TextEventm
  52. NewDate
  53. NewIndex
  54. ListDate
  55. NewEvent
  56. ButtonSave
  57. EnabledL
  58. Default
  59. ButtonClose_Click
  60. ButtonDelete_Click
  61.     SaveIndex
  62.     SaveCount&
  63. ButtonSave_Click
  64. BkpFileH
  65. SaveFile
  66. ButtonClose
  67.     ListEvent'
  68. ButtonUpdate_Click1
  69. OldIndexC
  70. WDateUpd'
  71. Form_Click
  72. WingMsg    
  73. List1_DblClick
  74. List1_KeyDown
  75. KeyCode
  76. Shiftn
  77. Key_Insert
  78. Key_Delete
  79. SetDateLineU
  80.     ElseIfMidq
  81. ButtonAdd_DragDrop
  82. Sourcel
  83. Control
  84. ButtonAdd_DragOver
  85. State[
  86. ButtonAdd_GotFocus
  87. ButtonAdd_KeyDown
  88. ButtonAdd_KeyPress}
  89. KeyAscii
  90. ButtonAdd_KeyUp
  91. ButtonAdd_LostFocus
  92. ButtonClose_DragDrope
  93. ButtonClose_DragOver
  94. ButtonClose_GotFocus
  95. ButtonClose_KeyDown3
  96. ButtonClose_KeyPressL
  97. ButtonClose_KeyUp~
  98. ButtonClose_LostFocus
  99. ButtonUpdate_DragDrop
  100. ButtonUpdate_DragOver
  101. ButtonUpdate_GotFocus`
  102. ButtonUpdate_KeyDown
  103. ButtonUpdate_KeyPress
  104. ButtonUpdate_KeyUp
  105. ButtonUpdate_LostFocus
  106. Form_LinkOpen=
  107. CancelN
  108. Form_LinkExecute
  109. CmdStr
  110. Form_LinkError^
  111. LinkErr
  112. Form_LinkClose
  113. Form_KeyUp
  114. Form_KeyPress    
  115. Form_KeyDown
  116. Form_GotFocusW
  117. Form_DragOver
  118. Form_DragDrop
  119. Form_Deactivate
  120. Form_DblClick%
  121. Form_Activate
  122. Form_LostFocusc
  123. Form_MouseDown7
  124. Buttonw
  125. Form_MouseMove
  126. Form_MouseUp
  127. Form_Paint
  128. Form_QueryUnload
  129. UnloadMode:
  130. Form_Resize1
  131. Form_Unload
  132. LabelAddr1_Click
  133. LabelAddr1_DblClick
  134. LabelAddr1_DragDrop
  135. LabelAddr1_DragOver
  136. LabelAddr2_Click
  137. LabelAddr3_Click*
  138. LabelAddr4_Click
  139. LabelDate_Click
  140. List1_ClickJ
  141. List1_DragDrop
  142. List1_DragOver
  143. List1_GotFocus
  144. AddForm
  145. UpdateForm/
  146. MsgForm
  147. ButtonPrint_Click?
  148. HWidth'
  149. HHeightc    
  150. ErrorHandler
  151. Printer*
  152. CurrentX
  153. ScaleWidthv
  154. CurrentY
  155. ScaleHeight
  156. Onerrorx    
  157. LineNbr
  158.     ScaleMode
  159. WingDate
  160. Event
  161. Events!    
  162. LoadCal
  163.     ThisMonth
  164. Grid1
  165. FixedAlignmentV    
  166. DayCol
  167.     NextMonthM    
  168. DaysB    
  169. DateTextk
  170. ColAlignment
  171. Grid0&    
  172. Grid106    
  173. Grid210    
  174. Grid3
  175. Grid2R
  176. Grid20F
  177. ColWidthm    
  178. gridwid`
  179. Width
  180.     RowHeight6
  181. HeightV
  182. DayText
  183. FontSizeY
  184. Grid1_Click
  185. SelStartCol
  186.     SelEndCol
  187. SelStartRow
  188.     SelEndRow
  189. Month1:
  190. Month0f
  191. Month2
  192. DayCol1M
  193. DayCol0D
  194. DayCol2W
  195. NextMonth1.
  196. Days1
  197. NextMonth0
  198. NextMonth2
  199. Days2
  200. Days0
  201. Month3y
  202. DayCol3
  203. NextMonth3
  204. Days3
  205. DayCol32
  206. Grid01&
  207. LabelMonth0@
  208. LabelMonth2"
  209. LabelMonth1
  211. ListSubDirs
  212. Count
  213. DirName
  214. FileNamei
  215. FileDate
  216. FileNbr
  217. FName^
  218. PathSpec$
  219. LabelWing_Click`
  220. curpathx
  221.     List1Item
  222. ListItem
  223. File6
  224.     fListItem
  225. fistItem
  226.     filstItem_
  227. filem
  228.     TimeStamp
  229. FLen?
  230. Dir1_ChangeQ
  231. Drive1_Change
  232.     ChangeDrv
  233.     changedirO
  234. ChgDrive
  235. Drive1!
  236. Curdir]
  237. Curdrive
  238. Drive}
  239.     LoadFilesC
  240. curdur
  241. MousePointer
  246. File1a
  248. Result2
  250. Dir2_Changet
  251. Path2
  252. Dir2{
  253. Path18
  254. Drive2_Changem
  255. Drive2
  256. FName1
  257. FName2I
  258. AttrCodev
  259. Attr1c
  260. Attr1List1
  261. Attr2
  262. File2
  263. File21
  264. File1Array
  265. File2Array
  266. LoadFileArrayo
  267. DirPath
  268.     FileAttr1
  269. FileArray1
  270. FileArray2P
  271. Ffilearray1
  272. ATTR_R
  273. ATTR_H
  274. ATTR_S
  275. ATTR_AD
  276. ATTR_RIfs
  277. ATTR_SIf
  278. LoadArray2
  279. LoadArray1^
  280. LoadListBox
  281. FileSize
  282. Fileib
  283. ListNameo
  284. ListSize 
  285. FileAttrib$
  286.     FileName1
  287. FileLineV
  288.     File_Name
  289.     File_Size/
  290.     File_Date
  291. File_Attrib
  292.     File_Line*
  293.     File_Attr
  294. File_
  295. [File_Name As String * 12~
  296. z_File_Name
  297. Z_FileName
  298. Z_File_Size
  299. Z_File_Date
  300. Z_File_Attr
  301. Z_FileLineM
  302. Z_FileAttr
  303. Z_FileDate}
  304. Z_FileSizeN
  305. FileAtrb
  306.     zFileName
  307.     zFileSize1
  308.     zFileDate>
  309.     zFileAtrb/
  310.     zFileLine(
  311. zFileAttrib    
  312. Line2$
  313. Line1n
  314. Array1
  315. SwapSwm
  316. Swappedk
  317. HoldLine
  318.     FileArray
  319.     FileSizeN
  320. interger}
  321. ReadArray1
  322. IncrArray1
  323. IncrArray2
  324. ListLoop9
  325. ListAdd
  326.     AddToListE
  327. wdir091a
  328. MainFormc
  329. Screen
  330. ButtonCopy_ClickU
  331. DestFile
  332. ErrHandler
  333. DirPath2
  334. ButtonExit_Click4
  335. ButtonMove_Click
  336. ErroHandler
  337.     ErrorCopy
  338. ErrorDelete
  339.     ErrorMove
  340.     HoldIndexp
  341. ElseifIf1
  342. AddToList2I
  343.     SetupList
  344.     DateTime1
  345.     DateTime2
  346. ThenSep
  347. HoldFile
  348. DriveErrorT
  349.     CopyError
  350. Drive1_DragDrop
  351. Drive1_DragOver
  352. Drive1_GotFocus
  353. Drive1_KeyDown
  354. Drive1_KeyPress
  355. Drive1_KeyUp
  356. Drive1_LostFocus
  357.     MoveError
  358. DeleteError
  359. Drive1Error,
  360. Drive2Error7
  361. ButtonSwap_Clickw
  362. HoldPath
  363.     HoldArray,
  364. Array2
  365. ifend
  366.     PathError
  367.     FreeSpace:
  368. GetDiskFreeSpace
  369. FindFreeSpace
  370.     HoldDrivek
  371. LabelSpace1
  372. LabelSpace2
  373. FreeSpace1#
  374. FreeSpace2
  375. HoldSizey
  376. Pat1h2
  377.     FileSize1
  378.     FileSize2
  379. CommandLine
  380. FNameFileDate
  381. ErrCntt
  382. DirFile
  383. DirFileFName
  384.     SortArrayJ
  385. SArray
  386. HArray
  387. SArray1
  388. ArrayLineSwapped
  389.     ThenPath1~
  390. FileFileK
  391. ErrMsg
  392.     SwapError
  393.     HoldPath1
  394.     HoldPath2n
  395. HoldFileName8
  396. LabelSource_ClickM
  397. LabelSpace1_Clickb
  398. LabelSpace2_Click
  399. LabelTarget_Clickc
  400. LoadListAll
  401. LoadListSame
  402. LoadListDiffent
  403. LoadListDifferent
  404. ListAllLoop
  405. AddToListAll=
  406. ListDiffLoop
  407. LoadDiffList
  408. LoadAllListW
  409. LoadListDiff-
  410. AddToDiffListM
  411. AddToAllList
  412. ListSameLoop
  413. AddToSameList
  414.     ButtonAll
  415. ButtonSame_Click
  416. ButtonSame
  417. Enables6
  418. ButtonDiff
  419. ButtonAll_Clickt
  420. ButtonDiff_Click
  421. CheckSameArray
  422. CheckSameArrayAddToSameList
  423. CheckDiffArrayAddToDiffList
  424. CheckDiffArray
  425.     FalseCall
  426. ThenCall
  427. ElseCall[
  428. endEnd
  429. ButtonSw
  430. LoadListMainForm
  431. LoadList
  432. CheckArrayLimits
  433. Selected
  434. CopyMoveDelete
  435. ActionError
  436. Action
  437. ActionSw
  438. sting
  439. FilterSwb
  440. FilterSwap_Click
  441.     ActionLit
  442. SelectedSw
  443. GetFreeSpace
  444. DiskFreeSpace
  445. DriveNbr
  446. Label1
  447.     LabelWing
  448. ErrorMsg
  449. LabelSpace
  450. FreeSpaceKB\
  452. ButtonExit_Click
  453. Drive1_Change
  454. Change Drive Letter to Numbere
  455. Call "WINGLIB.DLL"
  456. Compute KB
  457. ###,###,##0
  458. ###,###,##0
  459. Form_Load
  460. Change Drive Letter To Numbere
  461. Call "WINGLIB.DLL"
  462. Compute KB
  463. ###,###,##0
  464. ###,###,##0