println "@X04 @X7F│ @X71The password you entered was invalid. @X70│"
println "@X04 @X7F│ @X71It must be between @X74"+pwd_min+" @X71and @X74"+pwd_max+" @X71characters using @X74A@X71-@X74Z @X71and/or @X740@X71-@X749@X71! @X70│"
println "@X04 @X7F│ @X71The password you entered was invalid. @X70│"
println "@X04 @X7F│ @X71It must be between @X74"+pwd_min+" @X71and @X74"+pwd_max+" @X71characters using @X74A@X71-@X74Z @X71and/or @X740@X71-@X749@X71! @X70│"
println "@X7F│ @X71Your password was @X74NOT @X71properly reset. @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X71Your new password on this system must meet the following criteria: @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X741@X71) It must be between @X74"+pwd_min,"@X71 and @X74"+pwd_max+" @X71characters using @X74A@X71-@X74Z @X71and/or @X740@X71-@X749@X71. @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X742@X71) The first four characters cannot match a previous password. @X70│@X07"
println "@X7F│ @X743@X71) Your new password cannot be a subset of your name. @X70│@X07"