Monster Media 1994 #1
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(Version 1.02)
This freeware utility was created to help overworked PCBoard sysops
maintain their file areas and file-lists, and generally keep their
BBS tidy, by enlisting the help of trusted and knowledgeable users
to move files around from one area to the other, through mail, or
even on-line.
This program receives messages from authorized users, checks their
syntax and validity, then accordingly moves the specified files
physically from one area to another, together with the corresponding
descriptions in the file-lists. Aknowledgements, error messages and
diagnostics are mailed back to the sender and/or forwarded to the sysop
and/or his trustee(s), depending on the result.
│ │
│ ================= │
│ │
│ I. What does PCBMOVE _DO_ ? │
│ II. What does PCBMOVE _NOT_ DO ? │
│ III. How to make it work. │
│ IV. Configuration file. │
│ V. Message format required by PCBMOVE. │
│ VI. Technical information & acknowledgements │
│ VII. Upcoming improvements. │
│ VIII. Files in this archive (Manifest). │
│ │
│ │
- This program can maintain 3 different log files :
. System error log (invalid path, insufficient memory, bad configuration
file format, etc.)
. User error log (file name error, inexistent area, forbidden area, ...)
. Usage log for completed moves.
These logs contain the user name for each operation.
These log files can merge into one if you do not want to have 3
different logs.
- The program can use different configuration files to be used in different
- The program can use the "PCBOARD-standard" DIR.LST, or a delimited
ASCII format, which the sysop can edit directly.
- If PCBMOVE does not understand a request, it sends a message to the user
to explain why his request cannot be processed. These messages are plain
ASCII files (.err) that can be modified.
. Sysops can disallow file moves from, or to, specific areas.
. Move commands are carried out only if the user has the required minimum
security level. If not, the message is forwarded to a specified user
(usually the sysop or one of his trustees) for confirmation.
This person merely needs to reply with his off-line reader to validate
these moves if they appear pertinent.
. PCBMOVE can move files in batch mode (by executing the moves specified
on the command line, instead of scanning the message base).
. Sysops can open an area as "trashcan" for users to move bad/useless/old
files to this special area. All the sysop has to do then is purge this
this area once in a while (like every month or so) to delete files and
free space on hard disk.
II. What PCBMOVE does _NOT_ do
. File description cannot exceed 25 lines.
. All fields in the configuration file must be present, even if
they are not used.
. The lines in the configuration file cannot be wider than 80 characters.
. PCBMOVE cannot work on BBSes with more than 255 areas.
III. How to make it work
This program works in 2 different ways :
- With only one argument (the configuration file):
Pcbmove scans the message base,
executes MOVE commands when found,
and deletes the corresponding messages.
E.g.: PCBMOVE f:\pcbmove\pcbmove.cfg
- With four arguments, as follows:
PCBMOVE Config_file File_to_move Source_dir Target_dir
Pcbmove executes the specified move without scanning the message base.
This can be used as a door command or added in the CMD.LST file
of the board.
The errorlevel can be used to display a message if an error occurs.
E.g.: PCBMOVE f:\pcbmove\pcbmove.cfg PKZIP202.EXE 72 10
IV. Configuration file
Configuration file example :
NotAreaOri= 5 9
NotAreaTar= 2 12 125 35
Security= 90
The order of fields in the configuration file is not important,
but all of them must be present.
There must be no space(s) between the field name and the '=' sign.
The field names are case sensitive.
You should use upper-case values for 'ToField' and 'ForwardUser' fields
for better PCBOARD compatibility.
Lines starting with a '#' are comments, and thus, ignored.
Blank lines are allowed.
Description of fields
1. DirList
File name of area list.
The format of this file can be the PCBoard standard (dir.lst), or a
delimited ASCII file with the following format :
. 30 characters for the area filelist name.
. 30 characters for the area directory (WITH trailing '\')
. 33 characters for the area description.
F:\PCBMOVE\TEST\LIST01.LST F:\PCBMOVE\TEST\DIR01\ descript of area 01
2. MessageBase
File name for the message base to be scanned.
Each time the program is run, the entire message base gets scanned. When
a message addressed to 'ToField' is found, it is processed then marked
Note that the scanning routines use the new .IDX index format.
That's the reason why PCBMOVE can only work with PCBoard V15 or above.
3. UserBase
File name of the user database.
This is used to check the security level of the user.
4. UserFileNameError
ASCII file sent to a user who tries to move a file that does not exist
on the board.
In all "error" files, the following variables can be used:
FILE_TO_MOVE : Filename the user wanted to move,
AREA_ORI : Specified source area,
AREA_TAR : Specified target area,
AREA_ORI_DESC : Specified source area description,
AREA_TAR_DESC : Specified target area description,
DATE_MESSAGE : Date of the message sent to PCBMOVE.
HEURE_MESSAGE : Time of the message sent to PCBMOVE.
To better understand their usage, see the provided examples (*.err).
5. UserAreaError
ASCII file sent to a user who specifies an area that does not exist.
(either for source or target area).
The variables are the same as for UserFileNameError.
6. UserOtherAreaError
ASCII file sent to a user if the specified file has not been found in
the specified area, but in another one.
Usually this occurs if the file was moved by another users just before.
The variables are the same as for UserFileNameError, plus:
GOOD_AREA : Area where the file has been found.
GOOD_AREA_DESC : Description for this area.
7. UserAreaOriForbid
ASCII file sent to a user who specifies a forbidden area as a source.
The variables are the same as for UserFileNameError.
8. UserAreaTarForbid
ASCII file sent to a user who specifies a forbidden area as a target.
The variables are the same as for UserFileNameError.
9. UserNeedForward
ASCII file sent to a user who sends a MOVE command but does not have the
required security level.
The message should indicate that his moves have been forwarded to
someone else for validation.
The variables are the same as for UserFileNameError, plus:
SECURITY_MIN : Required security level to make the move.
FORWARD_USER : User to whom the message was forwarded.
The message sent to FORWARD_USER is hard-coded. It can't be changed.
10. ErrorLogFile
System error log file.
When a system error occurs, messages that cannot be processed are copied
to a file called DEBUG.MSG.
11. UserLogFile
This is the log of all failed move commands (with user names).
12. UseLogFile
This is the log of all successful move commands (with user names).
13. TempFile1
Temporary file used to build the file list of a source area
(from which the descriptions are removed).
14. TempFile2
Temporary file used to build the file list of a target area
(to which the descriptions are added).
It is best to put the temporary files on the same disk as the file list,
as it will then be much faster for PCBMOVE to replace the original
file list by the new one (a MOVE on the same disk is almost immediate).
15. ToField
Name that will be scanned in the message base.
Usually, this will be PCBMOVE, but could be ROBOT, MOVE, AREA MOVE,
or whatever...
1) It is _NOT_ the name of an existing user,
2) UPPER CASE is used!
16. NotAreaOri
Area(s) from which moves are forbidden.
The list consists of area numbers separated by spaces,
E.g. : 1 25 58 96
If you do not want to disallow any areas, leave this blank.
17. NotAreaTar
Area(s) to which moves are forbidden.
The list consists of area numbers separated by spaces,
E.g. : 1 25 58 96
If you do not want to disallow any areas, leave this blank.
18. Security
Security level required to execute the moves.
If a user has a lower level, PCBMove forwards his messages to the user
specified below.
19. ForwardUser
Name of user to whom messages will be forwarded as above.
20. DebugFlag
This flag must be ON or OFF, like, a switch, see ?
If ON, all messages will be saved to a debug file (debug.msg) before
they are killed.
If ON, comments will trace all the steps of the move process, and a log
of the messages will be displayed on the console.
If ON, PBMOVE will make copies of filelist files (.BAK) prior to
any modification. Bak files are created for each file list before
modification. Each move modifies 2 file lists, thus 2 .BAK files will be
created for each move. Of course, if PCBMOVE receives a hundred move
commands at a time, these will not be very useful...
21. Language
Specifies the language you want for messages and logs.
Options currently available are 'french' and 'english'.
V. Message format required by PCBMOVE
The header of the message MUST contain the following fields:
From : A valid user name (user present in user base).
To : Name specified in config file for PCBMOVE (ToField).
Subject: What you want. We recommend a value of '*' because this field
may be put to use in future releases.
The message itself must have one MOVE command per line.
E.g. to move PZKIP202.EXE from area 10 to area 20 :
PKZIP202.EXE 10 20
The number of lines in the message is not limited by PCBMOVE.
We recommend not to add tag-lines to these messages, although they
should not be a problem for PCBMOVE.
VI. Technical information & acknowledgements
This program has been developed using MS-Quick C 2.51 in October 1993.
This release January 1994.
This program is "GNUware". All standard disclaimers apply.
The message base scanning and message posting routines rely heavily on
C snippets by René 'Renux' Cougnenc, the famous french freeware author...
Thanks (again) to him.
The function to compute dates in index files is from Jean-Claude Ambroise.
Also, documentation has been written with the help of Mr Sam Cabannes for
the french version, and Mr Fred Pacquier & Miss Pascale Hervieux
for the english text.
Their help has been invaluable.
(Note from the Translator: You Bet!)
As from this release (1.02), source code is included and placed under the
terms of the GNU License (CopyLeft) as created by the Free Software
Foundation (FSF). A copy of this text is included for those not familiar
with it - please read it before releasing any software using all or part
of PCBMOVE sources.
If you intend to add features to this software, do tell me about it:
I would be pleased to have a copy of your work.
Mail-address is :
Gillet Vincent
1 rue Mongenot
94160 Saint Mandé
Electronic address are :
FIDO adress : Vincent Gillet (2:320/7)
E-MAIL adress : Vincent.Gillet@lill.frmug.fr.net
LI'LL BBS number : (33)-
VII. Upcoming improvements
* the first few users to download a given file will optionally receive a
message from PCBMOVE enquiring whether the file is located in the
appropriate area or if it should be moved elsewhere. In the latter case,
the user just has to hit the 'reply' key in his offline reader to specify
the new target area (just how many is "few", of course, will be left to
the sysops...).
* keep & publish statistics (bulletin) for file-moving champs & lazybones,
so that the sysop may see who his Good Users really are...
VIII. Files in this archive (Manifest)
PCBMOVE .CFG Example configuration file
FRENCH .DOC French documentation file
ENGLISH .ZIP This english documentation & english error file examples
UPDATE .NEW Release history and changes for each version
SOURCES .ZIP 'C' Source code
COPYING Conditions for copying
FILENAME.ERR French error file example
AREA_TAR.ERR French error file example
AREA .ERR French error file example
AREA_ORI.ERR French error file example
OTERAREA.ERR French error file example
FORWARD .ERR French error file example
────────────────────────────────── Vincent Gillet - Paris 1994 ───────────────