Monster Media 1994 #1
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PCBoard 15.1 GIF Collage Builder Command
Version 2.9 Documentation
Earl Bonser, SysOp
The GIFfer BBS
12088 Anderson Rd.
Suite #170
Tampa, Fl. 33625
Fido (1:377/50)
(813) 969-2761 969-2956
969-1829 969-1089
960-7267 960-7348
961-8292 961-8412
I hate lengthly doc's as much as anyone, so this will be kept as short
and to the point as possible. The GIF Collage processor is a PCBoard
PPE command that allows your users to create a small GIF file that
contains up to 9 reduced images of other GIF files. By using this
command, they can get a preview of what the GIF files look like before
spending time downloading the individual GIF's. As the operator of a
large graphics oriented BBS, I soon realized that a lot of GIF's are not
what they are described to be and quite a few of them get renamed,
resulting in duplicates. It is also quite common for multiple people to
scan the same picture, once again resulting in duplicates. This command
will help your users to weed out the ones that they already have and not
waste their time and bytes downloading unwanted GIF's.
GIFCOLL has been tested under PCBoard 15.1, single node, multi node,
DOS, OS/2 2.0, OS/2 2.1, DesqView and Lantastic. It has been in use
since June, 1993 and has yet to cause a system problem. It is
distributed as fully functional Shareware and may be posted or passed
around in any way that you desire. Registration of the GIFCOLL PPE will
eliminate the startup delay screen and the irritating nag screen
displayed when it ends. Other than that, the Shareware and Registered
versions are exactly the same. A registered version will work on any
PCBoard v15.x system, but will only act as a registered version on the
BBS that it is registered to. Feel free to pass your registered version
on to anyone.
Installation of GIFCOLL is quick and simple. The steps you should
follow are given below. You can get assistance if needed by contacting
the author at The GIFfer BBS or sending Fido Netmail to Earl Bonser,
Fido node (1:377/50). Voice support is provided to registered users.
SysOp's that have already installed a PCBoard 15.x PPE will breeze thru
the installation in only a few minutes.
If you are upgrading from a version prior to 2.2, see the UPGRADE.DOC
file for quick installation information.
First a word for those of you running a dedicated single node system
without the benefit of a multitasker. You MUST have the DOS SHARE
program loaded for this PPE to work. It is reading a file being held
by PCBoard and will always report that there are no files flagged for
download if you don't have SHARE or an equilavent program loaded. Just
add the following line to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you are using a
memory manager like QEMM or 386MAX, the SHARE program can be loaded high
with no loss to the lower 640k. I haven't tried it with the DOS 6.x
memory manager, but it should work OK also.
C:\DOS\SHARE.EXE /F:name_space /L:numlocks
Rules for SHARE: /F: - If you do not specify the /F switch, name_space
is set to 2048 bytes. Each open files uses 11
bytes plus its full file specification (disk
drive name, path name and file name). This
2048 bytes can contain 27 files that use all
63 characters available for the full file name.
I use /F:4096 on my system and have never had
a problem that I am aware of.
/L: - If you do not specify the /L switch, a default
of 20 simultaneous file locks is allowed. I
have found it best to set this to a value that
is 5 more than the FILES=nnn value set in your
CONFIG.SYS file. (ie: use /L:55 for FILES=50).
Step 1: Move all of the files into a single hard drive directory. If
you are running a multi node system and/or a Lan, this must be
a directory that all of the nodes can access. You can create
a new directory just for the GIFCOLL system or move the files
into any existing directory. The following files should be
GIF a PCBoard HELP file.
GIF.GER a PCBoard HELP file in German
GIFCOLL.PPE the PCBoard command module
GIFCOLG.PPE the PCBoard command module in German
GIFCOL0.EXE a GIFCOLL sub command module
GIFCOL1.EXE a GIFCOLL sub command module
GIFCOLL.DOC this file
GIFDESK.EXE the GIFdesk collage builder utility
GIFDESK.CMD batch command string for GIFDesk
REGISTER.TXT the registration document
HISTORY.TXT change history log
UPGRADE.DOC install info for upgrading to new version
Step 2: Copy or move the GIF file to your PCBoard Help directory. The
PCBoard Help directory is defined in PCBSetup B (File Locations)
A (System Files & Directories) "Location of Help Files". Also
copy the GIF.GER help file if you support the German language.
Step 3: If you are running a multi node system, ensure that each node
specifies a unique directory for it's temporary work files in
PCBSetup B (File Locations), A (System Files & Directories)
"Location of Temporary Work Files".
Step 4: Ensure that there is plenty of space in the drive you have
specified as the location for temporary work files in PCBSetup
(see step #3 above). GIFColl uses this directory to copy up
to 9 GIF's at a time into when makeing the collage. Use of a
RAM drive, which is quite common for this directory, will speed
up processing but will cause unpredictable results if it is not
large enough. The average GIF file runs between 150-200k, so
a drive with at least 2.5 meg of free space will suffice in
most cases. You really should allow for GIF's as large as 500k
if possible (9 x 500k = 4.5 meg). This directory is empty when
the GIF command is started (PCBoard has not put any files in it)
and GIFColl removes the files it placed in it when it ends.
Step 5: Select a directory that will be used for callers to download the
collage files from. GIFColl will place the collage files in
this directory after they are built and remove them after the
caller downloads them. It MUST be a directory that is included
as a Download Path in PCBSetup for each conference and should
NOT be an indexed directory. It's also best to make it one of
the first directories in the Download Paths list in case one
of the names generated for the temporary collage file ends up
duplicating the name of a file already posted on your BBS.
Step 6: Add the GIFCOLL PPE to your PCBoard CMD.LST file. Go into
PCBSetup, B (File Locations), B (Configuration Files), move the
highlight bar to "Name/Loc of Default CMD.LST File" and press
F2. The following screen will be displayed. Enter a command
specification line for the GIFColl PPE similar to this:
Command Security PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement
======= ======== ==========================================
|Use this version
for German language.
These usage of the fields on this screen are:
- Command:
It is not required that the command name be GIF, but it is
highly recommended since it a short name and is also the name
of the help file. If you use another name, do NOT rename the
help file. You can copy it to the command name you use if
you wish so users can enter a "H name" command, but the
GIFCOLL PPE expects to find it under the name GIF in your
PCBoard Help directory.
- Security:
You can specify any security level you want. This is the
MINIMUM security level required for a caller to be able to
use this command. You may want to set it at a level only
you or a few selected callers can use while testing it.
- PPE/MNU File -or- Keystroke Replacement:
The location and name of the GIFCOLL.PPE and the location/name
of the DLPATH.LST identified download directory that the collage
files will be placed in for the user to download. The collage
files will be deleted after the user downloads them. This must
be a fully qualified path name (include drive letter) and must
not include an ending backslash (\). If you have a "hidden"
directory like most of us sneeky snakes, it's ideal for this.
Step 7: Add the GIF command to the PCBoard User's & Sysop's Menu(s)
specified in PCBSetup for each conference you wish to make
the command available in (normally BRDM & BRDS).
Step 8: Add a SET GIFDESK=FILE command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
If you don't want to reboot just to test GIFCOLL, you can just
enter SET GIFDESK=FILE from the DOS command line prompt after
adding the command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Step 9: Add the following line to your $$LOGOFF.BAT file(s).
IF EXIST d:\temp\C%PCBNODE%*.GIF delete d:\temp\C%PCBNODE%*.GIF
This will clean up any collage files that may be left in your
download directory under some circumstances. If the caller
select the (G)oodbye option when downloading the collage file,
the PPE is never reentered and the collage file is not deleted.
This will insure that it is removed when the caller disconnects.
Step 10: If you are running a single node, it may be necessary for you
to add the following line to the start of your BOARD.BAT file.
PCBoard does not automatically build this environment variable
in some setups on single node systems (even if you are using
a multinode version like /2, /5, /10, etc.).
Now you can test it. You can test it in local mode (a local signon),
but you will not see exactly what a remote caller will see. The PCBoard
shell operations done by the GIFCOLL.PPE cause the screen to clear each
time that one of the sub programs is invoked. It's best to test it by
calling your BBS like your users do. You will be able to see the
displays easier if you do.
Use of the GIF command is simple and self explanitory. Just go into
some of your file lists and flag some GIF files as though you were going
to download them. Then go back to the main menu and enter GIF. The
GIFCOLL.PPE will give you an estimate on how long it will take to create
the collage file(s) and, if it thinks it will take more than 2 minutes,
will ask you if you want to continue. It will then display information
about the progress of the collage building process as it goes on. If
you have not flagged any GIF files for download before entering the GIF
command, it will tell you so and display the GIF command Help file to
instruct you on how to use it.
An entry is written to the PCBoard nodes log file each time that the GIF
command is used. This is done to assist you in keeping track of just
how much the command is used and how usefull it is to your users. There
is another (sometimes irritating) feature that also lets you know how
much the GIFCOLL PPE is being used. The GIFDesk utility issues tones to
your PC's speaker each time it has built a collage. You will find this
very irritating if you keep the hardware for your BBS close to or in
your bedroom! I hope to have this inconvience resolved in a future
release of GIFCOLL.
The collage file(s) that are created for you are generated with random
names (almost). The format of the file names are:
^^^||||----> A randomly generated number between 0-9999 that
^^^ that will be incremented by 1 for each collage
^^^ after the first one.
^^^--------> The BBS node number. The number of characters
vary depending on the node number (ie: node 1
is 1 character, node 123 is 3, etc.).
As you can see, it is possible for the generated name to duplicate the
name of a file already posted on your BBS. This, however, is very
unlikley. We recommend that the directory you specify for the collage
files to be placed in for downloading be the first in your DLPATH.LST
just in case it does happen to duplicate an existing file name.
Since the original reason I wrote the GIFCOLL.PPE was to help my callers
not waste their time (and the BBS's time) and bytes getting something
they really don't want, I make the collage files created by GIFCOLL free
files on my BBS. The time they use creating the collage files counts
against their time limits, so it is not used by them as a way to get GIF
pictures for free and beat the BBS restrictions on their sessions. The
GIFCOLL.PPE will also limit the number of GIF files it will process in a
single invocation to 99. If the user has flagged more than 99 GIF
files, only the first 99 in the flag list will be processed. This
prevents 2 hours of building collage files for the guy that enters "FL
*.GIF"! He would probably hit his byte, time or file limit real quick
anyway. The way you set it up on your BBS is strictly your choice. If
you want to provide the collage files to your users without it counting
against their byte or time/byte allotment, you can do the following:
- Go into PCBSetup
- Select "File Locations" (B).
- Select "Configuration Files" (B).
- Move the highlight bar to "Name/Loc of FSEC file".
- Press F2 to edit the file as shown below.
- Press ESC to save the file.
Drive \ Path File Name Sec Password
=============================== ============= ===== =================
These fields have the following meaning:
- Drive\Path = The directory you specified as the dowload directory
for the GIF collage files in CMD.LST.
- File Name = The name of the files that this entry applies to.
If you wished to make the files free only on
specific nodes, you could use a name mask that
includes the node number (ie: C8*.GIF would make
them free only on node #8). You can also have
multiple entries for multiple nodes if you wish.
- Sec = The lowest security level needed to have this setting
apply to the caller.
- Password = A password of NOTIME means that downloading the
file(s) is not counted as part of the session time
and the download will not be counted against the
callers download byte limit or file ratio.
A password of FREE means that downloading the file
will not be charged against the callers download
ratio. The download time will still be deducted
from the callers session time.
- I enter the command and nothing happens, the BBS just goes back to
the main menu!
You have 1 of 2 problems. Either you didn't install the PPE in the
directory you entered in the CMD.LST file or you don't have enough
memory available (probably under DesqView) for the GIFCOLL shell
operations. You need about 200k of memory available when in PCBoard.
Look in the bottom right corner of the local screen to see how much
memory is available.
- I keep getting displays and messages in the node log file saying
"Download path not specified on PPE command line." and "GIF Collage
Processor Environment error - Inform your SysOp".
Kinda self explanitory, isn't it? You have either failed to include
the download path name in your CMD.LST file or the path does not
- Not all of the GIF's I have flagged are being included in the collage
or an error message is issued when the collage file is being moved to
the download directory.
You probably don't have enough space in your PCBoard temporary work
file directory. If the collage is empty, there isn't even enough
space for 1 of the GIF files to be held temporarialy. If you are
getting some, but not all, of the GIF files in the collage then
there probably is not enough space on the drive. A caviot here.
I think that the GIFDESK utility may have a problem processing GIF
files that are constructed with the GIF89a format. Some of GIF
files using the GIF89a format may not be placed in a collage built
- The collage files are fine, but I am also getting all of the GIF's
included in the collage when I do the download.
You are not answering "N" to the "Download Flagged Files? (Y)"
question. Remember, you flagged these files for DOWNLOAD for GIFCOLL
to use them. They remain flagged and will be included in your download
by default if you don't answer "N" to this question. The collage files
are added to the download list AFTER you are asked this question, so
an answer of "N" will not cause them to be lost.
- A user aborts the download and then comes back to download the collage
files later but they are gone.
That's correct. The last thing that GIFCOLL does is clean up after
itself, including deletion of the collage files. If you don't download
them when prompted to do so they are gone forever.
- The GIF collage is being displayed on the local screen as the collage
is being built.
The GIFDESK=FILE environment variable is not set. Go back and look
at installation step #8 to remedy this.
- My local screen keeps getting cleared when someone is using the GIF
command and I can't see what they are doing.
PCBoard does this while shelled out to another program. This occurs
in GIFColl when it is using some of it's sub-modules and when GIFDESK
is running. All of the sub-modules are very quick, so this is kept
to a minimum. It's actually nice to be able to see what GIFDESK is
doing since it gives you a progress report and shows the %complete
while building the collage.
- The collage files are being left in the download directory and are
cluttering up my hard drive.
You have not created or changed your $$LOGOFF.BAT as instructed in
installation step #9.
GIFCOLL by Earl Bonser is released to the general public as Shareware.
GIFCOLL is provided AS IS without any warranty, expressed or implied.
This includes without limitation the fitfulness to a particular purpose
or application and any warranties of merchantability. While I tried to
be as thorough as possible while debugging GIFCOLL, I shall not be
liable for any damages, whether direct, indirect, special, or
consequential arising from a failure of GIFCOLL to operate in a manner
desired by the user. I shall not be liable for any damage to data or
property which may by caused directly or indirectly by use of GIFCOLL.
The only thing that I can gurantee is that it will use some space on
your hard drive when you install it.
In no event will I be liable to you for any damages, including any lost
profits, lost savings or other incidental or consequential damages
arising out of your use, ability or inability to use the program, or for
any claim by any other party.
PCBOARD is a registered trademark of Clark Development Company, Inc.
GIFDESK is an excellent program released as freeware by Jay Wherley.