Monster Media 1994 #1
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C/C++ Source or Header
301 lines
* Source Id :
* $Id: dbobj.h,v 1.24 1993/11/04 14:59:41 kevinl Exp $
* Project Notes :
* Diamond Base
* ============
* A solid database implementation, spurred on by the continuing
* Metal (Lead) Base saga.
* Project Team :
* A. Davison
* K. Lentin
* D. Platt
* Project Commenced : 05-02-1993
* Module Notes :
* dbObject : This is an object which handles low-level requests
* from the diamondBase.
* Original Author :
* Andy
* Revision History:
* $Log: dbobj.h,v $
* Revision 1.24 1993/11/04 14:59:41 kevinl
* Fixed record locking
* Revision 1.23 1993/10/28 07:49:01 kevinl
* Added diaGRel dbString/dbData support
* Revision 1.22 1993/10/18 11:18:40 kevinl
* Added fieldName array
* Revision 1.21 1993/10/05 07:29:57 kevinl
* Added in dbObjData (previously in diaGRel)
* Revision 1.20 1993/06/23 05:21:22 kevinl
* Mallocs are now in angular brackets
* Revision 1.19 1993/06/20 13:39:23 kevinl
* theMemServer etc for String support
* Revision 1.18 1993/05/11 14:44:50 kevinl
* Added version number output
* Revision 1.17 1993/05/03 01:34:25 kevinl
* No more extern consts
* Revision 1.16 1993/05/01 14:38:08 kevinl
* Got rid of ints
* Reowrked inlie funcs to have 1 return
* Revision 1.15 1993/04/27 07:15:24 kevinl
* Added qWrite
* Fixed qId bounds checks on all query functions
* Revision 1.14 1993/04/25 13:19:57 kevinl
* Comments
* Revision 1.13 1993/04/15 07:58:55 kevinl
* Added del
* Revision 1.12 1993/04/15 04:28:17 kevinl
* Move malloc.h
* Revision 1.11 1993/04/11 05:49:02 kevinl
* Rationalised find/seek/peek methods etc
* Revision 1.10 1993/04/09 13:00:29 kevinl
* Stats can be called from diaRel now.
* Revision 1.9 1993/04/07 02:29:21 kevinl
* Changed qEnd to reset qId to -1
* Revision 1.8 1993/04/01 04:23:18 kevinl
* Fixed locking
* Added qFind, fixed the rest
* Revision 1.7 1993/03/30 07:15:19 davison
* Added the usage count stuff.
* Revision 1.6 1993/03/29 08:06:01 darrenp
* Nuked pathinfo
* Revision 1.5 1993/03/29 06:12:49 darrenp
* Nuked pathinfo structure
* Revision 1.4 1993/03/28 10:32:05 davison
* Modified for dbErr.
* Revision 1.3 1993/03/28 04:53:59 root
* more error code standardization.
* Revision 1.2 1993/03/26 06:16:38 darrenp
* standardized error codes.
* Revision 1.1 1993/03/25 22:29:25 davison
* Initial revision
#ifndef __dbObject_h__
#define __dbObject_h__
#include <idxinfo.h>
#include <rserv.h>
#include <btree.h>
#include <object.h>
#include <mserv.h>
#include <iostream.h>
#include <fstream.h>
const int NO_REC = -1;
class dbObject;
class dbRegInfo;
class diamondBase;
class dbQueryInfo
long queryId;
long queryIdx;
long queryRec;
bool queryLock;
// dbError status;
// inline dberror(dbError err) { return status = err; };
char* verStr(void) { return "$Id: dbobj.h,v 1.24 1993/11/04 14:59:41 kevinl Exp $"; }
dbQueryInfo(long id,long idx)
queryId = id;
queryIdx = idx;
queryRec = NO_REC;
queryLock = false;
#if 0
void pError(char *s)
cerr << ": ";
switch (status)
case db_ok: cerr << "OK"; break;
case db_locked: cerr << "Query locked"; break;
case db_unlocked: cerr << "Query not locked"; break;
default: cerr << "GURGLE GURGLE SPLAT"; break;
cerr << endl;
// Lock the query. If it's already locked, tell them
dbError lock()
dbError err = db_locked;
if (queryLock == false)
queryLock = true;
err = db_ok;
return dbErr(err);
// Unlock the query. If it's already unlocked, tell them
dbError unlock(void)
dbError err = db_unlocked;
if (queryLock == true)
queryLock = false;
err = db_ok;
return dbErr(err);
// If the query is not locked, set the record this query used.
dbError setRec(long recIdx)
dbError err = db_locked;
if (queryLock == false)
queryRec = recIdx;
err = db_ok;
return dbErr(err);
// We locked?
bool locked(void)
return queryLock;
friend dbObject;
class dbObjData
// ----------------------------
// Data which is used to carry out the requested
// operations on the relation.
// ----------------------------
long uniqOff; // unique offset - -1 if not present
long numIndices; // How many indices are there ?
long numFields; // How many fields are there ?
long dataLength; // What is the total length of the rec ?
long stringCount; // How many of the buggers we got?
long *stringField; // What are the numbers of the strings;
long *theLongs; // Array of offsets;
long *containsUniq; // Index contains a unique field.
long *keyLength; // Key lengths.
long *fieldLength; // How long each field is.
long *fieldOffset; // Where each field is.
char *fieldType; // What type each field is.
char **fieldName; // The field names.
// These next two arrays are a real nightmare.
// They list which fields the indexes are compared
// on. There are two arrays, b/c they are compared in a
// different order to their packing order. C=comparison order
// P = packing order (during storage into btree)
long (*indexedOnC)[MFII];// Which fields are in each index.
long (*indexedOnP)[MFII];// Which fields are in each index.
class dbObject : public dbObjData
// dbError status;
// inline dbError dboerror(dbError err) { return status = err; };
// void pError(char *s);
char* path;
char* prefix;
fieldList fldList;
indexList idxList;
recServer* theRecServer;
bTree** theBTreeList;
memServer* theMemServer;
dbQueryInfo* queryInfo[MAX_QUERY];
long usageCount;
} // Use with care.
dbObject(char* path, char* name);
dbObjData* getObjData(void) { return (dbObjData*)this; }
char* verStr(void);
dbError checkRec(long qId, long recIdx, bool lockit = false);
dbError qBegin(long idxId, long& qId);
dbError qEnd(long& qId);
dbError qSeekFirst(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError qSeekLast(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError qNext(long qId, object& theObject, bool lock = false);
dbError qPeekNext(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError qPrev(long qId, object& theObject, bool lock = false);
dbError qPeekPrev(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError qSeek(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError qWrite(long qId, object& theObject);
dbError add(object& theObject);
dbError del(object& theObject);
void stats(void);
dbError getStrings(object& theObject);
friend class dbRegInfo;
friend class diamondBase;