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File List  |  1994-05-06  |  21KB  |  336 lines

  1. ADDQWK20.ZIP Add Those QWK v2.0. Merge several QWK mail
  2.                                | packets.
  3. BDOS259B.ZIP English Language Text for BinkleyTerm
  4.                                | v2.60. DOS version.
  5. BLUEQ151.ZIP BlueQWK 1.51: BlueWave QWK converter. Gives
  6.                                | QWK mailreaders the ability to read and
  7.                                | write messages created by the BlueWave mail
  8.                                | door.
  9. BNP_0213.ZIP New BinkleyTerm/Portal of Power Netmail
  10.                                | Packer. More bugs gone!
  11. BNP_V762.ZIP BinkleyTerm/Portal Netmail Bundler/Packer
  12.                                | v7.62 - Release.
  13. BWDEV201.ZIP BlueWave v2.01, packet specifications.
  14.                                | Bugfixes, more info.
  15. BWNT259B.ZIP BinkleyTerm 2.59a Wide Alpha (Win NT).
  16. CMPHLP14.ZIP Complete help for CMPQwk v1.4.
  17. CMPSOUND.ZIP Sound files for CMPQwk v1.4k.
  18. CNMSG.ZIP    CyberNet EMFXS compatible message reader
  19.                                | (accepts standard FidoNet packets) and
  20.                                | polling program. Includes C source for all
  21.                                | message related programs.
  22. CUPD140L.ZIP CMPQwk Beta 1.4L - Public Reg User Beta
  23.                                | Download this file only if you have version
  24.                                | 1.3x or greater currently installed.
  25. CVTQWK10.ZIP Convert that QWK v1.0. Convert QWK mail
  26.                                | packets. Converts to text (001.TXT,
  27.                                | 002.TXT..) using the index, determine the
  28.                                | minimal diskspace to work.
  29. C_BERNET.ZIP CyberNet EMFXS host program. Can be used
  30.                                | instead of or in conjunction with a BBS.
  31.                                | Provides non-interactive message and file
  32.                                | exchange.
  33. DRMASTER.ZIP Allow remote access to PC via FrontDoor's
  34.                                | terminal.
  35. DSTRB3.ZIP   DST Reader, offline .QWK reader, beta
  36. DTHV344.ZIP  Doctor's Tagline Handler v3.44. Direct from
  37.                                | author, a tagline handler.
  38. ECHOFUN1.ZIP Echo Fun v1. Short text file that explains
  39.                                | some of the problems and solutions of
  40.                                | starting an Echo Mail Net.
  41. EZPGP100.ZIP EZ-PGP v1.00. Use PGP with your off-line
  42.                                | mail-reader! Designed to work with the
  43.                                | Bluewave reader, but will work with any
  44.                                | off-line mail reader!
  45. EZQUOTE3.ZIP EZ-Quote v3.0. Text editor for OLRs/Points,
  46.                                | with WonderWrap.
  47. FDH_110.ZIP  FDHist 1.10, The FrontDoor History Viewing
  48.                                | Door
  49. FDTN_003.ZIP FrontDoor Tech Note: USR HST/DS/V.32Terbo
  50.                                | problems, config, fax, etc.
  51. FECV140.ZIP  FEConv v1.40. Convert FastEcho area
  52.                                | configuration to FD/ IM/RA/ SBBS/ QBBS/
  53.                                | PB&W formats.
  54. FEKILL12.ZIP FeKill V1.2 Maintenance tool for FastEcho
  55.                                | <= 1.40a.
  56. FIDOBONE.ZIP Info on how to connect with FIDONET and
  57.                                | FILEBONE.
  58. FIDOQ120.ZIP FidoQWK v1.20: FidoNet echomail processor.
  59.                                | Echo messages between FidoNet and QWK-type
  60.                                | Networks.
  61. FINDADRS.ZIP Describes how to obtain someone's Internet
  62.                                | Email address.
  63. FNOD0401.ZIP FidoNet worldwide uncompiled nodelist
  64.                                | through April 1, 1994.
  65. FOYERS17.ZIP A Program To Call Multiple BBSs from a Fido
  66.                                | Front End.
  67. FREQL13A.ZIP FreqList v1.3a. Creates a report of file
  68.                                | request activity from FrontDoor in a
  69.                                | message base format (.MSG, Hudson, SQUISH,
  70.                                | JAM, or Ezycom).
  71. FREQR22.ZIP  File Request Reporter v2.2. Reads log file
  72.                                | made by FrontDoor and makes a report of
  73.                                | files sent in response to filerequests.
  74. FSFWSW.ZIP   Fido System for Windows v0.04. Offline mail
  75.                                | that support's squish, Hudson, Jam, Ezycom,
  76.                                | .
  77. FXUUCICO.ZIP FXuucico version .4 beta. A great UUCICO rep
  78. GIGO0405.ZIP GIGO (pre 1.00) - Fidonet<->UUCP Gateway
  79.                                | Pkg. Features services such as ftpmail
  80.                                | server, mail-list->echo conversion,
  81.                                | moderating of newsgroups thru fidonet mail,
  82.                                | sysop-defined mail/news headers and more!
  83. GWS1EVAL.ZIP Gateway Sentinel v1.0 for Windows. 60
  84.                                | Minute timed-out demo version.
  85. HGOPHR24.ZIP TCP/IP Internet Gopher for Windows v2.4.
  86.                                | Requires a WINSOCK.DLL and a TCP/IP
  87.                                | protocol stack.
  88. INT_GATE.ZIP Internet Gateway Information for Email.
  89. IP051B.ZIP   IntuiPoint 0.51 beta - Programma italiano
  90.                                | di gestione Point.
  91. IPOST120.ZIP IPOST v1.20 - InterNet Mail Post Door.
  92.                                | Generates Fido style UUCP gateway or
  93.                                | WAFFLE/UUCP type messages.messages.
  94. IS20.ZIP     IS.EXE v2.0 File Size Checker! For checking
  95.                                | size of your REP packet. Errorlevel
  96.                                | branching can help ensure you won't BOMB
  97.                                | the net!
  98. JM940310.ZIP JamMail (10-March-94)FTN/UUCP Frontend
  99.                                | Mailer.
  100. JWPTAGS4.ZIP Thousands of witty taglines!
  101. KJ_TAGS.ZIP  My personal collection of about 500
  102.                                | taglines in .TXT format.
  103. KWQ12E.ZIP   KWQ Mail/2 v1.2e. 32 bit QWK mail reader
  104.                                | for OS/2 PM. Features advanced multi-
  105.                                | threaded searching, taglines, many
  106.                                | archivers, fast access toolbar, colored
  107.                                | "message syntax" text, Adobe fonts,
  108.                                | internal editor, PM, OS/2, DOS or Win3.
  109. LISTS1_6.ZIP Jan 94 listing of Maillists on the Internet?
  110. MAXIFTP3.ZIP MaxiFTP is an alternate interface to the
  111.                                | Internet standard File Transfer Protocol.
  112.                                | The program allows a user to transfer files
  113.                                | to and from a remote network site.
  114. MA_AM101.ZIP MA'AM v1.01. Generate MSGAREA.CTL files
  115.                                | from SQUISH.CFG files.
  116. MFB11.ZIP    Creates bat/cmd file to run FB.EXE on
  117.                                | received TICs.
  118. MFIX430.ZIP  MAILFIX v4.30 -
  119.                                | Purge/repair/resize/renumber RBBS-PC
  120.                                | message bases. Originally part of the Mail
  121.                                | Manager QWK mail door package.
  122. MPLUS352.ZIP MMGR Plus v3.52 QWK mail door: RBBS/Fido.
  123.                                | Supports RBBS and Fido message bases plus
  124.                                | Fido netmail. Supports OS/2 and messages of
  125.                                | unlimited length.
  126. MQWK13B.ZIP  MicroQwk v1.3 Offline Mail Reader and
  127.                                | Replier. Offers offline control of all mail
  128.                                | and messaging needs on any BBS that uses
  129.                                | Qwk mail format.
  130. MR2_198.ZIP  MR/2 - A QWK compatible mail reader for
  131.                                | OS/2. Menu/picklist driven, mouse support,
  132.                                | thread summary pick-lists, multithreaded
  133.                                | searching, user-defined custom conferences,
  134.                                | optional internal editor. Mostly SLMR/OLX
  135.                                | compatible keystrokes.
  136. NFX130A.ZIP  NFX v1.3a. Graphic offline mail reader for
  137.                                | QWK packets. Handles huge packets, 21,000
  138.                                | messages per conference with up to 21,000
  139.                                | conferences in total.
  140. NMS_102.ZIP  NMS is a PM program that monitors your
  141.                                | FidoNet .MSG format netmail directory,
  142.                                | looking for unread netmail addressed to
  143.                                | your FidoNet nodenumber.
  144. NOSN110.ZIP  NoSnail v1.10 - Netmail scanner for RBBS-PC.
  145. NTMGR97P.ZIP NetMgr/beta; Copy, move, delete, change,
  146.                                | file and bounce netmail, based on the
  147.                                | message header. JAM, Squish, Hudson & .MSG
  148.                                | formats. OS/2 version.
  149. OFFLI158.ZIP OffLine - QWK compatible reader that allows
  150.                                | you to read mail offline. Saves long
  151.                                | distance charges. NETMAIL support for
  152.                                | MAXIMUS or compatible systems. OHS
  153. OHSNET.ZIP   Net v1.0. Brief introduction to The OHS
  154.                                | Network System. For anyone looking for
  155.                                | online Occupational Health and Safety
  156.                                | topics/discussions/files.
  157. OLX152.ZIP   Upgrade OLX v1.50/1.51 to v1.52: For
  158.                                | standalone OLX versions indicated.
  159. ORIGX22.ZIP  MSG and Squish origin line extractor &
  160.                                | reporter.
  161. OUTB103.ZIP  OutBound -  FrontDoor v 2.11+ outbound
  162.                                | statistics reporter
  163. PB109.ZIP    Paperboy v1.09. QWK reader for windows
  164.                                | resizable window remembers position/size,
  165.                                | multicolor message display, spell checker,
  166.                                | database manager, more.
  167. PBU_100.ZIP  PBBSuucp v1.00 - Allow user to enter or
  168.                                | reply to Internet E-Mail with FidoNet style
  169.                                | addressing.
  170. PEN_9403.ZIP Planet Earth Network! Join one of the
  171.                                | fastest growing International Networks!
  172.                                | Topics ranging from environmental to inner
  173.                                | city issues.
  174. PIPE132.ZIP  Pipeline for Windows: Internet Interface
  175.                                | Graphical interface pulls together the full
  176.                                | range of Internet resources in a friendly,
  177.                                | flexible, powerful program.
  178. PKTMUX12.ZIP Multiplex internet protocols (several
  179.                                | stacks).
  180. POINT180.ZIP PPoint - Professional Point - Automatic
  181.                                | Setup and Maintenance. Automatically
  182.                                | accepts and sets up new areas.
  183. POW103.ZIP   POW v1.03 Windows QWK reader. "One QWK at a
  184.                                | time" OLR with the ability to save messages
  185.                                | to Folders database.
  186. PPQWK115.ZIP PPoint - Professional Point Module.
  187.                                | Optional QWK support module allows QWK
  188.                                | access using PPoint's efficient message
  189.                                | database system.
  190. PRINTPM2.ZIP Message Export v2.0 for PMDBM. Automates
  191.                                | PMDBM's Print Message to File to extract
  192.                                | all messages from a conference to an ASCII
  193.                                | text file.
  194. PROQWK11.ZIP Renames .QWK packets in ProComm Plus/WIN.
  195. QBASE12A.ZIP QWKBase v1.2a. Add on program that turns
  196.                                | your "one packet at time" offline mail
  197.                                | reader into a database reader. Quick and
  198.                                | easy set up.
  199. QF_1063.ZIP  QFront v1.063beta. You MUST be running
  200.                                | QFront v1.062b in order to apply this
  201.                                | update patch. This is NOT a complete
  202.                                | installation package!
  203. QPRN110.ZIP  QWKPrune v1.10. Removes unwanted messages
  204.                                | from QWK-format mail packets. Strips
  205.                                | leading spaces as well as (R) and Re:
  206.                                | prefixes from subject lines.
  207. QVTNE397.ZIP Windows terminal emulator for TCP/IP and
  208.                                | the Internet. Includes Telnet, FTP, Mail,
  209.                                | Newsreader. This is the packet driver
  210.                                | version.
  211. QVTWS397.ZIP Windows Sockets version of WinQVT/Net v3.97.
  212. QWKIDX11.ZIP QWK IDX v1.11: Quickly generates indexes
  213.                                | for QWK and REP mail packets. Uses SOUNDEX
  214.                                | scheme to search for personal messages
  215.                                | w/misspelled names.
  216. QWKP0294.ZIP QWKProducts listing - information on all
  217.                                | types of QWK products from mail readers to
  218.                                | tagline managers and mail doors.
  219. QWKSTF13.ZIP QWKSTF  v1.3. Searches directory for
  220.                                | REP/QWK packets and notifies you that they
  221.                                | need to be read or sent.
  222. QWKTALKG.ZIP QWKTalk v2.4ß. Worlds' only talking e-mail
  223.                                | reader! Beta update.
  224. RD400WW.ZIP  Silver Xpress Off-Line Reader Docs for
  225.                                | v4.00. Word for Windows format.
  226. REPSIZE.ZIP  Sysops: Run this in your mail run batch
  227.                                | file, before sending up dupes! Returns an
  228.                                | error level so you exit the batch, and see
  229.                                | why you have a large .rep to send.
  230. RM13REAL.ZIP RoboMail QWK Reader v1.3. Real Mode Upgrade
  231.                                | Kit. Only for use by people with machines
  232.                                | that cannot run the protected mode version.
  233. ROBOM13A.ZIP RoboMail QWK Reader v1.3. New database
  234.                                | oriented offline mail reader. Breaks new
  235.                                | ground with sophisticated database access
  236.                                | to your messages, internal editor, spell
  237.                                | checker & modern interface. 1/2.
  238. ROBOM13B.ZIP RoboMail QWK Reader v1.3. 2/2.
  239. ROBOM13U.ZIP RoboMail QWK Reader v1.3 Upgrade Kit.
  240.                                | Upgrade from any previous RoboMail version
  241.                                | to the new, protected mode version 1.3.
  242. RR250U.ZIP   RoseReader v2.50 upgrade files. Need to
  243.                                | have RR v2.10 installed to use these
  244.                                | upgrade files.
  245. RRS250U.ZIP  RoseReader (Sysop) v2.50 upgrade. Need to
  246.                                | have ver 2.10 installed to use these
  247.                                | upgrade files AND RoseMail version 2.50
  248.                                | running.
  249. SLIP22.ZIP   SLIP v2.2. Connect to a TCP/IP network
  250.                                | using a modem. Once connected (you need a
  251.                                | SLIP server at the other end as well) you
  252.                                | can run TCP/IP programs.
  253. SMB_100.ZIP  Synchronet Message Base Specification
  254.                                | v1.00. Designed for high volume, high
  255.                                | speed, multi-network, multimedia e-mail
  256.                                | storage and retrieval.
  257. SMB_110A.ZIP Synchronet msg specs v1.10. C
  258.                                | lib,QWK/Fido/Internet/Synchronet conv.
  259.                                | Sources.
  260. SOB_110.ZIP  Son Of Bonk outbound and nodelist manager
  261.                                | v1.10.
  262. SPEED140.ZIP Speed Read v1.40.  QWK reader/message
  263.                                | database. Features 25/28/43/50 line
  264.                                | support, cross-posting, run multiple
  265.                                | sessions, quote from any message, more.
  266. SQWK10.ZIP   Search that QWK v1.0. Search QWK mail
  267.                                | packets. Search 25 words or extract an
  268.                                | area, Name the resulting packet by
  269.                                | date/counter, Sort by subject, more.
  270. SR_KIT.ZIP   Start-up kit for Smuggler's Run, the new
  271.                                | play-by-mail science fiction role-playing
  272.                                | game from Distant Vistas.
  273. SXINFO.ZIP   Silver Xpress Information File.
  274. TAGD083.ZIP  TagDude v.83. Taglines for those of us
  275.                                | using Fido and Squish-style mail editors!
  276.                                | Tagdude will import your taglines into its
  277.                                | database, and allow you to choose them
  278.                                | randomly, search for specific text, or just
  279.                                | browse the database.
  280. TAGLX340.ZIP Tag Line Expres v3.40 <ASP> Tagline Manager
  281.                                | for offline mail readers. Offers unlimited
  282.                                | taglines; installs automatically into most
  283.                                | mail readers.
  284. TAGRB150.ZIP TagGrab v1.5. Excellent utility for the
  285.                                | avid tag-line collector! Extracts all
  286.                                | taglines from your QWK packet and saves
  287.                                | them to your mail reader's tagline file!
  288. TAGS6200.ZIP 6200 TAGLINES for your offline mail readers.
  289. TICIT130.ZIP TICIT v1.3. Tic file preprocessor for
  290.                                | Planet Connect Systems satellite service.
  291.                                | Pick up to 1000 tic areas.
  292. TIM100P.ZIP  TimEd v1.00. Fast msg editor supporting
  293.                                | Squish, JAM, *.MSG and Hudson bases; With
  294.                                | internal editor. OS/2 version.
  295. TLX_SLTS.ZIP 3 scripts for telix to automate mail
  296.                                | transfers using the rosemail door, deposit
  297.                                | time/bytes, take you to IBM files area.
  298. TRANX0C.ZIP  Clock sync utility for Bink/FD/The_Box etc.
  299. TUSQE_01.ZIP The Unflappable Squish Editor v0.1;
  300.                                | includes YaNode v1.02 Nodelist Compiler.
  301. UNIQWK30.ZIP UNIQWK v3.0 for Windows. QWK Off-line mail
  302.                                | reader.
  303. UPC12BAP.ZIP UNIX based utility to gather Internet Email
  304.                                | and Usenet nes/newsgroups for dl'ing.
  305.                                | Creates QWK, ZipNews, or SOUP formats.
  306. USNWR.ZIP    USNWR - is a utility for use with AUTOSIG
  307.                                | which allow you to go into US News & World
  308.                                | Report menu and download all text from the
  309.                                | current issue.
  310. UU21.ZIP     Fast UUDecoder - decode files posted as
  311.                                | messages on USENET/Internet.
  312. UUCODE31.ZIP UUCode for transferring binary files
  313.                                | through Internet, etc.
  314. UUGAT026.ZIP Internet/Fidonet Gateway V0.26.
  315. WIMM121P.ZIP Where Is My Mail. Personal Mailscanner for
  316.                                | Squish.
  317. WINCODE.ZIP  Wincode - converts 7-bit ASCII (Text) files
  318.                                | to 8-bit BINARY (EXE, COM, GIF, etc.) files
  319.                                | (and vice versa) through a process known as
  320.                                | uucoding.]
  321. WNMAIL.ZIP   WinNet Mail and News v2.05 <ASP> Windows
  322.                                | MDI app that gives full access to 6000+
  323.                                | news groups and clarinet. Integrated mail
  324.                                | and article-threading news readers,
  325.                                | integrated uuencode/decode, text editor for
  326.                                | very large files and more.
  327. WR120A.ZIP   WaveRider QWK/BlueWave Reader v1.20.
  328.                                | Windows based QWK and BlueWave mail packet
  329.                                | reader. EXE and helpfiles. 1/2.
  330. WR120B.ZIP   WaveRider QWK/BlueWave reader v1.20.
  331.                                | Speller and unzipper. 2/2.
  332. YARN_058.ZIP SOUP packet database reader. DOS. Protected
  333.                                | node version included.
  334. ZNR092X.ZIP  ZipNews Reader v.92x, ZipNews Reader for
  335.                                | USENET news.