Monster Media 1994 #1
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291 lines
Bug-fixes since 5.15:
- R:lines was not checked when the BBS used WP. Whithout WP this was OK.
- The question for QTH-locator at the beginning of the BBS-session, is
not needed, and is not asked any more.
- Fixed WP updates (title and sender). Title had to be changed to be 100%
compatible with RLI WP-system. Sender was changed from WP to callsign of
the BBS.
- WP-records will now really be deleted. This did not work earlier.
- Fixed the privilege problem with modem.
- N Command did not work 100%.
- Number of new and unread messages updated when using command E.
- Old SYSOP "private" bulletins (P$) are tested for age as normal bulletins.
- Only Port which are validated for gateway are allowed from the conference.
- Only one simultaneous forward for a station allowed.
- "(N)ext-message (C)ontinue-without-paging" now works in all cases.
- Devalidation of BPQ streams for house-keeping was not always ok.
- When STATIS.DAT-file was empty, a "Divide by 0" message in C/G menu caused
the BBS to crash.
- Alt-F4 window was garbaged when STATIS.DAT file was empty.
- Messages for WP will not appear in the mail-beacon any more.
- Fix in monitoring headers when using TFPCX in DRSI emulation mode. TFPCX
2.00 does not have a space between "0:" and "fm" in monitoring headers.
- "The file (filname) has been recorded" was sent from the BBS to the other
station after Yapp-download from that station in console mode. Fixed.
- Time-out problems in gateway mode. Fixed.
Changes/news since 5.15:
- Code more compact, needs about 40kb less memory.
- Unproto lists can now be sent to more than one path on each port. This
is done by adding more lines starting with ! in BALISEx.SYS. The mail-
beacons will still only be sent to the first of these paths.
- Unproto lists now managed seperately for each port. Earlier the list was
sent on all ports.
- New Command X1GET for 1K-XModem & YGET for YModem YModem-batch YModem-G.
Needs FBBIOS 1.32 or higher.
- ZModem download interface implementation. Command is ZGET.
- Binary transfer protocole Autobin (used in GP, SP TurboPacket, etc...)
Commands are BGET and BPUT.
- New file langname.NEW works exactly as langname.ENT, but will be sent only
once for each user.
- More than one destination for copies of messages to SYSOP in INIT.SRV.
More callsigns on the same line, seperated by a space.
- Time_out format changed in INIT.SRV. Timeout for user and forward on the
same line.
- Max KB for download via telephone-modem and yapp port in INIT.SRV. It is
now possible to set the maximum number of kilobytes each user will be
allowed to download from the BBS during a period of time. There is a
seperate number of kilobytes for YAPP-download, and for download via
telephone-modem. When the user has reached the maximum number of kilobytes,
he is not allowed any more downloads untill his count of kilobytes has been
refreshed. The refresh is done during BBS-maintenance at night. With a
suitable program the refresh can be done once a night, once a week or
Users that are authorized as sysop for DOS, and users that have a declared
PRIV-directory, will still have an unlimited number of kilobytes.
- Variable %d = Number of kilobytes downloaded by the user.
- Variable %m = Maximum number of kilobytes allowed downloaded on the port.
- New remote-sysop commands :
/K House keeping (like F8 3)
/L Software reboot (like F8 2)
/M Immediate software reboot (like F8 1)
- Forward-resume. If only a part of a message is received during forward
(before a disconnect), the BBS will resume forward of the same message,
from the point where the disconnect took place. So there will be no need
to forward the complete message once more. The BBS will create temporary
files for each message, and once a message is received completely, all the
*.TMP-files will be scanned, and all files with the same BID is deleted.
This has to be like this, as one message may arrive from different BBSs.
This feature can be validated/devalidated in INIT.SRV.
- EXPORT/IMPORT now has its own channel, it no longer uses CONSOLE-channel.
It is channel 99
- Commande FG gives the partly received messages.
- The first BBS header only for ACK messages.
- Callsign and route search in WP 6 times faster.
- New encoding system. Should be faster (and safer I hope !)
- New XMS interface
- Too long callsigns in routing are rejected (asked by G1NNB)
- Text Line T_TRT+11 ("Command error") becomes :
<CR> Continue <A>bort ... >
For all paging which is not in message area.
- There is a commad ID for WP. It shows the number of WP-records in the BBS.
- A new system for REJECTing and HOLDing messages, has been implemented,
so that if BBS A propose a message to BBS B, BBS B will send a R (instead
of -) to indicate that that message is rejected. (Earlier that message
would receive a -, and be marked F and killed.) BBS A will not send the
message to BBS B, but send a warning-message to sysop, and leave the
message with status N, so it may be forwarded on another route (if
available). It will not be marked F and killed.. Furthermore, if BBS B
will HOLD the proposed message, it will respond with H (instead of +), and
a warning-message for sysop will be created. The message will then be
forwarded. The warning-messages (both when a message is rejected, or when
a message is being held) can be turned on/off individually in INIT.SRV.
- Extension to the version 1 of FBB protocole : "FS +R++" means that the
second message is rejected. Only works with new version of the protocole.
The information is also written in the LOG like :
MJ B:Message_Bid V:Callsign_Rejecting
(See earlier in this message for more info).
- The message is not marked as 'F', and still can be forwarded to another BBS
- Warning message to the sending sysop when his message is rejected.
- Extension to the version 1 of FBB protocole : "FS +H++" means that the
second message is held. Only works with new version of the protocole.
The information is also written in the LOG like :
MH B:Message_Bid V:Callsign_Holding
(See earlier in this message for more info).
- Warning message to the sending sysop when his message is held.
- Extension to the version 1 of FBB protocole : "FS +E++" means that the
second message has a format error. Only works with new version of the
- Warning message to the sending sysop when his message proposal is wrong.
- The filename BALISEx.SYS has been changed to BEACONx.SYS
The filename REJET.SYS has been changed to REJECT.SYS
Be careful to change these names in the BBS !
- Allows Next/Continue when reading during lists.
- In FORWARD file :
New line types : LC, DC, XC
They are identical to L, D and X but are executed when the connection
is done. This allows to change parameters or program a function when
the other BBS is connected. When the connection is made from another
BBS, the LC, DC and XC are executed if the BBS exists in forward file.
This new feature makes it possible to re-program a TNC after connect,
or execute DOS-commands (turn the antenna, for example).
- In INIT.SRV, it is now possible to allow any (or all) kind of warning-
messages, according to this list:
Mask for warning messages in INIT.SRV
Warning DISK 1 Less than 1MB free disk-space
Warning FILE 2 Error in system file (FORWARD, BBS, REJECT...)
Warning SERVER 4 Server error/warning
Warning PINGPONG 8 Ping-Pong warning
Warning NO_ROUTE 16 No-route warning
Warning NO_NTS 32 No-NTS warning
Warning MESSAGE 64 Message file not found
Warning ERROR 128 Error in proposal
Warning REJECT 256 Message rejected in remote BBS
Warning HOLD 512 Message held in remote BBS
- C_FILTER has now one more parameter before the optional text. It indicates
the port where the user was connected.
- UNPROTO Line in INIT.SRV like :
# Back number, delay and (new:) selection of unproto lists
# Chose any combination of
# A = ACK messages
# V = private messages in transit
# P = private mail for local user
# M = subject for personal messages replaced with stars
500 5 VPA
Any unauthorized message will be unproto like
12345 #
Bulletins are always sent
- EPURMESS and SERV.EXE check the version number in INIT.SRV.
- New EPURMESS version compatible with both 5.15 and 5.15a.
- BID created automatically by the BBS is now changed a little. The BID is
normally created like "message-number_BBS-callsign". The message-number
in FBB can become very big, but the "message-number" included in the
automatically-created BID should not exceed 65535. Therefore the BID-
creating routine has been changed so that the number included in the BID
never will exceed 65535. So, in LA1B, the message number 65535 will create
the BID 65535_LA1B, and the next message, message no. 65536, will create the
BID 1_LA1B, the message 65537 will create 2_LA1B etc.
- Message and BID #0 is will not be used.
- No more than 1 message from one callsign will be allowed in each proposal-
block. If more than one message from one callsign, the other messages are
delayed to the next proposal blocks. This has been done to avoid long
lists of messages from the same sender.
May be disabled with the letter D in the T-line in FORWARD.SYS
- K msg# allowed on an unread message (KM still not allowed on unread
- Oldmail may be re-imported. Format is now compatible with import.
- WP.SYS format has some changes. To update WP.SYS to the new format,
UPDWP.COM program must be run before next EPURWP.COM !
And it must be run only ONCE !
- New EPURWP.COM program. Checks dupes and deletes old records. There are
now 2 parametres to EPURWP. The first is unchanged (number of days before
updating the record). The second is number of days before a record is
deleted. Beware: The UPDWP.COM resets all dates, so no users will be
deleted untill 'parametre number 2' days from UPDWP was run..
- Information about the number of free buffers in the TNC in the status line.
Maximum buffers per channel is divided by two if the number of free buffers
is going too low.
- Variable %r = D if the message holds data (7+) else is space. May be
inserted in the mail-listings, to show that a message holds data (7+).
- new line J in FORWARD.SYS : (data means 7+)
J 0 : no data sent
J 1 : data is sent (default)
J 2 : personnal data is sent
J 3 : only data is sent (exclusive)
- Forced disconnection of all links at housekeeping time+15 min.
- AltF1 and command FT give the real time size of the forwarding queue. So,
if there are for example some IF-ENDIF conditions in the forward-file
regarding forward of only personal messages, or messages under a certain
size, at certain hours of the day, the AltF1 and FT will always show the
exact que at this particular moment. The que might be bigger/smaller at
another time of the day, depending on the IF-ENDIFs.
- DU command (and other Dx commands) and NEW command now shares the memory and
do not allocate all needed memory.
- H line in FORWARD.SYS does not route bulletins.
- S command line should be compliant with BBS Interface Specification draft of
- Error messages T_ERR+16 and T_ERR+17 have changed.
- Full screen editor usable to send or reply messages. Validated with AltF6.
- Command EM #Msg : Edits the text of the message #Msg. During edition, the
message is not forwarded.
- New variable $e = city of the connected user.
- Variable %O = callsign of sysop.
- New variable %N gives the message number limited to the right 5 digits.
- Variable %R = Callsign with full path (e.g. F6FBB.FMLR.FRA.EU)