Monster Media 1994 #1
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603 lines
Doom Editor Utility, by Brendon Wyber and Raphaël Quinet.
You are allowed to use any parts of this code in another program, as
long as you give credits to the authors in the documentation and in
the program itself. Read the file README.1ST for more information.
This program comes with absolutely no warranty.
WAD.C - Wad files routines.
/* the includes */
#include "deu.h"
/* global variables */
WadPtr WadFileList = NULL; /* linked list of wad files */
MDirPtr MasterDir = NULL; /* the master directory */
open the main wad file, read in its directory and create the
master directory
void OpenMainWad( char *filename)
MDirPtr lastp, newp;
long n;
WadPtr wad;
/* open the wad file */
printf( "\nLoading main WAD file: %s...\n", filename);
wad = BasicWadOpen( filename);
if (strncmp( wad->type, "IWAD", 4))
ProgError( "\"%s\" is not the main WAD file", filename);
/* create the master directory */
lastp = NULL;
for (n = 0; n < wad->dirsize; n++)
newp = GetMemory( sizeof( struct MasterDirectory));
newp->next = NULL;
newp->wadfile = wad;
memcpy( &(newp->dir), &(wad->directory[ n]), sizeof( struct Directory));
if (MasterDir)
lastp->next = newp;
MasterDir = newp;
lastp = newp;
/* check if registered version */
if (FindMasterDir( MasterDir, "E2M1") == NULL)
printf( " *-------------------------------------------------*\n");
printf( " | Warning: this is the shareware version of DOOM. |\n");
printf( " | You won't be allowed to save your changes. |\n");
printf( " *-------------------------------------------------*\n");
Registered = FALSE; /* If you remove this, bad things will happen to you... */
Registered = TRUE;
open a patch wad file, read in its directory and alter the master
void OpenPatchWad( char *filename)
WadPtr wad;
MDirPtr mdir;
int n, l;
char entryname[9];
/* ignore the file if it doesn't exist */
if (! Exists( filename))
printf( "Warning: patch WAD file \"%s\" doesn't exist. Ignored.\n", filename);
/* open the wad file */
printf( "Loading patch WAD file: %s...\n", filename);
wad = BasicWadOpen( filename);
if (strncmp( wad->type, "PWAD", 4))
ProgError( "\"%s\" is not a patch WAD file", filename);
/* alter the master directory */
l = 0;
for (n = 0; n < wad->dirsize; n++)
strncpy( entryname, wad->directory[ n].name, 8);
entryname[8] = '\0';
if (l > 0)
mdir = mdir->next;
/* the level data should replace an existing level */
if (mdir == NULL || strncmp(mdir->dir.name, wad->directory[ n].name, 8))
ProgError( "\%s\" is not an understandable PWAD file (error with %s)", filename, entryname);
mdir = FindMasterDir( MasterDir, wad->directory[ n].name);
/* if this entry is not in the master directory, then add it */
if (mdir == NULL)
printf( " [Adding new entry %s]\n", entryname);
mdir = MasterDir;
while (mdir->next)
mdir = mdir->next;
mdir->next = GetMemory( sizeof( struct MasterDirectory));
mdir = mdir->next;
mdir->next = NULL;
/* if this is a level, then copy this entry and the next 10 */
else if (wad->directory[ n].name[ 0] == 'E' && wad->directory[ n].name[ 2] == 'M' && wad->directory[ n].name[ 4] == '\0')
printf( " [Updating level %s]\n", entryname);
l = 10;
printf( " [Updating entry %s]\n", entryname);
mdir->wadfile = wad;
memcpy( &(mdir->dir), &(wad->directory[ n]), sizeof( struct Directory));
close all the wad files, deallocating the WAD file structures
void CloseWadFiles()
WadPtr curw, nextw;
MDirPtr curd, nextd;
/* close the wad files */
curw = WadFileList;
WadFileList = NULL;
while (curw)
nextw = curw->next;
fclose( curw->fileinfo);
free( curw->directory);
free( curw);
curw = nextw;
/* delete the master directory */
curd = MasterDir;
MasterDir = NULL;
while (curd)
nextd = curd->next;
free( curd);
curd = nextd;
forget unused patch wad files
void CloseUnusedWadFiles()
WadPtr curw, prevw;
MDirPtr mdir;
prevw = NULL;
curw = WadFileList;
while (curw)
/* check if the wad file is used by a directory entry */
mdir = MasterDir;
while (mdir && mdir->wadfile != curw)
mdir = mdir->next;
if (mdir)
prevw = curw;
/* if this wad file is never used, close it */
if (prevw)
prevw->next = curw->next;
WadFileList = curw->next;
fclose( curw->fileinfo);
free( curw->directory);
free( curw);
curw = prevw->next;
basic opening of WAD file and creation of node in Wad linked list
WadPtr BasicWadOpen( char *filename)
WadPtr curw, prevw;
/* find the wad file in the wad file list */
prevw = WadFileList;
if (prevw)
curw = prevw->next;
while (curw && strcmp( filename, curw->filename))
prevw = curw;
curw = prevw->next;
curw = NULL;
/* if this entry doesn't exist, add it to the WadFileList */
if (curw == NULL)
curw = GetMemory( sizeof( struct WadFileInfo));
if (prevw == NULL)
WadFileList = curw;
prevw->next = curw;
curw->next = NULL;
curw->filename = filename;
/* open the file */
if ((curw->fileinfo = fopen( filename, "rb")) == NULL)
ProgError( "error opening \"%s\"", filename);
/* read in the WAD directory info */
BasicWadRead( curw, curw->type, 4);
if (strncmp( curw->type, "IWAD", 4) && strncmp( curw->type, "PWAD", 4))
ProgError( "\"%s\" is not a valid WAD file", filename);
BasicWadRead( curw, &curw->dirsize, sizeof( curw->dirsize));
BasicWadRead( curw, &curw->dirstart, sizeof( curw->dirstart));
/* read in the WAD directory itself */
curw->directory = GetMemory( sizeof( struct Directory) * curw->dirsize);
BasicWadSeek( curw, curw->dirstart);
BasicWadRead( curw, curw->directory, sizeof( struct Directory) * curw->dirsize);
/* all done */
return curw;
read bytes from a file and store it into an address with error checking
void BasicWadRead( WadPtr wadfile, void huge *addr, long size)
if (fread( addr, 1, size, wadfile->fileinfo) != size)
ProgError( "error reading from \"%s\"", wadfile->filename);
go to offset of wad file with error checking
void BasicWadSeek( WadPtr wadfile, long offset)
if (fseek( wadfile->fileinfo, offset, 0))
ProgError( "error reading from \"%s\"", wadfile->filename);
find an entry in the master directory
MDirPtr FindMasterDir( MDirPtr from, char *name)
while (from)
if (!strncmp( from->dir.name, name, 8))
from = from->next;
return from;
list the master directory
void ListMasterDirectory( FILE *file)
char dataname[ 9];
MDirPtr dir;
char key;
int lines = 3;
dataname[ 8] = '\0';
fprintf( file, "The Master Directory\n");
fprintf( file, "====================\n\n");
fprintf( file, "NAME____ FILE________________ SIZE__ START____\n");
for (dir = MasterDir; dir; dir = dir->next)
strncpy( dataname, dir->dir.name, 8);
fprintf( file, "%-8s %-20s %6ld x%08lx\n", dataname, dir->wadfile->filename, dir->dir.size, dir->dir.start);
if (file == stdout && lines++ > 21)
lines = 0;
printf( "[Q to abort, any other key to continue]");
key = getch();
printf( "\r \r");
if (key == 'Q' || key == 'q')
list the directory of a file
void ListFileDirectory( FILE *file, WadPtr wad)
char dataname[ 9];
char key;
int lines = 5;
long n;
dataname[ 8] = '\0';
fprintf( file, "WAD File Directory\n");
fprintf( file, "==================\n\n");
fprintf( file, "Wad File: %s\n\n", wad->filename);
fprintf( file, "NAME____ SIZE__ START____ END______\n");
for (n = 0; n < wad->dirsize; n++)
strncpy( dataname, wad->directory[n].name, 8);
fprintf( file, "%-8s %6ld x%08lx x%08lx\n", dataname, wad->directory[n].size, wad->directory[n].start, wad->directory[n].size + wad->directory[n].start - 1);
if (file == stdout && lines++ > 21)
lines = 0;
printf( "[Q to abort, any other key to continue]");
key = getch();
printf( "\r \r");
if (key == 'Q' || key == 'q')
build a new wad file from master dictionary
void BuildNewMainWad( char *filename, Bool patchonly)
FILE *file;
long counter = 12;
MDirPtr cur;
void huge *data;
long size;
long dirstart;
long dirnum;
/* open the file and store signatures */
if (patchonly)
printf( "Building a compound Patch Wad file \"%s\".\n", filename);
printf( "Building a new Main Wad file \"%s\" (size approx 10000K)\n", filename);
if (FindMasterDir( MasterDir, "E2M4") == NULL)
ProgError( "You were warned: you are not allowed to do this.");
if ((file = fopen( filename, "wb")) == NULL)
ProgError( "unable to open file \"%s\"", filename);
if (patchonly)
WriteBytes( file, "PWAD", 4);
WriteBytes( file, "IWAD", 4);
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L); /* put true value in later */
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L); /* put true value in later */
/* output the directory data chuncks */
data = GetFarMemory( 0x8000 + 2);
for (cur = MasterDir; cur; cur = cur->next)
if (patchonly && cur->wadfile == WadFileList)
size = cur->dir.size;
counter += size;
BasicWadSeek( cur->wadfile, cur->dir.start);
while (size > 0x8000)
BasicWadRead( cur->wadfile, data, 0x8000);
WriteBytes( file, data, 0x8000);
size -= 0x8000;
if (size)
BasicWadRead( cur->wadfile, data, size);
WriteBytes( file, data, size);
printf( "Size: %dK\r", counter / 1024);
farfree( data);
/* output the directory */
dirstart = counter;
counter = 12;
dirnum = 0;
for (cur = MasterDir; cur; cur = cur->next)
if (patchonly && cur->wadfile == WadFileList)
if (dirnum % 100 == 0)
printf( "Outputting directory %04d...\r", dirnum);
if (cur->dir.start)
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L);
WriteBytes( file, &(cur->dir.start), 4L);
WriteBytes( file, &(cur->dir.size), 4L);
WriteBytes( file, &(cur->dir.name), 8L);
counter += cur->dir.size;
/* fix up the number of entries and directory start information */
if (fseek( file, 4L, 0))
ProgError( "error writing to file");
WriteBytes( file, &dirnum, 4L);
WriteBytes( file, &dirstart, 4L);
/* close the file */
printf( " \r");
fclose( file);
output bytes to a binary file with error checking
void WriteBytes( FILE *file, void huge *addr, long size)
if (! Registered)
if (fwrite( addr, 1, size, file) != size)
ProgError( "error writing to file");
check if a file exists and is readable
Bool Exists( char *filename)
FILE *test;
if ((test = fopen( filename, "rb")) == NULL)
return FALSE;
fclose( test);
return TRUE;
dump a directory entry in hex
void DumpDirectoryEntry( FILE *file, char *entryname)
MDirPtr entry;
char dataname[ 9];
char key;
int lines = 5;
long n, c, i;
unsigned char buf[16];
c = 0;
entry = MasterDir;
while (entry)
if (!strnicmp( entry->dir.name, entryname, 8))
strncpy( dataname, entry->dir.name, 8);
dataname[ 8] = '\0';
fprintf( file, "Contents of entry %s (size = %ld bytes):\n", dataname, entry->dir.size);
BasicWadSeek( entry->wadfile, entry->dir.start);
n = 0;
for (c = 0; c < entry->dir.size; c += i)
fprintf( file, "%04X: ", n);
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
BasicWadRead( entry->wadfile, &(buf[ i]), 1);
fprintf( file, " %02X", buf[ i]);
fprintf( file, " ");
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
if (buf[ i] >= 32)
fprintf( file, "%c", buf[ i]);
fprintf( file, " ");
fprintf( file, "\n");
if (file == stdout && lines++ > 21)
lines = 0;
printf( "[%d%% - Q to abort, S to skip this entry, any other key to continue]", n * 100 / entry->dir.size);
key = getch();
printf( "\r \r");
if (key == 'S' || key == 's')
if (key == 'Q' || key == 'q')
entry = entry->next;
if (! c)
printf( "[Entry not in master directory]\n");
save a directory entry to disk
void SaveDirectoryEntry( FILE *file, char *entryname)
MDirPtr entry;
long counter;
long size;
void *data;
for (entry = MasterDir; entry; entry = entry->next)
if (!strnicmp( entry->dir.name, entryname, 8))
if (entry)
WriteBytes( file, "PWAD", 4L); /* PWAD file */
counter = 1L;
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L); /* 1 entry */
counter = 12L;
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L);
counter = 28L;
WriteBytes( file, &counter, 4L);
size = entry->dir.size;
WriteBytes( file, &size, 4L);
WriteBytes( file, &(entry->dir.name), 8L);
data = GetMemory( 0x8000 + 2);
BasicWadSeek( entry->wadfile, entry->dir.start);
while (size > 0x8000)
BasicWadRead( entry->wadfile, data, 0x8000);
WriteBytes( file, data, 0x8000);
size -= 0x8000;
BasicWadRead( entry->wadfile, data, size);
WriteBytes( file, data, size);
printf( "[Entry not in master directory]\n");
/* end of file */