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Text File  |  1993-05-02  |  8KB  |  99 lines

  1. ┌─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┐
  2. │Instance Variables    Value      Description                     │  NccView   │
  3. ├─────────────────┬─────────────┬─────────────────────────────────┴────────────┤
  4. │TopRow           │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Top Row of display area              │
  5. │LeftColumn       │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Left Column of display area          │
  6. │BottomRow        │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Bottom Row of display area           │
  7. │RightColumn      │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Right Column of display area         │
  8. │USEstyle         │   <lExp>    │ Get/Set Style:                               │
  9. │                 │             │   .f. - Display area is cleared before each  │
  10. │                 │             │         refresh and stops at the end of the  │
  11. │                 │             │         display area or the end of the DATA  │
  12. │                 │             │                                              │
  13. │                 │             │   .t. - if NccView reaches the end of the    │
  14. │                 │             │         DATA before reaching the end of the  │
  15. │                 │             │         display area then Datablock is       │
  16. │                 │             │         evaluated with .f. until the end of  │
  17. │                 │             │         the window                           │
  18. │                 │             │                                              │
  19. │Refresh          │   <lExp>    │ Get/Set Flag: .T. indicates that a           │
  20. │                 │             │   RefreshAll() is needed                     │
  21. │                 │             │                                              │
  22. │RelativeRow      │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Relative Row in display area         │
  23. │CurrentRow       │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Current Row in display area          │
  24. │CurrentStatus    │   <nExp>    │ Get/Set Current Status                       │
  25. │StandardColor    │   <cExp>    │ Get/Set the Standard Color                   │
  26. │InverseColor     │   <cExp>    │ Get/Set the Current DATA item color          │
  27. │AtTop            │   <lExp>    │ Get Indicator specifying at Top of DATA      │
  28. │AtBottom         │   <lExp>    │ Get Indicator specifying at End of DATA      │
  29. │                 │             │                                              │
  30. │DataBlock        │<{|lExp|...}>│ Get/Set Display DATA Block                   │
  31. │                 │             │  lExp == .f.  if usestyle = .t. and NccView  │
  32. │                 │             │         is AtBottom but not at the end of    │
  33. │                 │             │         the display area.                    │
  34. │                 │             │    ==> Return <cExp>                         │
  35. │                 │             │                                              │
  36. │WhileBlock       │  <{||...}>  │ Get/Set While condition for DATA items       │
  37. │                 │             │    ==> Return <lExp>                         │
  38. │                 │             │                                              │
  39. │StatusBlock      │  <{|n|..}>  │ Get/Set Status block for NccView             │
  40. │                 │             │    n := CurrentStatus                        │
  41. │                 │             │    ==> Return Value Ignored                  │
  42. │                 │             │                                              │
  43. │SkipBlock        │  <{|n|..}>  │ Get/Set Skip block for DATA items            │
  44. │                 │             │    n := Number requested to skip             │
  45. │                 │             │    ==> Return <nExp> of actual skipped       │
  46. │                 │             │                                              │
  47. │GoTopBlock       │  <{||...}>  │ Get/Set GoTop Block for DATA items           │
  48. │                 │             │    ==> Return Value Ignored                  │
  49. │                 │             │                                              │
  50. │GoBottomBlock    │  <{||...}>  │ Get/Set GoBottom Block for DATA items        │
  51. │                 │             │    ==> Return Value Ignored                  │
  52. │                 │             │                                              │
  53. │UserSlot         │   <xExp>    │ Get/Set User defined Slot ( Any DATA Type )  │
  54. │BufferedDisplay  │   <lExp>    │ Get/Set Buffered display flag                │
  55. └─────────────────┴─────────────┴──────────────────────────────────────────────┘
  57. ┌────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┬────────────┐
  58. │Methods                Description                      │  NccView   │
  59. ├─────────────────────┬──────────────────────────────────┴────────────┤
  60. │Up([<nExp>])         │ Move up 1 or <nExp> DATA items                │
  61. │Down([<nExp>])       │ Move down 1 or <nExp> DATA itmes              │
  62. │PageUp()             │ Move up display area height - 1               │
  63. │PageDown()           │ Move down display area height - 1             │
  64. │Home()               │ Move to top of display area                   │
  65. │End()                │ Move to end of display area                   │
  66. │GoTop()              │ Go to Top of DATA items                       │
  67. │GoBottom()           │ Go to End of DATA items                       │
  68. │Activate([<nExp>])   │ Activate NccView placing current DATA item    │
  69. │                     │ at 0 or <nExp> offset within display area     │
  70. │Terminate()          │ Terminate NccView                             │
  71. │While()              │ Test if in While condition                    │
  72. │RefreshCurrent()     │ Redisplay current DATA item                   │
  73. │RefreshAll([<nExp>]) │ Redisplay all DATA items <nExp> Offset in win.│
  74. │Stabilize()          │ If Refresh. Try to Stablilize NccView         │
  75. │ForceStable()        │ If Refresh. Force NccView to Stabilize        │
  76. │HighLight()          │ Highlight Current DATA item                   │
  77. │DeHighLight()        │ DeHighlight Current DATA item                 │
  78. │ShowStatus([<nExp>]) │ Show <nExp> status or CurrentStatus           │
  79. │StandardKeys(<nExp>) │ Test and execute the standard method assoc.   │
  80. │                     │ with the inkey value nExp.                    │
  81. │                     │                                               │
  82. │                     │  ==> Return <lExp> indicating if key was      │
  83. │                     │       processed                               │
  84. │                     │                                               │
  85. │                     │ K_UP        - Up()                            │
  86. │                     │ K_SH_TAB    - Up()                            │
  87. │                     │ K_DOWN      - Down()                          │
  88. │                     │ K_TAB       - Down()                          │
  89. │                     │ K_HOME      - Home()                          │
  90. │                     │ K_END       - End()                           │
  91. │                     │ K_PGUP      - PageUp()                        │
  92. │                     │ K_PGDN      - PageDown()                      │
  93. │                     │ K_CTRL_PGUP - GoTop()                         │
  94. │                     │ K_CTRL_PGDN - GoBottom()                      │
  95. │                     │ K_ESC       - Terminate()                     │
  96. │                     │                                               │
  97. └─────────────────────┴───────────────────────────────────────────────┘