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/ Monster Media 1994 #1 / monster.zip / monster / BBS_UTIL / OLG_V10.ZIP / SCREENS.ZIP / INSTRUCT.ANS (.png) next >
ANSI Art File  |  1994-03-01  |  3KB  |  640x1056  |  4-bit (10 colors)
Labels: text | screenshot | font
OCR: OnLine Graffiti Instructions! [A]dd Select this option when you wish to add a new listing. You will be prompted for the appropriate information as it is needed. When you finish entering the information, you may enter an alias, your real name or just press [ENTER] to use 'ANONYMOUS' [U ]pdate You have the ability to Kill or Update any listing that you have entered. The SysOp has set a limit on the number of days a listing may remain in the door. You may Update your listing before this date and keep it current. [K]i]] This will delete your listing from the database. There is NO way to recover a listing [U]pdate once it has been deleted. This allows you to reset the last update date to the current date and time. [Q ]uit Returns you to the Main Menu. Press [ENTER] to advance to the next listing you have the ability to Kill or Update. [H]elp Displays this screen to you. [V]iew Select this option to view any or all of the listings currently in the door. While viewing the listings, you have the following options listed below. [F]irst This option will take you back to the first listing in the database. [L]ast This will place you at the very last entry in the database. [M]iddle You will be placed at the approximate middle of the listings. [Q]uit Returns you back to the Main Menu. [P ]revious Let's you view the previous listing. Press the [ENTER] key to proceed to the next listing . [T ]ext This allows you to enter a search string. OLG will then allow you to view only the listing that contain the string you have entered. [Q]uit This quits the Text Search and gives you the option to enter an new search string or return to the Main Menu . Press [ENTER] to proceed to then next listing. [D ]own load This option allows you to download an ASCii copy of all the listings in the database. This option may not be available as the SysOp has the ability to disable this function. [C]olor You may switch your graphics mode from ANSI color to MONO. Your original setting is saved and will be restored upon returning to the BBS. [Q]uit This option returns you to the BBS. [G Joodbye This option logs you OFF the BBS. It may not be available as the SysOp may disable this function.