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File List  |  1994-02-06  |  5KB  |  67 lines

  1. ╔═╡ AMINET Shareware CD-Rom for the Amiga ╞═══════════════════════╡Page  1╞══╗
  2. ║                                                                            ║
  3. ║  Business           Demo's               31■Misc         45■Jump           ║
  4. ║  1■Database         16■EURO              32■Monitor      46■Misc           ║
  5. ║  2■Demo's           17■Magazine          33■Obero        47■Patches        ║
  6. ║  3■Misc             18■Mega              34■Source       48■Role Playing   ║
  7. ║  4■Patches          19■Slides                            49■Shoot'em Up    ║
  8. ║                     20■Sounds            Disk Tools      50■Thinking       ║
  9. ║  Communications     21■The Gathering     35■Backup                         ║
  10. ║  5■BBSes                                 36■Cache        Graphics          ║
  11. ║  6■DLG BBS          Developer Software   37■Copy         51■3D             ║
  12. ║  7■Excel BBS        22■AMOS              38■Misc         52■3D Objects     ║
  13. ║  8■FIDO             23■Assembly          39■Monitor      53■Animation      ║
  14. ║  9■Mail             24■C                 40■Optimize     54■Converters     ║
  15. ║ 10■Misc             25■Cross Platform    41■Salvage      55■Editors        ║
  16. ║ 11■Internet         26■Debugging                         56■Misc           ║
  17. ║ 12■Net News         27■GCC               Games           57■PBM            ║
  18. ║ 13■Term Emulators   28■GUI               42■Demo's       58■Shows          ║
  19. ║ 14■Term Emul Libs   29■Languages         43■Gags                           ║
  20. ║ 15■UUCP             30■M2                44■Hints                          ║
  21. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  23. ╔═╡ AMINET Shareware CD-Rom for the Amiga ╞═══════════════════════╡Page  2╞══╗
  24. ║                                                                            ║
  25. ║ Hardware Related    72■Misc              86■Players      98■Guard          ║
  26. ║ 59■Anno             73■Science           87■Samples      99■Illustrations  ║
  27. ║ 60■Drivers          74■Unix                             100■IRC People     ║
  28. ║ 61■Hack                                  OS 2.0 +       101■'92 IRC        ║
  29. ║ 62■Misc             Music Modules        88■CDITY       102■'92 Berlin     ║
  30. ║ 63■Test             75■8 Voices          89■CLI         103■'92 Hannover   ║
  31. ║                     76■Chart Toppers     90■GFX         104■Misc           ║
  32. ║ Site Information    77■Med's             91■Util's      105■Trace          ║
  33. ║ 64■ADT              78■Misc              92■Workbench   106■Workbench      ║
  34. ║ 65■Sites            79■NT                               107■Women          ║
  35. ║ 66■Starter Kit      80■Pro               OS 3.0 +                          ║
  36. ║ 67■Stats            81■ST                93■DTYPE        Text Related      ║
  37. ║                     82■U4IA Only         94■GFX         108■Anno           ║
  38. ║ Miscellaneous                            95■Util's      109■Doc's          ║
  39. ║ 68■AMAG             Music Software       96■Workbench   110■DTP            ║
  40. ║ 69■Educational      83■Editors                          111■Fonts          ║
  41. ║ 70■Emulators        84■MIDI              Pictures       112■Hypertext      ║
  42. ║ 71■Math             85■Misc              97■Anime       113■Magazines      ║
  43. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝
  45. ╔═╡ AMINET Shareware CD-Rom for the Amiga ╞═══════════════════════╡Page  3╞══╗
  46. ║                                                                            ║
  47. ║ Text Related Cont.  129■Misc                                               ║
  48. ║ 114■Misc            130■Monitor                                            ║
  49. ║ 115■Print           131■Mouse                                              ║
  50. ║ 116■Show            132■Pack                                               ║
  51. ║ 117■TEX             133■Rexx                                               ║
  52. ║ 118■WP              134■Shell                                              ║
  53. ║                     135■Virus                                              ║
  54. ║ Utilities           136■Workbench                                          ║
  55. ║ 119■Archivers                                                              ║
  56. ║ 129■Bench                                                                  ║
  57. ║ 121■Blank                                                                  ║
  58. ║ 122■CLI                                                                    ║
  59. ║ 123■Converters                                                             ║
  60. ║ 124■Crypt                                                                  ║
  61. ║ 125■Dir                                                                    ║
  62. ║ 126■Editors                                                                ║
  63. ║ 127■GNU                                                                    ║
  64. ║ 127■Libs                                                                   ║
  65. ╚════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════╝