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Text File  |  1992-03-06  |  102KB  |  2,097 lines

  1. /**************************************************************************/
  2. /*                 OS/2 Presentation Manager Programming                  */
  3. /*                    Syntax Assistance File - Example                    */
  4. /*                              Version 2.0                               */
  5. /*                 Sven Guyet, 03/92  (DSGUYE at DUESVM1)                 */
  6. /**************************************************************************/
  7. /*                                                                        */
  9. /* RENAME IT INTO MYAS_C.HLP !!!                                          */
  10. /*                                                                        */
  11. /**************************************************************************/
  12. /* NOTE: It is recommended to remove these comment lines in your "real"   */
  13. /*       syntax assistance file. The first time syntax assistance is      */
  14. /*       invoked via ALT-H, the file "MYAS_[filetype].HLP" is loaded      */
  15. /*       into the hidden ring. If "MYAS_[filetype].HLP" can not be found, */
  16. /*       the default file specified in my_syntax_filename is used.        */
  17. /*       Each time ALT-H is pressed the syntax assistance file is scanned */
  18. /*       for the specified command abbreviation. Therefore any            */
  19. /*       unnecessary lines increase the duration of the syntax evaluation.*/
  20. /*                                                                        */
  21. /*                                                                        */
  22. /* SYNTAX: For each command you wish to be expanded via ALT-H insert a    */
  23. /*         line starting with the command IN COLUMN ONE and followed      */
  24. /*         by the text you wish the command to be replaced with. Multiple */
  25. /*         lines are allowed. The end of the command description is       */
  26. /*         encountered either by the end of the syntax assistance file    */
  27. /*         or by a nonblank character in the first columns up to the      */
  28. /*         starting point of the first explanation line of the choosen    */
  29. /*         command.                                                       */
  30. /*         The cursor position after the replacement can be controled     */
  31. /*         by putting a '▓' (ascii 178) at the desired position within    */
  32. /*         the replacement string.                                        */
  33. /*                                                                        */
  34. /* EXAMPLE: The following OS/2 syntax assistance file entries ......      */
  35. /*                                                                        */
  36. /* Column !1      8                    30                                 */
  37. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  38. /* Row  1 !WSM    WinSendMsg( ▓HWDN hwnd,                                 */
  39. /*      2 !                   USHORT msg,                                 */
  40. /*      3 !                   MPARAM mp1,                                 */
  41. /*      4 !                   MPARAM mp2)                                 */
  42. /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
  43. /*                                                                        */
  44. /*           ...... would expand WSM with the above code between Row 1,   */
  45. /*           Col 8 and Row 4, Col 30 when ALT-H is pressed.               */
  46. /**************************************************************************/
  48. /**************************************************************************/
  50. /**************************************************************************/
  51. GA
  52. GpiAssociate                 GpiAssociate( ▓HPS hps,
  53.                                            HDC hdc)
  54. GBA
  55. GpiBeginArea                 GpiBeginArea( ▓HPS hps,
  56.                                            ULONG flOptions)
  57. GBE
  58. GpiBeginElement              GpiBeginElement( ▓HPS hps,
  59.                                               LONG lType,
  60.                                               PSZ pszDesc)
  61. GBP
  62. GpiBeginPath                 GpiBeginPath( ▓HPS hps,
  63.                                            LONG lPath)
  64. GBB
  65. GpiBitBlt                    GpiBitBlt( ▓HPS hpsTarget,
  66.                                         HPS hpsSource,
  67.                                         LONG lCount,
  68.                                         PPOINTL aptlPoints,
  69.                                         LONG lRop,
  70.                                         ULONG flOptions)
  71. GB
  72. GpiBox                       GpiBox( ▓HPS hps,
  73.                                      LONG lControl,
  74.                                      PPOINTL pptlPoint,
  75.                                      LONG lHRound,
  76.                                      LONG lVRound)
  77. GCSM
  78. GpiCallSegmentMatrix         GpiCallSegmentMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  79.                                                    LONG lSegment,
  80.                                                    LONG lCount,
  81.                                                    PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray,
  82.                                                    LONG lOptions)
  83. GCS
  84. GpiCharString                GpiCharString( ▓HPS hps,
  85.                                             LONG lCount,
  86.                                             PCH pchString)
  87. GCSA
  88. GpiCharStringAt              GpiCharStringAt( ▓HPS hps,
  89.                                               PPOINTL pptlPoint,
  90.                                               LONG lCount,
  91.                                               PCH pchString)
  92. GCSP
  93. GpiCharStringPos             GpiCharStringPos( ▓HPS hps,
  94.                                                PRECTL prclRect,
  95.                                                ULONG flOptions,
  96.                                                LONG lCount,
  97.                                                PCH pchString,
  98.                                                PLONG alAdx)
  99. GCSPA
  100. GpiCharStringPosAt           GpiCharStringPosAt( ▓HPS hps,
  101.                                                  PPOINTL pptlStart,
  102.                                                  PRECTL prclRect,
  103.                                                  ULONG flOptions,
  104.                                                  LONG lCount,
  105.                                                  PCH pchString,
  106.                                                  PLONG alAdx)
  107. GCF
  108. GpiCloseFigure               GpiCloseFigure( ▓HPS hps)
  109. GCS
  110. GpiCloseSegment              GpiCloseSegment( ▓HPS hps)
  111. GCR
  112. GpiCombineRegion             GpiCombineRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  113.                                                HRGN hrgnDest,
  114.                                                HRGN hrgnSrc1,
  115.                                                HRGN hrgnSrc2,
  116.                                                LONG lMode)
  117. GC
  118. GpiComment                   GpiComment( ▓HPS hps,
  119.                                          LONG lLength,
  120.                                          PBYTE pbData)
  121. GC
  122. GpiConvert                   GpiConvert( ▓HPS hps,
  123.                                          LONG lSrc,
  124.                                          LONG lTarg,
  125.                                          LONG lCount,
  126.                                          PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  127. GCMF
  128. GpiCopyMetaFile              GpiCopyMetaFile( ▓HMF hmf)
  129. GCC
  130. GpiCorrelateChain            GpiCorrelateChain( ▓HPS hps,
  131.                                                 LONG lType,
  132.                                                 PPOINTL pptlPick,
  133.                                                 LONG lMaxHits,
  134.                                                 LONG lMaxDepth,
  135.                                                 PLONG pl2)
  136. GCF
  137. GpiCorrelateFrom             GpiCorrelateFrom( ▓HPS hps,
  138.                                                LONG lFirstSegment,
  139.                                                LONG lLastSegment,
  140.                                                LONG lType,
  141.                                                PPOINTL pptlPick,
  142.                                                LONG lMaxHits,
  143.                                                LONG lMaxDepth,
  144.                                                PLONG plSegTag)
  145. GCS
  146. GpiCorrelateSegment          GpiCorrelateSegment( ▓HPS hps,
  147.                                                   LONG lSegment,
  148.                                                   LONG lType,
  149.                                                   PPOINTL pptlPick,
  150.                                                   LONG lMaxHits,
  151.                                                   LONG lMaxDepth,
  152.                                                   PLONG alSegTag)
  153. GCB
  154. GpiCreateBitmap              GpiCreateBitmap( ▓HPS hps,
  155.                                               PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmpNew,
  156.                                               ULONG flOptions,
  157.                                               PBYTE pbInitData,
  158.                                               PBITMAPINFO pbmiInfoTable)
  159. GCLCT
  160. GpiCreateLogColorTable       GpiCreateLogColorTable( ▓HPS hps,
  161.                                                      ULONG flOptions,
  162.                                                      LONG lFormat,
  163.                                                      LONG lStart,
  164.                                                      LONG lCount,
  165.                                                      PLONG alTable)
  166. GCLF
  167. GpiCreateLogFont             GpiCreateLogFont( ▓HPS hps,
  168.                                                PSTR8 pName,
  169.                                                LONG lLcid,
  170.                                                PFATTRS pfatAttrs)
  171. GCPS
  172. GpiCreatePS                  GpiCreatePS( ▓HAB hab,
  173.                                           HDC hdc,
  174.                                           PSIZEL psizlSize,
  175.                                           ULONG flOptions)
  176. GCR
  177. GpiCreateRegion              GpiCreateRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  178.                                               LONG lCount,
  179.                                               PRECTL arclRectangles)
  180. GDB
  181. GpiDeleteBitmap              GpiDeleteBitmap( ▓HBITMAP hbm)
  182. GDE
  183. GpiDeleteElement             GpiDeleteElement( ▓HPS hps)
  184. GDER
  185. GpiDeleteElementRange        GpiDeleteElementRange( ▓HPS hps,
  186.                                                     LONG lFirstElement,
  187.                                                     LONG lLastElement)
  188. GDEBL
  189. GpiDeleteElementsBetweenLabelspiDeleteElementsBetweenLabels( ▓HPS hps,
  190.                                                              LONG lFirstLabel,
  191.                                                              LONG lLastLabel)
  192. GDMF
  193. GpiDeleteMetaFile            GpiDeleteMetaFile( ▓HMF hmf)
  194. GDS
  195. GpiDeleteSegment             GpiDeleteSegment( ▓HPS hps,
  196.                                                LONG lSegid)
  197. GDS
  198. GpiDeleteSegments            GpiDeleteSegments( ▓HPS hps,
  199.                                                 LONG lFirstSegment,
  200.                                                 LONG lLastSegment)
  201. GDS
  202. GpiDeleteSetId               GpiDeleteSetId( ▓HPS hps,
  203.                                              LONG lLcid)
  204. GDPS
  205. GpiDestroyPS                 GpiDestroyPS( ▓HPS hps)
  206. GDR
  207. GpiDestroyRegion             GpiDestroyRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  208.                                                HRGN hrgn)
  209. GDC
  210. GpiDrawChain                 GpiDrawChain( ▓HPS hps)
  211. GDD
  212. GpiDrawDynamics              GpiDrawDynamics( ▓HPS hps)
  213. GDF
  214. GpiDrawFrom                  GpiDrawFrom( ▓HPS hps,
  215.                                           LONG lFirstSegment,
  216.                                           LONG lLastSegment)
  217. GDS
  218. GpiDrawSegment               GpiDrawSegment( ▓HPS hps,
  219.                                              LONG lSegment)
  220. GE
  221. GpiElement                   GpiElement( ▓HPS hps,
  222.                                          LONG lType,
  223.                                          PSZ pszDesc,
  224.                                          LONG lLength,
  225.                                          PBYTE pbData)
  226. GEA
  227. GpiEndArea                   GpiEndArea( ▓HPS hps)
  228. GEE
  229. GpiEndElement                GpiEndElement( ▓HPS hps)
  230. GEP
  231. GpiEndPath                   GpiEndPath( ▓HPS hps)
  232. GER
  233. GpiEqualRegion               GpiEqualRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  234.                                              HRGN hrgnSrc1,
  235.                                              HRGN hrgnSrc2)
  236. GE
  237. GpiErase                     GpiErase( ▓HPS hps)
  238. GESD
  239. GpiErrorSegmentData          GpiErrorSegmentData( ▓HPS hps,
  240.                                                   PLONG plSegment,
  241.                                                   PLONG plContext)
  242. GECR
  243. GpiExcludeClipRectangle      GpiExcludeClipRectangle( ▓HPS hps,
  244.                                                       PRECTL prclRectangle)
  245. GFP
  246. GpiFillPath                  GpiFillPath( ▓HPS hps,
  247.                                           LONG lPath,
  248.                                           LONG lOptions)
  249. GFA
  250. GpiFullArc                   GpiFullArc( ▓HPS hps,
  251.                                          LONG lControl,
  252.                                          FIXED fxMultiplier)
  253. GGD
  254. GpiGetData                   GpiGetData( ▓HPS hps,
  255.                                          LONG lSegid,
  256.                                          PLONG plOffset,
  257.                                          LONG lFormat,
  258.                                          LONG lLength,
  259.                                          PBYTE pbData)
  260. GI
  261. GpiImage                     GpiImage( ▓HPS hps,
  262.                                        LONG lFormat,
  263.                                        PSIZEL psizlImageSize,
  264.                                        LONG lLength,
  265.                                        PBYTE pbData)
  266. GICR
  267. GpiIntersectClipRectangle    GpiIntersectClipRectangle( ▓HPS hps,
  268.                                                         PRECTL prclRectangle)
  269. GL
  270. GpiLabel                     GpiLabel( ▓HPS hps,
  271.                                        LONG lLabel)
  272. GL
  273. GpiLine                      GpiLine( ▓HPS hps,
  274.                                       PPOINTL pptlEndPoint)
  275. GLB
  276. GpiLoadBitmap                GpiLoadBitmap( ▓HPS hps,
  277.                                             HMODULE Resource,
  278.                                             USHORT idBitmap,
  279.                                             LONG lWidth,
  280.                                             LONG lHeight)
  281. GLF
  282. GpiLoadFonts                 GpiLoadFonts( ▓HAB hab,
  283.                                            PSZ pszFilename)
  284. GLMF
  285. GpiLoadMetaFile              GpiLoadMetaFile( ▓HAB hab,
  286.                                               PSZ pszFilename)
  287. GM
  288. GpiMarker                    GpiMarker( ▓HPS hps,
  289.                                         PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  290. GMP
  291. GpiModifyPath                GpiModifyPath( ▓HPS hps,
  292.                                             LONG lPath,
  293.                                             LONG lMode)
  294. GM
  295. GpiMove                      GpiMove( ▓HPS hps,
  296.                                       PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  297. GOCR
  298. GpiOffsetClipRegion          GpiOffsetClipRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  299.                                                   PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  300. GOEP
  301. GpiOffsetElementPointer      GpiOffsetElementPointer( ▓HPS hps,
  302.                                                       LONG loffset)
  303. GOR
  304. GpiOffsetRegion              GpiOffsetRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  305.                                               HRGN Hrgn,
  306.                                               PPOINTL pptlOffset)
  307. GOS
  308. GpiOpenSegment               GpiOpenSegment( ▓HPS hps,
  309.                                              LONG lSegment)
  310. GOP
  311. GpiOutlinePath               GpiOutlinePath( ▓HPS hps,
  312.                                              LONG lPath,
  313.                                              LONG lOptions)
  314. GPR
  315. GpiPaintRegion               GpiPaintRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  316.                                              HRGN hrgn)
  317. GPA
  318. GpiPartialArc                GpiPartialArc( ▓HPS hps,
  319.                                             PPOINTL pptlCenter,
  320.                                             FIXED fxMultiplier,
  321.                                             FIXED fxStartAngle,
  322.                                             FIXED fxSweepAngle)
  323. GPMF
  324. GpiPlayMetaFile              GpiPlayMetaFile( ▓HPS hps,
  325.                                               HMF hmf,
  326.                                               LONG lCount1,
  327.                                               PLONG alOptarray,
  328.                                               PLONG plSegCount,
  329.                                               LONG lCount2,
  330.                                               PSZ pszDesc)
  331. GPA
  332. GpiPointArc                  GpiPointArc( ▓HPS hps,
  333.                                           PPOINTL pptl2)
  334. GPF
  335. GpiPolyFillet                GpiPolyFillet( ▓HPS hps,
  336.                                             LONG lCount,
  337.                                             PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  338. GPFS
  339. GpiPolyFilletSharp           GpiPolyFilletSharp( ▓HPS hps,
  340.                                                  LONG lCount,
  341.                                                  PPOINTL aptlPoints,
  342.                                                  PFIXED afxPoints)
  343. GPL
  344. GpiPolyLine                  GpiPolyLine( ▓HPS hps,
  345.                                           LONG lCount,
  346.                                           PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  347. GPM
  348. GpiPolyMarker                GpiPolyMarker( ▓HPS hps,
  349.                                             LONG lCount,
  350.                                             PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  351. GPS
  352. GpiPolySpline                GpiPolySpline( ▓HPS hps,
  353.                                             LONG lCount,
  354.                                             PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  355. GP
  356. GpiPop                       GpiPop( ▓HPS hps,
  357.                                      LONG lCount)
  358. GPR
  359. GpiPtInRegion                GpiPtInRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  360.                                             HRGN hrgn,
  361.                                             PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  362. GPV
  363. GpiPtVisible                 GpiPtVisible( ▓HPS hps,
  364.                                            PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  365. GPD
  366. GpiPutData                   GpiPutData( ▓HPS hps,
  367.                                          LONG lFormat,
  368.                                          PLONG plCount,
  369.                                          PBYTE pbData)
  370. GQAP
  371. GpiQueryArcParams            GpiQueryArcParams( ▓HPS hps,
  372.                                                 PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams)
  373. GQAM
  374. GpiQueryAttrMode             GpiQueryAttrMode( ▓HPS hps)
  375. GQA
  376. GpiQueryAttrs                GpiQueryAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  377.                                             LONG lPrimType,
  378.                                             ULONG flAttrMask,
  379.                                             PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs)
  380. GQBC
  381. GpiQueryBackColor            GpiQueryBackColor( ▓HPS hps)
  382. GQBM
  383. GpiQueryBackMix              GpiQueryBackMix( ▓HPS hps)
  384. GQBB
  385. GpiQueryBitmapBits           GpiQueryBitmapBits( ▓HPS hps,
  386.                                                  LONG lScanStart,
  387.                                                  LONG lScans,
  388.                                                  PBYTE pbBuffer,
  389.                                                  PBITMAPINFO pbmiInfoTable)
  390. GQBD
  391. GpiQueryBitmapDimension      GpiQueryBitmapDimension( ▓HBITMAP hbm,
  392.                                                       PSIZEL psizlBitmapDimension)
  393. GQBH
  394. GpiQueryBitmapHandle         GpiQueryBitmapHandle( ▓HPS hps,
  395.                                                    LONG lLcid)
  396. GQBP
  397. GpiQueryBitmapParameters     GpiQueryBitmapParameters( ▓HBITMAP hbm,
  398.                                                        PBITMAPINFOHEADER pbmpData)
  399. GQBD
  400. GpiQueryBoundaryData         GpiQueryBoundaryData( ▓HPS hps,
  401.                                                    PRECTL prclBoundary)
  402. GQCA
  403. GpiQueryCharAngle            GpiQueryCharAngle( ▓HPS hps,
  404.                                                 PGRADIENTL pgradlAngle)
  405. GQCB
  406. GpiQueryCharBox              GpiQueryCharBox( ▓HPS hps,
  407.                                               PSIZEF psizfxSize)
  408. GQCD
  409. GpiQueryCharDirection        GpiQueryCharDirection( ▓HPS hps)
  410. GQCM
  411. GpiQueryCharMode             GpiQueryCharMode( ▓HPS hps)
  412. GQCS
  413. GpiQueryCharSet              GpiQueryCharSet( ▓HPS hps)
  414. GQCS
  415. GpiQueryCharShear            GpiQueryCharShear( ▓HPS hps,
  416.                                                 PPOINTL pptlShear)
  417. GQCSP
  418. GpiQueryCharStringPos        GpiQueryCharStringPos( ▓HPS hps,
  419.                                                     ULONG flOptions,
  420.                                                     LONG lCount,
  421.                                                     PCH pchString,
  422.                                                     PLONG alXincrements,
  423.                                                     PPOINTL aptlPositions)
  424. GQCSPA
  425. GpiQueryCharStringPosAt      GpiQueryCharStringPosAt( ▓HPS hps,
  426.                                                       PPOINTL pptlStart,
  427.                                                       ULONG flOptions,
  428.                                                       LONG lCount,
  429.                                                       PCH pchString,
  430.                                                       PLONG alXincrements,
  431.                                                       PPOINTL aptlPositions)
  432. GQCB
  433. GpiQueryClipBox              GpiQueryClipBox( ▓HPS hps,
  434.                                               PRECTL prclBound)
  435. GQCR
  436. GpiQueryClipRegion           GpiQueryClipRegion( ▓HPS hps)
  437. GQC
  438. GpiQueryColor                GpiQueryColor( ▓HPS hps)
  439. GQCD
  440. GpiQueryColorData            GpiQueryColorData( ▓HPS hps,
  441.                                                 LONG lCount,
  442.                                                 PLONG alArray)
  443. GQCI
  444. GpiQueryColorIndex           GpiQueryColorIndex( ▓HPS hps,
  445.                                                  ULONG flOptions,
  446.                                                  LONG lRgbColor)
  447. GQC
  448. GpiQueryCp                   GpiQueryCp( ▓HPS hps)
  449. GQCP
  450. GpiQueryCurrentPosition      GpiQueryCurrentPosition( ▓HPS hps,
  451.                                                       PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  452. GQDAP
  453. GpiQueryDefArcParams         GpiQueryDefArcParams( ▓HPS hps,
  454.                                                    PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams)
  455. GQDA
  456. GpiQueryDefAttrs             GpiQueryDefAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  457.                                                LONG lPrimType,
  458.                                                ULONG flAttrMask,
  459.                                                PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs)
  460. GQDCB
  461. GpiQueryDefCharBox           GpiQueryDefCharBox( ▓HPS hps,
  462.                                                  PSIZEL psizlSize)
  463. GQDT
  464. GpiQueryDefTag               GpiQueryDefTag( ▓HPS hps,
  465.                                              PLONG plTag)
  466. GQDVL
  467. GpiQueryDefViewingLimits     GpiQueryDefViewingLimits( ▓HPS hps,
  468.                                                        PRECTL prclLimits)
  469. GQDVM
  470. GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix    GpiQueryDefaultViewMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  471.                                                         LONG lCount,
  472.                                                         PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray)
  473. GQDBF
  474. GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats  GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats( ▓HPS hps,
  475.                                                           LONG lCount,
  476.                                                           PLONG alArray)
  477. GQDC
  478. GpiQueryDrawControl          GpiQueryDrawControl( ▓HPS hps,
  479.                                                   LONG lControl)
  480. GQDM
  481. GpiQueryDrawingMode          GpiQueryDrawingMode( ▓HPS hps)
  482. GQEM
  483. GpiQueryEditMode             GpiQueryEditMode( ▓HPS hps)
  484. GQE
  485. GpiQueryElement              GpiQueryElement( ▓HPS hps,
  486.                                               LONG lOff,
  487.                                               LONG lMaxLength,
  488.                                               PBYTE pbData)
  489. GQEP
  490. GpiQueryElementPointer       GpiQueryElementPointer( ▓HPS hps)
  491. GQET
  492. GpiQueryElementType          GpiQueryElementType( ▓HPS hps,
  493.                                                   PLONG plType,
  494.                                                   LONG lLength,
  495.                                                   PSZ pszData)
  496. GQFFD
  497. GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions GpiQueryFontFileDescriptions( ▓HAB hab,
  498.                                                            PSZ pszFilename,
  499.                                                            PLONG plCount,
  500.                                                            PFFDESCS affdescsNames)
  501. GQFM
  502. GpiQueryFontMetrics          GpiQueryFontMetrics( ▓HPS hps,
  503.                                                   LONG lMetricsLength,
  504.                                                   PFONTMETRICS pfmMetrics)
  505. GQF
  506. GpiQueryFonts                GpiQueryFonts( ▓HPS hps,
  507.                                             ULONG flOptions,
  508.                                             PSZ pszFacename,
  509.                                             PLONG plReqFonts,
  510.                                             LONG lMetricsLength,
  511.                                             PFONTMETRICS afmMetrics)
  512. GQGF
  513. GpiQueryGraphicsField        GpiQueryGraphicsField( ▓HPS hps,
  514.                                                     PRECTL prclField)
  515. GQISA
  516. GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs  GpiQueryInitialSegmentAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  517.                                                           LONG lAttribute)
  518. GQKP
  519. GpiQueryKerningPairs         GpiQueryKerningPairs( ▓HPS hps,
  520.                                                    LONG lCount,
  521.                                                    PKERNINGPAIRS akrnprData)
  522. GQLE
  523. GpiQueryLineEnd              GpiQueryLineEnd( ▓HPS hps)
  524. GQLJ
  525. GpiQueryLineJoin             GpiQueryLineJoin( ▓HPS hps)
  526. GQLT
  527. GpiQueryLineType             GpiQueryLineType( ▓HPS hps)
  528. GQLW
  529. GpiQueryLineWidth            GpiQueryLineWidth( ▓HPS hps)
  530. GQLWG
  531. GpiQueryLineWidthGeom        GpiQueryLineWidthGeom( ▓HPS hps)
  532. GQLCT
  533. GpiQueryLogColorTable        GpiQueryLogColorTable( ▓HPS hps,
  534.                                                     ULONG flOptions,
  535.                                                     LONG lStart,
  536.                                                     LONG lCount,
  537.                                                     PLONG alArray)
  538. GQM
  539. GpiQueryMarker               GpiQueryMarker( ▓HPS hps)
  540. GQMB
  541. GpiQueryMarkerBox            GpiQueryMarkerBox( ▓HPS hps,
  542.                                                 PSIZEF psizfxSize)
  543. GQMS
  544. GpiQueryMarkerSet            GpiQueryMarkerSet( ▓HPS hps)
  545. GQMFB
  546. GpiQueryMetaFileBits         GpiQueryMetaFileBits( ▓HMF hmf,
  547.                                                    LONG lOffset,
  548.                                                    LONG lLength,
  549.                                                    PBYTE pbData)
  550. GQMFL
  551. GpiQueryMetaFileLength       GpiQueryMetaFileLength( ▓HMF hmf)
  552. GQM
  553. GpiQueryMix                  GpiQueryMix( ▓HPS hps)
  554. GQMTM
  555. GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix GpiQueryModelTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  556.                                                            LONG lCount,
  557.                                                            PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray)
  558. GQNC
  559. GpiQueryNearestColor         GpiQueryNearestColor( ▓HPS hps,
  560.                                                    ULONG flOptions,
  561.                                                    LONG lRgbIn)
  562. GQNS
  563. GpiQueryNumberSetIds         GpiQueryNumberSetIds( ▓HPS hps)
  564. GQPS
  565. GpiQueryPS                   GpiQueryPS( ▓HPS hps,
  566.                                          PSIZEL psizlSize)
  567. GQPV
  568. GpiQueryPageViewport         GpiQueryPageViewport( ▓HPS hps,
  569.                                                    PRECTL prclViewport)
  570. GQP
  571. GpiQueryPattern              GpiQueryPattern( ▓HPS hps)
  572. GQPRP
  573. GpiQueryPatternRefPoint      GpiQueryPatternRefPoint( ▓HPS hps,
  574.                                                       PPOINTL pptlRefPoint)
  575. GQPS
  576. GpiQueryPatternSet           GpiQueryPatternSet( ▓HPS hps)
  577. GQP
  578. GpiQueryPel                  GpiQueryPel( ▓HPS hps,
  579.                                           PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  580. GQPAP
  581. GpiQueryPickAperturePosition GpiQueryPickAperturePosition( ▓HPS hps,
  582.                                                            PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  583. GQPAS
  584. GpiQueryPickApertureSize     GpiQueryPickApertureSize( ▓HPS hps,
  585.                                                        PSIZEL psizlSize)
  586. GQRGBC
  587. GpiQueryRGBColor             GpiQueryRGBColor( ▓HPS hps,
  588.                                                ULONG flOptions,
  589.                                                LONG lColorIndex)
  590. GQRC
  591. GpiQueryRealColors           GpiQueryRealColors( ▓HPS hps,
  592.                                                  ULONG flOptions,
  593.                                                  LONG lStart,
  594.                                                  LONG lCount,
  595.                                                  PLONG alColors)
  596. GQRB
  597. GpiQueryRegionBox            GpiQueryRegionBox( ▓HPS hps,
  598.                                                 HRGN hrgn,
  599.                                                 PRECTL prclBound)
  600. GQRR
  601. GpiQueryRegionRects          GpiQueryRegionRects( ▓HPS hps,
  602.                                                   HRGN hrgn,
  603.                                                   PRECTL prclBound,
  604.                                                   PRGNRECT prgnrcControl,
  605.                                                   PRECTL prclRect)
  606. GQSA
  607. GpiQuerySegmentAttrs         GpiQuerySegmentAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  608.                                                    LONG lSegid,
  609.                                                    LONG lAttribute)
  610. GQSN
  611. GpiQuerySegmentNames         GpiQuerySegmentNames( ▓HPS hps,
  612.                                                    LONG lFirstSegid,
  613.                                                    LONG lLastSegid,
  614.                                                    LONG lMax,
  615.                                                    PLONG alSegids)
  616. GQSP
  617. GpiQuerySegmentPriority      GpiQuerySegmentPriority( ▓HPS hps,
  618.                                                       LONG lRefSegid,
  619.                                                       LONG lOrder)
  620. GQSTM
  621. GpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrixpiQuerySegmentTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  622.                                                              LONG lSegid,
  623.                                                              LONG lCount,
  624.                                                              PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray)
  625. GQSI
  626. GpiQuerySetIds               GpiQuerySetIds( ▓HPS hps,
  627.                                              LONG lCount,
  628.                                              PLONG alTypes,
  629.                                              PSTR8 aNames,
  630.                                              PLONG allcids)
  631. GQSD
  632. GpiQueryStopDraw             GpiQueryStopDraw( ▓HPS hps)
  633. GQT
  634. GpiQueryTag                  GpiQueryTag( ▓HPS hps,
  635.                                           PLONG plTag)
  636. GQTB
  637. GpiQueryTextBox              GpiQueryTextBox( ▓HPS hps,
  638.                                               LONG lCount1,
  639.                                               PCH pchString,
  640.                                               LONG lCount2,
  641.                                               PPOINTL aptlPoints)
  642. GQVL
  643. GpiQueryViewingLimits        GpiQueryViewingLimits( ▓HPS hps,
  644.                                                     PRECTL prclLimits)
  645. GQVTM
  646. GpiQueryViewingTransformMatrixpiQueryViewingTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  647.                                                              LONG lCount,
  648.                                                              PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray)
  649. GQWT
  650. GpiQueryWidthTable           GpiQueryWidthTable( ▓HPS hps,
  651.                                                  LONG lFirstChar,
  652.                                                  LONG lCount,
  653.                                                  PLONG alData)
  654. GRCT
  655. GpiRealizeColorTable         GpiRealizeColorTable( ▓HPS hps)
  656. GRIR
  657. GpiRectInRegion              GpiRectInRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  658.                                               HRGN hrgn,
  659.                                               PRECTL prclRect)
  660. GRV
  661. GpiRectVisible               GpiRectVisible( ▓HPS hps,
  662.                                              PRECTL prclRectangle)
  663. GRD
  664. GpiRemoveDynamics            GpiRemoveDynamics( ▓HPS hps,
  665.                                                 LONG lFirstSegid,
  666.                                                 LONG lLastSegid)
  667. GRBD
  668. GpiResetBoundaryData         GpiResetBoundaryData( ▓HPS hps)
  669. GRPS
  670. GpiResetPS                   GpiResetPS( ▓HPS hps,
  671.                                          ULONG flOptions)
  672. GRPS
  673. GpiRestorePS                 GpiRestorePS( ▓HPS hps,
  674.                                            LONG lPSid)
  675. GR
  676. GpiRotate                    GpiRotate( ▓HPS,
  677.                                         PMATRIXLF,
  678.                                         LONG,
  679.                                         FIXED,
  680.                                         PPOINTL)
  681. GSMF
  682. GpiSaveMetaFile              GpiSaveMetaFile( ▓HMF hmf,
  683.                                               PSZ pszFilename)
  684. GSPS
  685. GpiSavePS                    GpiSavePS( ▓HPS hps)
  686. GS
  687. GpiScale                     GpiScale( ▓HPS,
  688.                                        PMATRIXLF,
  689.                                        LONG,
  690.                                        PFIXED,
  691.                                        PPOINTL)
  692. GSAP
  693. GpiSetArcParams              GpiSetArcParams( ▓HPS hps,
  694.                                               PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams)
  695. GSAM
  696. GpiSetAttrMode               GpiSetAttrMode( ▓HPS hps,
  697.                                              LONG lMode)
  698. GSA
  699. GpiSetAttrs                  GpiSetAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  700.                                           LONG lPrimType,
  701.                                           ULONG flAttrMask,
  702.                                           ULONG flDefMask,
  703.                                           PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs)
  704. GSBC
  705. GpiSetBackColor              GpiSetBackColor( ▓HPS hps,
  706.                                               LONG lColor)
  707. GSBM
  708. GpiSetBackMix                GpiSetBackMix( ▓HPS hps,
  709.                                             LONG lMixMode)
  710. GSB
  711. GpiSetBitmap(HP              GpiSetBitmap(HPS hps,
  712.                                               HBITMAP hbm)
  713. GSBB
  714. GpiSetBitmapBits             GpiSetBitmapBits( ▓HPS hps,
  715.                                                LONG lScanStart,
  716.                                                LONG lScans,
  717.                                                PBYTE pbBuffer,
  718.                                                PBITMAPINFO pbmiInfoTable)
  719. GSBD
  720. GpiSetBitmapDimension        GpiSetBitmapDimension( ▓HBITMAP hbm,
  721.                                                     PSIZEL psizlBitmapDimension)
  722. GSBI
  723. GpiSetBitmapId               GpiSetBitmapId( ▓HPS hps,
  724.                                              HBITMAP hbm,
  725.                                              LONG lLcid)
  726. GSCA
  727. GpiSetCharAngle              GpiSetCharAngle( ▓HPS hps,
  728.                                               PGRADIENTL pgradlAngle)
  729. GSCB
  730. GpiSetCharBox                GpiSetCharBox( ▓HPS hps,
  731.                                             PSIZEF psizfxBox)
  732. GSCD
  733. GpiSetCharDirection          GpiSetCharDirection( ▓HPS hps,
  734.                                                   LONG lDirection)
  735. GSCM
  736. GpiSetCharMode               GpiSetCharMode( ▓HPS hps,
  737.                                              LONG lMode)
  738. GSCS
  739. GpiSetCharSet                GpiSetCharSet( ▓HPS hps,
  740.                                             LONG llcid)
  741. GSCS
  742. GpiSetCharShear              GpiSetCharShear( ▓HPS hps,
  743.                                               PPOINTL pptlAngle)
  744. GSCP
  745. GpiSetClipPath               GpiSetClipPath( ▓HPS hps,
  746.                                              LONG lPath,
  747.                                              LONG lOptions)
  748. GSCR
  749. GpiSetClipRegion             GpiSetClipRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  750.                                                HRGN hrgn,
  751.                                                PHRGN phrgnOld)
  752. GSC
  753. GpiSetColor                  GpiSetColor( ▓HPS hps,
  754.                                           LONG lColor)
  755. GSC
  756. GpiSetCp                     GpiSetCp( ▓HPS hps,
  757.                                        USHORT usCodePage)
  758. GSCP
  759. GpiSetCurrentPosition        GpiSetCurrentPosition( ▓HPS hps,
  760.                                                     PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  761. GSDAP
  762. GpiSetDefArcParams           GpiSetDefArcParams( ▓HPS hps,
  763.                                                  PARCPARAMS parcpArcParams)
  764. GSDA
  765. GpiSetDefAttrs               GpiSetDefAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  766.                                              LONG lPrimType,
  767.                                              ULONG flAttrMask,
  768.                                              PBUNDLE ppbunAttrs)
  769. GSDT
  770. GpiSetDefTag                 GpiSetDefTag( ▓HPS hps,
  771.                                            LONG lTag)
  772. GSDVL
  773. GpiSetDefViewingLimits       GpiSetDefViewingLimits( ▓HPS hps,
  774.                                                      PRECTL prclLimits)
  775. GSDVM
  776. GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix      GpiSetDefaultViewMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  777.                                                       LONG lCount,
  778.                                                       PMATRIXLF pmatlfarray,
  779.                                                       LONG lOptions)
  780. GSDC
  781. GpiSetDrawControl            GpiSetDrawControl( ▓HPS hps,
  782.                                                 LONG lControl,
  783.                                                 LONG lValue)
  784. GSDM
  785. GpiSetDrawingMode            GpiSetDrawingMode( ▓HPS hps,
  786.                                                 LONG lMode)
  787. GSEM
  788. GpiSetEditMode               GpiSetEditMode( ▓HPS hps,
  789.                                              LONG lMode)
  790. GSEP
  791. GpiSetElementPointer         GpiSetElementPointer( ▓HPS hps,
  792.                                                    LONG lElement)
  793. GSEPAL
  794. GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel  GpiSetElementPointerAtLabel( ▓HPS hps,
  795.                                                           LONG lLabel)
  796. GSGF
  797. GpiSetGraphicsField          GpiSetGraphicsField( ▓HPS hps,
  798.                                                   PRECTL prclField)
  799. GSISA
  800. GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs    GpiSetInitialSegmentAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  801.                                                         LONG lAttribute,
  802.                                                         LONG lValue)
  803. GSLE
  804. GpiSetLineEnd                GpiSetLineEnd( ▓HPS hps,
  805.                                             LONG lLineEnd)
  806. GSLJ
  807. GpiSetLineJoin               GpiSetLineJoin( ▓HPS hps,
  808.                                              LONG lLineJoin)
  809. GSLT
  810. GpiSetLineType               GpiSetLineType( ▓HPS hps,
  811.                                              LONG lLineType)
  812. GSLW
  813. GpiSetLineWidth              GpiSetLineWidth( ▓HPS hps,
  814.                                               FIXED fxLineWidth)
  815. GSLWG
  816. GpiSetLineWidthGeom          GpiSetLineWidthGeom( ▓HPS hps,
  817.                                                   LONG lLineWidth)
  818. GSM
  819. GpiSetMarker                 GpiSetMarker( ▓HPS hps,
  820.                                            LONG lSymbol)
  821. GSMB
  822. GpiSetMarkerBox              GpiSetMarkerBox( ▓HPS hps,
  823.                                               PSIZEF psizfxSize)
  824. GSMS
  825. GpiSetMarkerSet              GpiSetMarkerSet( ▓HPS hps,
  826.                                               LONG lSet)
  827. GSMFB
  828. GpiSetMetaFileBits           GpiSetMetaFileBits( ▓HMF hmf,
  829.                                                  LONG lOffset,
  830.                                                  LONG lLength,
  831.                                                  PBYTE pbBuffer)
  832. GSM
  833. GpiSetMix                    GpiSetMix( ▓HPS hps,
  834.                                         LONG lMixMode)
  835. GSMTM
  836. GpiSetModelTransformMatrix   GpiSetModelTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  837.                                                          LONG lCount,
  838.                                                          PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray,
  839.                                                          LONG lOptions)
  840. GSPS
  841. GpiSetPS                     GpiSetPS( ▓HPS hps,
  842.                                        PSIZEL psizlsize,
  843.                                        ULONG flOptions)
  844. GSPV
  845. GpiSetPageViewport           GpiSetPageViewport( ▓HPS hps,
  846.                                                  PRECTL prclViewport)
  847. GSP
  848. GpiSetPattern                GpiSetPattern( ▓HPS hps,
  849.                                             LONG lPatternSymbol)
  850. GSPRP
  851. GpiSetPatternRefPoint        GpiSetPatternRefPoint( ▓HPS hps,
  852.                                                     PPOINTL pptlRefPoint)
  853. GSPS
  854. GpiSetPatternSet             GpiSetPatternSet( ▓HPS hps,
  855.                                                LONG lSet)
  856. GSP
  857. GpiSetPel                    GpiSetPel( ▓HPS hps,
  858.                                         PPOINTL pptlPoint)
  859. GSPAP
  860. GpiSetPickAperturePosition   GpiSetPickAperturePosition( ▓HPS hps,
  861.                                                          PPOINTL pptlPick)
  862. GSPAS
  863. GpiSetPickApertureSize       GpiSetPickApertureSize( ▓HPS hps,
  864.                                                      LONG lOptions,
  865.                                                      PSIZEL psizlSize)
  866. GSR
  867. GpiSetRegion                 GpiSetRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  868.                                            HRGN hrgn,
  869.                                            LONG lcount,
  870.                                            PRECTL arclRectangles)
  871. GSSA
  872. GpiSetSegmentAttrs           GpiSetSegmentAttrs( ▓HPS hps,
  873.                                                  LONG lSegid,
  874.                                                  LONG lAttribute,
  875.                                                  LONG lValue)
  876. GSSP
  877. GpiSetSegmentPriority        GpiSetSegmentPriority( ▓HPS hps,
  878.                                                     LONG lSegid,
  879.                                                     LONG lRefSegid,
  880.                                                     LONG lOrder)
  881. GSSTM
  882. GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix GpiSetSegmentTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  883.                                                            LONG lSegid,
  884.                                                            LONG lCount,
  885.                                                            PMATRIXLF pmatlfarray,
  886.                                                            LONG lOptions)
  887. GSSD
  888. GpiSetStopDraw               GpiSetStopDraw( ▓HPS hps,
  889.                                              LONG lValue)
  890. GST
  891. GpiSetTag                    GpiSetTag( ▓HPS hps,
  892.                                         LONG lTag)
  893. GSVL
  894. GpiSetViewingLimits          GpiSetViewingLimits( ▓HPS hps,
  895.                                                   PRECTL prclLimits)
  896. GSVTM
  897. GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix GpiSetViewingTransformMatrix( ▓HPS hps,
  898.                                                            LONG lCount,
  899.                                                            PMATRIXLF pmatlfArray,
  900.                                                            LONG lOptions)
  901. GSP
  902. GpiStrokePath                GpiStrokePath( ▓HPS hps,
  903.                                             LONG lPath,
  904.                                             ULONG flOptions)
  905. GT
  906. GpiTranslate                 GpiTranslate( ▓HPS,
  907.                                            PMATRIXLF,
  908.                                            LONG,
  909.                                            PPOINTL)
  910. GUF
  911. GpiUnloadFonts               GpiUnloadFonts( ▓HAB hab,
  912.                                              PSZ pszFilename)
  913. GUCT
  914. GpiUnrealizeColorTable       GpiUnrealizeColorTable( ▓HPS hps)
  915. GWCBB
  916. GpiWCBitBlt                  GpiWCBitBlt( ▓HPS hpsTarget,
  917.                                           HBITMAP hbmSource,
  918.                                           LONG lCount,
  919.                                           PPOINTL aptlPoints,
  920.                                           LONG lRop,
  921.                                           ULONG flOptions)
  922. /**************************************************************************/
  923. /*     WINDOW FUNCTION CALLS                                              */
  924. /**************************************************************************/
  925. WAA
  926. WinAddAtom                   WinAddAtom( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  927.                                                  PSZ pszAtomName)
  928. WAP
  929. WinAddProgram                WinAddProgram( ▓HAB hab,
  930.                                             PPIBSTRUCT ppibProgramInfo,
  931.                                             HPROGRAM hprogGroupHandle)
  932. WASE
  933. WinAddSwitchEntry            WinAddSwitchEntry( ▓PSWCNTRL pswctlSwitchData)
  934. WA
  935. WinAlarm                     WinAlarm( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  936.                                        USHORT rgfType)
  937. WAM
  938. WinAllocMem                  WinAllocMem( ▓HHEAP hHeap,
  939.                                           USHORT cb)
  940. WAHI
  941. WinAssociateHelpInstance     WinAssociateHelpInstance( ▓HWND hwndHelpInstance,
  942.                                                        HWND hwndApp)
  943. WAM
  944. WinAvailMem                  WinAvailMem( ▓HHEAP hHeap,
  945.                                           BOOL fCompact,
  946.                                           USHORT cbMinFree)
  947. WBEW
  948. WinBeginEnumWindows          WinBeginEnumWindows( ▓HWND hwnd)
  949. WBP
  950. WinBeginPaint                WinBeginPaint( ▓HWND hwnd,
  951.                                             HPS hps,
  952.                                             PRECTL prclPaint)
  953. WBM
  954. WinBroadcastMsg              WinBroadcastMsg( ▓HWND hwnd,
  955.                                               USHORT msg,
  956.                                               MPARAM mp1,
  957.                                               MPARAM mp2,
  958.                                               USHORT rgf)
  959. WCFR
  960. WinCalcFrameRect             WinCalcFrameRect( ▓HWND hwndFrame,
  961.                                                PRECTL prcl,
  962.                                                BOOL fClient)
  963. WCMF
  964. WinCallMsgFilter             WinCallMsgFilter( ▓HAB hab,
  965.                                                PQMSG pqmsg,
  966.                                                USHORT msgf)
  967. WCS
  968. WinCancelShutdown            WinCancelShutdown( ▓HMQ hmq,
  969.                                                 BOOL fCancelAlways)
  970. WC
  971. WinCatch                     WinCatch( ▓PCATCHBUF pcatchbuf)
  972. WCSE
  973. WinChangeSwitchEntry         WinChangeSwitchEntry( ▓HSWITCH hswitchSwitch,
  974.                                                    PSWCNTRL pswctlSwitchData)
  975. WCC
  976. WinCloseClipbrd              WinCloseClipbrd( ▓HAB hab)
  977. WCS
  978. WinCompareStrings            WinCompareStrings( ▓HAB hab,
  979.                                                 USHORT idcp,
  980.                                                 USHORT idcc,
  981.                                                 PSZ psz1,
  982.                                                 PSZ psz2,
  983.                                                 USHORT reserved)
  984. WCAT
  985. WinCopyAccelTable            WinCopyAccelTable( ▓HACCEL haccel,
  986.                                                 PACCELTABLE pAccelTable,
  987.                                                 USHORT cbCopyMax)
  988. WCR
  989. WinCopyRect                  WinCopyRect( ▓HAB hab,
  990.                                           PRECTL prclDst,
  991.                                           PRECTL prclSrc)
  992. WCTC
  993. WinCpTranslateChar           WinCpTranslateChar( ▓HAB hab,
  994.                                                  USHORT cpSrc,
  995.                                                  UCHAR chSrc,
  996.                                                  USHORT cpDst)
  997. WCTS
  998. WinCpTranslateString         WinCpTranslateString( ▓HAB hab,
  999.                                                    USHORT cpSrc,
  1000.                                                    PSZ pszSrc,
  1001.                                                    USHORT cpDst,
  1002.                                                    USHORT cchDestMax,
  1003.                                                    PSZ pchDest)
  1004. WCAT
  1005. WinCreateAccelTable          WinCreateAccelTable( ▓HAB hab,
  1006.                                                   PACCELTABLE pAccelTable)
  1007. WCAT
  1008. WinCreateAtomTable           WinCreateAtomTable( ▓USHORT cbInitial,
  1009.                                                  USHORT cBuckets)
  1010. WCC
  1011. WinCreateCursor              WinCreateCursor( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1012.                                               SHORT x,
  1013.                                               SHORT y,
  1014.                                               SHORT cx,
  1015.                                               SHORT cy,
  1016.                                               USHORT fs,
  1017.                                               PRECTL prclClip)
  1018. WCD
  1019. WinCreateDlg                 WinCreateDlg( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1020.                                            HWND hwndOwner,
  1021.                                            PFNWP pfnDlgProc,
  1022.                                            PDLGTEMPLATE pdlgt,
  1023.                                            PVOID pCreateParams)
  1024. WCFC
  1025. WinCreateFrameControls       WinCreateFrameControls( ▓HWND hwndFrame,
  1026.                                                      PFRAMECDATA pfcdata,
  1027.                                                      PSZ pszTitle)
  1028. WCG
  1029. WinCreateGroup               WinCreateGroup( ▓HAB hab,
  1030.                                              PSZ pszTitle,
  1031.                                              UCHAR ucVisibility,
  1032.                                              ULONG flres1,
  1033.                                              ULONG flres2)
  1034. WCH
  1035. WinCreateHeap                WinCreateHeap( ▓USHORT selHeapBase,
  1036.                                             USHORT cbHeap,
  1037.                                             USHORT cbGrow,
  1038.                                             USHORT chMinDed,
  1039.                                             USHORT cbMaxDed,
  1040.                                             USHORT fOptions)
  1041. WCHI
  1042. WinCreateHelpInstance        WinCreateHelpInstance( ▓HAB hab,
  1043.                                                     PHELPINIT phinitHMInitStructure)
  1044. WCHT
  1045. WinCreateHelpTable           WinCreateHelpTable( ▓HWND hwndHelpInstance,
  1046.                                                  PHELPTABLE phtHelpTable)
  1047. WCMQ
  1048. WinCreateMsgQueue            WinCreateMsgQueue( ▓HAB hab,
  1049.                                                 SHORT cmsg)
  1050. WCP
  1051. WinCreatePointer             WinCreatePointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1052.                                                HBITMAP hbmPointer,
  1053.                                                BOOL fPointer,
  1054.                                                SHORT xHotspot,
  1055.                                                SHORT yHotspot)
  1056. WCPI
  1057. WinCreatePointerIndirect     WinCreatePointerIndirect( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1058.                                                        PPOINTERINFO pptri)
  1059. WCSW
  1060. WinCreateStdWindow           WinCreateStdWindow( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1061.                                                  ULONG flStyle,
  1062.                                                  PULONG pflCreateFlags,
  1063.                                                  PSZ pszClientClass,
  1064.                                                  PSZ pszTitle,
  1065.                                                  ULONG styleClient,
  1066.                                                  HMODULE hmod,
  1067.                                                  USHORT idResources,
  1068.                                                  PHWND phwndClient)
  1069. WCSE
  1070. WinCreateSwitchEntry         WinCreateSwitchEntry( ▓HAB hab,
  1071.                                                    PSWCNTRL pswctlSwitchData)
  1072. WCW
  1073. WinCreateWindow              WinCreateWindow( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1074.                                               PSZ pszClass,
  1075.                                               PSZ pszName,
  1076.                                               ULONG flStyle,
  1077.                                               SHORT x,
  1078.                                               SHORT y,
  1079.                                               SHORT cx,
  1080.                                               SHORT cy,
  1081.                                               HWND hwndOwner,
  1082.                                               HWND hwndInsertBehind,
  1083.                                               USHORT id,
  1084.                                               PVOID pCtlData,
  1085.                                               PVOID pPresParams)
  1086. WDI
  1087. WinDdeInitiate               WinDdeInitiate( ▓HWND hwndClient,
  1088.                                              PSZ pszAppName,
  1089.                                              PSZ pszTopicName)
  1090. WDPM
  1091. WinDdePostMsg                WinDdePostMsg( ▓HWND hwndTo,
  1092.                                             HWND hwndFrom,
  1093.                                             USHORT wm,
  1094.                                             PDDESTRUCT pddeSt,
  1095.                                             BOOL fRetry)
  1096. WDR
  1097. WinDdeRespond                WinDdeRespond( ▓HWND hwndClient,
  1098.                                             HWND hwndServer,
  1099.                                             PSZ pszAppName,
  1100.                                             PSZ pszTopicName)
  1101. WDAVWP
  1102. WinDefAVioWindowProc         WinDefAVioWindowProc( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1103.                                                    USHORT msg,
  1104.                                                    MPARAM mp1,
  1105.                                                    MPARAM mp2)
  1106. WDDP
  1107. WinDefDlgProc                WinDefDlgProc( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1108.                                             USHORT msg,
  1109.                                             MPARAM mp1,
  1110.                                             MPARAM mp2)
  1111. WDWP
  1112. WinDefWindowProc             WinDefWindowProc( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1113.                                                USHORT msg,
  1114.                                                MPARAM mp1,
  1115.                                                MPARAM mp2)
  1116. WDA
  1117. WinDeleteAtom                WinDeleteAtom( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  1118.                                             ATOM atom)
  1119. WDL
  1120. WinDeleteLibrary             WinDeleteLibrary( ▓HAB hab,
  1121.                                                HLIB libhandle)
  1122. WDP
  1123. WinDeleteProcedure           WinDeleteProcedure( ▓HAB hab,
  1124.                                                  PFNWP wndproc)
  1125. WDAT
  1126. WinDestroyAccelTable         WinDestroyAccelTable( ▓HACCEL haccel)
  1127. WDAT
  1128. WinDestroyAtomTable          WinDestroyAtomTable( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl)
  1129. WDC
  1130. WinDestroyCursor             WinDestroyCursor( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1131. WDH
  1132. WinDestroyHeap               WinDestroyHeap( ▓HHEAP hHeap)
  1133. WDHI
  1134. WinDestroyHelpInstance       WinDestroyHelpInstance( ▓HWND hwndHelpInstance)
  1135. WDMQ
  1136. WinDestroyMsgQueue           WinDestroyMsgQueue( ▓HMQ hmq)
  1137. WDP
  1138. WinDestroyPointer            WinDestroyPointer( ▓HPOINTER hptr)
  1139. WDW
  1140. WinDestroyWindow             WinDestroyWindow( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1141. WDD
  1142. WinDismissDlg                WinDismissDlg( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1143.                                             USHORT usResult)
  1144. WDM
  1145. WinDispatchMsg               WinDispatchMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  1146.                                              PQMSG pqmsg)
  1147. WDB
  1148. WinDlgBox                    WinDlgBox( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1149.                                         HWND hwndOwner,
  1150.                                         PFNWP pfnDlgProc,
  1151.                                         HMODULE hmod,
  1152.                                         USHORT idDlg,
  1153.                                         PVOID pCreateParams)
  1154. WDB
  1155. WinDrawBitmap                WinDrawBitmap( ▓HPS hpsDst,
  1156.                                             HBITMAP hbm,
  1157.                                             PRECTL pwrcSrc,
  1158.                                             PPOINTL pptlDst,
  1159.                                             LONG clrFore,
  1160.                                             LONG clrBack,
  1161.                                             USHORT fs)
  1162. WDB
  1163. WinDrawBorder                WinDrawBorder( ▓HPS hps,
  1164.                                             PRECTL prcl,
  1165.                                             SHORT cx,
  1166.                                             SHORT cy,
  1167.                                             LONG clrFore,
  1168.                                             LONG clrBack,
  1169.                                             USHORT rgfCmd)
  1170. WDP
  1171. WinDrawPointer               WinDrawPointer( ▓HPS hps,
  1172.                                              SHORT x,
  1173.                                              SHORT y,
  1174.                                              HPOINTER hptr,
  1175.                                              USHORT fs)
  1176. WDT
  1177. WinDrawText                  WinDrawText( ▓HPS hps,
  1178.                                           SHORT cchText,
  1179.                                           PCH lpchText,
  1180.                                           PRECTL prcl,
  1181.                                           LONG clrFore,
  1182.                                           LONG clrBack,
  1183.                                           USHORT rgfCmd)
  1184. WEC
  1185. WinEmptyClipbrd              WinEmptyClipbrd( ▓HAB hab)
  1186. WEPI
  1187. WinEnablePhysInput           WinEnablePhysInput( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1188.                                                  BOOL fEnable)
  1189. WEW
  1190. WinEnableWindow              WinEnableWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1191.                                               BOOL fEnable)
  1192. WEWU
  1193. WinEnableWindowUpdate        WinEnableWindowUpdate( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1194.                                                     BOOL fEnable)
  1195. WEEW
  1196. WinEndEnumWindows            WinEndEnumWindows( ▓HENUM henum)
  1197. WEP
  1198. WinEndPaint                  WinEndPaint( ▓HPS hps)
  1199. WECF
  1200. WinEnumClipbrdFmts           WinEnumClipbrdFmts( ▓HAB hab,
  1201.                                                  USHORT fmt)
  1202. WEDI
  1203. WinEnumDlgItem               WinEnumDlgItem( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1204.                                              HWND hwnd,
  1205.                                              USHORT code,
  1206.                                              BOOL fLock)
  1207. WER
  1208. WinEqualRect                 WinEqualRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1209.                                            PRECTL prcl1,
  1210.                                            PRECTL prcl2)
  1211. WEUR
  1212. WinExcludeUpdateRegion       WinExcludeUpdateRegion( ▓HPS hps,
  1213.                                                      HWND hwnd)
  1214. WFR
  1215. WinFillRect                  WinFillRect( ▓HPS hps,
  1216.                                           PRECTL prcl,
  1217.                                           LONG lColor)
  1218. WFA
  1219. WinFindAtom                  WinFindAtom( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  1220.                                           PSZ pszAtomName)
  1221. WFW
  1222. WinFlashWindow               WinFlashWindow( ▓HWND hwndFrame,
  1223.                                              BOOL fFlash)
  1224. WFC
  1225. WinFocusChange               WinFocusChange( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1226.                                              HWND hwndSetFocus,
  1227.                                              USHORT fsFocusChange)
  1228. WFEI
  1229. WinFreeErrorInfo             WinFreeErrorInfo( ▓PERRINFO perrinfo)
  1230. WFM
  1231. WinFreeMem                   WinFreeMem( ▓HHEAP hHeap,
  1232.                                          NPBYTE npMem,
  1233.                                          USHORT cbMem)
  1234. WGCPS
  1235. WinGetClipPS                 WinGetClipPS( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1236.                                            HWND hwndClip,
  1237.                                            USHORT fs)
  1238. WGCT
  1239. WinGetCurrentTime            WinGetCurrentTime( ▓HAB hab)
  1240. WGDM
  1241. WinGetDlgMsg                 WinGetDlgMsg( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1242.                                            PQMSG pqmsg)
  1243. WGEI
  1244. WinGetErrorInfo              WinGetErrorInfo( ▓HAB hab)
  1245. WGKS
  1246. WinGetKeyState               WinGetKeyState( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1247.                                              SHORT vkey)
  1248. WGLE
  1249. WinGetLastError              WinGetLastError( ▓HAB hab)
  1250. WGMP
  1251. WinGetMaxPosition            WinGetMaxPosition( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1252.                                                 PSWP pswp)
  1253. WGMP
  1254. WinGetMinPosition            WinGetMinPosition( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1255.                                                 PSWP pswp,
  1256.                                                 PPOINTL pptl)
  1257. WGM
  1258. WinGetMsg                    WinGetMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  1259.                                         PQMSG pqmsg,
  1260.                                         HWND hwndFilter,
  1261.                                         USHORT msgFilterFirst,
  1262.                                         USHORT msgFilterLast)
  1263. WGNW
  1264. WinGetNextWindow             WinGetNextWindow( ▓HENUM henum)
  1265. WGPS
  1266. WinGetPS                     WinGetPS( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1267. WGPKS
  1268. WinGetPhysKeyState           WinGetPhysKeyState( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1269.                                                  SHORT sc)
  1270. WGSPS
  1271. WinGetScreenPS               WinGetScreenPS( ▓HWND hwndDesktop)
  1272. WGSB
  1273. WinGetSysBitmap              WinGetSysBitmap( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1274.                                               USHORT ibm)
  1275. WISM
  1276. WinInSendMsg                 WinInSendMsg( ▓HAB hab)
  1277. WIR
  1278. WinInflateRect               WinInflateRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1279.                                              PRECTL prcl,
  1280.                                              SHORT cx,
  1281.                                              SHORT cy)
  1282. WI
  1283. WinInitialize                WinInitialize( ▓USHORT)
  1284. WISA
  1285. WinInstStartApp              WinInstStartApp( ▓HINI hini,
  1286.                                               HWND hwndNotifyWindow,
  1287.                                               USHORT cCount,
  1288.                                               PSZ far *aszApplication,
  1289.                                               PSZ pszCmdLine,
  1290.                                               PVOID pData,
  1291.                                               USHORT fsOptions)
  1292. WIR
  1293. WinIntersectRect             WinIntersectRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1294.                                                PRECTL prclDst,
  1295.                                                PRECTL prclSrc1,
  1296.                                                PRECTL prclSrc2)
  1297. WIR
  1298. WinInvalidateRect            WinInvalidateRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1299.                                                 PRECTL pwrc,
  1300.                                                 BOOL fIncludeChildren)
  1301. WIR
  1302. WinInvalidateRegion          WinInvalidateRegion( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1303.                                                   HRGN hrgn,
  1304.                                                   BOOL fIncludeChildren)
  1305. WIR
  1306. WinInvertRect                WinInvertRect( ▓HPS hps,
  1307.                                             PRECTL prcl)
  1308. WIC
  1309. WinIsChild                   WinIsChild( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1310.                                          HWND hwndParent)
  1311. WIPIE
  1312. WinIsPhysInputEnabled        WinIsPhysInputEnabled( ▓HWND hwndDesktop)
  1313. WIRE
  1314. WinIsRectEmpty               WinIsRectEmpty( ▓HAB hab,
  1315.                                              PRECTL prcl)
  1316. WITA
  1317. WinIsThreadActive            WinIsThreadActive( ▓HAB hab)
  1318. WIW
  1319. WinIsWindow                  WinIsWindow( ▓HAB hab,
  1320.                                           HWND hwnd)
  1321. WIWE
  1322. WinIsWindowEnabled           WinIsWindowEnabled( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1323. WIWS
  1324. WinIsWindowShowing           WinIsWindowShowing( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1325. WIWV
  1326. WinIsWindowVisible           WinIsWindowVisible( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1327. WLAT
  1328. WinLoadAccelTable            WinLoadAccelTable( ▓HAB hab,
  1329.                                                 HMODULE hmod,
  1330.                                                 USHORT idAccelTable)
  1331. WLD
  1332. WinLoadDlg                   WinLoadDlg( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1333.                                          HWND hwndOwner,
  1334.                                          PFNWP pfnDlgProc,
  1335.                                          HMODULE hmod,
  1336.                                          USHORT idDlg,
  1337.                                          PVOID pCreateParams)
  1338. WLHT
  1339. WinLoadHelpTable             WinLoadHelpTable( ▓HWND hwndHelpInstance,
  1340.                                                USHORT idHelpTable,
  1341.                                                HMODULE Module)
  1342. WLL
  1343. WinLoadLibrary               WinLoadLibrary( ▓HAB hab,
  1344.                                              PSZ libname)
  1345. WLM
  1346. WinLoadMessage               WinLoadMessage( ▓HAB hab,
  1347.                                              HMODULE hmod,
  1348.                                              USHORT id,
  1349.                                              SHORT cchMax,
  1350.                                              PSZ pchBuffer)
  1351. WLP
  1352. WinLoadPointer               WinLoadPointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1353.                                              HMODULE hmod,
  1354.                                              USHORT idres)
  1355. WLP
  1356. WinLoadProcedure             WinLoadProcedure( ▓HAB hab,
  1357.                                                HLIB libhandle,
  1358.                                                PSZ procname)
  1359. WLS
  1360. WinLoadString                WinLoadString( ▓HAB hab,
  1361.                                             HMODULE hmod,
  1362.                                             USHORT id,
  1363.                                             SHORT cchMax,
  1364.                                             PSZ pchBuffer)
  1365. WLH
  1366. WinLockHeap                  WinLockHeap( ▓HHEAP hHeap)
  1367. WLVR
  1368. WinLockVisRegions            WinLockVisRegions( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1369.                                                 BOOL fLock)
  1370. WLW
  1371. WinLockWindow                WinLockWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1372.                                             BOOL fLock)
  1373. WLWU
  1374. WinLockWindowUpdate          WinLockWindowUpdate( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1375.                                                   HWND hwndLockUpdate)
  1376. WMP
  1377. WinMakePoints                WinMakePoints( ▓HAB hab,
  1378.                                             PWPOINT pwpt,
  1379.                                             USHORT cwpt)
  1380. WMR
  1381. WinMakeRect                  WinMakeRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1382.                                           PWRECT pwrc)
  1383.                              WinMapDlgPoints
  1384. WMDP
  1385. WinMapDlgPoints              WinMapDlgPoints( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1386.                                               PPOINTL prgwptl,
  1387.                                               USHORT cwpt,
  1388.                                               BOOL fCalcWindowCoords)
  1389. WMWP
  1390. WinMapWindowPoints           WinMapWindowPoints( ▓HWND hwndFrom,
  1391.                                                  HWND hwndTo,
  1392.                                                  PPOINTL prgptl,
  1393.                                                  SHORT cwpt)
  1394. WMB
  1395. WinMessageBox                WinMessageBox( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1396.                                             HWND hwndOwner,
  1397.                                             PSZ pszText,
  1398.                                             PSZ pszCaption,
  1399.                                             USHORT idWindow,
  1400.                                             USHORT flStyle)
  1401. WMMSW
  1402. WinMsgMuxSemWait             WinMsgMuxSemWait( ▓PUSHORT pisemCleared,
  1403.                                                PVOID pmxsl,
  1404.                                                LONG dtTimeout)
  1405. WMSW
  1406. WinMsgSemWait                WinMsgSemWait( ▓HSEM hsem,
  1407.                                             LONG dtTimeout)
  1408. WMWFID
  1409. WinMultWindowFromIDs         WinMultWindowFromIDs( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1410.                                                    PHWND prghwnd,
  1411.                                                    USHORT idFirst,
  1412.                                                    USHORT idLast)
  1413. WNC
  1414. WinNextChar                  WinNextChar( ▓HAB hab,
  1415.                                           USHORT idcp,
  1416.                                           USHORT idcc,
  1417.                                           PSZ psz)
  1418. WOR
  1419. WinOffsetRect                WinOffsetRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1420.                                             PRECTL prcl,
  1421.                                             SHORT cx,
  1422.                                             SHORT cy)
  1423. WOC
  1424. WinOpenClipbrd               WinOpenClipbrd( ▓HAB hab)
  1425. WOWDC
  1426. WinOpenWindowDC              WinOpenWindowDC( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1427. WPM
  1428. WinPeekMsg                   WinPeekMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  1429.                                          PQMSG pqmsg,
  1430.                                          HWND hwndFilter,
  1431.                                          USHORT msgFilterFirst,
  1432.                                          USHORT msgFilterLast,
  1433.                                          USHORT fs)
  1434. WPM
  1435. WinPostMsg                   WinPostMsg( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1436.                                          USHORT msg,
  1437.                                          MPARAM mp1,
  1438.                                          MPARAM mp2)
  1439. WPQM
  1440. WinPostQueueMsg              WinPostQueueMsg( ▓HMQ hmq,
  1441.                                               USHORT msg,
  1442.                                               MPARAM mp1,
  1443.                                               MPARAM mp2)
  1444. WPC
  1445. WinPrevChar                  WinPrevChar( ▓HAB hab,
  1446.                                           USHORT idcp,
  1447.                                           USHORT idcc,
  1448.                                           PSZ pszStart,
  1449.                                           PSZ psz)
  1450. WPD
  1451. WinProcessDlg                WinProcessDlg( ▓HWND hwndDlg)
  1452. WPIR
  1453. WinPtInRect                  WinPtInRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1454.                                           PRECTL prcl,
  1455.                                           PPOINTL pptl)
  1456. WQAT
  1457. WinQueryAccelTable           WinQueryAccelTable( ▓HAB hab,
  1458.                                                  HWND hwndFrame)
  1459. WQAW
  1460. WinQueryActiveWindow         WinQueryActiveWindow( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1461.                                                    BOOL fLock)
  1462. WQAB
  1463. WinQueryAnchorBlock          WinQueryAnchorBlock( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1464. WQAL
  1465. WinQueryAtomLength           WinQueryAtomLength( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  1466.                                                  ATOM atom)
  1467. WQAN
  1468. WinQueryAtomName             WinQueryAtomName( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  1469.                                                ATOM atom,
  1470.                                                PSZ pchBuffer,
  1471.                                                USHORT cchBufferMax)
  1472. WQAU
  1473. WinQueryAtomUsage            WinQueryAtomUsage( ▓HATOMTBL hAtomTbl,
  1474.                                                 ATOM atom)
  1475. WQC
  1476. WinQueryCapture              WinQueryCapture( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1477.                                               BOOL fLock)
  1478. WQCI
  1479. WinQueryClassInfo            WinQueryClassInfo( ▓HAB hab,
  1480.                                                 PSZ pszClassName,
  1481.                                                 PCLASSINFO pClassInfo)
  1482. WQCN
  1483. WinQueryClassName            WinQueryClassName( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1484.                                                 SHORT cchMax,
  1485.                                                 PCH pch)
  1486. WQCD
  1487. WinQueryClipbrdData          WinQueryClipbrdData( ▓HAB hab,
  1488.                                                   USHORT fmt)
  1489. WQCFI
  1490. WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo       WinQueryClipbrdFmtInfo( ▓HAB hab,
  1491.                                                      USHORT fmt,
  1492.                                                      PUSHORT prgfFmtInfo)
  1493. WQCO
  1494. WinQueryClipbrdOwner         WinQueryClipbrdOwner( ▓HAB hab,
  1495.                                                    BOOL fLock)
  1496. WQCV
  1497. WinQueryClipbrdViewer        WinQueryClipbrdViewer( ▓HAB hab,
  1498.                                                     BOOL fLock)
  1499. WQC
  1500. WinQueryCp                   WinQueryCp( ▓HMQ hmq)
  1501. WQCL
  1502. WinQueryCpList               WinQueryCpList( ▓HAB hab,
  1503.                                              USHORT ccpMax,
  1504.                                              PUSHORT prgcp)
  1505. WQCI
  1506. WinQueryCursorInfo           WinQueryCursorInfo( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1507.                                                  PCURSORINFO pCursorInfo)
  1508. WQD
  1509. WinQueryDefinition           WinQueryDefinition( ▓HAB hab,
  1510.                                                  HPROGRAM hprogProgHandle,
  1511.                                                  PPIBSTRUCT ppibProgramInfo,
  1512.                                                  USHORT usMaxLength)
  1513. WQDW
  1514. WinQueryDesktopWindow        WinQueryDesktopWindow( ▓HAB hab,
  1515.                                                     HDC hdc)
  1516. WQDIS
  1517. WinQueryDlgItemShort         WinQueryDlgItemShort( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1518.                                                    USHORT idItem,
  1519.                                                    PSHORT pResult,
  1520.                                                    BOOL fSigned)
  1521. WQDIT
  1522. WinQueryDlgItemText          WinQueryDlgItemText( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1523.                                                   USHORT idItem,
  1524.                                                   SHORT cchBufferMax,
  1525.                                                   PSZ pchBuffer)
  1526. WQDITL
  1527. WinQueryDlgItemTextLength    WinQueryDlgItemTextLength( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1528.                                                         USHORT idItem)
  1529. WQF
  1530. WinQueryFocus                WinQueryFocus( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1531.                                             BOOL fLock)
  1532. WQHI
  1533. WinQueryHelpInstance         WinQueryHelpInstance( ▓HWND hwndApp)
  1534. WQMP
  1535. WinQueryMsgPos               WinQueryMsgPos( ▓HAB hab,
  1536.                                              PPOINTL pptl)
  1537. WQMT
  1538. WinQueryMsgTime              WinQueryMsgTime( ▓HAB hab)
  1539. WQOW
  1540. WinQueryObjectWindow         WinQueryObjectWindow( ▓HWND hwndDesktop)
  1541. WQP
  1542. WinQueryPointer              WinQueryPointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop)
  1543. WQPI
  1544. WinQueryPointerInfo          WinQueryPointerInfo( ▓HPOINTER hptr,
  1545.                                                   PPOINTERINFO pPointerInfo)
  1546. WQPP
  1547. WinQueryPointerPos           WinQueryPointerPos( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1548.                                                  PPOINTL pptl)
  1549. WQPP
  1550. WinQueryPresParam            WinQueryPresParam( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1551.                                                 ULONG id1,
  1552.                                                 ULONG id2,
  1553.                                                 PULONG pulId,
  1554.                                                 ULONG cbBuf,
  1555.                                                 PVOID pbBuf,
  1556.                                                 USHORT fs)
  1557. WQPD
  1558. WinQueryProfileData          WinQueryProfileData( ▓HAB hab,
  1559.                                                   PSZ pszAppName,
  1560.                                                   PSZ pszKeyName,
  1561.                                                   PVOID pValue,
  1562.                                                   PUSHORT pusSize)
  1563. WQPI
  1564. WinQueryProfileInt           WinQueryProfileInt( ▓HAB hab,
  1565.                                                  PSZ pszAppName,
  1566.                                                  PSZ pszKeyName,
  1567.                                                  SHORT sDefault)
  1568. WQPS
  1569. WinQueryProfileSize          WinQueryProfileSize( ▓HAB hab,
  1570.                                                   PSZ pszAppName,
  1571.                                                   PSZ pszKeyName,
  1572.                                                   PUSHORT pusValue)
  1573. WQPS
  1574. WinQueryProfileString        WinQueryProfileString( ▓HAB hab,
  1575.                                                     PSZ pszAppName,
  1576.                                                     PSZ pszKeyName,
  1577.                                                     PSZ pszDefault,
  1578.                                                     PVOID pProfileString,
  1579.                                                     USHORT usMaxPstring)
  1580. WQPT
  1581. WinQueryProgramTitles        WinQueryProgramTitles( ▓HAB hab,
  1582.                                                     HPROGRAM hprogGroup,
  1583.                                                     PPROGRAMENTRY aprogeBuffer,
  1584.                                                     USHORT usBufferLen,
  1585.                                                     PUSHORT pusTotal)
  1586. WQQI
  1587. WinQueryQueueInfo            WinQueryQueueInfo( ▓HMQ hmq,
  1588.                                                 PMQINFO pmqi,
  1589.                                                 USHORT cbCopy)
  1590. WQQS
  1591. WinQueryQueueStatus          WinQueryQueueStatus( ▓HWND hwndDesktop)
  1592. WQST
  1593. WinQuerySessionTitle         WinQuerySessionTitle( ▓HAB hab,
  1594.                                                    USHORT usSession,
  1595.                                                    PSZ pszTitle,
  1596.                                                    USHORT usTitlelen)
  1597. WQSE
  1598. WinQuerySwitchEntry          WinQuerySwitchEntry( ▓HSWITCH hswitchSwitch,
  1599.                                                   PSWCNTRL pswctlSwitchData)
  1600. WQSH
  1601. WinQuerySwitchHandle         WinQuerySwitchHandle( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1602.                                                    PID usProcess)
  1603. WQSL
  1604. WinQuerySwitchList           WinQuerySwitchList( ▓HAB hab,
  1605.                                                  PSWBLOCK pswblkSwitchEntries,
  1606.                                                  USHORT usDataLength)
  1607. WQSC
  1608. WinQuerySysColor             WinQuerySysColor( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1609.                                                LONG clr,
  1610.                                                LONG lReserved)
  1611. WQSMW
  1612. WinQuerySysModalWindow       WinQuerySysModalWindow( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1613.                                                      BOOL fLock)
  1614. WQSP
  1615. WinQuerySysPointer           WinQuerySysPointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1616.                                                  SHORT iptr,
  1617.                                                  BOOL fLoad)
  1618. WQSV
  1619. WinQuerySysValue             WinQuerySysValue( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1620.                                                SHORT iSysValue)
  1621. WQSAT
  1622. WinQuerySystemAtomTable      WinQuerySystemAtomTable( ▓VOID)
  1623. WQTSP
  1624. WinQueryTaskSizePos          WinQueryTaskSizePos( ▓HAB hab,
  1625.                                                   USHORT usScreenGroup,
  1626.                                                   PSWP pswpPositionData)
  1627. WQTT
  1628. WinQueryTaskTitle            WinQueryTaskTitle( ▓USHORT usSession,
  1629.                                                 PSZ pszTitle,
  1630.                                                 USHORT usTitlelen)
  1631. WQUR
  1632. WinQueryUpdateRect           WinQueryUpdateRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1633.                                                  PRECTL prcl)
  1634. WQUR
  1635. WinQueryUpdateRegion         WinQueryUpdateRegion( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1636.                                                    HRGN hrgn)
  1637. WQV
  1638. WinQueryVersion              WinQueryVersion( ▓HAB hab)
  1639. WQW
  1640. WinQueryWindow               WinQueryWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1641.                                              SHORT cmd,
  1642.                                              BOOL fLock)
  1643. WQWDC
  1644. WinQueryWindowDC             WinQueryWindowDC( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1645. WQWLC
  1646. WinQueryWindowLockCount      WinQueryWindowLockCount( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1647. WQWP
  1648. WinQueryWindowPos            WinQueryWindowPos( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1649.                                                 PSWP pswp)
  1650. WQWP
  1651. WinQueryWindowProcess        WinQueryWindowProcess( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1652.                                                     PPID ppid,
  1653.                                                     PTID ptid)
  1654. WQWP
  1655. WinQueryWindowPtr            WinQueryWindowPtr( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1656.                                                 SHORT index)
  1657. WQWR
  1658. WinQueryWindowRect           WinQueryWindowRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1659.                                                  PRECTL prclDest)
  1660. WQWT
  1661. WinQueryWindowText           WinQueryWindowText( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1662.                                                  SHORT cchBufferMax,
  1663.                                                  PCH pchBuffer)
  1664. WQWTL
  1665. WinQueryWindowTextLength     WinQueryWindowTextLength( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1666. WQWUL
  1667. WinQueryWindowULong          WinQueryWindowULong( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1668.                                                   SHORT index)
  1669. WQWUS
  1670. WinQueryWindowUShort         WinQueryWindowUShort( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1671.                                                    SHORT index)
  1672. WRM
  1673. WinReallocMem                WinReallocMem( ▓HHEAP hHeap,
  1674.                                             NPBYTE npMem,
  1675.                                             USHORT cbOld,
  1676.                                             USHORT cbNew)
  1677. WRC
  1678. WinRegisterClass             WinRegisterClass( ▓HAB hab,
  1679.                                                PSZ pszClassName,
  1680.                                                PFNWP pfnWndProc,
  1681.                                                ULONG flStyle,
  1682.                                                USHORT cbWindowData)
  1683. WRUD
  1684. WinRegisterUserDatatype      WinRegisterUserDatatype( ▓HAB hab,
  1685.                                                       SHORT datatype,
  1686.                                                       SHORT count,
  1687.                                                       PSHORT types)
  1688. WRUM
  1689. WinRegisterUserMsg           WinRegisterUserMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  1690.                                                  USHORT msgid,
  1691.                                                  SHORT datatype1,
  1692.                                                  SHORT dir1,
  1693.                                                  SHORT datatype2,
  1694.                                                  SHORT dir2,
  1695.                                                  SHORT datatyper)
  1696. WRWD
  1697. WinRegisterWindowDestroy     WinRegisterWindowDestroy( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1698.                                                        BOOL fRegister)
  1699. WRH
  1700. WinReleaseHook               WinReleaseHook( ▓HAB hab,
  1701.                                              HMQ hmq,
  1702.                                              SHORT iHook,
  1703.                                              PFN pfnHook,
  1704.                                              HMODULE hmod)
  1705. WRPS
  1706. WinReleasePS                 WinReleasePS( ▓HPS hps)
  1707. WRPP
  1708. WinRemovePresParam           WinRemovePresParam( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1709.                                                  ULONG id)
  1710. WRSE
  1711. WinRemoveSwitchEntry         WinRemoveSwitchEntry( ▓HSWITCH hswitchSwitch)
  1712. WSW
  1713. WinScrollWindow              WinScrollWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1714.                                               SHORT dx,
  1715.                                               SHORT dy,
  1716.                                               PRECTL prclScroll,
  1717.                                               PRECTL prclClip,
  1718.                                               HRGN hrgnUpdate,
  1719.                                               PRECTL prclUpdate,
  1720.                                               USHORT rgfsw)
  1721. WSDIM
  1722. WinSendDlgItemMsg            WinSendDlgItemMsg( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1723.                                                 USHORT idItem,
  1724.                                                 USHORT msg,
  1725.                                                 MPARAM mp1,
  1726.                                                 MPARAM mp2)
  1727. WSM
  1728. WinSendMsg                   WinSendMsg( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1729.                                          USHORT msg,
  1730.                                          MPARAM mp1,
  1731.                                          MPARAM mp2)
  1732. WSAT
  1733. WinSetAccelTable             WinSetAccelTable( ▓HAB hab,
  1734.                                                HACCEL haccel,
  1735.                                                HWND hwndFrame)
  1736. WSAW
  1737. WinSetActiveWindow           WinSetActiveWindow( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1738.                                                  HWND hwnd)
  1739. WSC
  1740. WinSetCapture                WinSetCapture( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1741.                                             HWND hwnd)
  1742. WSCMI
  1743. WinSetClassMsgInterest       WinSetClassMsgInterest( ▓HAB hab,
  1744.                                                      PSZ pszClassName,
  1745.                                                      USHORT msg_class,
  1746.                                                      SHORT control)
  1747. WSCD
  1748. WinSetClipbrdData            WinSetClipbrdData( ▓HAB hab,
  1749.                                                 ULONG ulData,
  1750.                                                 USHORT fmt,
  1751.                                                 USHORT rgfFmtInfo)
  1752. WSCO
  1753. WinSetClipbrdOwner           WinSetClipbrdOwner( ▓HAB hab,
  1754.                                                  HWND hwnd)
  1755. WSCV
  1756. WinSetClipbrdViewer          WinSetClipbrdViewer( ▓HAB hab,
  1757.                                                   HWND hwndNewClipViewer)
  1758. WSC
  1759. WinSetCp                     WinSetCp( ▓HMQ hmq,
  1760.                                        USHORT idCodePage)
  1761. WSDIS
  1762. WinSetDlgItemShort           WinSetDlgItemShort( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1763.                                                  USHORT idItem,
  1764.                                                  USHORT usValue,
  1765.                                                  BOOL fSigned)
  1766. WSDIT
  1767. WinSetDlgItemText            WinSetDlgItemText( ▓HWND hwndDlg,
  1768.                                                 USHORT idItem,
  1769.                                                 PSZ pszText)
  1770. WSF
  1771. WinSetFocus                  WinSetFocus( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1772.                                           HWND hwndSetFocus)
  1773. WSH
  1774. WinSetHook                   WinSetHook( ▓HAB hab,
  1775.                                          HMQ hmq,
  1776.                                          SHORT iHook,
  1777.                                          PFN pfnHook,
  1778.                                          HMODULE hmod)
  1779. WSKST
  1780. WinSetKeyboardStateTable     WinSetKeyboardStateTable( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1781.                                                        PBYTE pKeyStateTable,
  1782.                                                        BOOL fSet)
  1783. WSMI
  1784. WinSetMsgInterest            WinSetMsgInterest( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1785.                                                 USHORT msg_class,
  1786.                                                 SHORT control)
  1787. WSMM
  1788. WinSetMsgMode                WinSetMsgMode( ▓HAB hab,
  1789.                                             PSZ classname,
  1790.                                             SHORT control)
  1791. WSMWP
  1792. WinSetMultWindowPos          WinSetMultWindowPos( ▓HAB hab,
  1793.                                                   PSWP pswp,
  1794.                                                   USHORT cswp)
  1795. WSO
  1796. WinSetOwner                  WinSetOwner( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1797.                                           HWND hwndNewOwner)
  1798. WSP
  1799. WinSetParent                 WinSetParent( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1800.                                            HWND hwndNewParent,
  1801.                                            BOOL fRedraw)
  1802. WSP
  1803. WinSetPointer                WinSetPointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1804.                                             HPOINTER hptrNew)
  1805. WSPP
  1806. WinSetPointerPos             WinSetPointerPos( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1807.                                                SHORT x,
  1808.                                                SHORT y)
  1809. WSPP
  1810. WinSetPresParam              WinSetPresParam( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1811.                                               ULONG id,
  1812.                                               ULONG cbParam,
  1813.                                               PVOID pbParam)
  1814. WSR
  1815. WinSetRect                   WinSetRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1816.                                          PRECTL prcl,
  1817.                                          SHORT xLeft,
  1818.                                          SHORT yBottom,
  1819.                                          SHORT xRight,
  1820.                                          SHORT yTop)
  1821. WSRE
  1822. WinSetRectEmpty              WinSetRectEmpty( ▓HAB hab,
  1823.                                               PRECTL prcl)
  1824. WSSM
  1825. WinSetSynchroMode            WinSetSynchroMode( ▓HAB hab,
  1826.                                                 SHORT mode)
  1827. WSSC
  1828. WinSetSysColors              WinSetSysColors( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1829.                                               ULONG flOptions,
  1830.                                               ULONG flFormat,
  1831.                                               LONG clrFirst,
  1832.                                               ULONG cclr,
  1833.                                               PLONG pclr)
  1834. WSSMW
  1835. WinSetSysModalWindow         WinSetSysModalWindow( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1836.                                                    HWND hwnd)
  1837. WSSV
  1838. WinSetSysValue               WinSetSysValue( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1839.                                              SHORT iSysValue,
  1840.                                              LONG lValue)
  1841. WSWB
  1842. WinSetWindowBits             WinSetWindowBits( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1843.                                                SHORT index,
  1844.                                                ULONG flData,
  1845.                                                ULONG flMask)
  1846. WSWP
  1847. WinSetWindowPos              WinSetWindowPos( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1848.                                               HWND hwndInsertBehind,
  1849.                                               SHORT x,
  1850.                                               SHORT y,
  1851.                                               SHORT cx,
  1852.                                               SHORT cy,
  1853.                                               USHORT fs)
  1854. WSWP
  1855. WinSetWindowPtr              WinSetWindowPtr( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1856.                                               SHORT index,
  1857.                                               PVOID p)
  1858. WSWT
  1859. WinSetWindowText             WinSetWindowText( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1860.                                                PSZ pszText)
  1861. WSWUL
  1862. WinSetWindowULong            WinSetWindowULong( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1863.                                                 SHORT index,
  1864.                                                 ULONG ul)
  1865. WSWUS
  1866. WinSetWindowUShort           WinSetWindowUShort( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1867.                                                  SHORT index,
  1868.                                                  USHORT us)
  1869. WSC
  1870. WinShowCursor                WinShowCursor( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1871.                                             BOOL fShow)
  1872. WSP
  1873. WinShowPointer               WinShowPointer( ▓HWND hwndDesktop,
  1874.                                              BOOL fShow)
  1875. WSTR
  1876. WinShowTrackRect             WinShowTrackRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1877.                                                BOOL fShow)
  1878. WSW
  1879. WinShowWindow                WinShowWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1880.                                             BOOL fShow)
  1881. WSD
  1882. WinStartDlg                  WinStartDlg( ▓HWND hwndDlg)
  1883. WST
  1884. WinStartTimer                WinStartTimer( ▓HAB hab,
  1885.                                             HWND hwnd,
  1886.                                             USHORT idTimer,
  1887.                                             USHORT dtTimeout)
  1888. WST
  1889. WinStopTimer                 WinStopTimer( ▓HAB hab,
  1890.                                            HWND hwnd,
  1891.                                            USHORT idTimer)
  1892. WSW
  1893. WinSubclassWindow            WinSubclassWindow( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1894.                                                 PFNWP pfnwp)
  1895. WSS
  1896. WinSubstituteStrings         WinSubstituteStrings( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1897.                                                    PSZ pszSrc,
  1898.                                                    SHORT cchDstMax,
  1899.                                                    PSZ pszDst)
  1900. WSR
  1901. WinSubtractRect              WinSubtractRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1902.                                               PRECTL prclDst,
  1903.                                               PRECTL prclSrc1,
  1904.                                               PRECTL prclSrc2)
  1905. WSTP
  1906. WinSwitchToProgram           WinSwitchToProgram( ▓HSWITCH hswitchSwHandle)
  1907. WT
  1908. WinTerminate                 WinTerminate( ▓HAB hab)
  1909. WTA
  1910. WinTerminateApp              WinTerminateApp( ▓HAPP happ)
  1911. WT
  1912. WinThrow                     WinThrow( ▓PCATCHBUF pcatchbuf,
  1913.                                        SHORT nThrowBack)
  1914. WTR
  1915. WinTrackRect                 WinTrackRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1916.                                            HPS hps,
  1917.                                            PTRACKINFO pti)
  1918. WTA
  1919. WinTranslateAccel            WinTranslateAccel( ▓HAB hab,
  1920.                                                 HWND hwnd,
  1921.                                                 HACCEL haccel,
  1922.                                                 PQMSG pqmsg)
  1923. WUR
  1924. WinUnionRect                 WinUnionRect( ▓HAB hab,
  1925.                                            PRECTL prclDst,
  1926.                                            PRECTL prclSrc1,
  1927.                                            PRECTL prclSrc2)
  1928. WUW
  1929. WinUpdateWindow              WinUpdateWindow( ▓HWND hwnd)
  1930. WU
  1931. WinUpper                     WinUpper( ▓HAB hab,
  1932.                                        USHORT idcp,
  1933.                                        USHORT idcc,
  1934.                                        PSZ psz)
  1935. WUC
  1936. WinUpperChar                 WinUpperChar( ▓HAB hab,
  1937.                                            USHORT idcp,
  1938.                                            USHORT idcc,
  1939.                                            USHORT c)
  1940. WVR
  1941. WinValidateRect              WinValidateRect( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1942.                                               PRECTL prcl,
  1943.                                               BOOL fIncludeChildren)
  1944. WVR
  1945. WinValidateRegion            WinValidateRegion( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1946.                                                 HRGN hrgn,
  1947.                                                 BOOL fIncludeChildren)
  1948. WWM
  1949. WinWaitMsg                   WinWaitMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  1950.                                          USHORT msgFirst,
  1951.                                          USHORT msgLast)
  1952. WWFDC
  1953. WinWindowFromDC              WinWindowFromDC( ▓HDC hdc)
  1954. WWFID
  1955. WinWindowFromID              WinWindowFromID( ▓HWND hwndParent,
  1956.                                               USHORT id)
  1957. WWFP
  1958. WinWindowFromPoint           WinWindowFromPoint( ▓HWND hwnd,
  1959.                                                  PPOINTL pptl,
  1960.                                                  BOOL fChildren,
  1961.                                                  BOOL fLock)
  1962. WWPD
  1963. WinWriteProfileData          WinWriteProfileData( ▓HAB hab,
  1964.                                                   PSZ pszAppName,
  1965.                                                   PSZ pszKeyName,
  1966.                                                   PVOID pValue,
  1967.                                                   USHORT usSize)
  1968. WWPS
  1969. WinWriteProfileString        WinWriteProfileString( ▓HAB hab,
  1970.                                                     PSZ pszAppName,
  1971.                                                     PSZ pszKeyName,
  1972.                                                     PSZ pszValue)
  1973. /**************************************************************************/
  1974. /*     FUNCTIONS SUPPLIED BY APPLICATIONS                                 */
  1975. /**************************************************************************/
  1976. CPCH
  1977. CodePageChangeHook           VOID EXPENTRY CodePageChangeHook( ▓HMQ hmq,
  1978.                                                                USHORT usOldCodePage,
  1979.                                                                USHORT usNewCodePage)
  1980.                              {
  1981.                              } // end CodePageChangeHook
  1982. HH
  1983. HelpHook                     BOOL EXPENTRY HelpHook( ▓HAB hab,
  1984.                                                      SHORT sMode,
  1985.                                                      SHORT sTopic,
  1986.                                                      SHORT sSubTopic,
  1987.                                                      PRECTL prclPosition)
  1988.                              {
  1989.                              } // end HelpHook
  1990. IH
  1991. Input Hook                   BOOL EXPENTRY InputHook( ▓HAB hab,
  1992.                                                       PQMSG pqmsg,
  1993.                                                       USHORT fsOptions)
  1994.                              {
  1995.                              } // end InputHook
  1996. JPH
  1997. JournalPlaybackHook          LONG EXPENTRY JournalPlaybackHook( ▓HAB hab,
  1998.                                                                 PQMSG pqmsg,
  1999.                                                                 BOOL fSkip)
  2000.                              {
  2001.                              } // end JournalPlaybackHook
  2002. JRH
  2003. JournalRecordHook            BOOL EXPENTRY JournalRecordHook( ▓HAB hab,
  2004.                                                               PQMSG pqmsg)
  2005.                              {
  2006.                              } // end JournalRecordHook
  2007. LH
  2008. LoaderHook                   BOOL EXPENTRY LoaderHook( ▓HAB hab,
  2009.                                                        SHORT sContext,
  2010.                                                        PSZ pszLibName,
  2011.                                                        PHLIB phlibLibHandle,
  2012.                                                        PSZ pszProcName,
  2013.                                                        PFN pwndProc
  2014.                                                        PBOOL fSuccess)
  2015.                              {
  2016.                              } // end LoaderHook
  2017. MCH
  2018. MsgCtlHook                   BOOL EXPENTRY MsgCtlHook( ▓HAB hab,
  2019.                                                        SHORT sContext,
  2020.                                                        HWND hwnd,
  2021.                                                        PSZ pszClassName,
  2022.                                                        USHORT usMsgClass,
  2023.                                                        SHORT sControl,
  2024.                                                        PBOOL fSuccess)
  2025.                              {
  2026.                              } // end MsgCtlHook
  2027. MFH
  2028. MsgFilterHook                BOOL EXPENTRY MsgFilterHook( ▓HAB hab,
  2029.                                                           PQMSG pqmsg,
  2030.                                                           USHORT usContext)
  2031.                              {
  2032.                              } // end MsgFilterHook
  2033. RUM
  2034. RegisterUserMsg              BOOL EXPENTRY RegisterUserMsg( ▓HAB hab,
  2035.                                                             SHORT sContext,
  2036.                                                             USHORT usMsgID,
  2037.                                                             SHORT sType1,
  2038.                                                             SHORT sDir1,
  2039.                                                             SHORT sType2,
  2040.                                                             SHORT sDir2,
  2041.                                                             SHORT sTyper,
  2042.                                                             SHORT sCount,
  2043.                                                             PSHORT asTypes,
  2044.                                                             PBOOL fSuccess)
  2045.                              {
  2046.                              } // end RegisterUserMsg
  2047. SMH
  2048. SendMsgHook                  VOID EXPENTRY SendMsgHook( ▓HAB hab,
  2049.                                                         PSMHSTRUCT psmhsSMH,
  2050.                                                         BOOL fInterTask)
  2051.                              {
  2052.                              } // end SendMsgHook
  2053. MWP
  2054. MainWindowProc               MRESULT EXPENTRY MainWindowProc( ▓HWND hWnd,
  2055.                                                               USHORT Msg,
  2056.                                                               MPARAM mp1,
  2057.                                                               MPARAM mp2)
  2058.                              {
  2059.                                switch( Msg ) {
  2060.                                  case WM_▓????: {
  2061.                                  } break;
  2062.                                  default: {
  2063.                                    return WinDefWindowProc( hWnd, Msg, mp1, mp2 );
  2064.                                  } break;
  2065.                                } // end switch
  2066.                                return 0L;
  2067.                              } // end MainWindowProc
  2068. /**************************************************************************/
  2069. /*     PM-KIT                                                             */
  2070. /**************************************************************************/
  2071. MENU                         MENU ID_▓?????? LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE
  2072.                              BEGIN
  2073.                                  SUBMENU         "~Action1",        MID_ACTION1
  2074.                                    BEGIN
  2075.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown11",     MID_PULLDOWN11
  2076.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown12",     MID_PULLDOWN12
  2077.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown13",     MID_PULLDOWN13
  2078.                                    END
  2079.                                  SUBMENU         "~Action2",        MID_ACTION2
  2080.                                    BEGIN
  2081.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown21",     MID_PULLDOWN21
  2082.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown22",     MID_PULLDOWN22
  2083.                                      MENUITEM    "~PullDown23",     MID_PULLDOWN23
  2084.                                    END
  2085.                                  MENUITEM        "Help",            MID_HELP, MIS_HELP | MIS_BUTTONSEPARATOR
  2086.                              END
  2087. ACCEL                        ACCELTABLE ID_PMMAIN
  2088.                              BEGIN
  2089.                                VK_F1, MID_HELP,      VIRTUALKEY
  2090.                                VK_F3, MID_PULLDOWN▓?, VIRTUALKEY
  2091.                              END
  2092. STRING                       STRINGTABLE
  2093.                              BEGIN
  2094.                                SID_STRING1, "▓Text of string 1"
  2095.                                SID_STRING2, "Text of string 2"
  2096.                              END