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Ver 1.0
Copyright 1993
P.O. Box 641123
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1123
TIFF2EPS is designed to convert Line Art (1 bit) TIFF images into Encap-
sulated PostScript (EPS) files which will work with any Desk Top Publishing
program. The resulting EPS file will be far more compact (10% to 20% of the
bit map produced by the TIFF), will image in far less time than the TIFF
bit map, and will suffer no loss in resolution. When sending a job to a
printer or service bureau the EPS files will produce far smaller PostScript
files taking less disk space, and will help avoid excess imaging charges
for pages that require more than the usual amount of imaging time. NOTE:
EPS file will only work with PostScript printers, do not try to use EPS files
with Hewlett-Packard LaserJet or dot matrix printers.
TIFF2EPS is a PC based program which can handle both PC and MAC generated
TIFF files.
a. When started, it will first ask you whether you want a low
resolution image. This helps you see what you are placing in DeskTop
Publishing programs but cannot be handled by all word processing programs.
(For testing purposes an EPS file without the "low res" portion can be sent
to any PostScript printer and will image in the lower left corner.)
b. Second, the program will ask if the output is to be negative or positive.
This is because some scanner software produces compressed images in the
negative rather than positive mode. Although the TIFF format has a clue
to tell how to interpret these images, we have found that some do not use
it properly. This instruction allows you to correct for this should it
prove a problem with your scanner software. It also allows you to change
the image polarity at will should this be desirable.
c. Third, the program asks if the output is to be used on a PC using either
parallel or serial printer connection. (For a Mac or if you have a PC
Apple-Talk or Ether-Net board saying "N"o will produce a smaller EPS file.
For serial or parallel you need Hex code, for Mac you can use Binary data.)
d. Fourth, the program asks if you want to rotate the image 90 degrees counter-
clockwise, this permits you to scan a full landscape page and place it
onto any page, portrait or landscape.
e. Fifth, the program will ask for the name of the TIFF file to translate.
(The program automatically appends an extention of ".TIF" so you may
eliminate typing that if you wish.) You must enter the extention if it
is not ".TIF".
f. Sixth, it will then ask you for the name of the resulting file. The
program assumes an extention of ".EPS" but will allow you to enter another
should you desire.
(The "F1" and "F3" keys work similar to DOS should you desire to avoid
retyping names. Wild cards "*" and "?" also work similar to DOS.)
With no further input required the program will convert the image, create
the new EPS file and ask if you wish to convert another. You may abort
the creation of the EPS file at any time by typing <CTRL> C or <ALT> C. When
the file is finished, the program shows how many lines of image were created
and asks if you wish to translate another file. If a Wild card is used in the
fifth step (eg. TIFF to translate = *) the program will assume the same first
name is desired, overwrite any existing .EPS file by the same name, and will
continue to obtain and translate files until all matching files have been
processed. At that point, control will be returned to the user. Only items
five and six are repeated for subsequent image translated, to change any of
the top four, exit the program and begin again.
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Expected Benefits
The EPS file will be about 10% to 20% of the size of the uncompressed
TIFF - depending on image density, presence of low-res image, and
if data is Hex or Binary format.
The EPS image will load and display faster in any DeskTop Publishing
Program than the origional TIFF.
When printing or creating a PostScript file to disk, the DeskTop
Publishing Program will not have to create a bit map of the image
saving a significant amount of time per image.
The amount of data sent to the printer will be around 10% to 20% of
the bit map size saving significant transfer time.
The file size resulting from a Print to Disk operation will be
significantly smaller saving disk space and transfer time.
The EPS files can be compressed and re-expanded by current compression
software with no ill effects.
The EPS files may be used anywhere a TIFF file was used as long as the
expected output will be in PostScript.
The EPS image can be rotated or made negative as needed without requiring
any additional time in the creation process.
Since most RIPs can create a bit map from PostScript code far faster
than they can import them through existing data links the imaging
time (and therefore charges) are greatly reduced.
Provides all the advantages of Level II PostScript image compression
capabilities on Level I PostScript engines and all existing DeskTop
Publishing and Word Processing programs.
Current restrictions are:
The image must be 1 bit per sample only.
Compressed TIFFs using the LZW compression (type 5) will not work, any
other compression type is okay.
The TIFF must be a one page image not several pieces that make up
one image.
Current known problems are:
Many word processors cannot accept the EPS file with the low resolution
image but will work fine with EPS files created without the low
resolution image.
Aldus FreeHand and Corel Draw both complain that the files created are
not true EPS and refuse to load them. Both are very restrictive in
the file structures they will accept, Corel gives a choice of only
Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator created files for EPS.
This BBS download version of TIFF2EPS will produce all the same results as
the registered version permitting testing and verification of the savings in
time and disk space with no loss of resolution. It will, however, place the
PreSSoft name, and address in the lower left corner of any resulting image.
For a registered version of the program and notification of upgrades to the
program please send $35 to:
TIFF2EPS offer
P.O. Box 641123
Los Angeles, CA 90064-1123
(California residents please add 8.25% sales tax - $2.89)
Please specify 3.5 inch or 5.25 inch floppy
Allow 3 to 4 weeks for delivery.
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Please feel free to share this BBS version with anyone interested in
exploring the possible time and disk space savings offered by conversion
to compressed .EPS files. This software remains the property of PreSSofT.
PreSSofT makes no claim on the resultant .EPS files produced by the program,
they may be distributed to anyone without fear of violating PreSSofT's
copyright protections.
PreSSoft assumes no liability for the software and the .EPS files produced
except that PreSSofT warrants the program and documentation to be free of
defects and will gladly replace the software or correct any problems brought
to our attention. In no event will PreSSofT's liability for any damages to
you or any other person ever exceed the price of the software, regardless
of any form of the claim.
PostScript is a registerd trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.
TIFF - Tagged Image File Format - is an image description format designed
by Aldus and Microsoft in conjunction with leading scanner vendors.
EPS - Encapsulated PostScript - is an Adobe designed method for importing
complete PostScript programs into other PostScript Programs.