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Copyright (c)1991 by P.A.Geelen, Amsterdam
This program was put in the Public Domain by the author. It may
be distributed freely. It may not be sold, nor be made part of
anything that is sold.
NOTE: My latest programs and updates can
always be found at ABBS, 03240-62502/62504
What is HercView
HERCVIEW is meant to display GIF files on a 720x348 Hercules monochrome
screen. Its main purpose was to allow the display of 16 and 256-color
pictures, even very large ones.
It offers zooming (enlarging certain parts of the picture) and scrolling,
random dithering, halftoning, and many other options to manipulate the output.
HERCVIEW also allows manipulation of BRIGHTNESS and CONTRAST.
With BRIGHTNESS, obviously, you can manipulate how "white" (light) the
picture is. With CONTRAST you can (sometimes) get more detail: higher
contrast means that dark-gray becomes darker and light-gray becomes
lighter. If your picture has a lot of different shades of almost-the-same
gray, it may help to increase the contrast. Just experminent.
The Histo[G]ram-option will offer suggestions for brightness and contrast.
Then there are several other options, such as horizontal flipping (mirroring),
inverse display, 50/50 colormap reduction, and the possibility to make a
color histogram graph of the selected part of the picture.
You can use the TAB-key to switch between display pages. Thus, you can
compare different ways of displaying a picture. A "HELP"-page is included.
I tried to make the program as fast as possible. Version 1.1, however,
has become slightly slower due to the overhead of handling very large
When you start the program, you will get an easy-to-use file selection
window. You will only be able to pick files with the extention ".GIF".
Move the cursor-bar with the arrow-keys, PgUp, PgDn, HOME and END.
Pressing a key will move the cursor to the file starting with that
character. Pressing RETURN selects a file. Pressing RETURN on a
directory changes to that directory.
The selected file will first be read in and decoded. Then, the program
will start with a 300%x200% Halftoning zoom of part of the picture. You
can now use the following keys to manipulate what you are seeing:
Display Modes:
F1,S : swicth to SPARSE display
F2,N : switch to NORMAL display
F3,D : switch to DITHERED display
RANDOM DITHERING: the "lighter" the color of a pixel, the more
chance a certain dot has of being "white". A large area of
light-gray will thus be displayed with more white dots than a
large area of dark gray.
F4,H : switch to HALFTONE display
HALFTONING: only possible when enlarging. It simply comes down
to replacing one pixel with several (dithered) dots.
F5,O : switch to OLD HALFTONE display
("simple" halftoning, used in versions 1.0, 1.1 and 1.2)
F6,L : switch to SLANTED HALFTONE display
Regular slanted halftoning. Often best for large zooms.
F7,T : switch to RANDOM HALFTONE display
Fully random halftoning.
NOTE: Each time you press 'T', new halftone patterns are
created. Sometimes pressing 'T' again improves the quality.
F8,P : switch to PICTOGRAM display
Dots are output only where the pixel-brightness changes abruptly.
The effect is an "outline" of the main objects displayed
(depending on the contrast).
I : invert the colors (negative display)
F : flip the picture horizontally (mirror display)
Panning and zooming:
: to position your viewport over the picture
SHIFT-UP-arrow, SHIFT-DOWN-arrow
: make the vertical scale smaller/larger.
: make the horizontal scale smaller/larger.
W : WINDOW option: allows you to select your viewport
from a full-screen display.
R : REAL REDUCTION: the actual pixels are combined to yield
a 50% x 50% version of the picture. This may take some
time. The operation can not be undone: to get the original
size back, re-load the picture.
This option is meant only for pictures that are larger than
the screen (i.e. even if not enlarged)
Brightness and Contrast
+,- : brighter/less bright (brightness ranges from 0-255)
INS,DEL : more/less contrast (contrast is represented by percentages)
(same as ">" and "<")
Other options:
SPACEBAR : START DRAWING or REDRAW from the top of the screen
B : BREAK: stop drawing
TAB : switch between display pages
G : Shows (actual) color histogram of what is displayed,
and offers suggestion for brightness and contrast.
? : shows a help page.
/ : hide the status line (use full screen)
Version History
1.0 - 29/04/1991
Original double-buffered HercView
1.1 - 16/05/1991
Triple-buffered HercView: allows reading of very large files.
Histogram option added.
1.2 - 19/05/1991
Some optimizations. Improved dithering.
Added [P]ictogram display mode, [F]lip horizontal, [I]nvert,
and the HELP facility.
1.3 - 22/05/1991
Speed optimizations. Added [B]reak option, TAB page-switching,
[/]-hide bottomline. New [H]alftoning (adding [O] option),
and added random and slanted halftoning ([L] and [T] option).
Added [W]indow option, and support for function keys.
1.31- 25/05/1991
Fixed drive-change in file selection window