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Asymetrix ToolBook File  |  1997-10-03  |  22KB  |  184 lines

  1. @    (    (    K
  2. *ClassTbl*
  3. *ClassEntry*
  4. *PTABLE*
  8. *ICONRES*
  9. Background
  10. *OBJTABLE*
  11. *IDTABLE*
  12. *NAMETAB*
  13. Rectangle
  14. Ellipse
  15. RoundedRectangle
  16. Polygon
  17. IrregularPolygon
  18. AngledLine
  19. Curve
  20. PaintObject
  21. Picture
  22. Group
  23. Stage
  24. Button
  25. Viewer
  26. ComboBox
  27. Field
  28. RecordField
  29. Hotword
  30. *RHOTWORD*
  31. *TbxBase*
  32.     (    ewer
  33. bxBase*
  34.     (    bxBase*
  35. <BookPath>
  37. Arial
  38. enterPage
  39. <> ""
  40. first
  41. buttonClick
  42. female
  43. Female
  44. First Name:
  45. Last Name::
  46. Age:t Name:
  47. Grade:Completed:mpleted:
  48. grade
  49. grade
  50. selectChange
  51. grade
  52. enterPage
  53. 9th or less
  54. Freshman College
  55. Junior College
  56. Senior College
  57. Bachelor Degree
  58. Masters Degree
  59. Doctorate Degree
  60. Medical Degree
  61. occupation
  62. Occupation:
  63. years
  64. Employer:::
  65. Employer
  66. Years in Field:
  67. hobbies
  68. Hobbies:on:
  69. sports
  70. Sports::on:
  71. community
  72. Community::
  73. authors
  74. Authors:on:
  75. Music
  76. Music:s:on:
  77. notes
  78. Notes:er:::
  79. buttonClick
  80. Next >
  81. buttonClick
  82. < Previous
  83. Cancel
  84. cancel
  85. Delete Current Record. Are you sure?
  86. buttonClick
  87. Delete
  88. buttonClick
  89. buttonClick
  90. -%,    #>
  91. enterPage
  92. 1 of 1
  93. result1
  94. result2
  95. result3
  96. result4
  97. result5
  98. S/N:s:er:::
  99. T/F:s:er:::
  100. J/P:s:er:::
  101. I/E:s:er:::
  102. NT/NF/SJ/SP:
  103. Percentages::
  104. enterPage
  105. &File
  106. &Open...    Ctrl+O
  107. &Save    Ctrl+S
  108. Save &As...
  109. saveas
  110. &Import...
  111. import
  112. &Export...
  113. export
  114. Print Set&up...
  115. printsetup
  116. &Print Pages...    Ctrl+P
  117. printpages
  118. Prin&t Report...
  119. printreport
  120. Send &Mail...
  121. sendmail
  122. &Run...
  123. E&xit    Alt+F4
  124. &Edit
  125. &Undo    Ctrl+Z
  126. Cu&t    Ctrl+X
  127. &Copy    Ctrl+C
  128. &Paste    Ctrl+V
  129. paste
  130. C&lear    Del
  131. clear
  132. Select &All    Shift+F9
  133. selectall
  134. Select Pa&ge    Shift+F12
  135. selectpage
  136. &Size to Page    F11
  137. sizetopage
  138. F&ind...    F5
  139. Re&place...
  140. replace
  141. Aut&hor    F3
  142. author
  143. &Text
  144. &Character...    F6
  145. character
  146. &Paragraph...    F7
  147. paragraph
  148. &Regular    Ctrl+Space
  149. regular
  150. &Bold    Ctrl+B
  151. &Italic    Ctrl+I
  152. italic
  153. &Underline    Ctrl+U
  154. underline
  155. Stri&keout    Ctrl+K
  156. strikeout
  157. Superscrip&t/Subscript
  158. superscriptSubscript
  159. &Normal Script
  160. normalscript
  161. Su&bscript    Ctrl+L
  162. subscript
  163. Su&perscript    Ctrl+Shift+L
  164. superscript
  165. &Show Hotwords    F9
  166. showhotwords
  167. &Page
  168. &Next    Alt+Right
  169. &Previous    Alt+Left
  170. previous
  171. &First    Alt+Up
  172. first
  173. &Last    Alt+Down
  174. &Back    Shift+F2
  175. &History...    Ctrl+F2
  176. history
  177. N&ew Page    Ctrl+N
  178. newpage
  179. &Help
  180. &Contents    F1
  181. contents
  182. Status &Bar    F12
  183. statusbar