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Text File  |  1993-08-12  |  25KB  |  375 lines

  1. <DDJ Undoc Corner -- NCP -- figures>
  3. Table 1: NCP request packet
  5. byte 0-1   - Packet type, 2 bytes (see Table 3)
  6. byte 2     - Packet sequence number, 1 byte
  7. byte 3     - Server connection number, low, 1 byte
  8. byte 4     - Client task number, 1 byte
  9. byte 5     - Server connection number, high, 1 byte
  10. byte 6     - NCP function code, 1 byte (see Table 4)
  11. byte 7-8   - Subfunction length, 2 bytes, hi/lo (optional)
  12. byte 9     - NCP subfunction code, 1 byte (optional; see Table 4)
  13. byte 10... - Request data (optional)
  15. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Table 2: NCP reply packet
  19. byte 0-1   - Packet type, 2 bytes (see Table 3)
  20. byte 2     - Packet sequence number, 1 byte
  21. byte 3     - Server connection number, low, 1 byte
  22. byte 4     - Server task number, 1 byte
  23. byte 5     - Server connection number, high, 1 byte
  24. byte 6     - Completion code
  25. byte 7     - Connection status
  26. byte 8...  - Reply data (optional)
  28. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
  30. Table 3: NCP packet types
  32. 0x1111 - Allocate Slot Request
  33. 0x2222 - Request (see Table 4)
  34. 0x3333 - Reply
  35. 0x5555 - Deallocate Slot Request
  36. 0x7777 - NCP Burst packet (request/reply)
  37. 0x9999 - Positive Acknowledge
  39. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
  41. Table 4: NCP functions and subfunctions
  43.      Function name                                    Function  Subfunction
  44.                                                         code      code
  46. Abort Servicing Queue Job And File                      0x17      0x73
  47. Add Audit Property                                      0x58      0x02
  48. Add Bindery Object to Set                               0x17      0x41
  49. Add Trustee to Directory                                0x16      0x0D
  50. AFP Alloc Temporary Dir Handle                          0x23      0x0B
  51. AFP Create Directory                                    0x23      0x01
  52. AFP Create File                                         0x23      0x02
  53. AFP Delete                                              0x23      0x03
  54. AFP Get Entry ID From Name                              0x23      0x04
  55. AFP Get Entry ID From Netware Handle                    0x23      0x06
  56. AFP Get Entry ID From Path Name                         0x23      0x0C
  57. AFP Get File Information                                0x23      0x05
  58. AFP Open File Fork                                      0x23      0x08
  59. AFP Rename                                              0x23      0x07
  60. AFP Scan File Information                               0x23      0x0A
  61. AFP Set File Information                                0x23      0x09
  62. Allocate Permanent Directory Handle                     0x16      0x12
  63. Allocate Resource                                       0x0F      None
  64. Allocate Special Temporary Directory Handle             0x16      0x16
  65. Allocate Temp NS Dir Handle                             0x57      0x0C
  66. Allocate Temporary Directory Handle                     0x16      0x13
  67. Allow Task Access To File                               0x4E      None
  68. Attach Queue Server To Queue                            0x17      0x6F
  69. Broadcast to Console                                    0x15      0x09
  70. Change Auditor Password                                 0x58      0x04
  71. Change Bindery Object Password                          0x17      0x40
  72. Change Bindery Object Password Encrypted                0x17      0x4B
  73. Change Bindery Object Security                          0x17      0x38
  74. Change Property Security                                0x17      0x3B
  75. Change Queue Job Entry                                  0x17      0x6D
  76. Change Queue Job Position                               0x17      0x6E
  77. Change To Client Rights                                 0x17      0x74
  78. Change User Password                                    0x17      0x01
  79. Check Audit Access                                      0x58      0x05
  80. Check Audit Level Two Access                            0x58      0x16
  81. Check Console Privileges                                0x17      0xC8
  82. Check Pipe Status                                       0x15      0x08
  83. Clear Connection Number                                 0x17      0xD2
  84. Clear File                                              0x07      None
  85. Clear File Set                                          0x08      None
  86. Clear Logical Record                                    0x0B      None
  87. Clear Logical Record Set                                0x0E      None
  88. Clear Physical Record                                   0x1E      None
  89. Clear Physical Record Set                               0x1F      None
  90. Clear Volume Restrictions                               0x16      0x22
  91. Close And Queue Capture File                            0x11      0x01
  92. Close Bindery                                           0x17      0x44
  93. Close File And Start Job Queue                          0x17      0x69
  94. Close Message Pipe                                      0x15      0x07
  95. Close Old Auditing File                                 0x58      0x14
  96. Close Semaphore                                         0x20      0x04
  97. Commit File                                             0x3D      None
  98. Create Bindery Object                                   0x17      0x32
  99. Create Directory                                        0x16      0x0A
  100. Create New File                                         0x4D      None
  101. Create Property                                         0x17      0x39
  102. Create Queue                                            0x17      0x64
  103. Create Queue Job And File                               0x17      0x68
  104. Deallocate Directory Handle                             0x16      0x14
  105. Deallocate Resource                                     0x10      None
  106. Delete Bindery Object                                   0x17      0x33
  107. Delete Bindery Object From Set                          0x17      0x42
  108. Delete Directory                                        0x16      0x0B
  109. Delete Old Auditing File                                0x58      0x15
  110. Delete Property                                         0x17      0x3A
  111. Delete Trustee                                          0x16      0x2B
  112. Delete Trustee From Directory                           0x16      0x0E
  113. Destroy Queue                                           0x17      0x65
  114. Detach Queue Server From Queue                          0x17      0x70
  115. Disable Auditing On Volume                              0x58      0x07
  116. Disable Station Broadcasts                              0x15      0x02
  117. Disable File Server Login                               0x17      0xCB
  118. Disable Transaction Tracking                            0x17      0xCF
  119. Down File Server                                        0x17      0xD3
  120. Enable Auditing On Volume                               0x58      0x08
  121. Enable Station Broadcasts                               0x15      0x03
  122. Enable File Server Login                                0x17      0xCC
  123. Enable Transaction Tracking                             0x17      0xD0
  124. End Of Job                                              0x18      None
  125. Enter Login Area                                        0x17      0x0A
  126. Erase Files                                             0x44      None
  127. Examine Semaphore                                       0x20      0x01
  128. File Close                                              0x42      None
  129. File Create                                             0x43      None
  130. File Open                                               0x4C      None
  131. File Read                                               0x48      None
  132. File Release Lock                                       0x02      None
  133. File Rename                                             0x45      None
  134. File Search Continue                                    0x3F      None
  135. File Search Initialize                                  0x3E      None
  136. File Server Copy                                        0x4A      None
  137. File Set Lock                                           0x01      None
  138. File Write                                              0x49      None
  139. Fill Name Space Buffer                                  0x16      0x2F
  140. Finish Servicing Queue Job And File                     0x17      0x72
  141. Get Account Status                                      0x17      0x96
  142. Get Active Connection List By Type                      0x7B      0x0E
  143. Get Active LAN Board List                               0x7B      0x14
  144. Get Active Protocol Stacks                              0x7B      0x28
  145. Get Auditing Flags                                      0x58      0x13
  146. Get Bindery Access Level                                0x17      0x46
  147. Get Bindery Object Access Level                         0x17      0x48
  148. Get Bindery Object Disk Space Left                      0x17      0xE6
  149. Get Bindery Object ID                                   0x17      0x35
  150. Get Bindery Object Name                                 0x17      0x36
  151. Get Broadcast Message                                   0x15      0x01
  152. Get Cache Information                                   0x7B      0x01
  153. Get Connection Information                              0x17      0x16
  154. Get Connection List From Object                         0x17      0x1F
  155. Get Connection's Open Files                             0x17      0xDB
  156. Get Connection's Semaphores                             0x17      0xE1
  157. Get Connection's Task Information                       0x17      0xDA
  158. Get Connection's Usage Statistics                       0x17      0xE5
  159. Get Connections Using A File                            0x17      0xDC
  160. Get CPU Information                                     0x7B      0x08
  161. Get Dir Entry                                           0x16      0x1F
  162. Get Dir Info                                            0x16      0x2D
  163. Get Directory Base                                      0x57      0x16
  164. Get Directory Cache Information                         0x7B      0x0C
  165. Get Directory Path                                      0x16      0x01
  166. Get Disk Cache Statistics                               0x17      0xD6
  167. Get Disk Channel Statistics                             0x17      0xD9
  168. Get Disk Utilization                                    0x17      0x0E
  169. Get DM Info                                             0x5A      0x01
  170. Get Drive Mapping Table                                 0x17      0xD7
  171. Get Effective Directory Rights                          0x16      0x03
  172. Get Effective Rights                                    0x16      0x2A
  173. Get Encryption Key                                      0x17      0x17
  174. Get Extended Volume Info                                0x16      0x33
  175. Get File Bit Map                                        0x55      None
  176. Get File Server Date And Time                           0x14      None
  177. Get File Server Description Strings                     0x17      0xC9
  178. Get File Server Information                             0x17      0x11
  179. Get File Server Information                             0x7B      0x02
  180. Get File Server LAN I/O Statistics                      0x17      0xE7
  181. Get File Server Login Status                            0x17      0xCD
  182. Get File Server Misc Information                        0x17      0xE8
  183. Get File Size                                           0x47      None
  184. Get File System Statistics                              0x17      0xD4
  185. Get Garbage Collection Information                      0x7B      0x07
  186. Get General Router And SAP Information                  0x7B      0x32
  187. Get Internet Address                                    0x17      0x13
  188. Get IPX/SPX Information                                 0x7B      0x06
  189. Get Known Networks Information                          0x7B      0x35
  190. Get Known Servers Information                           0x7B      0x38
  191. Get LAN Common Counters Information                     0x7B      0x16
  192. Get LAN Config Strings                                  0x7B      0x18
  193. Get LAN Configuration Information                       0x7B      0x15
  194. Get LAN Custom Counters Information                     0x7B      0x17
  195. Get LAN Driver's Configuration Information              0x17      0xE3
  196. Get Loaded Media Number List                            0x7B      0x2F
  197. Get Logical Record Information                          0x17      0xE0
  198. Get Logical Records By Connection                       0x17      0xDF
  199. Get LSL Information                                     0x7B      0x19
  200. Get LSL Logical Board Statistics                        0x7B      0x1A
  201. Get Media Manager Object Children List                  0x7B      0x20
  202. Get Media Manager Object Information                    0x7B      0x1E
  203. Get Media Manager Object List                           0x7B      0x1F
  204. Get Media Name By Media Number                          0x7B      0x2E
  205. Get Member Set M of Group G                             0x17      0x09
  206. Get Name Space Entry                                    0x16      0x30
  207. Get NetWare File Systems Information                    0x7B      0x03
  208. Get Network Router Information                          0x7B      0x33
  209. Get Network Routers Information                         0x7B      0x34
  210. Get Network Serial Number                               0x17      0x12
  211. Get NLM Information                                     0x7B      0x0B
  212. Get NLM Loaded List                                     0x7B      0x0A
  213. Get NLM's Resource Tag List                             0x7B      0x0F
  214. Get NS Entry Info                                       0x57      0x06
  215. Get NS Info                                             0x57      0x17
  216. Get NS Path                                             0x57      0x1C
  217. Get Object Connection Numbers                           0x17      0x15
  218. Get Object Disk Restrictions                            0x16      0x29
  219. Get Object Effective Rights                             0x16      0x32
  220. Get OS Version Information                              0x7B      0x0D
  221. Get Packet Burst Information                            0x7B      0x05
  222. Get Path From Directory Entry                           0x16      0x1A
  223. Get Personal Message                                    0x15      0x05
  224. Get Physical Disk Statistics                            0x17      0xD8
  225. Get Physical Record Locks By Connection And File        0x17      0xDD
  226. Get Physical Record Locks By File                       0x17      0xDE
  227. Get Printer Queue                                       0x11      0x0A
  228. Get Printer Status                                      0x11      0x06
  229. Get Protocol Stack Configuration Information            0x7B      0x29
  230. Get Protocol Stack Custom Information                   0x7B      0x2B
  231. Get Protocol Stack Numbers By LAN Board Number          0x7B      0x2D
  232. Get Protocol Stack Numbers By Media Number              0x7B      0x2C
  233. Get Protocol Stack Statistics Information               0x7B      0x2A
  234. Get Queue Job List                                      0x17      0x6B
  235. Get Queue Job's File Size                               0x17      0x78
  236. Get RelationOf An Object                                0x17      0x4C
  237. Get Semaphore Information                               0x17      0xE2
  238. Get Server Information                                  0x7B      0x36
  239. Get Server Set Categories                               0x7B      0x3D
  240. Get Server Set Commands Information                     0x7B      0x3C
  241. Get Spool Queue Entry                                   0x11      0x04
  242. Get Station Number                                      0x13      None
  243. Get Station's Logged Information                        0x17      0x05
  244. Get User Information                                    0x7B      0x04
  245. Get Volume Audit Statistics                             0x58      0x01
  246. Get Volume Info With Handle                             0x16      0x15
  247. Get Volume Info with Number                             0x12      None
  248. Get Volume Information                                  0x17      0xE9
  249. Get Volume Name                                         0x16      0x06
  250. Get Volume Number                                       0x16      0x05
  251. Get Volume Segment List                                 0x7B      0x21
  252. Get Volume Switch Information                           0x7B      0x09
  253. Get Volume Usage                                        0x16      0x2C
  254. Is Bindery Object In Set                                0x17      0x43
  255. Is Station A Manager                                    0x17      0x49
  256. Is User Audited                                         0x58      0x09
  257. Lock File Set                                           0x04      None
  258. Lock Logical Record Set                                 0x0A      None
  259. Lock Physical Record Set                                0x1B      None
  260. Log File                                                0x03      None
  261. Log Logical Record                                      0x09      None
  262. Log Network Message                                     0x17      0x0D
  263. Log Physical Record                                     0x1A      None
  264. Login As Volume Editor                                  0x58      0x03
  265. Login Object                                            0x17      0x14
  266. Login Object Encrypted                                  0x17      0x18
  267. Login User Object                                       0x17      0x00
  268. Logout                                                  0x19      None
  269. Logout As Volume Auditor                                0x58      0x0D
  270. Map Directory Number To Path                            0x16      0xF3
  271. Map Number To Group Name                                0x17      0x08
  272. Map Number To Object                                    0x17      0x04
  273. Map Object To Number                                    0x17      0x03
  274. Map User To Station Set                                 0x17      0x02
  275. Modify Maximum Rights Mask                              0x16      0x04
  276. Move Entry                                              0x16      0x2E
  277. Negotiate Buffer                                        0x21      None
  278. Negotiate LIP Buffer                                    0x61      None
  279. Open Bindery                                            0x17      0x45
  280. Open Data Stream                                        0x16      0x31
  281. Open Message Pipe                                       0x15      0x06
  282. Open Semaphore                                          0x20      0x00
  283. Packet Burst Connection                                 0x65      None
  284. Purge All Erased Files                                  0x17      0xCE
  285. Purge Erased Files                                      0x16      0x10
  286. Purge Salvagable File                                   0x16      0x1D
  287. Read Audit Config Header                                0x58      0x0B
  288. Read Auditing Bit Map                                   0x58      0x0A
  289. Read Extended NS Info                                   0x57      0x1A
  290. Read NS Info                                            0x57      0x13
  291. Read Property Value                                     0x17      0x3D
  292. Read Queue Current Status                               0x17      0x66
  293. Read Queue Job Entry                                    0x17      0x6C
  294. Read Queue Server Current Status                        0x17      0x76
  295. Recover Salvagable File                                 0x16      0x1C
  296. Release File                                            0x05      None
  297. Release File Set                                        0x06      None
  298. Release Logical Record                                  0x0C      None
  299. Release Logical Record Set                              0x0D      None
  300. Release Physical Record                                 0x1C      None
  301. Release Physical Record Set                             0x1D      None
  302. Remove Audit Property                                   0x58      0x06
  303. Remove Entry From Spool Queue                           0x11      0x05
  304. Remove Job From Queue                                   0x17      0x6A
  305. Rename Bindery Object                                   0x17      0x34
  306. Rename Directory                                        0x16      0x0F
  307. Reset Audit History File                                0x58      0x0F
  308. Reset Auditing File                                     0x58      0x0E
  309. Restore Directory Handle                                0x16      0x18
  310. Restore Erased File                                     0x16      0x11
  311. Restore Queue Server Rights                             0x17      0x75
  312. Save Directory Handle                                   0x16      0x17
  313. Scan Bindery Object                                     0x17      0x37
  314. Scan Bindery Object Trustee Paths                       0x17      0x47
  315. Scan Dir Entry                                          0x16      0x1E
  316. Scan Dir Restrictions                                   0x16      0x23
  317. Scan Directory For Trustees                             0x16      0x0C
  318. Scan Directory Information                              0x16      0x02
  319. Scan Entry For Trustees                                 0x16      0x26
  320. Scan File Information                                   0x17      0x0F
  321. Scan File Physical                                      0x16      0x28
  322. Scan NS Entry Info                                      0x57      0x03
  323. Scan Property                                           0x17      0x3C
  324. Scan Salvagable Files                                   0x16      0x1B
  325. Scan Volume For Restrictions                            0x16      0x20
  326. Search File                                             0x40      None
  327. Send Broadcast Message                                  0x15      0x00
  328. Send Console Broadcast                                  0x17      0xD1
  329. Send Personal Message                                   0x15      0x04
  330. Service Queue Job And Open File                         0x17      0x71
  331. Set Dir Restriction                                     0x16      0x24
  332. Set Directory Handle                                    0x16      0x00
  333. Set Directory Information                               0x16      0x19
  334. Set Entry                                               0x16      0x25
  335. Set Extended File Attributes                            0x4F      None
  336. Set File Attributes                                     0x46      None
  337. Set File Information                                    0x17      0x10
  338. Set File Server Date And Time                           0x17      0xCA
  339. Set File Time And Date                                  0x4B      None
  340. Set NS Entry DOS Info                                   0x57      0x07
  341. Set Queue Current Status                                0x17      0x67
  342. Set Queue Server Current Status                         0x17      0x77
  343. Set Spool Flags                                         0x11      0x02
  344. Set Trustee                                             0x16      0x27
  345. Set Volume Restrictions                                 0x16      0x21
  346. Signal Semaphore                                        0x20      0x03
  347. Specify Capture File                                    0x11      0x09
  348. Spool Data To A Capture File                            0x11      0x00
  349. Spool Existing File                                     0x11      0x03
  350. Submit Account Charge                                   0x17      0x97
  351. Submit Account Hold                                     0x17      0x98
  352. Submit Account Note                                     0x17      0x99
  353. TTS Abort Transaction                                   0x22      0x03
  354. TTS Begin Transaction                                   0x22      0x01
  355. TTS End Transaction                                     0x22      0x02
  356. TTS Get Application Thresholds                          0x22      0x05
  357. TTS Get Control Flags                                   0x22      0x09
  358. TTS Get Statistics                                      0x17      0xD5
  359. TTS Get Workstation Thresholds                          0x22      0x07
  360. TTS Is Available                                        0x22      0x00
  361. TTS Set Application Thresholds                          0x22      0x06
  362. TTS Set Control Flags                                   0x22      0x0A
  363. TTS Set Workstation Thresholds                          0x22      0x08
  364. TTS Transaction Status                                  0x22      0x04
  365. Verify Bindery Object Password                          0x17      0x3F
  366. Verify Bindery Object Password Encrypted                0x17      0x4A
  367. Verify Network Serial Number                            0x17      0x0C
  368. Wait On Semaphore                                       0x20      0x02
  369. Write Audit Config Header                               0x58      0x11
  370. Write Auditing Bit Map                                  0x58      0x10
  371. Write Extended NS Info                                  0x57      0x1B
  372. Write NS Info                                           0x57      0x19
  373. Write Property Value                                    0x17      0x3E