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383 lines
* PM/Lite and PM/Pro Library
* Copyright (C) 1994 SciTech Software.
* All rights reserved.
* Filename: $RCSfile: pmode.h $
* Version: $Revision: 1.1 $
* Language: ANSI C
* Environment: Real mode and 16/32 bit Protected Mode under MSDOS
* Description: Header file for the DOS extender independant protected
* mode programming library. This library will need to be
* included in all programs that use SciTech Software's
* products that are to be compiled in protected mode.
* This library provides pre-built selectors for the BIOS
* data area and VGA frame buffer, and methods for allocating
* your own selectors for physical memory. It also returns
* appropriate selectors for accessing memory allocated in
* the low DOS 1Mb memory area, and routines for accessing
* memory through a selector and offset. By using selectors
* for accessing memory outside of the applications linear
* address space, your code will be fully DPMI compliant and
* will run under Windows 3.1 and OS/2 2.x DOS boxes.
* This Professional version of this library also provides
* simplified interrupt handling, allowing all common interrupt
* handlers to be hooked and handled directly with normal C
* functions, both in 16 bit and 32 bit modes. Note however that
* simplified handling does not mean slow performance! All low
* level interrupt handling is done efficiently in assembler
* for speed (well actually necessary to insulate the
* application from the lack of far pointers in 32 bit PM). The
* interrupt handlers currently supported are:
* Mouse (0x33 callback)
* Timer Tick (0x8)
* Keyboard (0x9)
* Control C/Break (0x23/0x1B)
* Critical Error (0x24)
* Note that all interrupt handlers are correctly hooked to
* ensure that control is always recieved in protected mode.
* Works with the following:
* Real Mode DOS (large memory model)
* 286 Extenders:
* Windows 3.1 DPMI
* Borland DPMI16
* 386 Extenders:
* Windows 3.1 DPMI (Win32s)
* Phar Lap TNT DOS Extender
* FlashTek DOSX/X32-VM
* Borland DPMI32
* Rational DOS/4GW
* DJGPP go32 for GNU C++ * NO SELECTORS YET!! *
* Currently supports the following compilers:
* Borland C++ 3.1
* Borland C++ 4.0, 16 bit
* Borland C++ 4.0, 32 bit
* Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5, 16 bit * NOT TESTED YET *
* Microsoft Visual C++ 1.5, 32 bit * NOT TESTED YET *
* Symantec C++ 6.1, 16 bit
* Symantec C++ 6.1, 32 bit
* Watcom C++ 10.0, 16 bit
* Watcom C++ 10.0, 32 bit
* Metaware High C++ 3.21, 32 bit
* DJGPP port of GNU C++, 32 bit * NO SELECTORS YET!! *
* $Id: pmode.h 1.1 1994/08/22 07:46:56 kjb release $
#ifndef __PMODE_H
#define __PMODE_H
#ifndef __DOS_H
#include <dos.h>
/*--------------------------- Macros and Typedefs -------------------------*/
/* You will need to define one of the following before you compile this
* library for it to work correctly with the DOS extender that you are
* using. If none is specified, it is assumed you are compiling for DOS
* real mode.
* REALMODE - Dos real mode
* WINDPMI16 - Windows 3.1 16 bit DPMI
* DPMI16 - Borland's DPMI16 DOS Power Pack Extender
* WINDPMI32 - Windows 3.1 32 bit DPMI
* TNT - Phar Lap TNT DOS Extender
* DOSX - Symantec C++ DOSX and Flashtek X32VM
* DPMI32 - Borland's DPMI32 DOS Power Pack Extender
* DOS4GW - Rational DOS/4GW and DOS/4GW Professional
* DJGPP - DJGPP port of GNU C++
* One of the following will be defined automatically for you when in
* protected mode (REALMODE will be defined otherwise):
* PM286 - 286 protected mode
* PM386 - 386 protected mode
#if defined(TNT) || defined(DOSX) || defined(DPMI32) || defined(DOS4GW) \
|| defined(DJGPP) || defined(WINDPMI32)
#define PM386
#elif defined(DPMI16) || defined(WINDPMI16)
#define PM286
#define REALMODE
/* Provide definitions for the real mode register structures passed to
* the PM_int86() and PM_int86x() routines.
#if defined(REALMODE) || defined(PM286) || defined(__SC__)
typedef union REGS RMREGS;
typedef struct SREGS RMSREGS;
struct _RMWORDREGS {
unsigned short ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, cflag, flags;
struct _RMBYTEREGS {
unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh;
typedef union {
struct _RMWORDREGS x;
struct _RMBYTEREGS h;
typedef struct {
unsigned short es;
unsigned short cs;
unsigned short ss;
unsigned short ds;
#ifdef DJGPP
#define _cdecl /* GCC doesn't know about _cdecl modifiers */
/* For the Metaware High C/C++ compiler, there is no _cdecl calling
* convention. The conventions can be changed, but it is a complicated
* process involving #pragmas, and all externally referenced functions
* will use stack based calling conventions. We also need to change the
* global aliasing conventions to use underscores for external function
* and variables names, so that our assembler routines will link
* correctly (except of course the main function - man what a PAIN!).
#ifdef __HIGHC__
#define _cdecl
#pragma Global_aliasing_convention("_%r")
extern main();
#pragma Alias(main,"main")
#ifndef __MSDOS__
#define __MSDOS__
/* Define a macro for creating physical base addresses from segment:offset */
#define MK_PHYS(s,o) (((unsigned long)(s) << 4) + (unsigned long)(o))
/* Define the different types of modes supported. This is a global variable
* that can be used to determine the type at runtime which will contain
* one of these values.
typedef enum {
} PM_mode_enum;
/* Define the different types of interrupt handlers that we support */
typedef void (* _cdecl PM_intHandler)(void);
typedef void (* _cdecl PM_breakHandler)(int ctrlBreakHit);
typedef void (* _cdecl PM_criticalHandler)(int *ax,int *di);
typedef void (* _cdecl PM_mouseHandler)(unsigned mask, unsigned butstate,
unsigned x,unsigned y);
extern int _PM_modeType;
/*--------------------------- Function Prototypes -------------------------*/
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */
/* Routines to access data through a selector and offset. For real mode
* and 16 bit protected mode, the offset can only be a maximum of 64k.
unsigned char _cdecl PM_getByte(unsigned s, unsigned o);
unsigned short _cdecl PM_getWord(unsigned s, unsigned o);
unsigned long _cdecl PM_getLong(unsigned s, unsigned o);
void _cdecl PM_setByte(unsigned s, unsigned o, unsigned char v);
void _cdecl PM_setWord(unsigned s, unsigned o, unsigned short v);
void _cdecl PM_setLong(unsigned s, unsigned o, unsigned long v);
/* Routines for copying data between the applications data space and
* memory accessible through a selector and offset.
void _cdecl PM_memcpynf(void *dst,unsigned src_s,unsigned src_o,unsigned n);
void _cdecl PM_memcpyfn(unsigned dst_s,unsigned dst_o,void *src,unsigned n);
/* Routine to return a selector to the BIOS data area at segment 0x40 */
unsigned PM_getBIOSSelector(void);
/* Routine to return a selector to the VGA frame buffer. The selector
* will map to the correct portion of video memory depending on the
* current video mode (0x3, 0x7 or graphics).
unsigned PM_getVGASelector(void);
/* Routine to get a selector:offset for accessing a low 1Mb memory block.
* You dont need to free this pointer, but in 16 bit protected mode
* the selector allocated will be re-used the next time this routine is
* called. If you need a permanent selector, allocate it with
* PM_createSelector instead.
void PM_mapRealPointer(unsigned *sel,unsigned *off,unsigned r_seg,
unsigned r_off);
/* Routine to create an arbritray selector to physical memory */
unsigned PM_createSelector(unsigned long base,unsigned limit);
void PM_freeSelector(unsigned sel);
/* Routine to allocate a block of conventional memory below the 1Mb
* limit so that it can be accessed from real mode. Ensure that you free
* the segment when you are done with it.
* This routine returns a selector and offset to the segment that has been
* allocated, and also returns the real mode segment and offset which can
* be passed to real mode routines. Will return 0 if memory could not be
* allocated.
* Please note that with some DOS extenders, memory allocated with the
* following function cannot be freed, hence it will be allocated for the
* life of your program. Thus if you need to call a bunch of different
* real-mode routines in your program, allocate a single large buffer at
* program startup that can be re-used throughout the program execution.
int PM_allocRealSeg(unsigned size,unsigned *sel,unsigned *off,
unsigned *r_seg,unsigned *r_off);
void PM_freeRealSeg(unsigned sel,unsigned off);
/* Routine to call a real mode assembly language procedure. Register
* values are passed in and out in the 'regs' and 'sregs' structures. We
* do not provide any method of copying data from the protected mode stack
* to the real mode stack, so if you need to pass data to real mode, you will
* need to write a real mode assembly language hook to recieve the values
* in registers, and to pass the data through a real mode block allocated
* with the PM_allocRealSeg() routine.
void _cdecl PM_callRealMode(unsigned seg,unsigned off, RMREGS *regs,
RMSREGS *sregs);
/* Routines to generate real mode interrupts using the same interface that
* is used by int86() and int86x() in realmode. This routine is need to
* call certain BIOS and DOS functions that are not supported by some
* DOS extenders. No translation is done on any of the register values,
* so they must be correctly set up and translated by the calling program.
* Normally the DOS extenders will allow you to use the normal int86()
* function directly and will pass on unhandled calls to real mode to be
* handled by the real mode handler. However calls to int86x() with real
* mode segment values to be loaded will cause a GPF if used with the
* standard int86x(), so you should use these routines if you know you
* want to call a real mode handler.
int PM_int86(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out);
int PM_int86x(int intno, RMREGS *in, RMREGS *out,
RMSREGS *sregs);
/*------------- Functions in Professional version only --------------------*/
/* Routine to install a mouse interrupt handling routine. The
* mouse handler routine is a normal C function, and the PM library
* will take care of passing the correct parameters to the function,
* and switching to a local stack.
* Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the mouse interrupt
* handler with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
* problems in virtual memory environments.
int PM_setMouseHandler(int mask,PM_mouseHandler mh);
void PM_restoreMouseHandler(void);
/* Routine to reset the mouse driver, and re-install the current
* mouse interrupt handler if one was currently installed (since the
* mouse reset will automatically remove this handler.
void PM_resetMouseDriver(int hardReset);
/* Routines to install and remove timer and keyboard interrupt handlers.
* The handler routines are normal C functions. If the return value from
* the function is PM_chainInt, the previous handler will be chained
* to, otherwise the interrupt will simply return.
* Note that you _must_ lock the memory containing the interrupt
* handlers with the PM_lockPages() function otherwise you may encounter
* problems in virtual memory environments.
void PM_setTimerHandler(PM_intHandler ih);
void _cdecl PM_chainPrevTimer(void);
void PM_restoreTimerHandler(void);
void PM_setKeyHandler(PM_intHandler ih);
void _cdecl PM_chainPrevKey(void);
void PM_restoreKeyHandler(void);
/* Routines to install and remove the control c/break interrupt handler.
* The handler is a normal C functions, that takes a boolean flag as a
* parameter. This flag will be 1 if the control break key caused the
* interrupt, or 0 if Ctrl-C caused the interrupt.
void PM_setBreakHandler(PM_breakHandler bh);
void PM_restoreBreakHandler(void);
/* Routines to install and remove the critical error handler. The handler
* is a normal C function that takes a pointer to the value in register
* AX a pointer to the value in DI that was passed up from DOS. These
* values are used to determine the cause of the critical error, and to
* handle it appropriately.
void PM_setCriticalHandler(PM_criticalHandler ch);
void PM_restoreCriticalHandler(void);
/* Routine to lock and unlock regions of memory under a virtual memory
* environment. These routines _must_ be used to lock all hardware
* and mouse interrupt handlers installed, _AND_ any global data that
* these handler manipulate, so that they will always be present in memory
* to handle the incoming interrupts.
* Note that it is important to call the correct routine depending on
* whether the area being locked is code or data, so that under 32 bit
* PM we will get the selector value correct.
typedef void (*__codePtr)();
int PM_lockDataPages(void *p,unsigned len);
int PM_unlockDataPages(void *p,unsigned len);
int PM_lockCodePages(__codePtr p,unsigned len);
int PM_unlockCodePages(__codePtr p,unsigned len);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* End of "C" linkage for C++ */
#endif /* __PMODE_H */