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Text File  |  1996-04-28  |  5KB  |  84 lines

  2.                                ____._---/
  3.       _____              _____|     /__/_
  4. .-- _/    /_ - .---------/    | ___/    /_____ -  -- --- ---------------------.
  5. :  (_    __/__/   _/    /--   _   \____/    __)___                            :
  6. :  /    /    /_________/\     |----'   |    |    |    ╓  toxic krystal!  ╜    :
  7. :  `--------'            \____|        `---------' ╙ masters of ppe's/ascii ╖ :
  8. :       _______.--------._____.---.           _____  ___________________      :
  9. :  _____|     /    /----/    /  __/____     _/    /_ \______     /     /_____ :
  10. :  |    |  __/____/    /______  \     _)___(_    __/__/   __)   /    _/   rE/ :
  11. `- |    _   \_ ---------- (_____/\-----   _/    /    /----/____/-----------' -'
  12.    |____|----'                  `---------'`--------'
  14.   toxic dos enhancement version 1.2 by wizard
  15.   version 1.2
  17. .------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------
  18. | -1:preface |
  19. | -----------'
  20. |
  21. | toxic dos is a groovy new dos login matrix ppe. your board will load this
  22. | ppe before the users log on and it will give them the options just as if 
  23. | they were in REAL dos and also it will log everything to a file so you 
  24. | can see what commands they tried.
  25. |
  26. `----------------------------------------------------------------:------------.
  27.                                                                  | 0:contents |
  28.                                                                  `----------- |
  29.       -1: preface  - info on toxic do.......................                  |
  30.        0: contents - what your looking at NOW!..............                  |
  31.        1: install  - install docs, (include manaul setup)...                  |
  32.        2: config   - how to configure toxic dos.............                  |
  33.        3: features - extra features.........................                  |
  34.        4: contact  - contacting the coder...................                  |
  35.        5: work     - who did what?!.........................                  |
  36.        6: greets!  - greets.................................                  |                            
  37.                                                                               |
  38. .-----------:-----------------------------------------------------------------'
  39. | 1:install |
  40. | ----------'
  41. |
  42. | just run the install.bat and allready have a good login ppe like ACiDiC 
  43. | logon allread installed which i have found the best so far. run the
  44. | tk-cfg.exe and change the paths to your chat ppe and path to your login ppe
  45. | and it will all work! 
  46. `------------------------------------------------------------------:----------.
  47.                                                                    | 2:config |
  48.                                                                    `--------- |
  49.  i think you can figure out the different option but here are the following   |
  50.  options to configure toxic dos.                                              |                             
  51.  - path to chat ppe   ( enter the path to your CHAT ppe                )      |                             
  52.  - name of your board ( i wonder :)                                    )      |                                                                                
  53.  - the login cmd      ( default is LOGIN , edit tk-dir.pcb too         )      |                                                                             
  54.  - dos prompt         ( like k:\rad\pcb\_ , you need the _ at the end  )      |                                                                    
  55.  - wrong key          ( when the user hits a wrong key like format :)  )      |
  56.  - login ppe          ( path to your login ppe like acidic login       )      |
  57.                                                                               |
  58. .-----------:-----------------------------------------------------------------'
  59. | 3:features|
  60. | ----------'
  61. |
  62. | - logging capabilities                                                   
  63. | - your ideas please!                                        
  64. |
  65. `--------------------------------------------------------------------:--------.
  66.                                                                      | 2:work |
  67.                                                                      `------- |
  68.   coding and ppe done by wizard of toxic krystal!                             |
  69.   artwork done by reefa of toxic krystal!                                     |
  70.                                                                               |
  71. .-----------:-----------------------------------------------------------------'
  72. | 4:greetix!|
  73. | ----------'
  74. |
  75. | greets go out to :                                                            
  76. |                                                                               
  77. | flax   : are you really joining XPS? :)                                       
  78. | t.b.a. : good work on the ppes..                                              
  79. | reefa  : good artwork dude..                                                  
  80. | paradox: thanks for couriering this stuff                                     
  81. |                                                                               
  82. `------------------------------------------------------------------------------,
  83.          if you want info about the group read the nfo file, st00peed!