Collection of Hack-Phreak Scene Programs
< prev
C/C++ Source or Header
609 lines
* T E T R I S v1.0
* programming and graphics Andrew Deren
* 1 / 30 / 97
//inlucde files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <allegro.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <dir.h>
#include "tdat.h" //header file for data file created by grabber
//high score stucture name not implemented yet
struct HiScoreStruct {
int score;
char name[12];
//musics used from tdat.dat
int Music[3] = {MUSIC01, MUSIC02, MUSIC03};
int start_level; //start from level selected under options
int start_blocks; //number of initial rows on the map
int block[4][4]; //current block
int next_block; //next block to be put
int map[10][20]; //map
int block_x, block_y; //location of the block
int x_size, y_size; //size of the block
volatile int timer; //timer of the game
int current_block; //current block type
int speed; //speed of the game
int score, dels; //game score and number of rows deleted
char text[256]; //some text used for using textout
struct HiScoreStruct HiScore; //high score
int current_music; //music currently played
BITMAP *map_buffer; //double buffer for map displaying
DATAFILE *graphics; //data file with graphics and sounds
BITMAP *temp_bitmap; //temp 640x480 bitmap used by options and initial screens
int MusicVolume; //current volume of the music
int SoundVolume; //current volume of the sounds
bool soundOn; //sounds on or not
bool musicOn; //music on or not
//function prototypes
int Random(int x);
void IncrementTimer(...);
void DeleteRow(void);
int CanPut(void);
void NewGame(void);
void SetVolume(void);
void PlayGame(void);
void DrawVolume(int pos);
void SetVolume(void);
void Error(char *);
void InitGame(void);
void ClearBlock(void);
void GenerateBlock(int);
void DrawFrame(void);
void GenerateNew(void);
void PutBlock(void);
void RotateBlock(void);
void DrawMap(void);
void NewGame(void);
void DrawMenu(void);
void MainMenu(void);
void PlayGame(void);
//returns random number up to x-1
int Random(int x) {return random() % x;}
//increment game timer
void IncrementTimer(...)
//draw the options screen with cursor at pos
void DrawVolume(int pos)
clear(temp_bitmap); //clear temp bitmap
text_mode(-1); //set transparent text mode
//set drawing mode to pattern from datafile
drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_COPY_PATTERN, (BITMAP*)graphics[PATTERN].dat, 0, 0);
//fill the temp buffer
rectfill(temp_bitmap, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0);
//put some text
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "O P T I O N S", 140, 10, 36);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "Sound: ", 100, 50, 36);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "Music: ", 100, 100, 36);
if (soundOn) textout(temp_bitmap, font, " On", 250, 50, 36);
else textout(temp_bitmap, font, "Off", 250, 50, 36);
if (musicOn) textout(temp_bitmap, font, " On", 250, 100, 36);
else textout(temp_bitmap, font, "Off", 250, 100, 36);
sprintf(text, "Sound Volume: %4d", SoundVolume);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, text, 150, 130, 36);
sprintf(text, "Music Volume: %4d", MusicVolume);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, text, 150, 180, 36);
sprintf(text, "Start Level: %4d", start_level);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, text, 150, 230, 36);
sprintf(text, "Start Blocks: %4d", start_blocks);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, text, 150, 280, 36);
//draw all the scorlbars
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR].dat, 106+i*25, 150);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR].dat, 106+i*25, 200);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR].dat, 106+i*25, 250);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR].dat, 106+i*25, 300);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR2].dat, 100+SoundVolume, 150);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR2].dat, 100+MusicVolume, 200);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR2].dat, 100+start_level*25, 250);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[BAR2].dat, 100+start_blocks*25, 300);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[CURSOR].dat, 80, pos*50);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "Press arrow keys to change, ESC to exit", 100, 400, 36);
blit(temp_bitmap, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);
//options screen
void SetVolume(void)
int ch;
int position = 1;
do {
if (keypressed()) {
ch = readkey();
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_DOWN) {position++; if (position == 7) position = 1;}
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_UP) {position--; if (position == 0) position = 6;}
else if ( ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) || ((ch >>8) == KEY_LEFT)){
if (position == 1) {if (soundOn) soundOn = FALSE; else soundOn = TRUE;}
else if (position == 2) {if (musicOn) musicOn = FALSE; else musicOn = TRUE;}
else if (position == 3) {
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) {
SoundVolume+= 25;
if (SoundVolume > 255) SoundVolume=255;
else {SoundVolume-=25;if (SoundVolume < 0) SoundVolume=0;}
else if (position == 4) {
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) {
MusicVolume+= 25;
if (MusicVolume > 255) MusicVolume=255;
else {MusicVolume-=25; if (MusicVolume < 0) MusicVolume = 0;}
else if (position == 5) {
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) {
if (start_level > 10) start_level = 10;
else {start_level--; if (start_level < 0) start_level = 0;}
else if ( position == 6) {
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) {
if (start_blocks > 10) start_blocks = 10;
else {start_blocks--; if (start_blocks < 0) start_blocks = 0;}
} //end key up or down
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_ESC) break;
}//end keypressed;
}while (1==1);
set_volume(SoundVolume, MusicVolume);
void Error(char *string)
printf("Error: %s\n", string);
void InitGame(void)
allegro_init(); //initialize allegro
install_keyboard(); //install keyboard handler
install_timer(); //install timer
set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, 640, 480, 0, 0); //set graphics mode to 640x480x256
Error("Error initializing sound.");
if (!file_exists("tdat.dat", FA_RDONLY | FA_ARCH, NULL))
Error("Cannot find tdat.dat file.");
graphics = load_datafile("tdat.dat"); //load graphics
map_buffer = create_bitmap(200, 400); //create double buffer
temp_bitmap = create_bitmap(640, 480);
timer = 0;
install_int(IncrementTimer, 20);
speed = 15;
set_clip(map_buffer, 0, 0, 200, 400);
score = 0;
dels = 1;
FILE *file = fopen("tetris.hsc", "rb");
if (file) {
fread(&HiScore, sizeof(struct HiScoreStruct), 1, file);
else {
HiScore.score = 0;
strcpy(HiScore.name, "Unknown");
font = (FONT*)graphics[TECH_FONT].dat;
soundOn = TRUE;
musicOn = TRUE;
SoundVolume = 180;
MusicVolume = 180;
set_volume(SoundVolume, MusicVolume);
start_level = 0;
start_blocks = 0;
current_music = Random(3);
void DrawFrame(void)
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL03].dat, 80, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL04].dat, 300, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL05].dat, 80, 440);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL06].dat, 300, 440);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL03].dat, 340, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL04].dat, 580, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL05].dat, 340, 100);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL06].dat, 580, 100);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL03].dat, 340, 140);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL04].dat, 440, 140);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL05].dat, 340, 200);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL06].dat, 440, 200);
for (int i=0; i<11; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 360+i*20, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 360+i*20, 100);
for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 340, 40+i*20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 580, 40+i*20);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 360+i*20, 140);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 360+i*20, 200);
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 100+i*20, 20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL01].dat, 100+i*20, 440);
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 340, 160+i*20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 440, 160+i*20);
for (int i=0; i<20; i++) {
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 80, 40+i*20);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[WALL02].dat, 300, 40+i*20);
void ClearBlock(void)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) for (int j=0; j<4; j++) block[i][j] = 0;
void GenerateBlock(int kind)
switch (kind) {
case 1: block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 11: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = block[1][2] = 1; break;
case 21: block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 31: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = block[1][2] = 1; break;
case 2: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 12: block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = 1; break;
case 22: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 32: block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = 1; break;
case 3: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 13: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 23: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 33: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 4: block[1][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 14: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 24: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[1][1] = 1; break;
case 34: block[0][1] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[1][2] = 1; break;
case 5: block[2][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 15: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = block[1][2] = 1; break;
case 25: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[0][1] = 1; break;
case 35: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[1][2] = 1; break;
case 6: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[1][1] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 16: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = 1; break;
case 26: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[2][1] = 1; break;
case 36: block[1][0] = block[1][1] = block[1][2] = block[0][2] = 1; break;
case 7: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[3][0] = 1; break;
case 17: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = block[0][3] = 1; break;
case 27: block[0][0] = block[1][0] = block[2][0] = block[3][0] = 1; break;
case 37: block[0][0] = block[0][1] = block[0][2] = block[0][3] = 1; break;
default: Error("Unknown element to be generated."); break;
if ((kind == 7) || (kind == 27)) {x_size = 4; y_size = 1; }
else if ((kind == 17) || (kind == 37)) {x_size = 1; y_size = 4;}
else if (kind % 10 == 3) {x_size = 2; y_size = 2; }
else if ((kind / 10 == 0) || (kind / 10 == 2)) {x_size = 3; y_size = 2;}
else if ((kind / 10 == 1) || (kind / 10 == 3)) {x_size = 2; y_size = 3;}
current_block = kind;
void GenerateNew(void)
int temp = next_block;
next_block = Random(7)+1;
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<2; j++) {
if (block[i][j] == 1)
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[BLOCK].dat, 360+i*20, 160+j*20);
else draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[EMPTY].dat, 360+i*20, 160+j*20);
block_x = 3;
block_y = 0;
if (!CanPut()) {
textout_centre(screen, font, "G A M E", 202, 152, 42);
textout_centre(screen, font, "G A M E", 200, 150, 15);
textout_centre(screen, font, "O V E R", 202, 202, 42);
textout_centre(screen, font, "O V E R", 200, 200, 15);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, "Press Enter to", 202, 252, 42);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, "to start a new game", 202, 277, 42);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, "Press Enter to", 200, 250, 15);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, "to start a new game", 200, 275, 15);
sprintf(text, "%3d", score);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, text, 202, 302, 42);
textout_centre(screen, (FONT*)graphics[GAME_FONT].dat, text, 200, 300, 15);
do {
if (key[KEY_ENTER]) break;
} while (1==1);
void PutBlock(void)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (block[i][j] == 1)
map[block_x+i][block_y+j] = block[i][j];
if (soundOn) play_sample((SAMPLE*)graphics[MOVE_SOUND].dat, SoundVolume, 125, 1000, FALSE);
void RotateBlock(void)
int old_block = current_block;
current_block += 10;
if (current_block > 40) current_block -= 40;
if (!CanPut()) {
current_block = old_block;
int CanPut(void)
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (block[i][j] == 1) {
if (block_x + i > 9) return FALSE;
if (block_x + i < 0) return FALSE;
if (block_y + j > 19) return FALSE;
if (map[block_x+i][block_y+j] == 1) return FALSE;
return TRUE;
void DrawMap(void)
for (int i=0; i<10; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<20; j++) {
if (map[i][j] == 1)
draw_sprite(map_buffer, (BITMAP*)graphics[BLOCK].dat, i*20, j*20);
for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<4; j++) {
if (block[i][j] == 1)
draw_sprite(map_buffer, (BITMAP*)graphics[BLOCK].dat, block_x*20+i*20, block_y*20+j*20);
blit(map_buffer, screen, 0, 0, 100, 40, 200, 400);
sprintf(text, "%7d", score);
textout(screen, font, text, 570-text_length(font, text), 50, 15);
sprintf(text, "%7d", dels / 10);
textout(screen, font, text, 570-text_length(font, text), 65, 15);
void DeleteRow(void)
int sum, i, j, del = 0;
for (i=19; i>=0; i--) {
sum = 0;
for (j=0; j<10; j++) sum += map[j][i];
if (sum == 10) {
for (j=i; j>=1; j--) for (int k=0; k<10; k++) map[k][j] = map[k][j-1];
i += 2;
if (del > 0)
if (soundOn)
play_sample((SAMPLE*)graphics[DELETE_SOUND].dat, SoundVolume, 125, 1000, FALSE);
dels += del;
if (del > 0) score += (100*del)+((del-1)*25)+(dels/10)*25;
speed = 25-(dels/10)*2;
if (speed < 2) speed = 2;
void NewGame(void)
if (score > HiScore.score) HiScore.score = score;
for (int i=0; i<20; i++)
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) map[j][i] = 0;
score = 0;
next_block = Random(7)+1;
dels = start_level*10;
speed = 25-(dels/10)*2;
sprintf(text, "Score:");
textout(screen, font, text, 365, 50, 15);
sprintf(text, "Level:");
textout(screen, font, text, 365, 65, 15);
sprintf(text, "High Score: ");
textout(screen, font, text, 365, 80, 15);
sprintf(text, "%7d", HiScore.score);
textout(screen, font, text, 570-text_length(font, text), 80, 15);
for (int i=0; i<start_blocks; i++) {
for (int j=0; j<10; j++) {
if (Random(2)) map[j][19-i] = 1;
timer = 0;
void DrawMenu(int pos)
drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_COPY_PATTERN, (BITMAP*)graphics[PATTERN].dat, 0, 0);
rectfill(temp_bitmap, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[TITLE].dat, 170, 10);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "N E W G A M E", 100, 200, 36);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "N E W G A M E", 101, 201, 1);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "O P T I O N S", 100, 250, 36);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "O P T I O N S", 101, 251, 1);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "E X I T", 100, 300, 36);
textout(temp_bitmap, font, "E X I T", 101, 301, 1);
draw_sprite(temp_bitmap, (BITMAP*)graphics[CURSOR].dat, 80, (pos-1)*50+200);
blit(temp_bitmap, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, 640, 480);
void MainMenu()
int ch;
int pos = 1;
fade_in((RGB*)graphics[GAME_PALLETE].dat, 2); //fade in slowly
do {
if (keypressed()) {
ch = readkey();
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_UP) {pos--; if (pos == 0) pos = 3;}
else if ((ch >>8) == KEY_DOWN) {pos++; if (pos==4) pos=1;}
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_ENTER) {
if (pos == 1) {
else if (pos == 2)
else if (pos == 3)
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_ESC) break;
} // end if keypressed
} while (1==1);
if (musicOn) stop_midi();
void PlayGame(void)
int ch;
rectfill(screen, 0, 0, 640, 480, 0);
drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_SOLID, NULL, 0, 0);
rectfill(screen, 360, 40, 580, 100, 0);
current_music = Random(3);
if (musicOn) play_midi((MIDI*)graphics[Music[current_music]].dat, TRUE);
draw_sprite(screen, (BITMAP*)graphics[TETRIS].dat, 340, 300);
while (1==1) {
if (keypressed()) {
ch = readkey();
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_LEFT) {block_x--; if (!CanPut()) block_x++;
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_RIGHT) {block_x++; if (!CanPut()) block_x--;
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_UP) RotateBlock();
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_DOWN) {
while (CanPut()) {DrawMap(); block_y++;
if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_F2) NewGame();
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_F5) {
if (musicOn) {
if (current_music > 2) current_music = 0;
play_midi((MIDI*)graphics[Music[current_music]].dat, TRUE);
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_ESC) {
textout(screen, font, "Do you really want", 125, 200, 15);
textout(screen, font, "to quit? (Y/N)", 125, 225, 15);
if ((ch = readkey()) >> 8 == KEY_Y) break;
else if ((ch >> 8) == KEY_F12){
BITMAP* bmp;
bmp = create_sub_bitmap(screen, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H);
save_pcx("tetdat.pcx", bmp, (RGB*)graphics[GAME_PALLETE].dat);
if (timer > speed) {
if (!CanPut()) {block_y--; PutBlock(); GenerateNew();
timer = 0;
if (!CanPut()) {PutBlock(); GenerateNew();
FILE *file;
file = fopen("tetris.hsc", "wt");
if (file) {
fwrite(&HiScore, sizeof(struct HiScoreStruct), 1, file);
printf(" Ader Software 1997 \n");
printf(" T E T R I S v1.0 \n");
printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------------- \n");
printf(" Programing and Graphics by \n");
printf(" Andrew Deren \n");
printf(" aderen@eecs.uic.edu \n");
printf(" http://www.eecs.uic.edu/~aderen/ader/main.html \n");
printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------------- \n");
printf(" Special Thanks To: \n");
printf(" DJ Delorie - for making DJGPP \n");
printf(" Shawn Hargreaves - for making allegro game library \n");
printf(" and all the other people who contributed to \n");
printf(" DJGPP development tools and utilities. \n");
printf(" --------------------------------------------------------------------- \n");